Oddiwrthyt ti Nuw a'm Rhan

From Thee my God my joys shall rise

(Llawenydd trag'wyddol ac ysprydol,
neu Olwg wynfydedig o Crist.)
Oddiwrthyt ti, fy Nuw a'm Rhan,
Y cwyd llawenydd f'enaid gwan;
  A rhed tu hwnt i'r wybren fry,
  A'r holl greuedig fydoedd sy'.

Gorfoledd duwiol f'enaid fydd,
Yn drech nâ braw yr angeu prudd;
  Caf ado'n ol
      farwoldeb gwan,
  A ffoi o lwch y bedd i'r lan.

I'r lle teyrnasa'r Iesu cu,
Ym maith eithafoedd nefoedd fry;
  Caf dreulio trag'wyddoldeb hir,
  Mewn pleser a chlodforedd pur.

Mil miloedd o flynyddau caf
Wel'd a rhyfeddu'th degwch braf;
  Ac oesoedd didrangc eu parhad
  Y caf glodfori'th gariad rhad.

Pob gwen o'th eiddo, Iesu mwyn,
Anwyldeb newydd fydd yn ddwyn;
  A miloedd o bleserau dardd
  O'r prawf o'th holl
      rasusau hardd.

Tyr'd, fy anwylyd, hed ar frys,
Dwg f'enaid 'fynu i'th ddedwydd lys;
  Can's blysio mae fy enaid byw
  Am wel'd fy Mhrynwr mwyn a'm Duw.

             - - - - -

Oddiwrthyt ti, Nuw a'm Rhan,
Y daw llawenydd enaid gwan;
  A hwn tu hwnt i'r wybren fry,
  A'r holl grëedig fydoedd sy.

Gorfoledd duwiol f'enaid sydd,
Yn drech na braw yr angeu prudd;
  Caf ado'n ol
      farwoldeb gwan,
  A ffoi o lwch y bedd i'r lan.

I'r lle teyrnasa'r Iesu cu,
Ar orsedd hardd y nefoedd fry;
  Caf yno foli'i gariad rhad,
  Dros oesoedd didranc eu parhad.

             - - - - -

Oddiwrthyt ti, fy Nuw a'm Rhan,
Y cwyd llawenydd f'enaid gwan;
  A rhêd ar ei dragwyddol daith,
  Uwch holl derfynau'r
      cread maith.

Gorfoledd duwiol f'enaid sydd
Yn drech na braw yr angeu prudd;
  Caf ado'n ol
      farwoldeb gwan,
  A ffoi o lwch y bedd i'r làn.

Teyrnasa yno'r Iesu cu;
Ym maith eithafoedd nefoedd fry,
  Caf dreulio tragwyddoldeb hir
  Mewn pleser a chlodforedd pur.

Pob gwên o'th eiddo sydd yn dwyn
Anwyleb newydd, Iesu mwyn;
  A miloedd o bleserau dardd
  O'r prawf o'th holl
      rasusau hardd.
cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77

Tôn [MH 8888]: Gilead (Bristol Tune Book 1863)

(Eternal and spiritual Joy, or
The blessed Sight of Christ.)
From thee, my God and my Portion,
Rises the joy of my weak soul;
  Which runs beyond the sky above,
  And all the created worlds there are.

The godly rejoicing of my soul shall
Triumph over the terror of sad death;
  I shall get to leave behind
      weak mortality,
  And flee up from the dust of the grave.

To the place where dear Jesus reigns,
In the extremities of heaven above;
  I shall get to spend a long eternity,
  In pleasure and pure praise.

For a thousand thousands of years I shall
Get to see an wonder at thy good fairness;
  And for undying ages to endure
  I shall get to extol thy free love.

Every smile of thine, gentle Jesus,
New affection shall be bearing;
  And thousands of pleasure spring
  From the experience of all thy
      beautiful graces.

Come, my beloved, fly hurriedly,
Bring my soul up to thy happy court;
  Since my living soul is pleased
  To see my dear Redeemer and my God.

                - - - - -

From thee, my God and my Portion,
Comes the joy of my weak soul;
  And he beyond the sky above,
  And all the created worlds is.

The godly jubilation of my soul is,
Superior to the terror of sad death;
  I will get to leave behind
      weak mortality,
  And flee up from the dust of the grave.

To the place dear Jesus reigns,
On the beautiful throne of heaven above;
  There I will get to praise his free love,
  For ages of undying endurance.

               - - - - -

From thee, my God and my portion,
Arises the joy of my weak soul;
  And it runs on its eternal journey,
  Above all the boundaries
      of the vast creation.

The divine joy of my soul is
Stronger than the terror of sad death;
  I shall get to leave behind
      weak mortality,
  And flee up from the dust of the grave.

There dear Jesus reigns;
In the vast extremities of heaven above,
  I shall get to spend a long eternity
  In pleasure and pure adoration.

Every smile of thine is bearing
New affection, dear Jesus;
  And thousands of pleasures spring
  From the experience of all
      thy beautiful graces.
tr. 2017,19 Richard B Gillion
(Spiritual and eternal joy: or,
the beatific sight of Christ.)
From Thee, my God, my joys shall rise,
  And run eternal rounds,
Beyond the limits of the skies,
  And all created bounds.

The holy triumphs of my soul
  Shall death itself outbrave,
Leave dull mortality
  And fly beyond the grave.

There, where my blessèd Jesus reigns,
  In Heaven's unmeasured space,
I'll spend a long eternity,
  In pleasure and in praise.

Millions of years my wond'ring eyes
  Shall o'er thy beauties rove,
And endless ages I'll adore
  The glories of thy love.

Sweet Jesus, every smile of thine
  Shall fresh endearments bring;
And thousand tastes of new delight
  From all thy
      graces spring.

Haste, my Beloved, fetch my soul
  Up to thy blest abode;
Fly, for my spirit longs to see
  My Saviour and my God.

              - - - - -

From Thee, my God, my joys shall rise,
  And run eternal rounds,
Beyond the limits of the skies,
  And all created bounds.

The holy triumphs of my soul
  Shall death itself outbrave,
Leave dull mortality
  And fly beyond the grave.

There, where my blessèd Jesus reigns,
  In Heaven's unmeasured space,
I'll spend a long eternity,
  In pleasure and in praise.

              - - - - -

From Thee, my God,
    my joys shall rise,
  And run eternal rounds,
Beyond the limits of the skies,
  And all created bounds.

The holy triumphs of my soul
  Shall death
      itself outbrave,
Leave dull mortality behind,
  And fly beyond the grave.

There, where my blessèd Jesus reigns,
  In Heaven's unmeasured space,
I'll spend a long eternity,
  In pleasure and in praise.

Sweet Jesus, every smile of Thine
  Shall fresh endearments bring;
And thousand tastes
    of new delight
  From all Thy graces spring.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748

Tune [CM 868(8)6(6)]: Wiltshire
  (Joseph Stephenson 1728-1810)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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