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15.1) Conditioning practice

Type each line twice
(slowly, then faster);

Buck Zahn will vex the judge if he quits my group.

Zeal and zest of the men in my zone won the prize.

He may do all the work if he works with good form.

15.2) Check control of service keys

Type once as shown

goals, line by line

1-2. Down-and-on motion (toward palm); do not pause before or after spacing.
3-4. Type capital letters without pausing before or after shifting.
5-6 Use shift lock for ALL-CAP items; release lock for typing lowercase letters.

space bar
1 I knew it was my job to do my best in all my work.
2 Try in the right way, and you can reach your goal.

shift keys
3 Jayne Storm is to go to the dance with Paul Quinn.
4 Rex Quig used gal. and qt.; J. M. Poe, ft. and in.

shift lock
5 ALL CAP such items as these: NSA, NBEA, and NASA.
6 ALL CAP book names, too: THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA.

15.3) Check keystroking technique

Type once as shown;
repeat if time permits

Goals, line by line

1-2. Without moving hands upward.
3-4. Without moving hands downward.
5-6. Quiet hands and arms.
7-8. Continuity of keystroking.

1 It will add to your risk if they rush to the lake.
2 Peg says it is a tour all eight girls should take.

3 Max has had a small bash. All ads can flash cash.
4 Alf has had a van all fall, and Cal has had a cab.

5 These men have caught six snakes for the town zoo.
6 Can the two men come by to quote on the new plans?

7 Jay Qitx asked me if Val Price got the quaint box.
8 Did Jane Blick buy the quartz pin Wes Fox gave me?

15.4) Individualize your practice

Type each line once;
then retype selected lines according to your needs

Technique emphasis: Position the fingers curved and upright over the mome keys; strike each key with a quick, snap stroke. Space quickly. Hold hands and arms quiet, with wrists low and relaxed.

Each sentence includes at least 4 uses of the letters that sentence is designed to emphasize. Thus, the sentences provide an intensive review of the keyboard.

Beth Brach is our best aide; she can do a big job. a/b

Did Clay Cole check the due date on the cost card? c/d

Ed Fish fells that one file for each firm will do. e/f

Greg is great with weights; Garth, with the rings. g/h

If it is a large jet, Jim will just jump with joy. i/j

Kate Blake keeps all kinds of lists for Mr. Block. k/l

Man is known more for his mind than for his might. m/n

To cop the prize post, you must plan your trip up. o/p

Be quick to run our queer quartz rock to the quay. q/r

Stu said to be sure to ask the terms of that sale. s/t

Our votes have been pledged but give us your view. u/v

Rex Dow filed the tax of the new wax works at six. w/x

Yes. Liz, you won the prize by your zeal and zest. y/z

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