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Torc, Captain of the Temra Soldiers

Torc, Captain of the Temra Soldiers

Torc is Maeve's right hand man. Unfortunately for Torc, he ends up having to do most of her dirty work. He gets great pleasure out of trying to humiliate the Mystic Knights. He usually gets beaten in his battles with them, but in one certain battle, he took great pleasure in making Rohan look the fool. Maeve had conjured a powder to make Rohan lose his courage. Waiting until the right time, he attacks Rohan in front of the other Knights. Rohan is too frightened to do anything about it and conceedes the victory to Torc. This victory is short-lived, for as soon as Rohan is himself again, he teaches Torc a lesson. At one time, Torc had been the right hand to Conchobar the King of Kells, but swiftly changed his allegiance to Maeve when he belived that Maeve would easily rule Kells.

~Main~ | ~Maeve, Queen of Temra~ | ~Torc, Captain of the Temra Soldiers~ | ~Mider, Dark Fairie of the Shleeves~ | ~Seanin, Mystic Knight of Swamp~