Site Office

Welcome to the site office. This will just be temporary to keep you posted while we undergo renovations over the next month or so. Here you can learn all about our renovations and contribute your own ward. Please choose something you are interested in.
  • Improvements so far
  • Owning a ward
  • Suggesting a ward
  • General improvement suggestions

    Improvements so Far since October 5th, 1999

    Improvement number 1 Started site office
    Improvement number 2 Got "close encounters" up and running
    Improvement number 3 New e-mail just for the institure - (short for Star Trek Institute)
    Improvement number 4 Started giving awards again. Institute Seal of Romance.
    Improvement number 5 Added more to "couple Reassurance". A form to allow more user-interaction.

    Owning a ward

    You now have the possibility of owning a ward. Due to time restrictions and space it is impossible for me to keep the Institute up and running and as big as it's able to be. If you have a ward idea and you'd like to create it and maintain the page as both your own and part of the institute please send an e-mail to: or and title it 'Ward Ownership Application'. Inside please include details of the ward you'd like to create.

    Remember, it must have an insanity/medical theme and must be Star Trek romance based. It can be any series and character pairings. Of cause, you will have full credit for the page. We will e-mail you a list of the guidelines and essentials. Please wait for a reply before you start construction because we can't guarantee that someone else isn't already creating a ward similar to that. If you need ideas please see below.

    Suggesting a ward

    If you don't have the time to create and maintain a ward but have a great idea you have to get off your chest please fill in this form or e-mail it to in an e-mail entitled 'Ward Suggestion'. Your ward suggestion will be added to the list below for others to use. If you would like credit for the idea that is also possible on request.
    Credit Required? Yes / No


  • Humour pages. Make your own and when there is more than 1 they will be joint in a ward called "Comedy Relief"
  • Episode reviews
  • Romantic pictures
  • Romantic highlights

    General Improvement Suggestions

    Got any general ideas for improvements? More/less pictures? Colours? Fonts? Layout? Let us know.

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