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This is what it would be like to watch Erick on TV, if he looked like Wile E. Coyote. Sadly, he doesn't.

Help make Erick really famous

So the boy has a dream, and a plan. Isn't that what makes America great? But he's going all out. He's actually using his brain.

Erick's been studying about what it takes to become famous. What's the secret, he asked himself while the commercials were on. Beauty? Naw, look at Mick Jagger. Clothes? Donald Duck doesn't even own a pair of pants. Muscles? That Woody Allen ain't exactly Charles Atlas.

Talent? Hey, all Ed McMahon ever did was sit on the couch next to Johnny Carson. (Actually, Erick does think Ed is talented. He's just pissed that none of the letters Ed sent him turned out to be a winner.) Sex Appeal? Three words: Larry Bud Melman.

Like the man says in the song... It don't mean a thing if you ain't got that swing

No, the thing that makes people famous is Attitude! That strut, that swing, that je-ne-sais-quois confident air. Walk the walk and talk the talk, that's what you do. So our man Erick has, to quote Patti Labelle, a New Attitude. He's feeling good from his head to his shoes. (Note: Patti Labelle became famous for singing great and being built like a brickhouse. She'll have no competition from Erick in either category.. Sorry, guy.)

A lot of mediocre people with attitude become famous. A lot of goofy people with attitude become famous. Our boy Erick is quite capable of being mediocre, or goofy, or both. So he's well qualified for the job.

Of course, a lot of people who become famous get there through intelligence, diligence, and sheer hard work.

Wish the kid lots of luck.

We've joined the Net4TV Web group! Now Erick is another step closer to his fame.

NEW!!! This is now an official Net4TV site. Net4TV is a ring of pages designed especially to be viewed on television. Because of the differences in resolution, what looks slick on a monitor often doesn't translate well to television, and vice versa. If you're viewing this on a computer monitor, I'd appreciate knowing how the colors, text and graphics look. If there is a problem, let me know and I'll fix it or provide a computer-friendly alternative.

Erick sez: "...How 'bout them Cats !!!"

team Championship Celebration

Erick's Kentucky Basketball

And now here's Erick. Here recently we usually just call him Mister Wannabe.

Welcome aboard, stargazers! My name is Erick. Yeah, that's me. The guy who wants to become famous. I see you've heard of me.

This gimmick must be starting to work!

I'm truly glad you're giving my site a look-through. This is my first attempt at building a page...(by the way, why do all first-timers point that out? I think it's our way of saying "This might suck, but I don't know enough yet to keep it from sucking, so don't hate me")...Anyway, since I've decided to become famous, I've got to start somewhere. We're in the organization stage, so I'm very open to suggestion. (And none of those irritating "Under Construction signs; I promise.) This site is being constructed on Angelfire using only WebTV... WebTV Classic, to be precise.

I will now pause for a moment to allow all the computer users to snicker "WebTV...ha ha ha"


You can stop now

Really, I mean it

All right, knock it off this instant or I'll break out the NetGeek jokes.

Thank you.

You might want to read my WebTV Disclaimer, especially if you're concerned about the linked-graphics problem for which WebTV'ers have gained a reputation as unwelcome squatters. Famous celebrities like me can't be associated with that kind of tomfoolery, so we're going to put a stop to it.

So, Erick, what kind of things do you like?

I'll spare you the usual "Here's what kind of things I like" speech. All you have to do is look at the pages, and I'm sure you can figure out where my passions lie. But I really enjoy feedback, good or bad, so if you have a suggestion of something that could be included, let me know. There's an e-mail link on every page, or you can sign the guestbook. Pretty simple, huh? It's my small way of thanking you for helping make me famous.

Are you starting to love me yet?


Kentucky Basketball Is Life

The Erick FAQ


The Terrible Ten

Rupp Arena Celebration

E-mail Erick

Erick's Guestbook

Erick's Hall of Thanks


Web Art From The Wizard of Draws

Angelfire Communications

This is not Erick.
But whoever he is, he and Erick seem to be interested in the same sort of things.

Artwork courtesy of Jeff Bucchino, The Wizard of Draws

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