Ysbryd y gwirionedd, tyred Yn dy nerthol, ddwyfol ddawn; Mwyda'r ddaear sych a chaled A bywha yr egin grawn: Rho i Seion Eto wanwyn siriol iawn. Agor gyndyn ddorau'r galon A chwâl nythle pechod cas; Bwrw bob rhyw ysbryd aflan Sy'n llochesu ynddi i maes: Gwna hi'n gartref I feddyliau prydferth gras. Tywys Seion i'r gwirionedd, At oludoedd meddwl Duw'; Dyro'r manna, gad in yfed O ffynhonnau'r dyfroedd byw: Dawn yr Ysbryd, Bywyd a thangnefedd yw.John Hughes (Glanystwyth) 1842-1902
Tonau [878747]: |
Spirit of truth, come In thy strong, divine gift; Moisten the dry and hard earth And revive the shoots of grain: Give to Zion Again a very cheerful Spring. Open the stubborn doors of the heart And break down the nesting-place of detestable sin; Cast every kind of unclean spirit, Which is lurking in it, out: Make it a home For beautiful thoughts of grace. Lead Zion to the truth, Towards the riches of the thought of God; Give the manna, let us drink From springs of the living waters: The gift of the Spirit, Life and peace it is.tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion |
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