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14.1) Conditioning practice

type each line twice
(slowly, then faster);

Have my long quiz boxed when Jack stops by for it.

Have we used these words: vote? view? five? gave?

Chris may go with us to the town down by the lake.

14.2) Check space-bar technique

Type once as shown;
space with down-and-in(toward palm) thumb motion

Goal: To type words and punctuation marks without pausing before or after them.

try to; pay me; my age; of your; all told; and was
Try to pay me the wage that is now due if you can.

by then, off the, buy it, or put, use the, low key
If she is off work by then, we can fly to my lake.

14.3) Conditioning practice

1. type each line once.

Jane is to do the work for us.

Did the eight girls sign it, too?

He may fix the big dam by the lake.

Is it all right for me to lend a hand?

I may go to the dock if it is all right.

Vic is the man to make the land map for us.

He may go with us to the zoo by the big quay.

14.4) Check shift-key technique

Type each line twice

Goal: To make each shift-key reach without wasting time or motion.

Shifting cues

1. Depress shift key.
2. Strike letter key.
3. Release shift key quickly.

Most of us have to work: Miss, Mr., Mrs., and Ms.

Gib, Sue, and Vi went with Dr. Dye to St. Charles.

Ms. Burns gave a tea for Dr. and Mrs. Frye in May.

USC played in the NIT; UCLA copped the NCAA crown.

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