My Thoughts On 'NSYNC…

And it ain't gonna be pretty…


Alright, here it is. Straight from the non-fan's mouth… People always ask me, "Tammy, which 'NSYNCer do you like best? Worst? Really?! Why? Are you crazy?!"

No, I'm not crazy, I just have my own little perception of each… and here they are.

Justin- I like him the least. Period. That doesn't mean I dislike him… far from it. I'm sure if he and I were cool with each other we'd have some massive chill fests… I just find Justin the MOST annoying. Seriously, he's cute, a great dancer, a moderately good dresser, and has a helluva lotta sex appeal… Unfortunately, he knows this. The boy's head is so huge that he needs to rest it on his shoulder every now and then. If he and I ever hung out together (like that'll ever happen), I'd probably just be like, "Justin, will you shut the HELL UP! You're not funny! You're a stoopy, poopy white boy from the suburbs, so if you say 'crunk' one more time, I'm gonna bitch slap you!"

Chris- Let me just tell you this right quick since I find it kinda funny. While I'm typing this, I'm actually watching Chris on "The List". ~LOL~ Hmmm…he just got a personal "I LOVE CHRIS" note from someone in the audience with a phone number attached, I lie to you not. Now they're tryin' to make him dance… okay, he's doin' the snake… thank God he has stopped. That was amusing, I wish I had seen the whole thing. Chris is like, my third fave. He's the type of guy who would have me kind of amused at first, then I'd be all pissed towards the end, 'cause in my completely unbiased opinion, he's not that funny. He is the funniest out of all five, though. How ironic… Anyways, I like the fact that he's 28 and can still have a good sense of humor. He can dish out the jokes, yet at the same time, he can take one, and that has always impressed me.

JC- I like him. He can sing. Other than that, all I can say is, "Err, um… well, see… he's, uhh…er, umm…" In other words, I'm at a loss for words. He really knows how to sound like a jack ass at certain times… normally, he sounds really educated and articulate, but lately, he sounds like he's high when he's on camera, and this is not a weak attempt at joking his supposed "crack/caffeine" addiction. I'm dead serious here, people. I think he needs some help. I forgive him though, 'cause he is one of the best damn singers I've ever heard. He honestly has a God given gift, and I'm happy that he's doing something with it and is very successful.

Lance- Oh, my baby!! ~LOL~ Just kidding. Seriously, the boy does make me smile, though. If only I knew what the hell he put on his face to make it THAT smooth! I love this kid, though. He has the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen and has perfected the "I'm so innocent; why don't you just love me?" look. He should teach it to Justin, 'cause the puppy dog eyes are gettin' old. I like Lance's deep singing voice. Very sexy. Y'all should know by now that he is my favorite. There are things that I'm growing to dislike about him. Example: I wasn't joking when I said he went Uptown on everybody. He's totally forgetting his Mississippi roots. And even though as a black girl I can cheer about that since Mississippi is one of the breeding grounds of the KKK, I don't think I'm too happy that he's trying to forget WHO HE IS. The shy, innocent, country boy who just wants to be loved.

Joey- My New York Italian. Sorry people but I really like this guy. As a matter of fact, I take back that apology, 'cause I don’t answer or apologize to anybody. Period. I like him and that's all that matters. I won't say WHY I like him, but I will let y'all have a bit of insight ('NSight? Hehehe…I'm so sick) into how I see Joey. First off, yes, he's a slut, but you gotta ask yourself somethin': in this society, does it really matter when a guy is a slut? NO! The double standard IS in effect, whether you wanna believe it or not. Guys can sleep around and they're the "freakin' man"… a girl sleeps with TWO guys and she's a slut. Sorry, guys but c'est la vie. That's life. And when you come from where I come from, you learn to accept what you have to. Now, I know plenty of guys who sleep with plenty of girls: the conclusion? They objectify women and have no respect for them. But that's not necessarily true most of the time. The guys I know who sleep with a lot of girls don't disrespect women as a whole; they just disrespect the women who give it up to them quicker than they can even ask for it. I honestly think that this is true about Joey. Maybe he DOES sleep with a lot of women, but on the other hand, if you put yourself in the situation with him where he KNOWS he's not gettin' any from you, he'll be very polite and respectful to you. And that is all I have to say about that…

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