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Made in the USA with WebTV

The pages on this site were constructed solely using the Philips-Magnavox WebTV Classic, for the express purpose of helping Erick (that's me!) become famous. And let me say that I really love this matter how far down their noses some techno-geekoid types might stare.

Where'd those graphics come from, dude?

The only hyperlinked graphics I have used are those set up specifically for direct linking. Direct graphic linking without permission can cause a world of problems, both for the linker and the source.

Because the WebTV cannot store files, WebTV netizens have earned a somewhat justified reputation as bandwidth theives. In our defense, however, I must point out that many sources teach this technique, without going into the hornet's nest of trouble it can cause.

And just a note: "Download these graphics" means just that. Download them to use in your own file on your server. It does not mean "Set up a hyperlink to these graphics." Many folks new to the Web do not understand that distinction.

If you are not familiar with the problem, please take a few moments to read this message about direct linking written by Club WebTV contributor Paul Erickson. (But please come back here when you're done. I need everyone's help if I'm going to become famous)

So, what's this Transloader thingie?

The majority of the graphics on these pages were uploaded through the FTP server at Angelfire using the Transloader site developed by Anthony Chu. This service is free and available for all to use. It has been a godsend for WebTV users. If you are not familiar with the transloader service, or do not know how to use FTP, visit the pages listed below. They explain everything pretty well.

If you still have questions, all you need do is ask. There is a wealth of free information available, and there are many good people who donate their time and skill to help those just starting out. Check in the help section of your server, or see the "Using Web TV" section accessibile from your WebTV home page. I have found the forums on the Transloader page to be of particularly great value.

Anything else to get off your chest?

I'll get this off my chest...I am sorry I cannot provide a direct link to WebTV from my pages, but WebTV expressly forbids it. One curious marketing strategy, don't you think? (Editor's note : You will notice that we do not provide a graphic of Erick's chest. You can probably guess why. The marketing department at WebTV doesn't think much of his chest either)

This is not Erick. This is Eric. (But their chests are an awful lot alike.) Eric is famous and he's only a cartoon. Eric and his Cheesy Poofs are here because there seems to be an Internet law requiring at least one "South Park" reference on every personal web page.

Thank you and good luck. I promise to remember you all when I become famous.

Erick's home page

Erick's UK page
Typical Music and Poetry Links


Instructions for transloader

Transloader FAQ

Transloader Forum

Go To Transloader
