5.1) Conditioning practiceType each line twice;
First at an easy pace to review keystroking patterns and to improve technique; second, to increase your speed.dot it; fell the oak; it is too old; it is his jet
she has told it; he is to see it; if the fish die;
Joe felt ill; he is at Oak Lake; he is to see Jeff
5.2) Learn new keys: n w .(period)
a. Reach technique for n
Reach down with right first fingern nf nf an an and and and
n nj an end end lend lend
b. Reach technique for w
Reach up with left third finger.w ws ws wow wow wish wish
w ws we wit wit with with
c. Reach technique for .(period)
Reach down with right third finger..l .l ft. ft. hdkf. hdkf.
.l It is Ike. It is Ike.
5.3) Improve keystroking technique
Keystroking cue: Keep the fingers curved and upright (not slanting); move the fingers, not the hands. Spacing cue: Strike the space bar with the right thumb; use a quick down-and-in motion (toward palm). Avoid pauses before or after spacing. Type each line 3 times
(slowly,faster.slowly);an an and and end end lend lend in in ink ink done
wit wit with with wish wish we we owe owe law laws
J. L. Oaks left to ski. Lt. Heald sold his shiff.
Jane and Keith now know. Ken will win in the end.
5.4) Type with continuityContinuity cue:return without pausing; start new line quickly.
Type drill twice
Repeat if time permitshe is; to do; did owe; the law; she told; his wish
It is his wish. He is to do it. I did that show.an; an; a fan; a hand; all land; and all; hall fan
Hal and Nan had a fall ad. Jan and Hans had land.he owns it; an old fan; she wants it; own the land
Ken skis on the new lake. Jane owns all the land.END OF LESSON FIVE
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