Edward Griffin marshals the evidence that Cancer is a deficiency disease,
like Scurvy or Pellagra, aggravated by the lack of an essential food compound
in modern man’s diet. That substance is Vitamin B17. In its
purified form developed for Cancer therapy, it is known as Laetrile.
This story is not approved by orthodox medicine. The FDA, the AMA, and
The American Cancer Society have labeled it fraud and quackery. Yet the
evidence is clear that here, at last, is the final answer to the cancer
riddle. Why has orthodox medicine waged war against this non-drug
approach? The author contends that the answer is to be found, not in science,
but in politics -- and is based upon the hidden economic and power agenda
of those who dominate the medical establishment. This is a new edition
of the book. It is the most complete and authoritative treatise yet
produced. It explains the theory by which Laetrile is believed to
work. Case histories are included. Click
here for author's biography and reviews on this book.
368-page book.
ITEM # WWCB19 / 368 pages
Regular price: $24.50
Special web price: $19.00
With Billions of dollars spent each year on research, with other billions
taken in on the sale of cancer-related drugs, and with fund-raising at
an all-time high, there are now more people making a living from cancer
than dying from it. If the solution should be found in a simple vitamin,
this gigantic industry could be wiped out overnight. The result is
that the politics of cancer therapy is more complicated than the science.
This is a video adaptation of a documentary filmstrip which explains the
scientific rationale for Laetrile therapy. It presents evidence that
cancer, like scurvy or pellagra, is a deficiency disease. It is not
caused by the presence of some mysterious virus or X- factor, but by the
lack of an essential food factor which, increasingly, is deleted from the
menus of modern man. The native diets of those cultures where cancer
is rare is examined and found to be 200 times more rich in this substance
than the diet of industrialized society. The missing food factor
is called amygdalin or vitamin B17, but in its concentrated and purified
form developed specifically for cancer therapy, it is known as Laetrile.
A theoretical model for the biological action of Laetrile is presented.
Included are dramatic case histories of terminal cancer patients who have
recovered using Laetrile therapy. Based upon book of the same name.
60-min. video. It is perfect to give to someone who has developed
cancer or someone who wants to prevent cancer as it sums everything up.
Written and Narrated by G. Edward Griffin.
ITEM# WWCV19 / Videotape:
Length 55 min.
Regular price: $24.50
Special web price: $19.00
you hear what he said? I can't believe he said that! He's a doctor!"
This is a typical reaction from people that hear Dr. Francisco Contreras
speak at conventions and seminars around the United States. Maybe
people are shocked that a doctor would say things like, "We doctors know
nothing about nutrition," or, "We doctors are harming patients while we
pat ourselves on the backs for successfully performing technically difficult
surgeries such as the super radical mastectomy." Dr. Contreras does
not seek sensationalism but he is honest and faithful to his mission to
improve the health of humankind. In his book he uncovers information
and facts, from a doctor's perspective, as to why so many of us are ill
and dying. You will be amazed with what he has to say. When
interviewed about his book he stated, "Though I explain what humans have
done to destroy health and wellness, a message of hope emerges. I
do believe that we can improve health in the 21st century. However, until
the errors are clearly and honestly identified, there can be no solution.
To start, the aggressive medical methodologies of today must give way to
natural law. It will require we doctors to radically change our approach
to health. To sum it up in one word - prevention!"
Click here for author's biography and reviews
on this book.
ITEM# HEAL21 / 392 pages
Regular price: $24.50
Special web price: $19.00
lecture by Dr. Ernest T. Krebs, Jr. The discoverer of Laetrile presents
a biochemist's view of the origin of cancer and how nature attempts to
control it with a substance called amygdalin. When it is purified
and concentrated for cancer therapy, it is called Laetrile. A classic
60 minute audio.
60 min audio $9.95
complicated than the science. It is upon part II of the book World
Without Cancer that this lecture is based on. A lecture by G.
Edward Griffin. This reveals who is holding back a control for cancer
and why. An expose of the I.G. Farben drug cartel and the use of
tax-exempt foundations to control medical schools. The result is a medical
profession biased in favor of drugs and against nutrition. 60-min.
audio. G. Edward Griffin is a writer and documentary film producer
with many titles to his credit. Listed in Who's Who in America, he
is well known for his unique talent for researching difficult topics and
presenting them in terms that all can understand. He has dealt with
such diversified subjects as the Federal Reserve System, archaeology and
ancient earth history, international banking, internal subversion, terrorism,
the history of taxation, U.S. foreign policy, the Supreme Court, the United
Nations, and the science and politics of cancer. Mr. Griffin is a
graduate of the University of Michigan where he majored in speech and communications.
He is the recipient of the coveted Telly Award for excellence in television
production, a Contributing Editor for The New American magazine,
and is president of American Media, a publishing company and video-production
company in Southern California.
ITEM# POLI995 / 60 min
audio $9.95
recipes rich in vitamin B17, by Jude de Spain. A professional nutritionist
offers 300 tasty recipes containing, not poison, but the life-saving substance
known as Laetrile. June has compiled 300 taste-tested recipes rich
in natural sources of vitamin B-17, the cyanide containing substance that
many doctors and scientists now believe to be nature's control for cancer.
Because of its unique molecular structure, this compound releases cyanide
only at the cancer site, thus destroying cancer cells while nourishing
non-cancer tissue. Those populations in the world which eat these
vitamin-rich foods simply do not get cancer - and they live to be much
older than those who subsist on the typical modern diet. Contrary
to popular belief, cyanide in the proper food forms, instead of being deadly
poisonous, actually is an essential component of normal body chemistry.
Vitamin B-12, for instance, contains cyanide in the form of cyanocobalamin.
Vitamin B-17 (also known as Laetrile, amygdalin, or nitriloside) gradually
has been deleted from the menus of modern man in favor of foods which have
been sweetened, processed, refined, and synthesized. It is significant
that, during this same time span, the cancer rate has been climbing steadily
upward. Here is the long-awaited book that shows what foods contain
this vital nutritional factor and how to best prepare them for the whole
ITEM# COOK1250 / 192
page book $12.50
Binzel has been using Laetrile and other nutritional therapies in the treatment
of cancer patients since the mid 1970s. His record of success is
astounding. He tells of his ongoing battle with the medical establishment,
but this is primarily the story of his alive-and-well patients, many of
whom had been told by their previous doctors that they had only a few months
to live. Medical case histories are included. Click
here for author's brief biography.
ITEM# BINZ995 / 144-page
book $9.95
famous nutritionist tells how certain vitamins and minerals are a bulwark
against cancer; how the typical diet is deficient in these factors; how
the addition of chemicals to foods is a cause of cancer; and how to overcome
their effects.
ITEM# DIET750 / 45-min.
audio $7.50
documentary explores the struggle between orthodox and alternative medicine:
the story of Harry M. Hoxsey, a former coal miner who, in 1924, operated
a number of cancer clinics using an herbal concoction handed down by his
grandfather. But that history soon becomes obscured by an ongoing
battle between Hoxsey and the then newly formed AMA, a battle which raged
from 1924 to 1960, with much of it played out in the media. Hoxsey eventually
won a slander suit against Dr. Morris Fishbein, head of the Journal of
the AMA. There was little doubt that Hoxsey was curing cancer, because
there were so many recovered patients testifying on his behalf. Hoxsey
claimed that AMA officials went after him because he would not sell them
his formula. In the end, the FDA was brought into the act and closed Hoxsey
down. One of his former nurses took the treatment to Mexico where American
patients have sought help ever since. The human aspect of this program,
therefore, is the story of the one surviving Hoxsey clinic which is now
flourishing in Tijuana. Contains remarkable historical footage.
ITEM# HOXY1995 / 96-min.
Regular price: $24.50
Special web price: $19.95
Dr Manner used this protocol. He was the pioneering doctor of the
administration of vitamin B17. Amygdalin I.V. is Not a drug but a vitamin.
#B17IV95 / $95.00 (See protocols for method
of administration).
CARDUS MARIANUS: The main principles
can protect the liver and act in a regenerative manner to the adiposed
liver and to acute hepatitis that is usually accompanied by jaundice. The
cardius marianus has demonstrated to the vegetable therapeutic remedy specifically
for the liver and is inoffensive. It’s active principle is Sillimarina.
This substance has no side effects. From results that we have on these
experiments, it is undeniable that the cardius marianus acts on the liver
protecting it and regenerating it.
GRAPE SEED EXTRACT: Stimulates the
production of antibodies against illnesses.
CARROT ROOT: Contains one of the most
important anti-oxidants.
VITAMINS: A (20,000 I.U.), vitamins
B-1, B-2, B-3, B-5, C, E, and Vitamin-K.
MINERALS: Sodium, Calcium, Potassium,
Magnesium, Zinc, Iron, Manganese, and Cooper.
GARLIC: Garlic originated in Asia and
spread throughout the world a long time ago. In ancient Egypt it was highly
thought of, and the Greeks and Romans also appreciated it. Currently, it
still maintains the excellent reputation it has had throughout the years
along with the confidence of people who do not doubt its efficacy as an
aid for many illnesses.
ALFALFA: This is a plant with abundant
nutritive elements necessary in our daily diet. It is rich in proteins,
Vitamin A, B-1 (thyamin), B-2 (riboflavin), vitamin C, K, Phosphorus, Calcium,
Zinc, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, and Cooper.
BOLDUS: It is very difficult to say
which of its main ingredients is most important: The boldine or its alkaloids.
They stimulate the production of gastric and bile juices, increase the
secretion of urea and uric acid, and bring on a slight hypnotic effect.
Boldus is considered a magnificent stimulant in the digestive process and
strengthens the liver and kidneys.
It is thought that 60% of all degenerative diseases are directly
related to a factor in our daily diet. Diet and Nutrition are probably
the most important factor in the prevention of any illness, specially degenerative
diseases. PREVEN-CA is a natural product in tablet form . It delivers most
of the nutrients that you regularly need and that are not contained in
your daily diet. These nutrients are necessary for our body to work at
its highest potential.
#PRECA28 / 500mg Tabs / $28.00(See protocols
for method of administration).
1. In normal doses, it protects epithelium and vision.
2. In doses of 100,000 to 300,000 units per day, it works as a potent
3. In doses of 500,000 to 1,000,000 units per day, it works as a
potent anti-tumor agent, specially in epidermis and transitional carcinomas.
#AEMUL38 / $38.00 (See protocols for method of administration).
BARLEYGREEN has been used by over 2 million people in Japan for over 20 years and has been used in the United States and Canada since 1982. It is non-toxic and is 100% organically grown . You do not have to wonder if you are including enough green vegetables in your diet. #GREEN49 / $40.00