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Chapter 21

Liz let her bags fall to the ground in the hotel room in Paris. The stopover they are making for a day before continuing to Italy.
"Sly I'm trusting you with my life with Helena but I think we need to talk about another form of protection. Making out with you is getting to good for me to want to stop."
Liz smiled and felt incredibly awkward bringing this up.
Sly laughed a little.
"You have really great timing." He said sitting down on the bed. "What do you want to talk about?"
"Well" She sits down next to him. "Birth control. What are we going to do about it?"
"There's these things called condoms, Lizzie." Sly replied. "It's really neat. They're latex and they come in all different kinds of colors. You just slip them on and they do the job for you."
"Smart ass." She smacks his leg. "So you are telling me here and now that you are going to take 100% responsibility for birthcontrol every time. I dont' have to ever think about it again?" She uses as much sarcasm as he did- then smiles at him.
Sly grabbed her hand and placed a tender kiss on it.
"If thats what makes you comfortable, Elizabeth." He replied. "I'm willing to take on all the responsibilty. If something does happen, like the condom breaks I plan on doing the right thing and making you my wife."
"Sly - I dont' ever want to become your wife by default. Would you like me to go on the pill or something else - like a backup method?"
"Lizzie, your not going to be my wife by default. We're getting married sometime...that would just speed things up." Sly said with a smile. "Honestly Elizabeth, whatever makes you feel comfortable. I heard about those exames though."
He scrunched up his face in pain.
"I understand if you dont want to do that."
"I've also heard about how much men like rubbers." She smiled. Running her fingers down his chest.
Sly grabbed her fingers and brought them to his mouth.
"I'll love them if it keeps us protected." He said softly. "Might not be my favorite thing but if it prevents a little Sly running around Im all for it. And don't tease me Elizabeth, touching me like that leads to bad things."
"Bad?" She laughs. "I thought it was feeling good." She smiles and kisses his neck. "If you want to wear them I'll all for having no responsibility at all."
"Its bad since I don't have any on me now." Sly sighed. "I'll wear them for you Elizabeth, I'd do anything for you."
"I have one." She smiles daringly.
"You have on?" Sly asked, his eyes going wide. "Where did you get a condom?"
"I bought some before we left Port Charles. A woman must be prepared." She giggles.
"I'm shocked." Sly said. "What made you think that I was going to sleep with you? You have that much confidence, Miss Webber?"
"Sly you are only a man....your body betrays your thoughts."
Sly looked at her hurt.
"Elizabeth, I'm not like that." He said seriously. "We dont...look maybe this isn't such a good idea. We're rushing into this."
"Whats wrong? Sly whats with that look." She asks noticing the instant change in tone and body language.
"I might think about you sexually...hell I dream it every night but that doesnt mean that Im automatically going to sleep with you." He replied. "We left Port Charles to keep you safe. I wasn't even in love with you then, sex was the last thing I planned on doing with you. I might have been thinking about it not stop, but look at you Lizzie, who wouldn't? I'm not that kind of man though. I've never been with anyone else and I planned on waiting until I was married. I don't have to though. Your the one, your it, your the angel that God sent to me. I want to make love to you because its about love, its about us connecting in the deepest way possible, not because its all I can think about. Look," He placed his hand on her cheek, "I might hate condoms, they might even give me an allergic reaction, but if it keeps you protected then I'm all for it. I want you to know that I love you...if it happens, when it happens, it's love, not sex, love. And you cant bet your life that I'm going to erase the memories that asshole put in your head so please, don't bring me down to that category by assuiming I would have sex with you becasue of the way my body reacts. Assume that I would have it because you are the other half of me and I want to finally me whole."
"Sly are you trying to tell me that your body does not influence your thoughts at all?" She didn't understand what he was saying.
"No Elizabeth, there are times when Im fighting with myself." He said. "But I can't act on them. I would never make love to a woman when I don't love her and I dont want there to ever be a time where you and I just have sex. Its love, all the time. I can't settle for anything less and I don't expect you to either."
"Ok Sly - I'm tired." She stands up quickly to grab clothes out of her bag to change.
"Lizzie, what do you mean?" Sly asked. "Can't we talk this out? I don't want to keep things inside and end up fighting about this later. What's going on in your head?"
"What do I mean? I didnt say anything. Sly I'm sorry I understand that you've never had sex - and you have this romantic and beautiful image of it - thats not the image I have though - I know from experiance that what a man says isn't what he means. When he says I won't push you he means you will put out of I'll tell the school you are frigid." Lizzie inhales deeply not feeling the tears that are falling down her face. "Sly I live in that romantic fairy tale world - my reality is this = sex is demanding, hot, horney, painful and causes months of regret - thats reality Sly. Sorry you can live in the fantasy - I'll take my reality so I don't get hurt again." She turns away so the tears can fall in peace.
"God Elizabeth." Sly whispered and walked towards her. He thought better of it. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair.
"I don't know what I can do for you. I don't know what you want from me or how I can make you feel better, but you have to trust me Elizabeth. I would never do that I love you. Don't you know that I would never hurt you like that?"
"I know that you think you never would never hurt me like that. But Sly I never thought he would either. Just love me. Someday I'll figure it out."
"I thought you loved me."
"I do." She says softly.
"Love and trust go hand in hand Elizabeth." He replied. "And you don't trust me."
"Sly I trust you - I dont' trust men in general. God look at how you reacted when I told you I had had sex before - you instantly closed a gate to your heart before you even heard the story. Sly I trust you with my life - obviously I'm here arent' I? But I dont' live in the romantic fairy tale world that exhists for you. Thats what I don't trust - beleiving in the fairy tale."
"Then I guess we live in two different worlds don't we Elizabeth?" Sly replied. "You can say you trust, you might even believe that you trust me, but you don't or else you wouldn't be holding me accountable for someone else's actions." Sly grabbed the card key to the hotel.
"Your tired and I'm not. I'm heading to the bar downstairs, see you in the morning." He didn't smile, he didn't kiss her goodbye, he just left.
Liz just sat down on the bed and cried, she didn't give him what he wanted and he left. No matter what he had said, no matter what Sly believed about love he just proved her distorted view of men right - in her mind - if you didn't give a guy what he wanted - whatever that may be - he would leave. Liz cryed as she took her clothes off and climbed into bed, realizing that she would remain lonely forever.

Emily dropped her bags by the door, one landing close to Lucky's foot, and stormed in the bathroom slamming the door behind her.
"Ok I'm assuming I'm in trouble here?" Lucky smiles to the door.
"You are way past trouble boy." Emily cried through the door. "I can't believe you!"
"Ok Em - what did I do this time." Lucky grins his famous Spencer grin. She was so cute when she was mad.
Emily threw the door open and saw the stupid smirk on his face.
"Breakfast was wonderful, Candy." She mocked. "I just loved the service, they should hire more people like you. We should all get together for dinner while you're here till your next flight. I'll make sure Jason knows what lovely help you've been." Emily glared at him.
"I don't think you could've made it more obvious."
"What I was being polite?" Lucky smiled to her. Didn't she know he was happy with her.
"I believe that layman call it throwing yourself at a blond bimbo."
"Baby - I'm with you - I'm happy where I am. What are freaking out about?"
Lucky didn't get it - he came home with her.
"Nice and slow." Emily said emphasizing her words. "You....were...FLIRTING!"
"And??? Thats against the law in which country? I wasn't touching."
Emily's jaw dropped open.
"I cannot believe you! I'm your girlfriend for pete's sake and you were flirting with another woman in front of me and you find NOTHING wrong with that?"
"Emily. Come on honey- I flirted- I didn't touch. I only want to be with you. Thats all - flirting means I'm a Spencer nothing more - now cuddling means I'm in love." Lucky walks up to her and wraps his arms around her waist.
"Don't even think that your getting away that easy." Emily repiled backing away from him. "I bet your father used that line once or twice and I bet your mother slapped him around a bit too. I'm tempted to do the same thing."
"Come on baby - why are you feeling threatened? I'm not with her - I'm with you - the woman of my heart." Lucky is using his Spencer charm quite a bit now.
"If I was the woman of your heart you wouldn't have to be flirting with Candy, the peppy flight attendant." Emily replied. "Remind me to call Jason when Im allowed and have her fired."
"Oh come on Em - thats just petty - it was a few words, a smile - what is the harm?"
"Your gonna be feeling the harm in two seconds pal." Emily said. "Lucky she was twice your age and you did it right in front of me!"
"I'm sorry Em - you're right - flirting in front of you is bad form. I apologize for that." Lucky was careful with his words now.
Emily's eyes narrowed.
"But if you were out with Sly and saw a pretty lady, then flirting's okay."
"Why not?? I mean I don't put rules on you?"
"I wouldn't even look at another man let alone flirt with one Lucky." Emily replied. "I'm in love with you, there's no need for me to flirt with someone else."
Lucky smiles and runs his hand through his hair. "Emily flirting is harmless."
"Really?" Emily asked with a sweet smile.
"Yes really - Flirting is just talk -- its when it goes to touching that I have a problem with it."
"So say I put on one of those dresses that you love." Emily replied with a smile. "You know the ones from my modeling shoots? And I head downstairs and sit at the bar. This lovely, older, richer, man offers to buy me a drink. We talk, we laugh, and you have absolutely no problem with that, honey?"
"If you accept the drink I do - and I have a problem if you would leave me to go flirt -- but Em if you were out and saw somone that caught your eye and you flirted with him - I wouldn't feel threatened - I know you would come home to me - I'm secure in our relationship."
"Oh I see." Emily said with a smile. "The flight attendant caught your eye."
"She was pretty yes - but you are beautiful."
"I dont care if she was freaking Miss America, Spencer you should only have eyes for me."
"I do only have eyes for you baby - but I'm not blind. I love you - but I won't stop looking at 1/2 the human race - this isn't about me flirting Em this is about why its a problem. Baby I'm not going anywhere so I know my flirting means nothing more than I'm a Spencer."
"Lucky, I don't care if you look at people. I mean heck I checked out your cousin a few times, but its the flirting thing that gets me." She replied. "Am I not good enough to flirt with?"
"Em you are more important to me than someone I flirt with - you are the woman on my arm, you are the woman I bring home, you are the woman I love."
"Well then cant you just flirt with me and be happy?" Emily asked. "Is that too much to ask?"
"Emily I'm only human - Hell I'm male. Emily I promise to behave and I won't flirt in front of you but I wont' lie to you and tell you I won't flirt at all."
"Well at least you admitted you were an ass for flirting in front of me." Emily replied with a smile. "And since your such a big strong Spencer man you can sleep on that lovely couch tonight."
"Hey I said I was sorry about flirting in front of you like 10 min ago. What do you say you let me make it up to you - that will prove to you so much better how sorry I really am." Spencer charm turned up to 10.
"Aw, your so sweet." Emily replied. She took a pillow off the bed and hit him in the stomach with. "You can proclaim your love from over there on the couch."
"Fine but you know this is not the correct way to make up after a fight." He smiles and pulls his shirt off, hoping that Em will want to run her hands on his chest.
"I just want you to learn your lesson." Emily replied gazing at his naked chest. "Flirting in front of you insecure girlfriend is really bad."
"But my beautiful girlfriend has absolutely no reason to be insecure." He reaches for the button on his pants and takes a step toward her.
"Flattery will get you everywhere." Emily whispered as she watched Lucky fiddle with the button. She tore her eyes away and stared at him. "You are sleeping on the couch." She repeated more for herself than him.
"OK Baby." He unbuttons the button on his jeans. Walking slowly towards her. "Sure you don't need me to tuck you in. I mean as your boyfriend I would be more than happy to do that for you."
"You are sleeping on the couch." Emily replied her eyes eagerly returning to the open button on his pants.
"Sure honey. Want me to help with your clothes. I mean I could help you take them off." He looks to her with passion in his eyes one hand still near his unbuttoned button to draw her attention.
"God Lucky do you know how much I want you right now." Emily whispered, her voice thick with desire. She never sounded like that before but there was something about Lucky standing there with one button open on his jeans.
"How much Emmy? I will give you anything you want" He said as his mouth touched her neck softly.
"Your suppose to be on the couch." She whispered as Lucky's lips barely touch her neck. She closed her eyes. The emotions and sensations running through her were too much. She never felt this way before and she didn't know where it was going to lead.
"I'll go if you want me too. Just let me help you into bed." Lucky kisses her collarbone then lifted her shirt over her head. Looking at her eyes seeing her passion and equaling it.
Emily stood in front of Lucky in her bra and boxers. She wasn't nervous and her insecurity didn't kick in. She felt something rise inside of her and she knew if she didnt taste him soon she would burst.
"Help me into bed." Emily said softly. She walked backwards pulling him with her by the belt loops on his pants.
"Oh sexy you got it." He picks her up pulling her body flat against his and layed them both down, his body covering hers completely.
Emily whimpered feeling Lucky pressed against her. They moved on over a month ago, touching more, loving more and now she was ready for even more. She ran her fingers through his hair, pulling him closer towards her, trying to let him feel the passion that was running inside of her body.
"Oh Emmy." Lucky's mouth possessed her, his body was on fire and he was sure she could feel it already. She was so beautiful and she was making his body feel things that he had never felt before. A need was building inside of him that only she could satisfy.
Emily pulled Lucky against her, she could feel his growing desire and she ached to feel more of it. She wanted to feel all of Lucky and she never wanted her love for him to stop. She ran her hands up and down his smooth back and slowly over his behind. She then reached around his front and massaged him through his jeans.
"OH baby - " Lucky could barely contain himself when her hand caressed him. His Emily was getting daring, something in her movements told him she was ready to move forward. His mouth and hands quickly found her breasts. Her right breast quickly found its way into his mouth. His tongue assualting her nipple. His left hand teasing her left breast.
"Lucky." Emily moaned under him, her back arching forcing her breast deeper into his mouth. She pulled the zipper down on his jeans and started tugging them off with her eager hands. He was setting her body on fire and she wanted to do the same for him. She slid her hands along the elastic of his boxers and then quickly slipped one in feeling his growing erection.
"Honey hold on one second ok?" He said after letting go of her breast. He quickly got off the bed dropping his pants and going over to his bag which was by the couch and grabbing some condoms and returning to her placing them on the nightstand. "Ok now where were we?" He says laying back down on top of her.
Emily's eyes wandered over towards the night stand.
"Are we doing that tonight?" Emily asked softly, feeling nervous.
Lucky's hand came up to caress Em's cheek. "Only if you want honey, I just wanted them near us if thats what it came to - we can just make out - we don't have to go farther. I'll never push you honey. I love you."
Emily smile as she reached for Lucky's hand.
"I don't know why I'm feeling this way." She said in a whisper. "Maybe its from running across the world with you, maybe its because of the way you make my body feel, maybe its because I love you but right now...something inside of me is burning." She pulled his lips towards hers and kissed him tenderly.
"Make love to me Lucky." She whispered, her eyes filling with tears. "But be gentle, your my first."
"I'll make love to you Emily - but when you body is ready to accept mine, and you'll never have to tell me to be gentle - I'll never be anything but. Now come here - I believe you were kissing me or something." He smiled and his hand found its way to her breast again.
"I just want to be as good as the others." Emily whispered breathlessly as she arched under Lucky's mouth.
"Others?" Lucky rolled off of her. He could tell this is not going to be good. "Others?"
Emily sat up on her elbows and looked at him confused.
"I'm not your first, I don't mind that. I just don't want to disappoint you."
Lucky took a deep breathe, why does this converstation sound like he's had millions. "Emily there was one other person besides you - if we ever make love. Don't say others- theres been one."
"Ok, I'm sorry." Emily said geniunely. She sensed that Lucky was getting upset. "What do you mean if we ever make love?"
"Well I'm kinda not in the mood now. " Lucky says as he runs his hands in his hair.
"I didn't mean to bring up your other lover." Emily replied. "Lucky, I just want to please you thats all."
"Emily - you please me by just being you - I love you - no one else. I dont' care if Cindy Crawford walked in the room - you are the woman I would want on my arm. Baby you have to stop this. Stop the insecurity I'm not going anywhere."
"Ok, I get it." Emily replied. "Maybe we should just go to bed."
"OK what?" Lucky says, knowing that she's mad or upset about something.
"Nothing." Emily shrugged. "Your not in the mood, I'm not in the mood, and this insecure thing is pissing you off so I think bed is a really good idea."
"I think talking to me is a better one. Emily if you want to be intimate with me - you have to be intimate with your mind long before your body." Lucky doesn't want to anger her, he starts running his hand on her back. "I Love you Emmy - tell me whats going on in your head."
Emily shrugged her shoulders softly.
"I love you so much." She whispered. "I've loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you. I never wanted you with anyone else but me and then when you finally come to me, I got so scared. Lucky your so beautiful and perfect and I can't see how anybody cant not love you. I dont see how Liz let you go. I'm just scared that one day, when flirting with someone else, your going to realize that she's better, she's prettier, she's more experienced. She can satisfy you more than I can." Emily turned to face him, tears slowly rolling down her cheeks.
"Don't you get that I dont deserve you?" She asked. "I'm nothing, I'm less than nothing. I'm this orphan who this rich family picked up because they pitied me. I wasn't good enough for Nikolas Cassidine, I wasn't good enough for anyone in our school, hell even when I was on drugs I wasn't good enough for the druggies. I dont deserve your love and frankly I dont get why your still here with me. I'm sorry, I just don't." She quickly brushed the tears away and turned her face in the opposite direction.
"And I guess I get no choice here right? You decide that you think you arent' good enough and I'm just suppossed to beleive that? Em in case you haven't realized it in all the million years I've known you - I don't just join the bandwagon. I'm not going to join the pity wagon you have going either. Emily you are too good - not not good enough. You have to believe you are worth the best though if you want others to believe it. Because I choose you - I think you are the best and if you are refusing to
trust that then you are basically telling me that I'm lying to you - and that I dont' appreciate cos I dont' lie. EVER"
"I don't know what to think Lucky." She replied softly. "I haven't been wanted for so long and now you, this angel, comes along to love me. Its so overwheleming. I don't think your lying. I know you would never lie to me. You think I'm beautiful, you think I'm perfect, and I'm trying to believe that too its just hard."
"Emily - when you believe it - everyone else will too."
"Why do you love me?" She asked in a whisper, a small smile on her face. "I drive you insane."
"I love you because you are Emily. You are my best friend. I love you because you call me on my actions, because you accept me for me. For the most part. I love you Em - because you let me."
"And why wouldn't I?" She asked. "Your so cute. Who doesnt love you?"
"There are the incorrigible people." Lucky smirks.
"And there goes that huge ego of yours." Emily smiled. "I'm sorry I ruined this tonight."
"You didn't ruin it- Em it just proves you weren't ready. Its ok. Talk about everything you want to. We'll make love someday." Lucky kisses her nose.
"We're going to be 70 years old when that happens." She laughed. Her face then turned serious as she inched towards this topic carefully.
"Can I ask you about her?"
"What do you want to know?" Lucky answered honestly - he wouldnt' lie to her. He would answer exactly what she asked. Having nothing to hide, wanting to get closer to his girlfriend.
"What was it like?" Emily asked, then scrunched her face up. "Not that kinda like but...." She put on her thinking face. "Why did you do it? Were you in love with her?"
"Yes I was - or I thought I was."
Emily bit her lip and looked at him.
"Can you elaborate? If you don't mind that is."
"Honey - ask me what do you want to know? Do you wan to know how me met? Why I think I loved her, honey you have to ask- I wont' lie to you - but its not proper for a man to talk about his past with his future."
"Then we wont talk about it. Its ok."
"Emmy - we can talk about it - man for a spitfire that I've known you to be - you sure are backing down easy." Lucky laughs knowing that will charge her up a bit.
"Look, I just wanna know why YOU, the man who thinks everything through and doesnt do anything he's going to regret, screws somebody." Emily spit out. "I'm sorry. I guess I just wanna know what makes us different. You guys broke up...I mean what happens if after we make love, we break up."
"Ok Em -- I'm going to tell you something that you are going to find it hard to believe. Men and sex -- its a pasttime -- we dont' think its going to make or break the world. I thought I loved her, she was the first girl I let inside the wall that I had built around my heart. Now I'm trying to let you in and you are making damn sure I don't. Well if you dont' want to be in this relationship - thats cool Em but dont' do this - dont' make it out that we broke up because of sex cos that wasnt' the reason. "
"Christ Lucky I'm not saying that!" Emily exclaimed, jumping up from the bed. "You thought you loved her. What if ten months from now you telling some other girl how you think you love me!"
"Emily - calm down. You are going all wacked over something you dont' need to. I didn't know any better when I was with her. I was 15 I didn't know what love was - hell you thought you loved Nikolas at one time should I be holding that against you?"
"I didnt make love to Nikolas, did I?"
"No but you still thought you loved him. I didn't make love to her either - I fucked her - theres quite a difference."
"I want to know why." She said. "But I shouldn't be asking."
"Why what? Why did I break up with her? Why did I fuck her? Why what?"
"Why anything?" Emily asked. "I'm trying to figure out why you thought you loved her yet you know for a fact that you love me. I'm just....I'm trying to figure out if this is real. If this would be making love or two years from now, if we're not together, just sex. How can you tell the difference Lucky? How can you know that this is it?"
"Because I'm a Spencer, I know - a Spencer falls head over heals in love once. Do you want to know why I broke up with her? Do you really?"
Emily shook her head shamelessly.
"Yes." She whispered.
"Because she gave me an ultimatium. You want to know what it was?" Lucky dares her to ask him, now he is throughly annoyed with her.
"She told me I had a choice, her - and everything that goes with her including sex. Or you. She told me to keep her I had to stop being your friend. Who did I choose then Em??? Who do I choose now??? Sex has nothing to do with love. I proved that when I was getting it - I'm proving it when I'm not. Now will you please stop doing this. Stop doubting us. Stop doubting me."
Emily sat down slowly on the bed.
"Oh God." She whispered. She felt more tears coming and she placed her head in her hands.
"Oh God."
Lucky just stood there, he wanted to hold her but couldn't. She had doubted him and that hurt him to the core. She had assumed that he didn't know the difference between love and sex, she assumed that he just wanted sex. She hurt him and all he could do was let the tears fall.
Emily looked up at him, tears still flowing, and the shame showing in her dark eyes.
"You've loved me since the beginning." She whispered. "You've loved me all along, you just...." She got up and walked towards him.
"You love me now....after all this, I can see it in your eyes." She touched his cheek.
"You still love me."
"Of course I do. Why do you doubt me Em. Do you have any idea how bad that hurts? No you don't. Cos I've never doubted you. Ever."
"I didn't know." She said softly. "I didn't know that someone could love me this much, could still love me. Lucky, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
"Emily - I'm tired." Lucky moves towards the couch.
"Why dont you sleep in the bed?" Emily asked. "I'll take the couch." She did enough harm for tonight. She didn't want to hurt him anymore.
"See - you are doing it again. Acting like you don't matter to me - Emily be my girlfriend, be confident in my love. Walk up to me take my hand and lead me to bed- with you. Haven't you figured it out - I love you - I will love you forever."
Emily's eyes darted towards the floor. She couldn't believe what she was doing, hurting him unintentially over and over. She walked towards him, took his hand, and led him over towards the bed with her. She sat him down on the edge of the bed and kissed him softly, while standing over him.
"I love you now, I will love you forever." She whispered. "If you can put up with me that long that is."
"Hold me Em."
Emily nodded and she laid Lucky back down on the bed and quickly joing him wrapping her arms around his waist and resting his cheek on her breast.
Lucky's eyes grew heavy. His body grew tired. All he wanted was to be in her arms and have her hold him and comfort him for a change. He wanted comfort that only Em could give him.
Emily sighed as she felt Lucky's body give into sleep. A few tears slid down her face as she brushed some hair away from his face.
"I love you." She whispered planting a kiss on his hair. She then closed her eyes and fell asleep herself.

Sly stared at the empty scotch glass sitting in front of him. He called the bartender over and he refilled it, casting him a worried glance. Sly ignored him and took another sip of his drink. He looked up at the clock and it read way past midnight. He hoped she was upstairs worried. He hoped she was sweating it out. Right now he really didn't care. Another thing he learned in the Citadel was trust, something he felt Elizabeth wasn't giving him. He threw back the rest of the glass and called the bartender over once more.

Chapter 22

Emily kissed Lucky's hair again as she stared at the clock. 3 am. She had been awake for an hour holding Lucky tightly, loving him as he slept. She ached for him once again. The feeling that burned inside of her earlier now returned, instead this time it might be unwanted. She ran her hand slowly along Lucky's naked chest and slid it down towards his desire, gently massaging him through his boxers.
"Em-baby" Was all he said as his eyes started to open. Not sure of what was happening.
Emily slipped out of their embrace and moved down to kiss Lucky's chest tenderly. She worked her way up towards his neck, laying hot damp kisses along his throat and collarbone. Her right hand was still massaging his manhood, her left now working on one of his nipples.
"Hey sexy. I could really like waking up this way." Lucky said as his hand found her hair and pulled her gently to his mouth, his body starting to react to her eager hands.
Emily smiled under his mouth.
"If you want I'll wake you up like this all the time...for the rest of our lives infact."
"Oh tempting." Lucky says and kisses her harder, his body now fully awake. He rolls over on top of her and moves her hand, grinding his body against hers, letting her feel the depth of his desire. "OH Em."
"We got all the time in the world cowboy." Emily whispered. "Let's take our time loving one another ok." She kissed him again, slipping her tongue into his mouth and teasing him slightly.
"Oh you are one to talk - miss I'll grope my man awake." Lucky smiles. Kissing her more, kissing her and letting her enjoy this.
"What can I say?" Emily replied with a smile. "I had a gorgeous man laying in my arms and I wanted to love him." She reached down to his erection and squeezed him gently.
"Can you blame a girl?"
"Um...I won't." Luckys hands quickly removed her bra, his mouth found her nipple while his hand started to play with her outer thigh.
Emily decided it was time to help Lucky out. She lifted her hips off the bed and slid down the boxers she was wearing leaving herself naked. She took a deep breath trying to hold onto the bravery she now possessed.
"OH angel." Lucky moaned. Moving his body so that he was on top of her, he brought his lips down to her stomach then he kissed the patch of curls, covering her womanhood.
"Lucky." Emily gasped. She shivered as he touched her body in a place he never touched before. She dove her hands into his hair and held onto him for dear life, not knowing what to expect next.
"Don't be scared Em- I won't hurt you ok?" Lucky kissed near her belly button to calm her.
Emily nodded softly and smiled.
"I love you." She whispered.
"I love you too. Let me show you how much ok?" His hands roamed up her body onto her breasts.
"Isn't this a two way street?" Emily asked. She didn't want to leave him unsatisfied.
"Don't worry about that - later. Let me please you. Let me love you." Lucky says and kisses her closer to his prize. His hands are roaming on her body waiting for her to let him satisfy her.
"Love me Lucky." Emily whispered, her desire for him building.
"I love you Emmy."
"I love you Luck." She pulled him up to her and kissed him tenderly. He made her feel so loved, she could cry.
" let me show you how much I love you." Lucky lets his body slide down her, kissing her body the entire time.
As he gets down to her once hidden curls he slides his face lower, moving her legs and running his finger in a place he's never touched.
"Lucky." Emily moaned. She grasped his hair reveling in the feeling of what he was doing to her.
He let his body take over then, his tongue found a way to torment her and he still let fingers touch tentatively at first, his tongue caressing her gently at first, leary of her reaction to a sensation she's never felt.
"Hmm." Emily purred from the back of her throat. She let her hands fall to the bed and clawed at the sheets as Lucky worked his magic on her body. She never felt a sensation this good before and she knew it could only be given to her by Lucky Spencer.
He kissed her and teased her lovingly. His body needing to please her, his fingers diving inside her making her squirm.
Emily squeezed her eyes shut as she felt the pleasure build up inside her body. Lucky was teasing her, loving her, being ever so gentle. She thought she would die from the passion and desire that she knew would only get better. Her body writhed beneath him, aching for more.
As he moved his face to her stomach he used his hand to wipe his face clean and started to chew on her nipples. "Em- you sure?" He says against her breast.
"Please?" She pratically begged. "Make love to me Lucky."
"Sure baby. I love you." He says kissing her ear while he reached over and grabbed the condom.
"I love you too." Emily said as she slid her hand down his back pushing his boxers off and over his behind.
Lucky knew that she was finally ready to lose her virginity. He kisses her ear as he tore off the wrapper on the condom and slid it on. "Em - its going to hurt a little ok?"
Emily nodded her head and smiled.
"I know you'll be as gentle as you can...but your killing me here making me wait."
He smiled. "I love you Emily - I will love you forever." He moved his body and slowly slid inside her. As he broke through her hymen he stopped moving and kissed her neck, giving her body a chance to adjust to him, giving her a chance to adjust to not being a virgin anymore. Waiting for her to indicate she was ready to be loved-ready to feel how wonderful making love really is.
"I love you." Emily whispered slowly moving her body against his, wanting to feel him deep inside of her.
Lucky kissed her then, for what seemed like the first time in forever. His body soon took over, filling a need within both of them. He moved deeper and deeper in her, loving the feeling of her body under his.
"Lucky." Emily moaned. She began to move her hips rthymically with his. She slid her hand down his back and along his arm, reaching for his hand.
Lucky let his hand find hers and intertwined his fingers with hers, moving more confidently now, knowing that she is enjoying this too. He kissed her and kissed her neck. His body claiming her as his own, his mouth begging her to claim him as well.
Emily's lips found Lucky's again and she kissed him with everything she had in her. Her tongue darted in his mouth, taking possession and then tenderly loving it. She pulled away, but stayed inches from his face repeating the words she had been saying since she woke him up.
"I love you...I'll love you forever."
"I love you Em." Lucky felt a sensation in his body that he recognized, his movements deepened and quickened. "I'll love you forever." His body moved faster, needing the release that he knew would come very soon. Wanting her to have her pleasure too. He moved his hips around hoping he'd find her spot before he was rushed into euphoria.
Emily's hand squeezed Lucky's as she felt him hit a certain spot and sensations filled her insides causing her to cry out his name and taking her to a place that must've been heaven.
"Oh there it is, guide me Em." Lucky said between breathes, trying to bring her over the edge in the time his body was giving him.
Emily gasped and panted as she felt something inside her build in her stomach.
"Lucky." She moaned. Her muscles tightened around him and she felt herself explode, taking her into an enternal bliss.
"Em" He finally let his body release. He had taught her the beauty of this act, now all he wanted to do was hold her. He gently rolled off of her, discarded the condom and pulled her into his arms as they both rode the wave of pleasure. "I love you Emmy- I love you with all of me." He said softly as he brushed the hair back from her brow.
Emily wrapped her arms tightly around his waist and pulled herself closer to him.
"I will never doubt your love again. Not after tonight." She said and kissed his chest lightly. "I love you so much."
Lucky smiled. "Come on Emmy. Go to Sleep." He pulled her tighter into his arms as he rolled over onto his back, not letting her go for anything.

Chapter 23

Sly slid the card into the slot in the door. He opened the door and saw Liz sleeping on the bed, the sheets tangled around her body. He sighed and rubbed his temples feeling another headache coming on. He flicked on the lights hoping that would get her attention. He then walked over and picked up his bag, pulling out a tooth brush.
"Sly" Liz said sleeply, "What time is it?"
"7 am." Sly mumbled. "We're leaving for the airport shortly. You need to get ready." He took his toothbrush and walked into the bedroom.
Liz sat up and rubbed her eyes, obviously he was still mad at her. She just moaned and flopped down onto the bed - it was to early to deal with this.
Sly came back out and threw his toothbrush back in his bag.
Liz didnt answer him she had fallen back asleep. She had cryed most of the night so she needed sleep.
Sly sighed and picked up the phone dialing Lucky's room.
"This better be important." Emily groaned.
"Sorry, ask Luck when we're leaving?" Sly asked.
"Your bad timing cousin wants to know when we're leaving." Emily replied to Lucky.
"After I kill him. Come here." Lucky mumbles then kisses her shoulder.
"Sorry we have to go." Emily giggled.
"Em, can I talk to him please?"
"Luck, he's not going away."
Lucky stops kissing her shoulder and grabs the phone. "What?"
"When are we leaving?" Sly asked.
"Like I care - whats the rush?"
"I don't feel like being cooped up in this freaking hotel room." Sly replied. "You said we were going to leave today has there been a change in plans?"
"Sly what the fuck is wrong with you - its 7am."
"It's nothing I want to discuss over the phone and dear Lizzie doesnt want to get out of bed. I just want to know if I have to rent another hotel room for the night."
"OH so you and Liz are fighting. Why don't you work it out before we grab the plane -- chk out time is 11am so we are leaving then."
"Sorry to have disturbed you." Sly said and slammed the phone down.
"Ok Sly now that you've made it a point to wake me up - do you want to talk about why you stayed out all night?" Liz asks.
"I didn't feel like sleeping in the same bed with someone who doesn't trust me." Sly replied. "I found more comfort in scotch."
"Oh that hangover must be making you feel like a real man. When you want to talk in an adult manner let me know." She gets up and goes into the bathroom to shower.
Sly opened the bathroom door not really caring if she was naked or not.
"How exactly would you like to talk about this Elizabeth?" Sly asked. "In the adult way that you were acting last night?"
Liz turned around topless at this point. "What I told you that I didn't trust men - that was adult - that was honest. I wasn't acting like a mean bitter person like you are acting now." She turns around and starts the shower.
Sly leaned over and shut the shower off.
"You expect me to accept that?" Sly asked. "Ok you don't trust me but I'm going to go on like everything's normal and I love you just the same."
"I never said I didn't trust you - I said I didn't trust the male species in general. Prove me wrong - prove to me that everything with a dick isn't concerned only with sex, and that they dont' give ultimatums or throw temper tantrums when they dont' get their own way." She smiles knowingly. "Sly prove me wrong."
Even though he was annoyed something inside of Sly was telling him not to give up on this relationship.
"What do you want me to do?" He sighed.
"Prove me wrong Sly - stop throwing temper tantrums when you dont' understand something I do. Realize that I may have reasons to act the way I do. Ask me what those reasons are - dont' get pissed off and go spend the night in the bar leaving me to cry all night wondering if you will come home."
"What did I do to you that made me not trust you?" He asked.
"Its not you - God the other thing you can do is to actually listen to me for a change - dont jump to conclusions. Its not that I dont' trust you - its that I dont' trust your sex." Liz is getting aggrivated with him hearing only what he wants and then getting upset with her. She reaches over and starts the shower and reaches for her panties and begins to take them down.
"Can you please stop undressing yourself so we can discuss this?" Sly asked.
"Now you want to talk - 2 seconds ago you wanted to accuse me of not trusting you."
"So what are we doing Elizabeth?" Sly asked. "Are you going to have this talk or are you going to keep stripping?" He was getting distracted and more pissed.
"So now you don't like my body?" She plays with the words knowing that this was distracting him.
"You know that I love your body." Sly replied. "And that's the cause of this argument."
"Huh? I think I'm getting lost here - are you mad at me because you think I dont trust you or are you mad at me because I'm taking my clothes off."
"I'm mad at you because you don't trust me." Sly said. "And I'm trying to discuss this but your taking your clothes off."
"Well you are the one that told me to wake up - let me take a shower - that will give us both a chance to calm down a bit."
"I don't know about you but I had a whole night to calm down and it didn't work." He said.
"Well I sat up crying all night wondering if you were ever coming back - so I didn't calm down one bit."
"Here I am and now you want to shower." Sly replied. "If we don't fix this now then it ain't getting fixed."
"Ultimatium - Temper tantrum...does this sound familiar."
Sly laughed.
"You would rather take a shower than talk this out."
"I would rather you give me the 5 min to think about what I'm going to say rather than having me say something I dont' mean and that I'll regret later."
"Take all the time in the world dear." Sly walked out and shut the door behind him, collapsing on the bed and closing his eyes trying to get at least 15 minutes of sleep.
Liz didn't understand him but she figured they'd fight yet again as soon as she walked out to the bedroom so she let herself enjoy a long hot shower. As she dryed off and wrapped the towlel around her, she took a deep breath and braced herself for another fight.
"Sly." She says softly after she steps into some clothes.
Sly stirred and looked over at Elizabeth who was getting dressed.
"I'm sorry." He replied sitting up. "Fighting drains me out. Especially when its fighting with someone I love."
"Me too - I dont' like fighting with you Sly." She said as she sits down on the bed next to him.
"Let's see if we can talk this out then ok?" Sly asked. "Explain it to me Lizzie. Tell me whats going on in that beautiful head of yours."
"Whats going on is exactly what I've been saying - I love you Sly - truly. I have a hard time trusting men, especially men that give me ultimatums, or that make it difficult for me to explain what I'm feeling. And when we start to talk and I say one thing and its interrperted as something different it aggrivates me even more."
"Lizzie when you say you don't trust men it comes out that you don't trust men." Sly replied. "I'm a man."
"Ok Sly - the only time my trust in you wavers is when you start to act controlling is when I get scared - when I get into 'I'm not going to trust you mood'."
"Lizzie I dont mean to throw ultimatims at you." Sly replied. "It's just with me its all or nothing, black and white, I've always been like that."
"See Sly and thats where we differ cos when someone gives me a chose of right or left I choose to go straight down the middle. I can't handle being told what to do."
"'Lizabeth I'm not telling you what to do." Sly replied. "I just like decisions being made. There's a lot of things we're going to have to work on if we plan on staying together for the rest of our lives."
"Yeah I would say. Sly I'll get over this - I'm sure of it I just need you to be patient while I learn to believe men again."
"I'm going to be patient." Sly said. "I have to tell you something though Elizabeth, something that I realized last night on my second bottle of scotch."
"What did you realize?"
"I realized that in a way I was glad that you don't trust me." Sly replied taking her face in his hands. "Elizabeth, I want you so bad. I dont know how long this has been building, how long I've denied it but its there knawing at me. Sometimes when we're fighting I just want to pull you to me and screw your brains out. It sounds horrible but your so beautiful its all I think about at times, especially when you touch me the way I do. I'm glad that you don't trust me because sometimes I don't trust myself around you, but I would never hurt you psyhically and never intentionally emotionally, know that much."
"So Sly what are we going to do about you not trusting yourself? Come on if you dont' trust you how can I?"
"Do you honestly think in your heart and in your soul that I would degrade you or humiliate you to have sex with me?" Sly asked. "Do you think I would force you?"
"Then you trust me." Sly whispered. He was so thankful that she trusted him that much. "When I feel those things Elizabeth, it means that I want to have sex with you, not make love, and I know that's not possible. The next time your with someone it has to be about love, it will be about love. You want to make love with me don't you?"
"Yes." Why was he asking her questions that were so easy for her to answer. Of course she did.
"Ok." Sly said with a smile. He took her hand and placed it over his heart. "I want to screw you, you want to make love with me, but I never, ever, took advantage of that have I?"
"No -- but you also gaurd yourself from me until we fight. Thats not right either."
"True, but we'll get to that in a sec." Sly said. "Do you realize that you just lost a little be of that fear Lizzie. You trust me to know that I'll never hurt you or demand sex from you."
"I trusted you that much when I met you - Sly you are a man - from what you've been through you are a man not a boy and boys are the players. I just get scared every now and then."
"Thanks for the compliment." Sly replied. "I guard myself because I'm scared Lizzie. I don't wanna hurt you and I'm scared that something that I do or reveal will do that. I'm a very messed up individual haven't you figured that out yet?"
"But your a very mixed up individual that I love very much. Noting you can tell me will scare me Sly- its only what you dont' tell me that scares me."
"You know I went to the Citadel, your my first girlfriend, ok your the first girlfriend I acutally cared about." Sly said. "I went nuts on my guardians and thats why I was sent away. My parents were killed and I dont like Lucky's dead. And you still love me?"
"Yes I do. What's not to love? Baby everything you are telling me is in the past - it made you the man that I love. Why can't you see - and accept that I love all of you. Not just the parts you show me."
"Because all the people that suppossedly loved me left me Lizzie." Sly replied, his voice filled with emotion. "Its hard for me to believe that just like its hard for you to trust."
"So you're trying to tell me that you dont' trust me - that I tell you I'm not going anywhere and you tell me that you don't beleive that."
"I trust that your going to be here tomorrow and I trust that your going to be here for a long time." Sly replied. "But its hard to accept it, to actually believe it. I never thought my aunt and uncle would throw me into a military school but they did."
"Well then I guess we are going to be together a while." Liz smiles. "Both of us helping the other beleive."
"Trying to figure out what the world has in store for us." Sly said. "And loveing each other till the day we die. So we talking a while or life long commitment here Elizabeth?"
"Well see personally I like the old fashioned way of things that the man asks for -forever." she smiles.
"Wanna spend forever with me, Lizzie?" Sly asked leaning his forehead against hers.
"I think I'd like that." She smiles running her fingers over his cheek.
"Wanna marry me?"
"Sly!" She says exhasperated. "Of course, but I thought you were more romantic than this - I dont' even get a proposal from you on your knee? What happened to fulfilling a womans dreams?" She looks at him with tears in her eyes.
"Wanna ring or just the knee thing?" Sly asked. "I can run downstairs and pick out the biggest rock."
Liz lets the tears fall - it was nothing that Sly was doing it was just that she always pictured how she would get proposed to and sitting in a hotel room on a bed after a fight was not it. She turned away from him and let her head fall in his hands. "neither." She almost whispers.
"Wait, wait." Sly said holding her head up. "Lizzie, what do you mean neither?"
"Sly I already said yes - you dont' need to make a big production now," she says sounding defeated, still crying.
"Hey beautiful, your worth the production can you let me prove it to you please?" Sly asked.
"Sly -- I just want to sleep. Can you just hold me until its time to go?" The tears still falling.
"Elizabeth, can you talk to me please?" Sly asked. "I'm asking not demanding. I would like to talk this out. I would like to marry you in Paris, on the eiffel tower."
"Sly - I'm just sad."
"Why are you sad?"
"Cos every since I was a little girl I imagined how I would be asked to marry someone. One time I imagined my and the love of my life in bed after making love, once it was on a beach at sunset, after a fancy dinner. - You catching my drift? Sly I never ever imagined that I would be proposed to sitting in a hotel room on a bed after a fight."
Sly let out a low breath.
"I can see your point but you know that I love you and I do want to marry you."
"Yeah I know - its just girly fantasies."
"I know and I understand." Sly replied. "I'm sorry that I disappointed you. You still wanna take a nape before we leave?"
"Yeah -- but I think I could use some help relaxing, care to kiss your fiancee for a while. Maybe a long while." Liz smirks at him. It wasn't his fault - he didnt know what she wanted before he asked her.
"I love you Elizabeth and I want to make all your dreams come true." He leaned over and kissed her lovingly.
"Mmm I love you too Sly. Kiss me again." She smiles.
"My pleasure." Sly said. He slipped his tongue inside of mouth, dancing playfully. His hand slipped up her back and into her hair. He then pulled her closer to him, almost in his lap.
*knock* knock*
"Yo Sly - Liz open up its time to go." Lucky says from outside the room.
"We're staying an extra day." Sly mumbled against Elizabeth.
"No we are not - you started this - get your ass out of bed." Luckys says opening the door.
"Liz, wanna stay an extra day?" Sly whispered. "I might be able to talk him into it?"
"Lets go to Italy. Then we'll lock Lucky in his room - maybe with Emily if he's good - maybe alone." Liz laughs.
"We're ready." Sly groaned climbing off of the bed. He then turned back to Liz with a smile.
"Just remember I wanted to marry you by the eiffel tower." He then kissed her ear. "And lets keep this our little secret for the time being."

Chapter 24

"Wow." Emily said looking around the old rustic cabin. "Got any goats out back we can raise Lucky? Start our own family?"
"Goats? Em- honey thats not a nice name for our future children."
"I think its better than Lorenzo." Emily said with a laugh as she walked deeper into the cabin.
"OH thats it woman -- you are so busted." Lucky tackles her onto the couch tickling her.
"Spencer, there are other people around." Emily replied looking for Liz and Sly.
"So they can tickle you too if they want." Lucky laughs.
"But Lucky." Emily cooed, slipping her hands in his hair. "Once you start touching me I don't want you to ever stop."
"Ok lets pick bedrooms." Lucky sits up pulling Em into his arms.
"That sure stopped you didn't it." Emily replied with a laugh. "Hey Liz?! Can you come in here? Lucky wants to take me upstairs and fondle me."
Liz starts laughing as she walks into the room with Sly in tow. "You love it and you know it."
"I do it to humor him." Emily replied with a smile. "Liz wanna be roomies?"
"Oh sure- lets pick a room." She grabs Em's hand laughing waiting for Sly to comment, if he doesn't she'll room with Em.
"Excuse me." Sly replied. "Even though I think he's really sexy I prefer waking up to your warm body and not Spencer's. Can I room with you Elizabeth?" He blew her a kiss across the rooom.
"Sorry Em - but my honey's got something that I want - maybe you can have your own room at this place." Liz says and runs to Sly jumping into his arms kissing him.
"Tell me what you want and I just might give it to you." Sly replied kissing her back.
Emily sighed.
"I guess I'm stuck with the man who cant stop pawing me."
"Oh well if you would rather I didnt' touch you anymore. That can be arranged." Lucky smiles and walks into a bedroom.
"Is this ours?" Emily asked following him. "Because I think we should test out the bed together. Make sure its nice and soft....or hard. Whichever you prefer."
"I thought you wanted your own room? I tought my touching you was not welcome." Lucky smirks at her as he lays on the bed.
"I could go get my own room." Emily replied backing up towards the door. "If you really want me to."
"Do you want to?" Lucky asked smirking with that Spencer grin. "Or would you rather lock that door and come test the bed with me."
Emily turned around and locked the door. She then smiled and jumped on the bed with Lucky.
"Nice and comfy." She replied. She ran her hand up and down his chest.
"I tell ya, you've become such the biggest nympho."
"Me-- who woke me up with thier wandering hands this morning?" Lucky grinned as he kissed her shoulder.
"Can we talk about something for a sec?" Emily asked. "Before your hands start to wonder."
"Sure sweetheart but watch your hands -- my body is hard to resist."
Emily laughed but then looked at him seriously.
"While we're in one place for a bit I want to find a doctor and get on the pill. I just wanted to let you know."
"Baby I'll take care of the protection - its ok."
"I know you will and your so sexy like that." Emily replied. "But condoms break sometimes and I want to be safe. Then if you don't want to use them you don't have to. The pill is enough protection."
Lucky looks at her with love in his eyes. "Emily - theres other types of protection then - maybe kinds that are more effective. Especially if we are going to be on the run for a while."
"Like what?" Emily asked laying down next to him and sliding her arm around his waist. "I'm kinda new at this stuff."
"Well because my Aunt Bobby is a nurse I heard of something called a Deprovera shot, it lasts for 6 months at a time. You might want to talk to a dr about it - when we find one, cos with us changing time zones and such and leaving in the middle of the night -the pill might be hard to take at the same time every day and thats the only way its effective."
"Do you know anything about the shot?" She asked. "What its like or anything? Side effects?"
"From what my Aunt Bobbie told my mom once - was that its "side effects" are that you might lose weight, and that it stops your umm....female stuff.....while you are one it - it makes your body think you are pregnant so thats why you dont' get pregnant."
"Isn't that risky?" Emily asked. "I mean what if, when I want to get pregnant, will my body know?"
"Well then its just like the pill I would think- you just stop taking it. I don't know honey you would have to talk to a Dr. I personally would feel more comfortable losing the condoms if our birthcontrol wasnt' relieant on taking a pill at the same time every day - thats how I got to be around. Mom and dad were on the run when she got pregnant with me. We cant' time when we are going to eat every day let alone that."
"Can I ask you something that might upset you?" Emily asked timidly.
"Ok" Lucky looks at her hestitanly.
Emily bit her lip, hoping this wouldn't cause an arguement.
"Say I get this shot, is it still safe to lose the condoms?"
"Yeah of course. Unless you want me to keep wearing them. I will if you want."
"Luck, I'm not worried about getting pregnant. I was worried about something else."
"Oh - Emily I was tested - 3 times in my life. I'm HIV negative and have no other std's that I'm aware of." He kisses her cheek. "you dont' have to be worried about making me angry about asking that - honey its your life as well as mine we play with everytime we make love. Its a right of passage in this day and age to have this conversation. Do you have more questions?" He honestly wants her to understand he is open to this coversation. He's always been told by his dad - if you can't talk about sex you have no business having sex.
"No." Emily replied. "I know you would never intentionally hurt me but I just wanted to double check. I want to be safe Lucky, safe enough for us to have kids one day." She blushed when she realized the assumption.
"If we get married."
"Em - we're safe, hey no blushing required. Talking about the future it totally ok." He kisses her softly.
Emily pulled back and smiled.
"Maybe Liz and I will go doctor hunting tomorrow." She replied. "Can you and Sly place nice in the sandbox?"
"I'd rather play nice in a sandbox with you but I think we can manage." He smiles.
"Well if your a good boy maybe we can play in the sandbox when I get back." Emily asked. "You wanna watch a movie? You know instead of getting naked or something like that."
"How about we watch a movie naked?" Lucky teases, knowing if she's in his arms - no matter what she's wearing he's going to be helpless against her.
Emily leaned up and pulled her shirt over her head.
"I give you twenty minutes tops to control yourself."
"Is this a bet?" Lucky laughs and takes his shirt off as well.
"Yes it is." Emily challenged.
"Completely naked or shirtless?"
"Your birthday suit." Emily replied unbuttoning her jeans and sliding them over. "Can you do it Spencer?"
"Oh absolutely- So what is the rule?" He unbuttons his jeans and pulls them off.
"You have to control yourself Lucky." Emily smiled. "No teasing, no touching, the whole movie."
"No kissing either? I do get to hold you though- otherwise I'm not playing - I never watch a movie without you in my arms."
"I can't say no to that." Emily replied and moved closer to him. "But behave or else....what do I get if you can't control youself."
"Me - as your love slave for 24 hrs. Anything you want without question. What do I get if you can't control yourself?"
"Same deal." Emily replied. "I would be at your beck and call, although we know that your going to lose so...let's get started."
"You are way to confident woman." Lucky smiles as he takes off his boxers and lays down in the bed under the sheets, "come on beautiful- birthday suit."
Emily yanked her panties off and threw them with the rest of her clothes.
"What's with the sheet? The doors locked. I dont keep you warm enough." She added with a pout.
"Didn't want you to get shy? Come here." Lucky yanked the sheet back and held out his hand to her.
"I will never be shy again after last night." She replied. "No one has ever loved me like that."
Lucky smiles shyly, no one has ever complemented him so much. "I love you Em."
Emily touched his face gently.
"Your blushing." She whispered.
"You just made me feel so good - you were only my 2nd lover and you basically just told me I didn't hurt you - that made me feel really good." Lucky says, looking down - still unsure of himself as a lover.
"Hurt me?" Emily asked. "Lucky I am so in love with you. I didn't think it was possible to love you anymore but I do. After last night and the way you loved me. You were so patient and you didn't ask for anything. You just took your time and..." Emily stopped for a second and sniffled. "You just took your time and loved me. I will never forget that." She quickly brushed away a few shedding tears.
"So I made your first time good?" Lucky questions.
"You made my first time indescribeable." She replied with a laugh. "I never wanted to stop touching you last night."
"So why did you?" He laughs.
"You wore me out." Emily replied. "And then we had to go to Italy today."
"Well we can hold this game off for another time and continue from last night?" He raises his eyes in a Spencer grin.
"Don't trust yourself, Luck?"
"Just willing to let you explore you know - get used to me an all -- but hey if you are ready to lose - go ahead hit play and get over here."
"Well," Emily said grabbing his other hand. "If you want to let me explore. I mean its all up to you."
Lucky laughs and pulls her into his arms, they'll explore soon enough, he knows that one of them will fall soon.

Liz rolled over and out of Sly's arms, slipping into the shower to start her day. She and Em were going to find a Planned Parenthood of sorts today - it was time they took some responsibility they decided. She let the luke warm water run over her as she attempted to let her brain digest the last few days. "Ugh. Mornings" Liz said as dropped the shampoo bottle on her toe.
Sly rolled over when he heard the bang in the shower. His girlfriend wasn't next to him. He decided to get up and see if she fell in.
"Lizzie." He groaned walking into the bathroom. "You okay?"
"Yeah I just dropped the shampoo bottle on my toe, sorry to wake you."
Sly laughed.
"Clutzy. What are you doing today?"
"Em and I are going out. You wanna join me in here - theres room for two?" She smiled as she rinsed the shampoo from her hair, not knowing if he would join her or not.
"You don't know how bad I wanna be in there with you Elizabeth."
"So -- its up to you. But I have to warn you Im not wearing anything." She laughs waking up a little now.
"I know that its just going to be hard to control my urges...what the hell." Sly replied and climbed in behind her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her shoulder slightly.
"Its not like we haven't played touchy feely before, Miss Webber."
"Oh but this time your body is all wet..." She smirks and turns around in his arms, pulling him into the running water, "And all mine." She kisses him.
"Come on Lizzie, please do not tease me unless you plan on turning this water on cold."
"Oh so no kisses?? I don't think I like this shower." She says laughing as she turns around again in his arms and arching her back into his chest, getting closer and rubbing her body on him just a little.
"God your horrible." Sly moaned.
"But I thought you loved me?"
"You know I love you." Sly replied and kissed her neck. "I love you way too much and all you do is torture me."
"How??" Liz replies so innocently. Interlacing her fingers with his, "I just invited you to shower with me - I didn't mean anything by it." Turning her head and smiling at him coyly.
"My ass." Sly replied with his own grin. "I've been trying to be a good boy and your making it very, very, very difficult."
"How? I'm just being a woman Sly -- Are you having problems resisting my charm?" Liz laughs.
"I'm having problems turning you down." Sly said. He pulled her closer to him, the chests collding together. "You have to go out don't you?"
"Yep. Have appointments."
Sly raised his eyebrows.
"We can make it a quickie?"
"For our first time?" Liz nibbles on his nipple.
"I"m getting out." Sly replied backing away. "You just let me know when your done ok?"
"I'm done actually - I'll leave - have to get dressed anyway." Liz smiles looking at him wondering why he just changed moods on her.
"I love you." Sly said giving her a kiss. "Hurry home please? But give me enough time to cool my body down. Tortured me woman." He winked at her.
"I love you baby - I'll be back later." Liz smiled and got out of the shower.
"Bye." Sly groaned.

"We ready to do this?" Emily asked with a smile. "I'm ready to get picked at and probed."
"Don't make it sound so interesting and fun Em I may want to do it weekly." She grabs her purse and leaves.
"Luck!" Sly screamed, looking for his cousin.
"What?" He says from the kitchen.
"Hey cutie we have the house all to ourselves." Sly said plopping down on the couch. "Wanna have a belching contest?"
"Sorry not today - whats up with you? Wanna beer - dad has a stocked up."
"Yep, grab me one." Sly replied. "I need a favor from you and your girlfriend."
"What can that be?" Lucky asks as he sits down next to Sly handing him a bottle.
"I need you to go out on a double date with me and my lovely Elizabeth." Sly said taking a swig. "I'm gonna make reservations at the fancy hotel in town. The one by the airport."
"Ok what are you up to?" Lucky knows Sly too well not to know something is up.
"Absolutely nothing." Sly replied and put the beer down. "And I shouldn't be drinking this because I have to go out."
"Man everyone is leaving me alone. I'm going to try to contact dad then. See whats happening in PC -- when its safe to go home."
"No rush." Sly replied. "I'm kinda having fun, when not running from a raving lunatic. I know your having fun too. Or should I say I heard you were having fun too."
"I'm sure I have no idea what you are talking about." Lucky smiles.
"Aw come on." Sly said. "Its just us guys. I'm not asking for details just you know..."
"Wow - it took a while but Sly man is back." Lucky laughs whole heartedly.
"I'm sorry theres this gorgeous brunette that has been a really bad influence." Sly said with a smile. "Did you love her like you should have?"
"You mean Liz or Em?"
"Did you love Em the way you should have?" Sly asked. "If you touch Liz again I'll break your neck."
Lucky laughs. "Yes Sly - Em was truly and completely pleasured."
"That's my man." Sly said. "She's always wanted you, don't know why, but she always wanted you. If when she kissed me she wanted it to be you. Now that killed my ego."
"Awe poor baby- but hey you got Liz - she's a doll too."
"Oh no no no." Sly said. "Liz is much more than a doll. She's this seductive little kitten who loves to torture the hell out of my virgin body. Its really cruel and she enjoys doing it."
"Oh and you are trying to tell me you don't like it? Come on Sly - sell that one to someone who's buying."
"Did I say I didn't like it?" Sly asked. "We're going to be running out of cold water soon though."
"So why are you fighting the inevitable?" Lucky asks in all seriousness.
"Because this is Elizabeth and a romp in the hay just won't do." Sly replied. "I'm going to love her in a way that she's never known. I might not be very good at it the first time round but I'm going to try my hardest. You only got one time and I'm making sure its memorable for Elizabeth and me."
"It will be man - its what you heart does that counts - not your body."
"I know that, it would just be nice if my body enjoyed it to." Sly said with a smile. "Are we done bonding? I have plans to make."
"Ok." Sly said. "If Liz gets back before I do tell her something, make an excuse up but dont mention the double date yet. Thanks for bonding Lucky." He faked a sniffle. "I love you man." He kissed Lucky on his cheek and headed for the door.

Chapter 25

"Ok Em -- sex with him had better be worth that!" Liz says as they leave the dr's office. Still feeling wierd after her first ever exam of that nature.
"Well he's a lot like Luck." Emily replied. "So loving and caring and let me tell you that making love to Lucky...mmm. There are no words Miss Webber and I would go through twenty of those exams then have another little cowboy running around."
"So was it - making love to Lucky I mean - was it everything you hoped?"
"Oh Lord no." Emily replied. "It was nothing like I expected."
"Good or bad -- come on girl give me details"
"I've never felt more loved in my entire life." Emily replied. "I'm glad that I waited for Lucky Spencer. He fit me perfectly. He just made everything else disappear in the world when he loved me. Oh boy i'm sounding corny."
"NO you arent - you're sounding like a man made love to her - not a boy having sex. Tell me more. Let me live vicariously."
"He did make love to me." Emily said with a smile. "And he made it all about me. At first I was nervous because I started it and I wasn't sure exactly what to do but Lucky laid me back and told me that he wanted to love me. I almost died on the spot."
"Awe he sounds awesome."
"He's more than that. There isn't a word out there to describe Lucky Spencer. Isn't Sly like that? I mean I'm sure you guys have fooled around right?"
"Yeah we have but he keeps stopping himself. He's never just took control you know." Liz has a far off look in her eye about his marriage proposal after a fight. She's engaged to him technically but can't say anything and doesnt even feel it. "I dont' know maybe he's just not romantic like Lucky."
"Sly? Sly Eckert? Not romantic?" Emily asked. "Are we talking about the same guy here? Maybe you just make him more nervous than you realize."
"Nervous? Em he's not nervous around me - turned on maybe but not nervous."
"I guess you two have learned alot about each other huh?" Emily asked biting her lip.
"What? What do you mean?" Liz didnt' get it - why was Em biting her lip.
"Is he okay?" Emily asked softly. "I mean the way he went after Lucky that one day...I never got to talk to him about it."
"Oh yeah he's fine now. He went through alot after he left PC. But hes ok, a little hot tempered but ok now."
"You guys seem to fight alot." Emily said. "Look, I don't mean to pry but I'm worried about him. He doesn't really talk to anyone."
"We do fight alot Em - but we make up. Sly is....Sly is going through some adjustment time. Its hard for him to believe in love right now - He needs his friends. You should talk to him."
"Maybe I should." Emily replied. "Don't lose faith yet in Sly not being romantic. Just when you think you know everything about the guy, he proves you wrong."
"Well I kinda wish he would." Liz says with a distant tone. Sly really was beginning to aggrivate her. She loved him dearly but she wanted the romance and tenderness Em talked about with Lucky.
"What do you say we head home and meet up with our gorgeous guys?" Emily asked. "Maybe they cooked dinner."
"Yeah and then we'll order pizza." Liz smiled.
When Liz and Em arrived at the cabin Lucky told her that Sly had to go out but he was going to be back soon. With that she just put her purse down and said, "I'm going to think." Turning on her heal she walks out of the cabin and up to a ridge overlooking a valley. She sat on the far side of the ridge away from the cabin and out of site. She watched the sun caress the earth and began to lose herself in thought.
"Safe and hungry." Emily replied giving him a peck. "Did you make dinner?"
"No we are going out for dinner. How was the dr?"
"That's like asking, how was your root canal." Emily replied. "It was uncomfortable."
"I'm sorry baby - you didn't have to I would have taken care of it."
"Yes and if the condom broke then what would've happened?" Emily asked. "I love you but I do not want a Lucky junior running around anytime soon. Besides you can make it up to me."
"And how would you like me to do that? What kind of birthcontrol did you get anyway?"
"Just the little lovely shot in my butt." Emily replied. "I have to get one every six months."
"When does it take effect? When are we safe?"
"48 hours."
"Cool - and we are safe for 6 months? That rocks." Lucky picks her up and kisses her.
"One track mind." Emily sighed. "So sexy where you taking me to dinner?"
"Dont know - Sly's idea."

I am so alone here. Why doensn't anyone care? Emily didnt' even hear it in my voice today - what did she want me to do say - Em I'm really feeling like I need a friend. ~Liz starts crying~ Why did I come with them? They are stick up for one another.

"Where's he taking us?" Emily asked.
"I dont know he was very suspicious about everything." Lucky says dropping his head and kissing Em.

Why did I go get that exam today? Sly said he'd take care of everything. Of course he will - its not like we'll ever make love anyway. He doesn't love me enough to forget my past. He's just like everyone else on this trip - not concerned about me.

"Hey, hey enough four play you two." Sly replied walking into the house with a bag in his hand. "Where's my baby?"
"She went to think." Lucky smirks and kisses Em's neck again.

"Engaged" I can't believe I said yes to that lame ass proposal? We fight and he says marry me and I said yes. How stupid was that - why did I do this to myself. He wasn't even here when I came home. I am engaged to someone I didn't feel comfortable enough around to tell him I was going to get this exam today. That has to top everything, not feeling comfortable enough around your man to tell him this - to make sure he's there when you come home.

"Stop it." Sly replied. "I need you guys to go get ready and I need to find Liz. Where did she go?"
"Out." Emily said, almost moaning. Lucky was hitting one of her weak spots.
"What do you mean out?" Sly asked. "Didn't you bother to find out where she was going?"
"No she said she wanted time alone. So we gave it to her."
"I'm surprised you even heard her say that." Sly replied. "I'm going to look for her." He flung the dress bag on the couch and walked out the door.

I can't even talk to anyone about this - I feel like everytime I am around Sly - I'm walking on eggshells, if he gets turned on he'll close off and back away. If I try to talk to Em she doesn't get it - she just thinks everyone is as happy as she is - and if Sly and I fight it must be my fault. And what do I say to Lucky - he's Sly's brother - my ex. *throws head into hands and cries harder* I've got no one to talk to about this, I am alone.
Sly walked around for a bit following some pathways. He walked a little more, to a place away from the cabin and saw a small figure hunched over.
"Elizabeth." He whispered. He wasn't sure what happened to her but he was going to find out. He quickly walked over towards her and could hear her tiny sobs.
"Sly!" She said frightened that she'd get yelled at for not staying with the group.
"What's the matter?" Sly asked walking towards her. "Why are you crying? Did Lucky and Em do something to upset you?"
"No." She didn't know how to answer him, even though Em had really hurt her feelings by not getting anything she was talking about on the way home - she wasn't at fault for how alone Liz felt.
"Baby." Sly asked taking her head in his hands. "Talk to me please. Tell me what's going on in that gorgeous head of yours. Does this have something to do with where you disappeared to today?"
"Kinda - but kinda not. Sly its just me." She didn't know how to explain this to him - he'd probably just tell him she's being foolish everyone cared about her.
Sly took her hand and sat down pulling her with him.
"Why don't you tell me what's just you." He said.
"I'm lonely."
"Why are you lonely?" He asked softly.
"Cos I am - all of you know each other - I don't have a friend here - you 3 are best friends and you have been for years. I'm an outsider. I should just go back to Port Charles at least there I have my Gram and school and such. I fit in there."
"Is there where you want to be Lizzie?" Sly asked running his hand down the side of her face.
"Yes." Her tears falling so hard now she can barely see him. "Sly I love you but I'm tired of being alone, I'm tired of being wrong. I just want to feel like I belong again."
"Are you serious?" Sly asked shocked. "You want to go back there?"
"You don't get it - these are your friends, they listen to you they care about you they care if you cry or punch something. I went through something today with Em and she didnt' even get that I needed a friend to talk to. What am I suppossed to do - every time I try to talk to you we fight then I get blamed for it." Liz was still crying now her head was firmly emplanted in her hands.
"What about me Lizzie?" Sly asked. "I care, if I didn't I wouldn't be out here right now with you trying to get you to talk to me. I don't know where you went today. You didn't tell me and I didn't want to ask. I didn't want to push you further away. Yeah we fucked up in the beginning and until recently we weren't on the right track. I didn't put blame on you for all the fights though Lizzie and your talking to me now and we're not fighting. Look," He pulled one of her hands into his own. "In that hotel room I asked you to be my wife. I wasn't kidding about that. I love you and want to spend the rest of my life making you happy. If Port Charles makes you happy though, then I want to send you back there. I just want your happiness Lizzie, that's all. I care, I love you more than life itself."
"Sly - I went to the Dr today. The female doctor. I didnt tell you cos you said you would take care of it. But Em was going so I figured why not - double the protection. But this morning when you backed away from me in the shower came rushing back to me during the exam. Was it worth it? I don't know. Sly I love you - I do. I'm just lonely. I want a friend - if that can be you great. But I didnt' feel comfortable telling you where I was going - that says something- I thougt you'd yell at me and tell me that you would take care of it. And I know you dont' blame me for all the fights - but Emily did today indirectly."
Sly's eyes grew wide as she mentioned the doctor. He rubbed his hand on the back of his neck.
"We obviously have a lot to talk about." He replied. "But why don't you tell me how Em blamed you for our fights."
"Well we were talking and she was like 'you and Sly fight alot and I'm worried.' you know the tone of voice was 'why aren't you making him happy.' "
"Elizabeth, I'm sorry if it came out that way." Sly replied. "Believe me I'll talk to Emily later but you don't have to worry about what she says. You make me happy, increidbly happy. I love you. That's all that matters, not what Luck or Em thinks."
"But it matters to me - can't you see that - when we were talking she was like you guys fight I'm worried about him - meaning you - not that she was worried about us - meaning you and I. Dont' you get it no one cares about me here - I'm all alone again. After my parents died the only person I had was Gram. Now all I've got is you - and when you and I fight Sly I get really really scared."
"I care about you Lizzie. I love you." He replied. "I know what its like to feel alone. I've been there ok? I don't want you to feel alone here. That feeling is so horrible and it tears you up inside. I want you to be secure and know that you'll never be alone as long as I'm here. I love you Elizabeth. I want to be in love forever if you'll let me."
"I'll let you but can we not fight anymore - Sly you hurt me this morning and I want to feel comfortable telling you that without feeling like I'm going to lose you"
"This morning." Sly said and let out a low breath. "I'm sorry I never meant to hurt you like that. You just drive me insane sometimes Lizzie and I thought I was going to lose it. I'm trying so hard to wait and make our first time special. I want everything to be perfect and somehow I didn't think the shower was going to be perfect. Normally I wouldn't back away but recently its been very very very hard." He placed his hand on her cheek.
"Please don't think that I don't want to make love to you. I do. So bad that it aches."
"Sly thats really hard for me to believe when you jump back from me like I just hit you or something." Lizzie tells him and starts to cry.
"If you kept touching me like you did something would've happened in the shower and it wouldn't have been pretty." He replied. "Liz, when we make love we will be making love. I don't want to pressure you for sex until we're both ready and the time is right for it to happen. When i'm close to you, when I feel your breath or your hands on my body I go insane. Then my body goes off like it has a mind of its on. I'm sorry Lizzie, I really didn't mean to hurt you."
"You didn't." Lizzie turns and faces another direction regretting her decision to go to the dr today with Em.
"Why did you go to the doctors today." Sly replied. "I thought I was going to take care of that. Its not that I mind its just that I don't want that kind of responsibilty resting on your shoulders."
"Too late. Sly its my body that would become pregnant - I'm the one who would carry the child not you - thats why I went to make sure there wasnt' a chance of it happening before I was ready to be a mother." She says a little anger in her voice.
"'Lizabeth, I'm sorry." Sly replied. "I think that having extra protection is great. There is always a chance that the condom would break. I just didn't want you to think that you should carry that responsibilty. This is about the both of us. Not just you, not just me."
"Well now we don't have to worry about anything - everythings all done." She says still cold. Not understanding what is happening with her moods.
"What's wrong Liz?" Sly asked worried. "I'm trying hard to fix things and you keep changing on me from hurt to mad. I want to fix this. I want to make sure we stay together. I want you to be happy."
"I don't know Sly I'm just being honest these emotions are what I'm feeling - maybe its a reaction to the shot I don't know but its kinda nice cos it gave me some bravado too and I'm finally not scared to say this stuff."
"Oh." Sly said. "Well is there anything else you wanna talk about? You want to kick my ass for something I might have done wrong a month ago? Anything that makes you feel better."
"Don't start Sly - I thought you were trying to be the sensitive and caring boyfriend."
Sly looks at her confused. "What'd I do?"
"Like you dont know -- You want to kick my ass for something I might have done wrong a month ago?-- Come on Sly I can't control this right now thats why I came out here."
Sly held up his hands in defense.
"Liz, that was a joke. I was just trying to get you to laugh."
"Well it didn't work." She says with tears falling down her face and a smile on her lips.
Sly slid closer to her and laid his head on her shoulder.
"Come on Lizzie." He replied with a smile. "I'm offering to be your human punching bag. That doesn't interest you in the least?"
"Yeah actually it does. Do you know Karate?" She smiles as she stands up and walks to a flat piece of ground.
"Please don't tell me your taking me up on this offer."
"Why not -- you offered -- gonna take it back?" She gets in a ready stance.
"Well just keep in mind that I have a very nice surprise for you." Sly replied. "And if I can't walk tonight I won't be able to come through with it."
"Well either this Sly or we go jogging cos I need a physical activity right now to get my mind off of everything and sex is out so what else is there."
"Ok." Sly replied. "Kick my ass...but be gentle." He stuck his bottom lip out in a pout.
"Oh come on - be a man about it - take a hit." Liz says moving to a roundhouse kick - seeing if he'll let her kick him or if he'll block the kick.
Sly didn't budge as he saw her leg coming towards him. He hoped they had an ice pack back at the cabin.
She connected to him - hitting his shoulder pretty hard. "Come on Sly at least attempt to block me."
Sly's face turned into one of pain as he grabbed his shoulder.
"I thought you wanted to get all your anger out." He said through gritted teeth. "Can we be a bit more gentle?"
"Forget it I'm going running. This won't help this way."
"Hey come on." Sly said grabbing her arm before she could run off. "I'm sorry, I'll try and block you. Trust me I don't want to go out tonight with some black eyes and broken bones."
"Why is our relationship always about what you want?" She says and swipes his legs making him fall to the ground.
"Ok and that comment came from..." Sly said struggling to get up.
"From me - you dont' want to have sex, you dont' want to go out with a black eye or bruises. What about what I want?" She says using a side kick to his ribs.
"Ow." Sly said and made no attempt to move. "Who said I didn't want to have se...ow." He laid his head against the ground.
"Ugh" Liz says jumping up and down in frustration, then taking off running. Getting about a block away and running back.
"'Lizabeth please." Sly said from his place in the ground. He was rubbing his ribs where she kicked him.
"What?" She said giving him her hand helping him up.
"What do you want from me?" He asked. "What do you want me to do? Name it."
"I want you to not be scared of me anymore - scared that you'll hurt me or something. Sly tell me what you want without trying to sugar coat everything. Do you want me?"
"Do I want you phsyically?" Sly asked making sure he had the right question.
"Yes - physically and emotionally."
"Aw baby of course I want you." Sly said running his hand down her cheek. "I thought I had you emotionally for a while. Elizabeth there is no one I can connect with like I do with you. Even Luck doesn't get me sometimes. So yes emotioally I want you." He stopped for a second, unsure of how to say the next part.
"No sugar coating right?"
"Yes no sugar coating - I want your honest answer."
Sly took a deep breath and stepped closer to her.
"Physically Lizzie." He said softly. "I want you so bad it aches. I'm not just talking making love either. I'm talking sometimes I see you, even in sweatpants, and I want to lay you down on the floor, on the bed, hell on the ground and have mind blowing sex. In the shower, this morning, it took all my strength to not push you up against the wall and show you how much I love you. I won't force it though Lizzie. When it happens it happens and we will be making love. I'll be damned if it isn't special for you."
"Sly knowing how much you want it to be special will make it that way even if its not slow and romantic and you on top of me. If its us in the shower- so be it - thats my theory and thats what hurts so much when you back away. Sly it will be special regardless of how its done as long as you dont' tell me that I have to or else...and as long as you hold me afterwords."
"I will hold you afterwords." Sly replied. "I will tell you how much I love you over and over. You don't have to make love to me, ever. This is a mutual thing where we share our love. I just wanna make you feel things that you've never felt before, even though I'm not experienced."
"Sly you do make me feel those things- I feel them now - even when I was beating you up = I felt so much love inside it hurt. My heart is so full."
"Its nice to know kicking my ass makes you feel loved." Sly replied with a laugh. "Did it help any?"
"Yeah - but next time I need this can you please fight back. Man I have to know I can't kick your butt this easy." She smiles and kisses his cheek.
"You can't." Sly replied. "Now, are you up to going out this evening?"
"Yeah - where we going?"
"It's a surprise." Sly said slipping his hand in hers. "Luck and Em are going to if that's ok. I was planning on ditching them by dessert anyway."
"Ok - I need a shower." She smiles and then starts walking towards the house - not inviting him to take one with her with memories of this morning still in her mind.
"Oh Miss Webber, can I have one more moment of your time please?"
"Yes Mr Eckert - how may I help you?" She turns to face him.
Sly walked towards her and smiled.
"On the couch theres a big bag." He replied. "I went to the store and bought you a dress for this evening. I checked your size out earlier so it should fit. Hope you like navy blue."
"Yes I do."
Sly leaned down and kissed her.
"Hurry in the shower." He replied. "And let me know if you need someone to wash your back."
"You sure about that - I wont' be wearing anything." She laughs.
"As tempting as it may be I think I could handle myself." Sly replied. "Besides I can torture with the best of them. I had a great teacher."
"Oh really who?" She laughs and smiles seductively at him.
"A very sexy brunette." He replied. "With these amazing blue eyes and she has the best hands in the world."

Chapters 26-30
JL's Fanfics
GH's Next SuprerCouple