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Welcome to Joy is a Choice!
My Poetry Page Four

Grace in the Redwood Forest

Cold was the night.
Misty were the woods.
Needles fell around,
only I heard the sound.

I spoke aloud to the giant trees.
Let them know how I was honored
by being in their presence
as a place of worship.

There was only the night,
the trees and me.
Yet I felt another Presence.
One indescribable in words.

Thoughts were exchanged
without known words.
I wanted to repeat this experience,
this awesome time, but my memory was sealed.

It was meant for me alone.
I knelt to atone,
for my unkindesses of a lifetime.
I rose refreshed and feeling forgiven.

copyright August 2006 carolyninjoy

The Great Divide

A dry waterless ocean, the exception
only puddles of tears, separates us.
Unwillingly we stretch our fingertips
and yearning hearts to touch
the unreachable comfort of enfolding arms.
Beyond all harm we remain isolated, alone
and waiting for a time of reunion.
My hope gleams brightly
through the darkened skies.

Dark Side of the Mirror (Moon face)*

The mirror has two faces
or one or four or three.
I'm not certain when I look,
who'll be looking back at me.

But I'll keep on looking,
for I have no other choice.
I don't like it very much
speaking in a different voice.

Sight is blurred but eyes still seek
a glimpse of memory rare.
No one here's familiar,
I have nothing to compare.

I've never been this crazy
and it's scary as can be,
if only I can hang on till
I find the rest of me.

Copyright August 2006 carolyninjoy

*Moon face is a fluid-filled, very round face that is a standard side effect of steroids.

copyright August 2006 carolyninjoy

Guestbook graphic by Paint Pots Graphics

Poetry Page Five

Poetry Page One
