Top Nine

Since everyone else has a top ten list I decided to make a top nine list. Plus I probably couldn't think of one more reason.

Why I Hate Teenybopper Magazines

9. They give you the August issue in May. (I mean can these magazines NOT tell what month it is? Most NORMAL magazines are maybe a month ahead, but teenboppers, my gracious. I think the Jan 2000 issue of Bop is coming out next week)
8. They have those retarded teenyboppers who ask those DUMB questions like "Is Justin single?" and "Is Abs called 'Abs' cause of his rock hard Abs?". (give me a break)
7. They have those retarded teenyboppers who ACTUALLY publicize that they buy teenbopper mags by sending the magazines their picture.( and then the mags. mostly put the most TOE-UP lookin' people's picture in there)
6. They have those retarded teenyboppers who write those CRUSTY poems and draw those HORRIFIC pictures that look NOTHING like them.
5. They have those cheesy title's like "Are You N Sync's Dream Girl?" (ewwww it's annoying)
4. The editors always, I mean ALL-WAYS, get to take pictures with the guys
3. Sometimes they give you a pic of two of the guys back to back, making you have to choose which side to hang up (sorry Lance!)
2. They ALWAYS give you a centerfold of Justin (my goodness I have a lot of those. Can't I have one of Chris? I mean, I even have one of Joey and Lance but, NEVER Chris. But that's okay cause if for some strange reason the power goes out during the winter and we have no heat, those Justin centerfolds will come in GOOD handy!)
and the number 1 reason is...

When it comes down to it, they ALL give you the SAME PICTURES!!!!

Why Chris is More Hip Hop Enphatjuwaded Than Justin

9. He dresses in layers (unlike Justin who seems to only like his wifebeater)
8. He uses braid sheen
7. He's not pressed over a stupid color like babyblue (if Justin was hip hop enphatjuwaded he would call it POWDER blue!)
6. He doesn't make up SORRY WANNABE-GHETTO slang such as "crunk"
5. He said every SISTA on their countdown was BEAUTIFUL (Mya NOT included)
4. He has MORE THAN ONE pair of sunglasses, not to mention he wears them in doors (even the dark shaded ones)
3. Justin only THINKS he's a brotha, but Chris IS a BROVA
2. He has braids (Justin has a sorry wannabe afro)
and the number 1 reason is...

He has more Fubu than they sell in stores!!!!!!!

Why Justin Can Be Considered Black/Ghetto

9. He drives a Mercedes
8. He listens to Hip Hop
7. He loves basketball
6. He wears Fubu
5. That necklace he was wearing on TRL (what was that thing? it had so much ice on it that the sparkle hurt my eyes!)
4. His afro
3. How he dances
2. That beat box thing he does
and the number 1 reason is...

How he TRIES to talk!!!!

Why JC Can Be Considered On Drugs

9. He sleeps too much
8. He thought it would be cool to steal menus from a restaurant
7. He thanked Peaches on the album
6. He went out with Peaches
5. He was on the Mickey Mouse Club (I did like that show alot but having to be near some of those people for 4 years I can understand why he'd be on drugs)
4. He occaisionally tries to talk like Justin
3. He's teeth are yellow (everyone knows smoking turns your teeth yellow)
2. How he dances (he has way too much energy and he moves in this seizure like manner)
and the number 1 reason is...

He said that they use crack/caffiene!!!!

That's all for now but I will put more up!

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