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The CyberShed The Shed
Father Tom's Message

You are the hope of the parish. How often you have heard these words. Do you believe that the uniqueness of each one of you brings something new and original to all of us? It is not what you do or could do but rather the person you are. It is your personality, your enthusiasm, or simply your youthfulness which is needed. When I am with you I sense an eagerness - an intensity to be yourselves. I like this - it calls me to be more reflective and relaxed.

You bring this into all your activities at home, school and parish community. The challenge I see is for you to live this out in a Christ like way in a society which often puts down Christian values. Living this as the special person you are calls for inventiveness and originality. Being a Christian today means being normal but still an example to others. What a challenge! The thankfulness I feel is that you are working hard to do this.

May the Lord whom you are serving so well continue to bless you.

Father Tom

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