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A house without love

may be a castle, or a palace,

but it is not a home;

love is the life of a true home.

-John Lubbock

Your house will look better if you decorate it with friends.

They are the ornaments that will give it more attraction and cheer than all others combined.

Nothing its comparable to the living ornaments that breathe so much warmth into plain quarters.


Our home has been under a little construction in the past few years. A good old ranch built in the mid-fifties. Click on the house see some before and after shots(inside and out).

Care to help me solve my latest DECO DILEMMA

While I'm not a crafting expert, I have done several projects that I've really enjoyed. I'll share a new one with you each month.

My most recent craft was a wreath that I decorated for my mother-in-laws birthday.

So...what'cha think?!

And just before that...ok this past refinished a $1.00 garage sale find. (I had paid $20 to have one made just last year.)beforeIt was finished with a walnut stain but no sealer coat of any type.
I painted it with a little leftover paint...leaving some of the stain showing. Then, I sanded it down in some spots to show the bare wood. Finally, I ran a light coat of stain over it all to "antique" it.After
Sorry the pictures don't show it at it's best!
I will be using it in our Master Bed Room as a "headboard"...with a quilt hanging from it.

To Craft ArchivesClick on the craft basket to see the archived crafts.
FIRE STARTERS -MelissaTX:From the IE
  • Parafin
  • Hamster litter (aka cedar shavings
  • Paper muffin cups
  • Muffin baking pans
  • Old sauce pan
  • Melt the parafin in a sauce pan
    warming it gently so as not to get it too hot.
  • While that's heating, place hamster litter (cedar shavings) into paper muffin cups
  • Put paper cups in muffin baking pans
  • When parafin's liquidy,pour over the shavings in the paper muffin cups.
  • These smell very nice and really work to help with the fire.

Scented Gel :Ilene from the IE
  • 2 cups of liquid potpourri
  • (found in Walmart or craft store)
  • 4 packs of knox gelatin
  • Heat one cup of the liquid potpourri to a boil,
  • bring it to a boil like you are making jello.
  • stir in the knox gelatin and mix until dissolved.
  • Add the other cup of liquid at room temp.
  • (I've found that) the cheaper types of liquid potpouri in the craft stores
  • do not have the same amount of strong scent as the expensive ones at bodyworks.
  • So...Michaels (and I am sure other places too)
  • sells the small 2 oz. bottles of extract for cooking and cake flavor etc.
  • I now add 1 cap of this (or more depending on the amount of gelatin
  • you are using) to the potpourri.
  • Example...if I am using vanilla smelling liquid potpouri
  • I add about a capful of the clear vanilla extract to it to strengthen the smell
  • ...almond for almond, etc.
  • Pour into wide mounthed jars or decorative
  • bowls and cover with Saran wrap.
  • Put in fridge until set.
  • They will last several months.
  • I also put the gel into the little 8 oz. canning jars
  • with the gold rims and gold sealed tops...
  • put a scrap piece of lace over the seal then
  • screw the jar rim right over the lace...
  • when you want scent in a room you just remove the gold flat top
  • and re-screw the lace down with the rim on the canning jar.
  • They make a great gift.
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