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I grabbed Sly's coat and mine and walked outside hoping he hadn't gone far. "Sly?" I asked softly - not wanting to provoke him at all.
"You really shouldn't be out here." Sly replied. "Why don't you just go back inside?"
"Why dont' you take your coat? Its below zero out here." I handed him his coat then looked for my Sly in his eyes. "Wanna talk?"
"I just kicked the shitout of my cousin." He replied bitterly. "What's there to talk about?"
"Oh I get it you are in asshole mode right now- you know what Sly I want to help you - I want to be your girlfriend but I cant' if you continue to treat me worse than something the cat dragged in." I turn around ready to walk inside.
"My fault." He laughed rubbing his temples. "This is my fault, Lucky touching Emily is my fault, what happened at the Citidal was my fault, you screwing some other guy was my fault! Let's face it everything's Sly's fault! Why don't I save you all some trouble and I'll just goback and put myself in Helena's firing range!"
I turn around and put my hand on his chest. "Stop right there - I never said it was your fault...but you know what this attitude is. And where do you get off saying anything about me being with someone else...that was long before you and I were ever together. Lucky and Em - that is best left between them, its admirable that you want to defend her honor Sly - but its not worth risking family over, considering that Em wasn't even defending her own honor. As for the Citidal, dont' go there - you told me I'm not allowed to bring it up or try to discuss it with you so thats not even a topic unless you are going to talk to me about it." She looks at him trying to get past the wall. "Your choice."
"Fine." He replied. "Lucky can grope Em, I deal with the insanity of what I went through 4 years ago, and you can screw whomever. There's my choice." Sly the brushed past her and walked back into the house, towards their bedroom.
I followed him into the bedroom and began to pack my stuff, I wasn't going to deal with him anymore, whatever we thought we had - was a lie because this was not the guy that I went to the amusement park with that day. I didn't even say a word while I gathered my belongings.
"Where are you going?"
I chose to ignore his comments and keep packing, the tears were begging me to let them fall but I held them back.
Sly sighed.
"Are you going to answer me or just igore me?"
"Does it matter what I do - you are in your own little world of anger-" I didn't even look at him, I just kept packing.
Sly laughed.
"I thought you loved me Lizzie." He cooed. "But then so did everyone else. Go ahead, run while you can before Sly goes psycho."
"Sly you are not psycho - you are an egotistical, manical asshole. The whole world revolves around you, woe is Sly but you won't let anyone in to make the hurt go away. You are a sadist - you enjoy the pain you thrive on it. God forbid if life is going half way decent you have to find a way to get the attention focused back on you - You want to know why you dont' have anyone in your life? Cos you push everyone that cares away. Like Lucky - Like Me."
"You don't get it Lizzie." Sly said. "You can't just let me cool down and have things go back to normal later can you?"
"I didn't know that was the rule Sly - When I'm hurting I want someone to wrap thier arms around me and make me feel thier warmth, that they care- I thought I could do that for you." It was useless I would never figure him out. I sat down on the bed crying.
"God Lizzie, please don't cry." Sly said. He felt himself weakening. He felt the love that he had often pushed away come shining through and he wanted to hold her and love her.
"Sly I cant' stop crying...everything I do is wrong with you - shit even stuff I did before I met you is wrong with you." I was about to lose it completely I had to keep it together to get out of here. I stood up. "Obviously I dont' satisfy you - I have to leave."
"No no no no." He said in a breath. "Lizzie, please don't leave me." He pulled her close, enveloping her in his arms.
"I dont know Sly - your comments hurt - you can't just say them and expect me to role with it - I just dont' think we are compatble." I said as I reached for my suitcase.
"Lizzie please." He begged in a whisper. "Don't leave me. Don't give up on me, not like they did. Please Lizzie, please."
"Like they did? Sly what do you mean - talk to me."
He took her face in his hands and pressed their foreheads together.
"My aunt and uncle Lizzie." He said. "They said I was hopeless, I was a reck. They let me go, they pushed me away. They got rid of me and sent me there. They left me there hurting Lizzie. They left me. Just like my parents, they left me."
"Sly I dont' want to leave - baby I want to stay but you have to stop pushing me away ok?"
Sly leaned down and kissed her head.
"Stay with me forever Elizabeth." He said kissing her over and over. "Forever."
I continued to kiss him, against my better judgement I let go of my suitcase and wrapped my arms around him tight. "Forever Sly" I mumbled. His kisses were demanding and needy. I gave him everything I could in my kiss. Letting him take the comfort he needed.
Sly pulled Liz tighter to him, pressing her against the length of his body. He slowly walked her back towards the bed.
"I need you Lizzie." He whispered. "I need you."
Everything in my brain told me somehow that this was going to be trouble but I wouldn't refuse him - I couldn't resist him if I tried. "Take me Sly - I want you."
Sly pushed her back onto the bed, quickly crawling on top of her, kissing her hungrily.
"I love you Lizzie. I love you." His hands dove into her hair. "Show me what you want."
"All I want is you - Sly give me you. Heart body and soul."
Sly ran his cheek down the side of her face.
"I've never done this before Elizabeth." He said softly. "Show me what to do."
"Sly just do what feels good - touch me, tease me - just don't leave me." I kissed him, wanting so much to believe he wanted me. Wanting to believe he'll be there in the morning.
Sly pulled away from her lips gazing into her eyes intensly.
"Let me please you? Trust me ok?"
"I trust you Sly. Heaven help me but I do."
He smiled at her lovingly.
"That doesn't do much for my ego Miss Webber." He hand started to slowly massage her stomach and move up towards her ribcage.
"Maybe this will." She kisses him then moans "oh Sly" playfully.
Sly tickled her a little.
"You think your funny don't you?"
"I know I am." I squirm underhim, before bringing my hands up to his hair.
Sly stared into her eyes as he felt her fingers run through his hair.
"I truly love you. More than I ever thought possible. Believe that please."
"I do believe you Sly - lose yourself in me. Let me take the hurt away. I love you Sly with all of me."
"Ah, ah Lizzie. I want to please you remember." Sly said sliding his hand down her waist. "Kinda like you pleased me this morning."
"Ok - I'll let you - but I have to warn you my hands have minds of thier own." I say as my hands slid under his shirt.
"Behave yourself Miss Webber." He replied with an evil grin. "I wouldn't want to have to tie you to the bed or anything."
"Oh please!" I laugh. He's so cute when he's turned on.
"I'm gonna remember this Lizzie." He said kissing her stomach. "I really am." His hand slid down further playing with the button on her jeans.
"Mr Eckert- where do you think your hand is going?" I laughed. I'm sorry he may be wanting to be serious but I wanted to laugh for a bit. "Get back up here Mr I'm not done with you yet."
"Oh really?" He asked slowly sliding back up to meet her face to face. "And what else would you like to do?" His hand soon followed his body and started to slowly caress her breast.
"Mmm More of that." I kissed him. Moving my body to make my breast more accessible to him, to encourage him. If he was going to make love to me I wanted it to last as long as possible.
"More of what?" He asked pulling away and nibbling on her bottom lip. "This?" He brought his other hand up and started to massage her left breast.
"Uh huh." I smile and rake my nails down his back. His body is warm to the touch and I can't wait to get it hotter.
"Uh huh?" Sly asked and slid his hand under her shirt and over her bra covered breast. "How bout this?" He could feel her nipple peak at his touch.
"Meany." I moaned and grabbed his head and kissed him hard. Daring him to resist me. My body arching under his touch.
His hands slowly began to work the buttons on her shirt, torturting her in the ways he knew how. He pulled away from her breathless and placed damp kissed in the valley between her breasts.
"Sly I want you - you tease." I was able to utter. I pulled his shirt over his head and began kneeding his shoulders.
"Sorry Miss Webber." He replied with a grin. "But I'm not done with you yet." He pulled away momentarily to unhook the front clasp of her bra, revleaing her beauty to him. His finger lazily danced around her nipples.
"So pretty." He said with a lopsided grin.
"Sly - " I whispered as he touched me. I watched him, he was taking such pleasure in torchering and teasing me - I had to let him keep doing it. He looked to sexy to interrupt.
"I dont deserve you Elizabeth." He replied as his kissed her one nipple, his tongue thrasing at it, his teeth getnly biting. "I don't deserve your love." He moved from one side to the other and continued to attcack her sanity showing her how much he cared.
"Sly you deserve me and so much more - I love you baby." My hands were in his hair again - not moving him letting him have his fun.
"Tell me how much more Lizzie." He asked with a smile. His hand began to wonder down towards her jeans again.
"OH thats it." I couldn't take it anymore, I rolled him onto his back for just a few min while I attacked his chest, kissing and nibbling on this nipples, moving my body so my tongue could trace the muscles of his stomach.
"Ahem, you done?" He asked with a smile.
"Do you want me to be?" I smiled back to him.
"I just want you to be happy." He replied stroking her cheek. "And I wanna drive you out of your mind."
"You are doing a good job at that."
"Well now that we cleared that up." He said. Sly wrapped his arms around her waist and rolled over so she was under him again. "Stay put lady." He then made no hesitation to unbotton her jeansquickly and lowered the zipper.
"Yes Sir." She smiled and started kissing him again.
Sly laughed a bit and kissed her back deeply. His hands worked down the jeans that she had on her small body. His hand then slowly climbed its way back up her thigh and massaged her jewel hrough her panties.
"Hey now" Taken aback at his boldness and how much that turned her on.
"Oh I'm sorry." Sly said pulling his hand away. "Do you want me to stop?"
"Please dont' stop." I said unable to talk coherntly at this point.
"Then we have to get rid of these." He sighed. He quickly discarded her panties with a smile on his face. He then slowly slid his hand up her thigh massaging her, but barely touching her.
"Oh such sweet torcher." Liz moved her body to his hand. Wanting more of him, pulling his face to hers and kissing him with everything that she has. Her hands are on his back, one has reached lower and is cupping his behind trying to pull him closer. Trying desperatly to get more of him.
Sly buried his face into her neck breathing in her scent. She set him on fire just by being near him and he buried his finger deep into her where he truly wanteed to be. He groaned as he slowly moved his finger deep inside of her.
"Oh more Sly - please" I arched under him- giving him more access.
He slowly slid another finger in side her, moving slowly, and his mouth went back to teasing her nipples.
"You tease." I could barely hold back, I want him so bad. "Please Sly." I say and slide my hand to his jeans and begin to remove them.
"Lizzie." He moaned and pulled her hands away from him. He wedge his knee between her legs, giving himself more access. He then kissed her breast, her stomach, and then her womanhood.
"Sly - make love to me -please. I can't take much more of this." I couldn't beleive how bad I ached for him.
"Shh Lizzie, shh." He kissed her spot then dipped his tongue into her, trying to bring her to the utmost ecasty.
"Sly!" His name was being repeated and I couldnt'even control it - I had to have him. "Sly!"
He pulled away from her slowly letting his hand finish the task of satisfying and loving her.
"OH Sly - " I moaned as his hand gave me so much pleasure, his fingers were moving within me like a pro. I quickly grabbed his head and pulled him in for a kiss as my body began to tingle.
He pulled away from her, trying to regain the breath that he robbed from her body.
"When you come back to earth we should really talk." He replied with a laugh.
"I dont' wanna come back." I moaned as I let the tingles take over. My body was spent, I was in love, and I couldnt' think to save my life right now. I rolled over to him and held him tight.
He rolled over smiling and held her tightly.
"I love you Lizzie and as much as I have to go to the bathroom right now, I'm going to wait." He joked, hoping that she undestood.
"Oh you -" I smiled and let the pleasure encompass my body. I kissed his sweaty chest when I could think again. "OK you can go to the bathroom now" I smiled at him.
"Oh no no no." He replied. "I don't want to go anywhere now...or ever."
"Good - I like that answer. I love you Sly."
He kissed her forehead. "Love you."

CH 17

"Hey are you alive?" Sly whispered lovingly into Liz's ear.
"Yeah just happy." She kisses his chest.
"Lizzie, let me apologize for not making love with you." Sly said softly. "I'm not ready for that step."
"Thats ok - what we did was fine Sly - I don't know if I'm ready for that either. I felt like I was a while ago but now I'm not so sure."
"Do you want to talk about it Elizabeth?"
"Yeah sure. Lets talk." She rolls away and grabs her t-shirt and slides it over her head. Sitting up looking at him.
"Who did you sleep with?"
Lizzie rolled her eyes. "An asshole."
"Was he a good asshole or a bad asshole?" Sly asked curious. "Infact, why was he an asshole?"
"Do you really want to hear this? I mean do you want all the details or do you just want me to apologize for making that mistake 3 yrs ago?" Liz asked, not liking this conversation and remembering his hateful words earlier.
"I have to know Elizabeth." Sly said running his hand down the side of her face. "If we're supposse to have a future together I have to know stuff like this, all of it."
"Ok here is all the gorry details then - I want your word as a gentleman that you will not ask me questions until I'm done telling you."
"You have it Lizzie."
"Ok I was 14 yrs old and thought I knew everything about everything. I was out of control. I had just started high school and wanted to be popular but didn't want to run in the same crowds as my sister Sarah. So I tryed out to be a cheerleader. I figured I was small and tiny so I could at least be the top of the pyramid right? Well I got on the squad and got to know alot of the senior boys cos for some reason they dated the freshman girls. I started dating this one - Ray- Well I dont' think you could even call it dating. I went to a party with him, after we had been talking by our lockers for a week. At the party - all of the other girls were drinking, and smoking pot and I didn't want to look like an idiot so I joined in. Ray and I started dancin and drinking some more and soon we were kissing. We went out to his car and crawled in the backseat - suppossedly cos he wanted to talk to me. We didnt' talk. As soon as we got out there his hands were all over me and I tryed to tell him to stop." Liz starts crying unable to control the memories. "He told me that I came out there willingly and if I said no he would make sure that the whole school knew I was a frigid tease. No one would like me. So I let him. We did it in the back seat of his car. Afterwords he got up, told me to pull my underwear back up and get out. He never even took my clothes off, he never touched me, he never loved me. He just used me and left." The tears were flowing freely now. "So Sly to somewhat answer you question - I had sex with someone -once. I didnt' enjoy it, I dont' recommend it and I regret it - now you feel better cos you know."
Sly didn't answer her. He pulled her closer to him and held her in his arms. His smoothed her hair, rubbed her back, anything to try and calm her down. This wasn't what he expected and was a shamed for screaming at her earlier.
"I love you Lizzie. I love you." He whispered in her ear. He thought she needed to know that all men weren't asses.
"Do you?" She doubted him - she didnt' want to but she did.
"Why would you think that I wouldn't?"
"You have to ask that?" Liz was astonished. She had just told him her deepest secret about how she got her heart and soul used and now he wanted to know why she doubted him. "Sly one moment you are screaming at me, the next you are being a wonderful man, the next you are basically making me tell you my worst memory of my life and now you want to know why I doubt your love? Sorry its not a given." She was still crying horribly.
"Lizzie, I didn't hurt you." Sly replied. "The reason I asked is because I've waited. I planned on waiting until I was married to make love but then I met you and I knew instantly that you were the one. Someday we'll be married but I figured that someday sooner we could make love. I yell and I scream and christ I beat Lucky but I love you, it doesn't mean I don't. You see inside my head things get all messed up. So much has happened in my past and I don't want to burden you with it. I don't want to hurt you and it seems like all I seem to do. You can hate me and infact I wouldn't blame you for ever leaving me but please know that I love you and what that bastard did is something that I would never do. We won't be having sex, we'll be making love. I love you, with everything that I am."
"Then start showing it" The words escaped her mouth before she could get them back. "Sly I can't take this- this yelling at me for wanting to help you - the moods you go through that you won't talk to me about. How am I suppossed to believe in your love when you act like it was me that hurt you all those years ago. Sly I'm stronger than you think I am. I've dealt with things in my life that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy - but I want you to know that I love you - and that means all of you - even the
parts you wont' let me see."
"Elizabeth my parents died like yours, my relatives took me in and then when I was too much they seemed me off to some boarding school that I hated. It was torture for me, pure torture." Sly started to reveal himself only to prove his love. "I wanted to come home. I want my parents back, I wanted a girlfriend, I wanted a normal life and I never had it. I have all this pain and anger built up and it comes out on you I'm sorry, but I love you. If you doubt that I don't know what I'll do. I can't lose you, your all I've got."
"You're parents died?"
"My mom supposse fell down a flight of steps." He said, voice cracking with emotion. "I honestly don't believe that story and my dad...died in front of my eyes. He was shot because he had a striking resemblance to Lucky's father."
"Oh my God Sly - I'm so sorry I didn't know. Is that why you hate Lucky so much?" Liz didn't understand all the dynamics but she was hoping Sly would fill her in some.
"Liz, you parents died. I didn't want you to feel my pain as well." He replied softly. "I don't hate Lucky, its just times when he spouts off his mouth and he thinks he knows it all..." He tipped his head back staring at the ceiling, trying to prevent the tears from overflowing. "He never had to live without a father." He whispered.
Liz just hugged him, she didnt' know what to say she just pulled him down onto the bed with her holding him to her chest and letting him cry. Her hand running through his hair. "I love you Sly - I'll never let go."
"Lizzie, I'm sorry." He cried. "I'm an ass, a complete ass. I don't deserve you."
"Yes you do - I love you Sly -Forever." She just held him tight.
Sly reached over and kissed her remembering how this started a short time ago. He wanted to make love to her but was scared that he was going to be compared to another. Now he felt as if there was nothing to hold him back.
"Make love to me, Lizzie." He whispered against her mouth.

Emily stared at the wall as she paced the room.
"Think he's okay?" All thoughts of the nap had left her after she climbed into bed with Lucky. She didn't want to sleep, she wanted Sly to be okay.
"Yes Em- he's fine. Elizabeth is taking care of him."
"How do you know?" Emily snapped. "He's never been like this before."
"Because Em - he got his frustration at the world out on me. He's fine - you dont' hear yelling or anything right?"
"Actually I think he was pissed at you." Emily replied. "Then some other things came into play."
"I think its a lot of things your right - but have you ever known Sly to talk to anyone before he was ready to - I haven't." Lucky says still sitting on the bed. Wishing Em would be more concerned with them than Sly - he knew the problem they had wasn't over and she wasn't bringing it up.
"It's lovely how you can dismiss your cousin like that."
"Em what the fuck do you want me to do? He just beat the shit out of me for something that didn't concern him. He's fine- I'd know if he wasn't. Emotionally he's a mess but he wouldnt' talk to me if I walked out there right now anyway."
"I made it concern him." She glared. "You did something that you shouldn't have done and if Sly didn't kick your ass for it I would have."
"Well maybe you should have - maybe this is what is really bothering you and you should scream at me for this not for me not being concerned about Sly. Yell at me Em"
"He's my friend Lucky!" Emily yelled. "He was there for me in the beginning and he's always been there for me, even when you were preoccupied with other girls. I'm going to defend him, and worry about him, just like he did for me."
"Well then fine worry about him. You know Em - you are acting like I dont' care about him. He's my blood damnit - I love that guy like a brother - but I also know him like I know myself and the best thing for him right now is Liz, NOT me." Lucky gets up and starts to walk towards to door. "When you are ready to discuss what you are really mad at me about I'll be upstairs."
"Whatever happened to me controling things?" Emily asked. "Whatever happened to you stopping when I asked? Why would you think that I was ready to touch you like that Lucky?"
"Because you always wanted to feel it against you. When we would make out you wanted me to lay on top of you so you could feel me. I just thought that you really wanted to feel me but were scared to make the move - so I did." He couldn't believe how easy it was for him to answer her, all the time upstairs with Sly he couldnt' even understand what was so wrong but now he knew exactly what he did and why.
"So your saying what you did wasn't wrong?" Emily asked a bit shocked.
"NO I'm not saying that - why doesn't anyone listen to me in this place. Em I pushed, I moved your hand before you were ready - I apologized for that. You asked me why I did it? You asked me what made me think you wanted to touch me like that - I answered that question."
"There's two ways we can deal with this Lucky." Emily said. "One is you start thinking with the right head and ask before you assume I want to do something or two just end it right her. Pernally I'm going for the second one seeing how this place is being nothing but trouble since we got here. I'd rather take my chances with Helena Cassidine."
Lucky ran his hands into his hair. Exhasperated. "OK fine - whatever. You do what you want - you all do what you want - stay here go back to PC. I don't care anymore I am the devil incarnate ok. I'm 18 yrs old and trying to protect 3 people I care deeply about and I'm getting beat on from all sides. So go - go back to Helena - good riddens." Lucky almost screams by this time, he then walks to the door and runs up the stairs to one of the rooms up there, throwing himself down on a couch and starts to cry.

Ch 18

Emily was horrified that Lucky just left her. She was only beginning to express her emotions. She walked upstairs after him and found him in a room crying.
"Look at me." She demanded. "Why the hell are you acting like the victim here? You did something wrong?"
"I'm beginning to see that you think so Em - I'm not denying that I upset you - but its like you aren't listening to me - you asked me why I did it and I told you - what else do you want?" He looked at her in tears.
"You did more than upset me don't you see that?" She asked trying to control her emotions. "You hurt me Lucky and then after I asked you to stop. You went after me again. You promised me you'd always stop and then you didn't."
"I did not go after you again. I moved your hand once Em - you got out of the tub and took off, yeah I reached for you - I wanted you to tell me why you were so upset...and you still havent' told me. What don't you trust me? Sure ok I moved your hand but its not like I pinned you down and took you without your consent. Come on Em - tell me what freaked you out? You honestly think that I dont' want to be touched too. I mean I touch you and it doesn't bother you - so why does it when its reversed?"
"What about you reaching towards me again huh?" She asked crying. "Telling me you wanted me to touch you. Making me feel guilty for not being able to satisfy you. I didn't want to touch you and you reached for me again. You didn't let up until I flipped out!"
"Emily if thats the way you took it I'm sorry - thats not the way it was intended. I wanted you to touch me yes I'm not going to deny it - damnit I touch you all the time - give you pleasure but when it comes to you touching me you act like the fricken Virgin Mary. All you had to do was look at me in the eye and say - 'No Lucky I'm not ready for that yet' but you didn't you flipped out like I was actually going to fuck you against your will. Thanks for trusting me - maybe I am my dad's child after all
huh em?"
"I am the freaking virgin mary asshole." She said. "I've never been in a relationship before Lucky. I dont feel comfortable with some things. I dont know what to do or how to act and I felt scared. How did you expect me to react Lucky? Your hormones were raging, I was hurt, and all you wanted was more. What did you expect me to do? I was scared. I was really scared."
"Why didn't you say that? You told me to go to the bathroom and take care of it - it made it sound like you were rejecting me - not that you were scared. You had anger in your eyes not fear."
"Fine!" She screamed. "I guess it just comes down to us not trusting each other. If we dont have that then we don't have anything."
"You're right - we don't." Lucky said softly. The tears had stopped. He didnt' want to fight he wanted to know why she didn't trust him. "Before today - what had I done that made you not trust me?"
"You hadn't done anything. You know that." She said. "But you broke a big promise and you can't expect me to still trust you."
"What promise?"
"The one where you said you would back away. No matter what you would back away." She said. "And you still reached out. I dont care what you say now you know you wanted more. You know you did. You saw anger in my eyes and I saw passion and hunger in yours"
Lucky quietly shakes his head. "So I'm not suppossed to desire you? I'm not suppossed to want you? Baby we were kissing and caressing each other - what you saw in my eyes was what is always there when we kiss - desire, passion, hunger. I'm sorry if my desire for you is not something that I'm allowed to feel - I do - hell I'm looking at you now with your hands on your hips and a tear stained face and all I want to do is hold you - What do you expect of a boyfriend? For him to NOT want you?"
"I dont want you to hate me for being scare." She said. "I don't want you to get mad at me for not touching you. I don't want you to make decisions for both of us."
Lucky looks down and discouraged, defeated. He doesn't understand her, one moment she wants to learn, she wants him to lay on top of her when he didn't want to, and now she basically doesn't want him at all. "Fine Em - whatever you say. I won't touch you until you give me permission."
"Lucky." Emily breathed. She closed her eyes trying to regain some strength. "Talk to me please. If we have any chance we have to talk this out."
"What do you want me to say Em? Everything I say you ignore and point out how I'm wrong. Ok fine - I'm wrong, I should never have moved your hand. I get that. What else do you want?" Lucky is about to start crying again. She has all the cards, this isn't an equal relationship, this isn't 50/50 he could see it, 5 yrs from now, 10, she'd be telling him what clothes to wear, when he could hold her hand. He shuttered at the thought. What could he do though? He loves her so much he can't walk away. But can he love her on her terms only? Can he submit every ounce of self esteem and be her beck and call guy?
"Lucky what's going on in your head." She begged. "Am I hurting you? Tell me please." She couldn't get it out of her head that somehow this was her fault. Maybe she provoked this. Maybe she was a tease. Now she was yelling, screaming, avoiding. She didn't know what was going on anymore. Was this all worth it?
"Emily I'm going to tell you what I'm thinking but I swear to GOD that if the first thing out of your mouth after I do is that I'm wrong I'm walking away. My feelings and thoughts are not wrong - I have a right to them just like you have a right to yours. Ok?"
"Yeah." Emily said and sat down on the couch.
"What I'm thinking is hold all the cards. How can we be in a relationship when I'm being scolded like a schoolboy - like a 4 yr old who forgot to put his truck away. I am not allowed to touch you unless you say its ok...but when we are kissing I am expected to give you pleasure without getting any from you. I told you I didn't want to lay on top of you when we first started making out because I didnt' want to submit you to my desire but you wanted me there - you wanted to feel it. So now that you've actually felt it you yell at me. What am I suppossed to think? You are sending me mixed messages. First you want me to touch you and you want to feel my erection against your body, but then when I take your hand and help you feel how much I want you - I get scolded and told that you dont' want me to be mad because you don't touch me. Come on Em where is the give and take of the relationship? Why would I want to be in this relationship? I'm not saying we have to have sex or anything like that what I'm saying is that I have to feel like I have a voice that is allowed to be heard, and that my wants and desires don't go unnoticed. Because let me tell you something I wont' play this one sided game long. There now you know what I'm thinking." Lucky says running his hands through his hair, waiting for her reply.
"I dont want this to be my relationship." She said. Emily placed her head in her hands and sighed.
"Lucky I don't know what you want. I think you've figured that out by now. Sometimes I want things, and I think things, and I think they're so wrong. In my mind, I'm this 16 year old hornball. You can't imagine what I'm thinking 24 hours a day. Its not good and its about you. God Lucky, when I'm with you I want to touch you and I want to kiss you and I wanted to hold you forever but sometimes....sometimes I do get scared. When you took my hand and I touched you I felt too many things at one time. I felt like you betrayed me. You made me do something that I didn't want to do but then I asked myself. Did I really not want that? Feeling you against me....I lose my mind and I don't want to do something that I'll regret." She reached over and took her hand in his own.
"But then when it involves you, I know I won't regret it. Just like I don't regret coming across the world with you, of having you lay on top of me, or loving you. I love you Lucky and I don't want to have this one sided. As much as it scares you to be that way, it scares me to try and imagine living without you."
"Ok so what are we going to do about it Em?"
"Whatever you want to do Lucky." She replied. "I'm yours. I don't want to lose you. I can't."
"Damn it Em! Have a backbone. Make a decision - be a participant in this relationship- give me your opinion not - whatever you want Lucky and then I'll get yelled at again later."
"I don't want to fight with you." She replied more tears running down her face. "I made decisions and you are obviously misunderstanding me on some things. So here's my first big decision. We need a break ok? Maybe we jumped into this relationship too quickly. You want me make decisions then I'm going to need time to make them...on my own."
"Ok Em - I'll sleep up here tonight so you have time and space to decide what you want."
"Luck, I don't think I'm going to make all my decisions tonight." Emily replied. "I'll sleep downstairs tonight but then maybe its a good idea if I got a hotel or something."
"Its not safe." He says flipping back into his protective mode. "Emily the four of us have to stay together for safety."
"Then maybe I should just move my things up here. Give you some space." Emily said.
"Why are you giving up?" Lucky asks innocently enough.
"I'm not giving up." She replied softly. "I don't want to give up but you need answers and I can't give them to you."
"What questions do you think I'm asking? Em all I want to know is do you want to be in an Equal relationship? Or do you want to run things?"
"You know I want an equal relationship. I told you that already."
"So what makes you think I want other answers? Em we gotta get better at this communication thing." Lucky smiles shyly.
"Ok, lets try." Emily replied. "I don't know what I want with you psychially."
"Ok. Is kissing ok?"
Emily laughed a bit.
"Thats more than fine."
"Ok is touching above the waist ok?"
Emily blushed a bit.
"Ok well then I would like to propose a rule?"
"Rule is I'm not laying on top of you until you are willing to touch me below the waist. That way I won't submit you to a desire you aren't willing or able to deal with right now."
"Ok." Emily said swallowing hard. "Fair enough."
"Any rules on your end?"
"No, no, I'm still trying to grasp the last one." She said with a slight laugh. "What if I change my mind though? What if I want to move further? Is that okay with you?"
"Yeah its ok if you start to get ready to move forward but you have to talk to me - you have to sit me down and talk to me - dont' just ask me to lay on top of you - deal? You have to say Lucky I think we need to talk - I want you to verbalize your desire for more."
"So that's how you get your kicks eh?" Emily asked rasing her eyebrows. "Verbalization." She stopped for a mintue her smile fading.
"I'm sorry Lucky."
"Em I'm going to record that damn conversation so there is no mistake about what you want from me."
Emily sighed, rubbing her head.
"Are we okay now? I don't want to fight anymore."
"Yeah we're ok " Lucky smiled.
"I love you." She said and held him. She wanted to be in his arms for once again.
"I love you Emily." Lucky says holding her. Then kissing her ear, then her lips.
"I know you love me, just as much as I love you." Emily whispered against his lips. "Can I ask you a huge favor?"
"You can ask me anything- what can I do for you?"
"Talk to Sly." She asked with her big brown eyes. "Please."
"Do you really think thats wise right now?"
"Wise or not Lucky I think it needs to be done now." She replied. "I know you think he hates you and I know he overreacted but he's your cousin. He's so much more than that. I promise if you did me this one itty bitty favor I'll make it worth you while later."
"How?" He dares with his eyes.
"I don't know." Emily replied coyly. "Maybe another dip in the jaquzzi, a backrub, or something you ask me for. Whatever pleases you Mr. Spencer. What do you say?"
"I say for you I will try to talk to him. Lets go." He smiles. "But oh you are going to owe me big."
"Deal." Emily replied and slipped her fingers into his hair. "I love you, thanks for doing this."
Lucky smiles and kisses her again. What he wouldnt' do for this girl. He takes her hand in his and walks downstairs.

Ch 19

Lucky kisses Em's hand and walks over the Sly and Liz' room and knocks on the door.
"If we're really quiet they'll go away." Sly said kissing Elizabeth.
"Doubt it - besides you have to talk to him sometime." Elizabeth rolled off of him. "For me?"
Sly threw her a look.
"That's really unfair Webber." He said. "Besides its not that I don't want to talk to him, I just thought we were you know..."
"We'll do that later." She smiles. "He'll be out in a minute Lucky." She says to the door.
"Thanks Liz" Lucky says and walks away from the door with Em. "I dont' know if you should be around for this."
"Like I planned on it?" Emily replied. "I've had enough testosterione around me for the day. You and Sly can go fight outside. Liz and I will chat in her room." She kissed him quick. "Love you."
"I love you too Em. Forever." Lucky kissed her again as the door opened.
"You owe me." Sly whispered to Elizabeth.
"I know - And I'll have fun making it up to you." She smiles and lets her hand roam over his butt.
"Sly - can we talk?" Lucky asks.
"Yeah." Sly sighed. "Bye Lizzie." He blew her a kiss.
Lucky took his coat and walked outside. Waited for Sly to close the door and then turned around. "Sly - what happened earlier? What snapped?"
Sly shrugged.
"Something inside of my head like it always does. Look man, I didn't mean to hit you I'm sorry. I love you, you know that right? Your my brother, I just got a little crazed."
"I love you to brother. But you gotta talk to me man - that was wacked. Em got all scared - hell I didn't recognize you. Sly what did you mean when you said my cousin died years ago?"
"Let me give you the cliff notes version." Sly said. "Aunt Jenny decided that I was a fruit cake and sent me off to that damn hell hole known as the Citadel. I didn't like I hated it. It changed me, took away the joking loving Sly and pushed everything that I was dealing with into the back of my mind. Instead of facing things head on, I just learned bout respect and all that. So I learned how to treat my relatives instead of dealing with what was going on. Everybody got the ma'am, the sirs, and the Sly's fine. Not that I mind being respectful. I love it, its part of who I am but theres also a part of me hiding and you dealt with some of that today. I'm sorry."
"You dont' have to be sorry for that Sly - thats what brothers are for. Talk to me." Lucky sat down on the patio furniture - the part not covered by snow.
"I just get so frustrated with your life Lucky, it annoys the hell out of me." Sly said kicking his foot into the white flakes. "You have your mom and your dad and your little sister. The perfect package wrapped up with a neat little bow. Hell, you even have a gorgeous girlfriend."
"Well thats one that I almost lost. Sly - you have to know you've always been part of the package. I have a brother too - you. Dad and mom both think of you as another son. Lu doesn't know you arent' her brother - as much as I talk about you to her. But I guess I understand. I have it all and sometimes I take it for granted. While you don't have any of it and want it all. I'm sorry."
"I shouldn't blame you its not your fault that your dad and my dad looked identical. Not your fault we were all in the catacombs that one day. Not your fault he died in front of my eyes." Sly stopped trying to regain control of his own voice. "Not your fault your father got to live and mine died."
Lucky moved and wrapped Sly in his arms. Letting him cry and showing him that he loved him. "I'm sorry Sly. I'm sorry." He truly was, he remembered that day. He remembered seeing Uncle Bill get shot, he remembered watching him die, he remembered seeing Sly fall to his dad's side and beg him to live, beg him not to leave him.
"God, it hurts like it was yesterday and I always take it out on the wrong people. I'm sorry Lucky, I really am. I'm sorry." Sly gripped onto his cousin's shoulders and held him as his body convulsed with years of tears that he held back.
Lucky held tight to Sly letting him know that he was there for him. Letting him finally release the pain like no one had let him before.
"Phew." Sly said pulling away from his cousin with a smile. "Got any hidden secrets you wanna share?"
"Not any secrets but stick around I plan on needing my brother to give me advice."
"Uh oh." Sly said. "What happened?"
"Well Em and I had it out finally - about the jacuzzi but also about our relationship."
"Is she okay now? Are you both okay?"
"Yeah we are both ok, she ripped my head off and then we finally talked - finally set the groundrules so I'm not walking a wire anymore."
"I'm guessing she's new at this stuff." He said then his eyebrows furrowed. "She better be new at this stuff. I wouldn't want her with anyone else man. I know how you always felt about her."
"Yeah she's brand new at it all. You know - curious george meets the cowardly lion." He smiles - it was a wierd analogy but he was sure that Sly would get it.
"Yeah." Sly said with a laugh. "I know exactly what you mean."
"Sly - help me out here. How should I approach this - I mean she wants but is scared."
"She wants what Lucky?"
"She wants to kiss and touch and get turned on."
"Do you know why she is scared?" Sly asked. "Maybe its because she'll think she's disappointing you. Maybe she doesn't want to be compared with someone else. Maybe she thinks she's not good enough."
"Personally I think its a little of all three but something tells me she's scared to get to close to me."
"You and I both know Emmy." Sly replied. "She's always had that low self-esteem thing. She probably thinks you'll run out on her and that's why she's leaving you at a distance. That's why she held you off from the start."
"Well she better quit it damnit I love her too much for these damn games."
Lucky laughs.
"I know you do." Sly said sincerly. "Maybe you just need to tell her over and over again. You guys belong together. It's so obvious."
"Just like it is with you and Liz- so how are you two doing?"
"That is a whole another story." Sly said. "Do you believe her? That girl takes absolutely no shit from me. I don't think I could be anymore in love."
Lucky starts laughing. "She's fiesty with you Sly? You've finally met your match? This I've gotta see."
Sly shook his head scolding.
"It's not funny man. She threatens to walk out on me. She knows what that does, I can't leave without her. She makes me get all touchy feely...but I really don't mind. Not when it comes to her."
"Sounds like you are whipped?" Lucky laughs, seeing Sly smile was a good thing.
"Dude, it's bad." Sly said. His face then curved up to a smile. "Think they're talking about us?"
"Thier women - of course they are." Lucky smiles. "I hope."

"Liz." I moaned. "What do I do? I mean I want him but I'm just so scared."
"Well Em - you have to decide what you are more scared of - losing him or loving him."
"Losing him." Emily replied quickly. "I haven't spent a day without Lucky Spencer in 6 years."
"Well then - you do everything in your power to not lose him - but Em you two can make out quite heavily and not have sex. You dont' have to do him to satisfy him." How would she explain this if Em asked.
"Have you and Sly?" Emily asked. Her hand flew over her mouth.
"Oh Liz, I'm really sorry...thats too personal."
"No we havent' Em - we make out alot and have alot of fun in bed but we haven't made love yet."
"That's what I want." Emily replied with a smile. "Fun in bed...oh darn. Am I sounding like a perv?"
"No you are sounding like you want to explore. But you have to remember something - men dont' get scared when they get turned on - so Lucky is bound to want to keep doing more. So you have to be prepared for that when you go into it."
"Sometimes I think about us making love." Emily replied softly. "I want to make love to him but I'm afraid that I would disappointed him. I don't know who his been with. I don't feel like being compared. I know I can't compare to some woman he's been with. Like you for instance."
"Emily - Lucky and I were never intimate. He's only had one partner that he told me about."
Liz thought to herself why is the ex telling the current girlfriend about this. She should ask Lucky.
"Liz I'm not asking about that." Emily replied. "I just know that he dated lots of pretty woman and now he's dating me. I'm not exactly a gorgeous woman."
"Emily you are so. Lucky wouldn't go out with you if he didnt' want to - thats the one thing I am sure of. He fought for you to believe that he wanted you - why are you doubting him now. He's with you because he loves you."
"Yeah but I don't know if he's going to stick around forever." Emily sighed and climbed off the bed. "I should be talkng to Lucky about this. Thanks for your help. I'm gonna go wait in my room."
"Now sweetie - what should you be talking to me about?" Lucky says as he and Sly walk in the room.
"Things." Emily replied with a plastered smile. "So how are you guys."
"Great." Sly said and collapsed on the bed with Liz. "Miss me cutie?"
"Oh yeah. Let me show you." Liz smiles and pulls him to a kiss.
"Come on Em - lets talk." Lucky takes her hand and leads her to the living room.
"So how did things really go?" Emily asked sitting down. "You guys lovey dovey again?"
"Yeah we kissed and made up."
"Great." Emily said and found herself snuggling up against Lucky's chest.
"Ok what did you need to talk to me about?" He held her close.
"I didn't have to talk to you about anything. Something that I wouldn't mind bringing up at a later date though. What do you say we just enjoy the moment eh?"
"Ok - but Em are you avoiding something? I want us to communicate if its something that you want to talk about I'm here." He said pulling her closer to him.
"I guess I'm just a little worried about us." She mumbled. "No big thing it usually passes."
"Emily - talk to me. Come on after everything we went through today you are still scared to say something to me? Talk to me tell me whats on your mind?"
"I'm really really scared to give you all of me." Emily blurted out. "Really scared."
"Because...well look at me." Emily said. "I'm not this goddess the Lord sent down to earth. I'm little old me with some pre teens body. I've seen you with beautiful woman and I can't hold a candle to them. I love you so much it aches sometimes. I don't want to disappoint you Lucky and I know thats all I'm ever gonna do."
"How do you know this? Can you see the future? Do you see any of those "beautiful woman" roaming around. Emily I find you beautiful. Didnt' we go over this when I got yelled at for looking at you with Lust in my eyes. I wouldnt' want to be with you so bad if I didnt' find you so damn irresistable. You make me go weak in the knees when I see you. Especially when you are dressed like you dont' care who's looking - you are being comfortable. You put your hair up in a ponytail and you leave your neck bare. Do you have any idea how many nights I had to fight myself not to kiss your neck before we were going out. Em I think you are the most beautiful woman I know- will you please stop doubting that."
"What about the other parts of me?" She asked. "The inexperienced parts. The ones who want to throw you down on a bed and make love to you yet when her hand is placed on your body she turns into a screaming banchy."
"Well that part of Em we are learning to deal with." He smiles.
"Doesn't that drive you insane?"
"I would lie if I said I enjoyed dealing with it - I dont' but I'm a big boy I will deal with it - and someday you are going to trust me enough to know I'm not going anywhere."
"I do...sorta." Emily said. "Luck, I don't mean to hurt you but can you blame me? Practically ever one else walked out whether by choice or death."
"I'm not everyone else. When you gonna learn woman I'm not normal."
"Trust me, that much I know." She replied. "Be patient please? You never know, one morning I might wake up horny and daring."
"Remember Em - I'm going to make you say it - I'm not going to accept your horniness - cos once we cross the boundry that we've already set I'm not going to want to play yo-yo."
"Let's save us both some trouble and you can get rid of me now." She replied.
"Hell no - I told you I love you to much to get rid of you." Lucky kisses her quick. "Now I went to talk to Sly at your request and I do beleive that means you owe me something."
Emily smiled.
"What would you like Mr. Spencer?"
"I do beleive a backrub - a long backrub would suffice." He gets a smirkly grin on his face.
"Sounds like a plan but what do you say we move to a more comfortable place." She replied. "Like our bedroom."
"Very smart woman. Another reason to keep you around." He smiles and starts walking towards the bedroom.
"Give me one sec." Emily said rustling through a bag. "Just get rid of that shirt and relax."
"Oh Demanding woman - I like it." He says pulling his shirt over his head. Laying down on the bed on his back looking at her. "I want a kiss before you start this."
"Now who's demanding." Emily replied smiling. He planted a soft kiss on his lips. "I love you."
"I love you too." Lucky pulls her to him so he gets a better kiss.
Emily felt her head swirl as Lucky's tongue slipped into her mouth.
"I'm not going to be coherent enough to give you a back rub."
"Oh sure you will when I let you come up for air." He smiles and pulls her so she even closer but not on top of him. Kissing her for all he's worth.
Emily sighed. She didn't want to move now. Being in Lucky's arms was a whole different world for her, a safe world.
"Enough Cassanova." She replied moving away from him. "Keep that up and you aren't getting a backrub."
"OH comeon ... meany." He smiles and flips his body over so he was laying on his stomach.
"That's better." Emily replied. She held the lotion in her hands and sat on Lucky's lower back. She reached over and smacked his rearend.
"Nice behind Spencer."
"Hey now woman - hands off the merchandise. Remember stay above the waist."
"For now." Emily replied and started to rub some lotion in her hand. She blew softly to warm it up with her breath. She then slowly rubbed Lucky's shoulders.
"Hope you don't mind smelling like a pepperment."
"I dont' care what I smell like as long as it gets your hands on me."
"Ah, I see where this is leading." Emily asked and dug her hands deep into his shoulders. "Just let me know what you like hot stuff."
"I thought thats what I've been doing. You Em - I like you."
"Stop it Luck, your going to distract me." She tried to scowled. She lotioned her hands some more and moved down his back working in the middle of his back then slowly moving towards his sides.
"Wouldnt' want that to happen." He laughs letting his body relax."
"No, we wouldn't." Emily replied softly. She slid her hands down his lower back, just above where she was sitting. She massaged her fingers into him, rubbing softly, then harder. She added more lotion, worked slowly, then made her way over towards his sides, then back. Emily sat back a little more and pulled his jeans down a tad. She slid three fingers under his waistband and slowly rubbed them along the upper part of his backside.
"Um..." Is all he could say, she was good at this.
Emily closed her eyes and slid her fingers down a little lower till the trapsed lightly across Lucky's butt. She let out a slow breath realizing that his backrub was turning her on. Touching Lucky was taking her to places she was too scared to go to this morning. She pulled her hands back and laid her chest against his back. She kissed his shoulder, lingering there for a moment.
"Did you enjoy that?"
"Yes I did. And I can tell you did too." Lucky rolled over to face her. Each of them now on thier sides. He then kissed her lightly - to see where she would take it.
Emily fiercly pulled Lucky's head closer to hers. Touching him, hearing how happy she could make him, was driving her insane. She revealed in their tongues clashing together. Her oiled hands then slowly slid up his chest to tease his nipples.
Lucky relaxed and let her explore, not wanting to scare her or come accross forward, he let her hands explore his chest while his mouth claimed her as his own.
Emily was gettting frustrated and anxious with his non roaming hands. She tore herself away from his mouth and kissed her way down his neck and collarbone. She took his nipple between her thumb and indexfinger, rolling it until it became a hard peek. She then kissed it, taking it into her hot mouth. She placed her hands on his chest, nudging him back on the bed.
"What do you want Em?" Lucky asked between kisses.
"I just wanna feel you Lucky." Emily replied kissing her way down to his stomach. She let her tongue swirl around his belly button, before dipping it in quickly and pulling it back out. Her hands massaged his love handles. She ran her small finger along the tiny hairline that disappeared into his jeans. She was doing anything and everything to make him hot. She was also driving herself insane.
Lucky was enjoying this - he knew it was mean but it was a way to teach Em to be mutual. "Have enough of this onesidedness? Want me to join in?"
"Sure...uh huh." Emily moved her way back up and kissed his nipples again, her fingers slipping into his hair.
"Ok." Lucky's hands began to explore her through her shirt. Not knowing if she got his point or not but he couldnt' resist her very much longer.
Emily pulled back a bit ripping her shirt off and throwing it on the floor, where Lucky had placed his. She also knocked the lotion off the bed.
"I want you hands," She said kissing his neck. "on my skin."
Lucky smiled, who was he to deny her. He was only a man. His hands began to roam on he stomach and her back. His hands reached her bra strap and unhooked it. Sliding it off her body he let his hand cover her breast as the fabric fell away.
"Lucky." Emily moaned. She rolled over on her back bringing him with him. She only pulled his upper body ontop of her remembering their rule.
"You make me feel so good."
"I can make you feel better." He says and kisses her once more and then kisses down to her breast and taking her nipple in his mouth. His hand torchering the other one.
Emily moaned something inchoerently. Her thoughts escaped her mind. She squirmed and arhced under him loving the pleasure he was giving her but also wanting to return it. She pulled him up to her, kissing her hard and passionately.
"Lucky?" She said under his mouth, her hand caressing his chest again.
"Yes baby?" he says against her lips.
"I love you." She states, her eyes locking with his deep baby blues. Then before he knew what she was doing, before her judgement could stop it, her hand traveled down further and lightly caressed his desire over his jeans.
As difficult as this was going to be for Lucky he had to do it. He couldn't let her break the rule. Partcially because if he did he'd never want to stop. Particially because he knew if she did this today tomorrow it would be off limits. Slowly he took her hand and moved it from his aching erection back to his chest. "We agreed. Above the waist." Then he kissed her. Hoping she didn't make him do that again or he just wouldn't be able to.
"Lucky, whoa." Emily said pushing him away. "We need to talk."
He let out a breath knowing that somehow this would be his fault. He wasnt' going to
take her yelling at him when he was in this state. "Fine - let me calm down I'll be back in a
few minutes." He says and gets out of bed and walks in to the bathroom. His body very
uncomfortable in his jeans. He quickly shed them and got into an ice cold shower. Which
did little to cool his desires at first.
Emily laid back on the bed and cried. She really didnt care about anything anymore. She didn't want to fight with Lucky and then he left her, turned on. She now experienced something she must've put him through numerous times. She choked back the last few tears and waited patiently to get out of the shower.
As he got out of the shower, finally back to a state where he could think clearly he put his jeans back on and dried his hair a bit and walked back out to face her.
"OK Em - you wanted to talk to me."
"I just wanted to talk." She replied softly, still lying on the bed. "You didn't have to leave me. I know why you did what you did. I wanted to tell you I was sorry and that I wanted to move further, but I guess we can't do that now, can we?" She slowly slid off the bed.
"I guess I should grab a shower now then I'm gonna go to bed."
"Wait a minute."
She turned around and looked at him. She wasn't in the mood for another arguement. It's been a long day.
"Yes Lucky."
"Do you want to change the rule? Do you want to touch everywhere now?"
"Yes." She replied softly. "Instincts just kicked in and I didn't think. You were just making me feel so good and that fear disappeared and I just wanted to be with you. I remember the promise, the one that disappeard during passion, and I wanted to talk to you about it. Then I was hoping...well nevermind."
"NO Em - tell me - I want you to talk to me." Lucky said holding her hands.
Emily looked up at him shyly, their eyes meeting.
"Then I was hoping we could finsih what we started." She whispered. "Let it leads to where it leads."
"I would love to do that Em. I just needed us to talk about it - get it out in the open."
"That was my plan when you ran off to the shower."
"Emily I had to get away - I thought you were going to yell at me for sticking to our rule and I was in no state for that."
"You weren't the only one in that state Lucky." Emily replied. "Infant i'm still in that state. Just stick around for a little while longer, maybe we can continue things. Now can I cool off like you did? I'm still a little hot and bothered."
"Sure thing babe. Want a sandwich Im hungry?"
Emily rolled her eyes.
"Men." She mumbled. "You go eat, I'll go cool down."
"Ok" He says and winks at her. As he walks out of the room he thinks to himself its about time she felt that.

Ch 20

"The jacuzzi Em? Isn't that kinda a bad place for us?" Lucky laughs when she suggests the four of them go to the whirlpool.
Emily raised her eyebrows at him.
"I was beginning to think it helped move things along, but hey if you wanna live in the past I'll remember that tonight."
"Oooh." Sly said. "Shot you down."
"I have ways of making her regret that comment." He laughs knowing that all he has to do is kiss Em on the backside of her knees and she was all his.
"Alright, alirght, enough with the sexual innuendos." Emily replied. "Liz, will you come in the whirlpool with me?"
"Sure Em - Hey if they aren't coming we dont' even have to wear our suits." Liz laughs at the the men in thier lives. Things had been going very nicely for the past month. Once everyone finally got settled in -in thier relationship.
"I never said I wasn't coming." Sly said sliding his arms around her. "A jaquzzi with you sounds better than those damn ski reservations we made. Still not gonna wear a suit?"
"I have to wear a suit now....but you can take if off me later." Liz gives him a kiss.
"Emmy - can I come to I promise to be a good boyfriend." Lucky smiles that Spencer grin to EM.
Emily sighed playfully.
"I guess. Come on, let's go."
Lucky grabbed her hand and led her upstairs. Giving her a kiss before she slipped into the changing room to put her suit on. "I love you"
"Hurry up." Emily said with a smile before dashing in and changing into her two piece. She came out and saw Sly sticking his big toe in the jaquzzi.
"I don't think the water bites Eckert." Emily replied.
"I'm testing it." Sly said.
"Testing it for what?" Liz says as she wraps her arms around his middle.
"Don't want it to be too warm now do we?" Sly asked.
"OH get your cute little butt in the water." Liz says and gets into the water.
"See now I have plenty of reason to." Sly said and followed her.
Emily placed her hands on her hips and pouted.
"Lucky, hurry up." She stated looking towards the changing room door.
"Ok" Lucky laughed as he came out with not only his swim trunks on but flippers and goggles. He has been making Em laugh quite a bit latley and he liked that sound.
"Lucky." Emily said holding back some laughter. "What are you doing?"
"Well I might have to go under to save you so I needed to be prepared. You know us Spencers. Always have to be prepared." He walked over to her with the flippers making noise.
Emily burst out laughing.
"Lucky stop." She said through giggles. "It's three feet of water." She had tears forming in her eyes.
"But Em -- I'm just trying to be prepared for you. But if you insist." He takes the flippers off and kisses her - with the goggles still on.
"Your crazy." Emily replied and kissed the goggle lenses that still rested on his eyes. "That's why I love you."
"Lucky! Lucky!" Sly called from the water. "Save me! I'm downing in the inch of water!"
"Save yourself I'm getting some loving." Lucky laughed and pulled Em to him.
"That hurt." Sly said and moved over towards Elizabeth. "Hey sweetie."
"Hey baby I'll save you." Liz hugs him close and kisses his cheek.
"Hmm, with that spiffy little suit you can save me anytime." He replied. "Hey you two you gonna get your bubble butts in here?"
"Man he just doesn't know when to shut up." Lucky kisses Em one more time and they get in the water.
"You just love showing off in front of your woman don't you?" Sly asked slipping his arm around Liz. "She knows your an idiot, you don't have to keep proving that."
"Hey now- Em arent' you going to stand up for you man?"
"Your standing just fine yourself." Emily replied with a smile. "Aw come on Sly, stop picking on Lucky."
"It's so easy though."
"I know it is but it's not nice." Emily replied.
"Sly behave." Liz says sternly - letting him believe he would be in trouble later.
"Yes ma'am." Sly said with a mock salute. "Come here you fistey thing you. Isn't this great? Like this really long all expenses paid vacation. Remind me to thank your mom again Luck."
"Don't speak to soon Sly. Something tells me this isnt' going to be this peaceful for long." Lucky states. Then kisses Em.
"And you wonder why I call him an idiot?" Sly asked LIz. "He dampens my parade."
"Hey now - Sly you love me and you know it."
"Its unfortunate isn't it?" Sly replied.
Sly then nuzzled closer to Elizabeth, kissing her nose. A loud bang erupted shortly after, shaking the tub they were in.
"What the hell was that?" Sly exclaimed. He jumped up and ran to the window. There, 2 miles away, the ski resort was on fire. Flames shot up in the sky, glass blowing all over, and he could even see some bodies. The neighbors window's went and even some of the bike's they had outside where damaged.
"Lucky?" Sly said nervous. "You need to look at this."
Lucky jumped out of the tub and was at the window with Sly in a second. One look at the ski lodge and he knew. "So much for our vacation. Ok everyone needs to change clothes and be packed in 10 min. We are out of here. Remember all your id's. Lets go!" Lucky said walking back to the hot tub to help Em out.
"Luck, what's going on?" Emily asked a bit worried.
"Emily I'll explain when we are safe. Please just do as I ask now - get changed into something warm and pack. Please." He needed her to listen to him now. Not argue. He knew this routine too well.
"No problem." Emily replied.
"Glad we canceled that ski trip." Sly mumbled to Liz pulling her out.
Lucky and Em packed up everythingin thier rooms after changing clothes. The swimsuits went into a plast bag tied tight then put in with the rest of the clothes. Lucky found ID's for the four of them and ran through the house gathering anything that belonged to any of the four of them. Within 10 minutes everyone is packed and they are on thier way t
o someplace else. Lucky decided they would go someplace warm this time. Italy.
Emily sat down next to Lucky on their private jet. She silently ran her fingers through his hair as he looked out the window.
"What happened?" She asked softly.
"Helena found us."
Emily let out a low breath.
"How do you know she's not watching us now, Lucky? How do you know she's not following the plane or knowing where we are going? How do you know she isn't going to meet us there waiting to kill us?"
"Because honey, Helena isnt' in Switzerland- if she was she would have been sitting watching us in the house while she blew up the place. Remember baby I've done this my whole life. It took her a month to find us last time so I'll make sure she can't trace us this time."
She looked at him, tiny tears forming in her eyes.
"I trust you with my life Lucky." She said. "But I can't help but be a little scared."
"Its ok angel - you can cry but trust me - she wont' ever hurt you- I promise you that I will not let her."
Emily moved closer and snuggled against Lucky's chest.
"I love you." She whispered.
"I love you Emmy. Sleep. I'll protect you."
Emily sighed and caressed his cheek.
"I know you will."

Chapters 21-25
JL's Fanfics
GH's Next SuprerCouple