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6.1) Recall

Typing position: Recall these features of good typing position:

Finger position. Position your hands and arms so that your finger are in an upright (not a slanting) position over the home keys. Keep fingers curved and uptight as you type.

6.2) Conditioning practice

Practice goal: Eyes on copy as you type and make return.

Type each line twice
(slowly, then faster);

has half; ask all; a fall ad; shall ask; adds all;

to the; do the; of the; to do; to do so; she took;

I was. I wish. Jan is in. Nan and Law will ski.

6.3) Check spacing technique

Goals, line by line

  1. Quick down-and-in motion of right thumb.
  2. No pause before or after spacing stroke.
  3. Right thumb on or close to space bar.

Type each line 3 times

he she is his it at did odd an in do so of off all

the tie an than aid oak own if it she sit fit fish

she did of all owns it odd fish in town an old oak

6.4) Check keystroking technique

Goals, line by line

  1. Fingers curved and upright over home keys.
  2. Without moving hands up to third row.
  3. Without moving hands or other fingers down.
  4. Reduce time between letters and words.
  5. Steady, even pace (no pauses).
  6. Avoid pausing for shifting and punctuating.

Type each line 3 times

ask dad; a lad had; all halls; fall ads; all fall;

we did sell jade; if she owes it; he was to do it;

Nan and he need a loan. Jan is a fan of the Nats.

it is his wish to do it; she did own the lake land

John filed the test list. Hank lost an oil lease.

Half that field is his; L. K. owns the whole lake

6.5) Check shift-key and return technique


  1. To shift without moving hand down.
  2. To return without pausing at end of one line or at beginning of next line.

Type each line once

Jane is to ski with Hans.

Neil had a skiff at Kent.

Keith lent a hand to Nat.

Lil went to sit with Jan.

I know Ike has a new tie.

Kit will talk with Niles.

Nate and Ken saw the doe.

Jess is to ask Jean Lane.

Ned saw Kate at Oak Lake.

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