

Okay I know you're wondering why I decided to write a review one week later, well, don't wonder. I've been deprived of my computer so I have an excuse.

On with the review. I didn't see the first part when they sang IDMC, so this review may be a little short. But I did hear that Busta poops in Justin's bed,LOL! WOOOOOOOO! Thanks goodness I didn't hear that cause I probably would've bee laughing for the rest of the show. Anways they come back from commercial and the sing TUMH. Everything looked good and all. But hte highlight for me was when LANCE WAS SPANKING HIMSELF!!!!!!!!LOL!!!! I guess Joey and Justin finally rubbed off on him and he did it. Also notice all the whipping and smacking moves they do. I noticed Chris does that VERY often. And the other good part was when they did their little dance break in the middle of the song. I was yelling at the tv saying "GO HEAD WHITE BOYS! BREAK IT DOWN!". That was good. Anyone else notice how much Chris' braids were swingin? LOL! It looks kinda funny. I wonder if anyone has gotten hit with one.

Okay, now to the clothes and how they looked and stuff. All I have to say about Justin is his hair looked NASTY!!!!! Ew what was up wit dat y'all!?!?! He like tried to cut around the sides and whatever and it justin didn't look right. Joey was wearing more LIGHT blue than he was and Joey's hair, WHOA! VERY different. Well I guess you can expect that if you bleach your hair and THEN dye it red. My goodness what is his problem....Chris, Chris, Chris. He was wearing a little preppy vest thingy like Justin and it was a tan color. It didn't look to bad. But I was watching it with Portia and she's like "Girl, is he weain' WuWear?!?!?" I'm like "No, he is NOT wearing that". I was just thinking "My goodness, if that boy is wearing wuwear.....". Portia also informed me that he has cute little feet and he has nice legs (or maybe I said he has nice legs, i don't know, don't ask either) Lance didn't look all that sick to me. He looked normal.

The end of the show, they all came out and you see Chris and that FRUITY little boy doing their little dance thing,lol. Then Rosie ask that girl how it feels to be on stage with N Sync and she's like honored. Then Rosie asks if she wants a hug from one of the boys,lol. All the sudden you see Chris trying to push Justin forward, then you see JC and Lance stepping back. And right after the Girl finishes spinning around and points in the direction of Jc and Joey, JC stepps back again,lol. So Joey gives her a hug and I DON'T want to know what was going through his pimpish mind when she did. Notice the sweat glistening off his face. My sister's like "Ewww, I wouldn't want to touch him if he was all sweaty.",lol. then that OTHER lady said she wanted a hug from someone. So she did her fake little spin thingy and I'm just thinking "don't pick Chris, I KNOW she is, just don't touch him!" and what happpens? UGHH! I watched it in DISGUST! I have no respect for that woman anymore,lol.

The next day they go on the rollercoaster with Rosie. I personally would NOT have gone on that rollercoaster UNLESS I was going with N Sync. Otherwise you would have to pay me money cause I am not very fond of rollercoasters. Why is that girl with them...AGAIN?! Then Rosie asks them if there scared. Joey said he is a little. Justin gives some LAME excuse about it being to early in the morning. Then Chris and his EXTRMELY BIG MOUTH is like "OOh Ooh Ooh! Ask me if I'm scared!" Then Rosie asks him and he's like "NO!!!!". Then right then, Portia said "See, I knew it!" I'm like "What are talking about?". Then she freezes the screen and what do I see on Chris' shirt in the left hand corner? A little WuWear symbol. Chris and his hip hop gear. What am I going to do with him......Anyways they're walking down the hall and they come to this baby swap thing. Rosie goes "Baby Swap? They have a littl place where you can trade your babies" or sumthin',LOL! I mean I even knew what it was for but it was still funny. Finally they get in and Chris decides that he really doesn't want to ride the coaster. It was "just a lead on" so they would convince him to get off, lol.Poor Rosie get strapped in and Joey's nice enough to hold her hand. Then JC asks that girl to hold his hand and he informed us that is what they do in high school. ( I have NO clue what that has to do with anything but, oh well). Then they go off and I just started screaming from watching them on the rollercoaster. They have littl cameras and they show Rosie screaming her lungs out and Joey's just smiling and laughing. Then Justin does this really weird face thingy and it looked kinda scary....The ride comes to a stop and Justin and Chris have these rough looks on their faces, lol. Rosie lets go of Joey' hand and all shakes it,lol. Then Rosie's hair was all messed up and she looked REAL rough, like she had just went through a hurricane,lol.

That's all for now. I don't have time to look at what I just wrote so there will be a couple of typing misstakes.

I enjoyed reading that review. Can I read other review from past N Sync appearances?
I enjoyed reading that review but I don't want to read anymore of them right now.