I'm back to give you more typing lessons. The next thing for you to learn is the number keys (1-0). These lessons won't be in numerical order. I will also add new lessons with letters along with the numbers. |
Glad that everybody likes my Self-Taught-Typing webpage. Have you read the write up in the Net4TV newsletter about my webpage? If you haven't yet goto Net4TV now. | I'm still taking ideas and suggestion from everybody to improve this website. These number lesson will take awhile to finish. So give me time to finish them and I'll try to go back to make changes that you the people suggested. My email address is I'll email everybody that sign my guestbook when I'm finish with the number lessons. Thanks Webmaster Kevin Wiese (gimcrack) |
Type each line 3 times
(slowly, faster, slowly);
type letter l as 1
Jack Waven dozed off as he quietly prepped for his big exam.
The ll men and lll boys fly to Rome on July l on Charter ll.
Nell did sign the usual title forms for the eight box firms.
16.1) Learn new keys: 4 and 8
Type each tryout drill twice
Reach technique for 4
Reach up with left first finger.
4f 4f 4 4 f4f f4f 444 Claim 44
Reach technique for 8
Reach up with right second finger.
8k 8k 8 8 k8k k8k 88 Space 88
Type twice, using the letter l for 1
Goals: Keep wrists low; fingers curved, upright, and relaxed; try to make each reach without moving the hand forward.
Only 4 of the l44 girls got 4l of the 44 quiz answers right.
Did the l4 boxes Joe shipped on May 4 weigh just l44 pounds?
The April l8 assignment covers pages ll to l8 and 8l to l88.
Mr. Marx gave the March 8 exam which covered pages l8 to 88.
Posted scores were: April ll, 48 to 44; April l8, 88 to 84.
Review Figures 44 and 48 on pages 4l4 and 4l8, respectively.
Type each line once without timing: easy, controlled pace; reduce time between stokes.
Goals: To improve stroking patterns on balanced- and one-hand words.
All letters used
Only a few of the men were checked.
Neither of us can fix the foreign motor.
Adjust your speed to fit the different words.
Gaining speed is partly a question of saving time.
This course gives you a chance to build a strong skill.
Capital letters should rest on the line, not above or below.
I am coming along in my ability to type words of different sizes.
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