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First Semester:

        26753   Concurrent Engineering                3-1-0   4        
        26755   Intelligent Machines and Systems      3-1-0   4        
        26757   Design for Manufacture and Assembly   3-1-0   4      
                Elective I                            3- -0   3/4      
                Elective II                           3- -0   3/4      
        26901   Engineering Software Lab.             0-0-3   2        
        26905   Manufacturing Systems Lab.            0-0-3   2

Second Semester:

        26752   Monitoring and Control of             3-1-0   4        
                Manufacturing Systems                  
        26754   Manufacturing Resources Planning      3-1-0   4        
                Elective III                          3- -0   3/4      
                Elective IV                           3- -0   3/4      
                Elective V                            3- -0   3/4      
        26680   Seminar                               0-0-3   2        
        26902   Microprocessor Applications Lab.      0-0-3   2     

Minimum total credits for I and II semesters: 45

Electives for the Course

Electives: I Semester

        25655   Statistical Methods                     3-0-0   3   
        26611   Automatic Control                       3-1-0   4   
        26629   Machinery Fault Diagnostics             
                and Signal Processing                   3-1-0   4    
        26699   Laser Processing of Materials           3-1-0   4   
        26705   Mechanisms and Robot Kinematics         3-0-0   3   
        26709   Applied Elasticity and Plasticity       3-0-0   3    
        26743   Finite and Boundary Element Methods               
                in Manufacturing                        3-1-0   4    
        26767   Geometric Modeling                      3-0-0   3    
        26749   Modern Manufacturing Processes          3-1-0   4   
        52631   Marketing Management                    3-0-0   3    
        52683   Total Quality Management                3-0-0   3    

Electives: II Semester}

        26512   Robotics and Robot Applications         3-1-0   4    
        26532   Knowledge Based Systems in              3-1-0   4    
                Mechanical Engineering        
        26650   Fluid Drives and Control                3-1-0   4   
        26654   Composite Materials                     3-1-0   4    
        26662   Machine Tools Structures and Vibration  3-1-0   4   
        26672   Design and Production of Cutting tools  3-1-0   3   
        26684   Surface Engineered Materials Technology 3-1-0   4   
        26706   Computer Graphics and Visualization     3-1-0   4    
        26746   Manufacturing Information Systems       3-1-0   4   
        26756   Management of Technology                3-1-0   4    
        26758   Numerical Modeling of 
                Manufacturing Processes                 3-1-0   4   
        58600   Reliability Design 
                Estimation and Testing                  3-0-0   3   


Concurrent engineering tools for collaborative work environment. Framework for virtual teams. Multimedia conferencing systems. Principles of object oriented and distributed databases. Object oriented concurrent programming for design and analysis. Participatory designs. Common product design concepts, design rationale and causal process descriptions. Product concept development, Analytical Prototyping for kinematic and dynamic validation of constraints in displacements and forces. Virtual reality tools and techniques for product development and interactive modeling and visualization. Linking product development to reliability specifications, manufacturing, forecasting, inventory models and market research. Abstracting information from experimental data and history of performance etc. for incorporating in new designs. Multimedia conferencing systems. Concurrent updation, visualization and management of multimedia databases over LAN and WAN.
Scope of machine intelligence in manufacturing systems - modeling and control of processes and machines. Machine learning for system modeling from incomplete, ambiguous information. Neuro-Fuzzy-Expert systems for uncertain reasoning. Concept learning, associative memory and connectionist learning systems. Data abstraction in parallel distributed architectures. Model based optimization using evolutionary algorithms., Genetic algorithms. Sensor-based Robotic systems for assembly, welding, machining etc. and mobile robots. Task level planning and path planning. Multi-sensor integration for environmental interaction and error recovery. Principles and applications of sensors - displacement, force, tactile, temperature, acoustic, vision and range sensors. Visuo-motor coordination and navigation problems. Intelligent structures. Behavioural approach and subsumption architecture for learning from environment.
Economic-Technical synthesis of systems. Application of linear and non-linear optimization techniques towards optimizing design and manufacture of devices. Characteristics and capabilities of manufacturing processes. Principles of design for manufacturability. Product planning, conceptual design, functional and aesthetic design. Dimensional tolerances. Material specifications for efficient manufacture. Integrated product development. Coding of components based on geometric features and functional features for efficient assembly planning. Devices for component handling for assembly. Compliance analysis and Interference analysis for the design of assembly devices. Robotic assembly. Design and development of features for automatic assembly. Concepts of measuring in space for machine generated assembly plans and assembly sequences. Liason diagrams.
Process Monitoring - Online and Offline Quality Control, Quality Parameter Design. Machine Monitoring - Condition Monitoring, Vibrations, TTT diagrams. Multi-Stage Statistical Control. Models of Multi-Stage production quality sequences. Monitoring of health of the cells/plants. Dynamic quality capability. Networks for information collection and control. Vision monitoring of automated manufacturing. Computer based surveillance systems. 3D vision. Hiearchial information control. Combined product and process optimization. Petri-Nets, Manufacturing Control, PLC based controls, Microprocessors, SBC. Planning for inspection. Sampled data and digital systems introduction. Principles of adaptive and learning systems. Identification of control factors.
Introduction to the Manufacturing Systems. Decision making framework for Manufacturing Systems. Types of Manufacturing Systems. Manufacturing Automation and Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM). Operation and Design of Manufacturing Systems. Process planning. Variant approach. Generative approach. Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP). Material Flow Modeling. Components of Production Scheduling. Part Aggregates. Activity types. Analytical approaches to Resource Requirements Problem. Material Requirements Planning: MRP-I and MRP-II. Simulation of Discrete event systems. Scheduling logic of MRP-II. Dispatching in MRP-II. Material Flows in Just-in-Time systems (JIT). Just-in-Time production scheduling. Performance modeling and Just-in-Time. Integration of JIT with Quality control. Manufacturing Decision Making (MADEMA) approach to the Operation of Manufacturing Systems.
26683 Total Quality Management
Introduction to Quality, Reliability. Statistical Quality Control. Total Quality Control. Quality and Reliability of Products through Proper Design. Steps for Developing New Products Viewed from the Standpoint of Total Quality Control. Design Planning - Quality Function Deployment approach. Failure Analysis. Experimental Design/Quality Engineering. Computer Aided Quality Assurance. Education and Training for Total Quality Management. Quality Circles. World Class Manufacturing. CAD/CAM/CIM. Optimized Production Technology. Just-in-Time Manufacturing. Quality of Service to the internal Customers. Problem Solving Tools. Benefits of TQM.