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undefined Maeve, Queen of Temra

Maeve, Queen of Temra

Maeve is an evil sorceress ruling over the lands of Temra. She firmly believes that it is her birthright to rule the land of Kells. She tries with all her power and help from Mider, to destroy the Mystic Knights. She uses her rune staff to conjure creatures of horror to fight the Mystic Knights. Her powers are greatly increased in times of need by Mider.

With a magic scroll, she manages to trick Rohan into releasing Tyrune, the Three-Headed Hydra of Temra. By doing this he chains Pyre in his caverns.

The rune staff, also known as the Ram Staff, was given to her by Mider, Dark Fairie of the Shleeves. With this staff she conjures creatures to fight the Mystic Knights. Maeve's throneroom, where she conjures her beasts and has a convenient dungeon cell where she can easily watch her captives.

~Main~ | ~Maeve, Queen of Temra>~ | ~Torq, Captain of the Temra Soldiers~ | ~Mider, Dark Fairie of the Shleeves~ | ~Seanin, Mystic Knight of Swamp~