Well, here's page 1
Judging from the first paragraph and the envelope, I think it's easy to ascertain that this letter will have something to do with the number 3. I guess in that sense, it's sort of like a Sesame Street letter. Only holy.
My desire gives birth to blessings. Good to know. Unfortunately, desire also leads to suffering. To reduce and eliminate suffering, one must first reduce and eliminate ones desires. That's one of my core beliefs, so this part comes as a complete shock to me. Why would I open myself to suffering for the sake of a few measley dollars? Would God not prefer it if I lived a life of meekness, plainness, and simplicity? Does God really want me to want stuff? I always believed this not to be the case. St. Matthew's is now telling me differently. I'm intrigued.
They're praying especially to me and two other people. I wonder. Does that mean that they only sent three copies of this form letter out, with me being one of the recipients? I kind of doubt it, but then, I''m ever the skeptic.
I guess what they're telling me is that my continued suffering is caused by Satan. He's what keeps me up at nights worrying and suffering, and God is trying to stop that.
So, let me get this straight. Suffering is caused by Satan, not by desires. Desires lead to blessings, which, of course, are from God. In order to end my suffering and defeat Satan, I need to want more stuff. Is that it? Let's keep reading.