Boddlonodd pawb trwy'r nef a('r) llawr
Cydunodd pawb trwy'r nef a llawr

(Dyoddefaint Crist)
Boddlonodd pawb
    trwy nef a llawr
  Groeshoelio'r Oen ar bren;
Mae'r 'wyllys genyf finau'n awr
  'Roi'r goron ar ei ben.

Gogoniant fyth i'r Iesu gwiw,
  Dyoddefodd ing a phoen;
Tragwyddol fywyd imi ddaeth,
  Trwy werthfawr waed yr Oen.

Daeth dw'r a gwaed o'i ystlys bur,
  Pan drengodd ar y groes;
Maddeuant llawn a llwyr lanhad,
  Trwy rinwedd marwol loes.

Wrth gofio am ei garíad drud,
  Yr ŷm yn canu'n awr;
Ond cawn
    folianu'n ganmil gwell
  'N ol dianc uwch y llawr.

- - - - -

(Croeshoeliad Crist)
1,2,3,4,5,6;  1,(3,2),6.

Boddlonodd pawb,
    trwy'r nef a'r llawr
  Groeshoelio'r Oen ar bren;
Mae'r 'wyllys genyf finau'n awr
  'Roi'r goron ar ei ben.

Mae clywed newydd am ei waed
  Yn llifo ar Galfari,
Yn un o'r breintiau mwyaf gaed
  Ar hyd ein daear ni.

Fe roes ei ddwylaw pur ar led,
  Fe wisgodd goron ddrain,
Er mwyn fy nghànu i yn wyn;
  Fel hyfryd liain main.

'Rwy'n credu caf fi delynaur,
  Annheilwng er fy mod,
Ddarparodd Iesu er fy mwyn
  I seinio maes ei glod:

Cyweiriwyd hi ar beraidd dôn
  Dros oesoedd rif y gwlith,
Caf daro'r tànau yn ddiboen,
  I Dduw a'r Oen tros byth.

Mae canu uchel am ei waed
  Yn nghanol nefoedd fry;
A nofio yn ei gariad rhad
  Y mae aneirif lu.
Boddlonodd :: Cydunodd
a'r llawr :: a llawr
genyf finau :: genyf innau :: genym ninnau
Mae clywed newydd am ei :: Mae'r newydd am ei werthfawr
Yn llifo ar :: Yn llif ar
fy nghànu i :: ein cànu oll
canu uchel :: canu heddyw

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MC 8686]:
  Anthem - Benevolence (<1841)
Cruger (Johann Crüger 1598-1662)
St Anne (William Croft 1677-1727)
St Magnus (Jeremiah Clarke c.1673-1707)

  Gogoniant fyth i'r Iesu gwiw
  Mae clywed newydd am y gwaed
  Y'mhlith holl ryfeddodau'r nef

(The Suffering of Christ)
Throughout heaven and earth,
    the crucifying of the Lamb
  On a tree, satisfied everyone;
The will I have now is
  To put the crown on his head.

Glory forever to the worthy Jesus,
  Who suffered anguish and pain;
Eternal life to me came,
  Through the precious blood of the Lamb.

Blood and water came from his pure side,
  When he perished on the cross;
Full forgiveness and complete cleansing,
  Through the virtue of pangs of death.

On remembering his costly love,
  We are singing now;
But we may get to praise
    a thousand times better
  After escaping above the earth.

- - - - -

(The Crucifixion of Christ)

Throughout heaven and earth,
    the crucifying of the Lamb
  On a tree, satisfied everyone;
The will I have now is
  To put the crown on his head.

News of his blood is heard
  Flowing on Calvary,
As one of the greatest privileges had
  All through our earth.

He put his pure hands out wide,
  He wore a crown of thorns,
In order to bleach me white;
  Like delightful fine linen.

I believe I shall get my golden harp,
  Unworthy though I be,
That Jesus provided for my sake
  To sound out his praise:

It was tuned on a sweet tune
  For ages numerous as the dew,
I shall get to play the strings painlessly,
  To God and the Lamb for ever.

There is loud singing about his blood
  In the midst of heaven above;
And swimming in his free love
  Are an innumerable host.
was satisfied :: united and the earth :: and earth
I have :: I have :: we have
News of his ... is heard :: The news about his precious ... is
Flowing on :: As a flood on
to bleach me :: to bleach us all
loud singing :: singing today

tr. 2015,19 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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