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Chapter 26

"'Lizabeth we are going to be late." Sly said standing on the outside of their door. Lucky and Emily were in the car, probably making out, and their reservation was in twenty minutes. The door finally opened and she stepped out. Sly's mouth dropped at the sight of her in her dress . It was strapless and it had a sweetheart neck. The back was open and dipped down her spine. She had a high slit up her right thigh.
"You know what, maybe we should stay in."
"No way - you got me such a beautiful dress and I have such a handsome man I want to show them off. Come on." She said taking his arm.
Sly sighed.
"The patience I have." He replied with a smile. He opened the door and let her out to the car.
"Your chariot awaits."
"In case I forget to tell you later - thank you for tonight." She kisses him quickly on the lips.
Sly smiled his charming grin.
"Trust me Miss Webber you will never forget tonight." He then hopped in the car and looked at Lucky smiling.
"Are we going - my woman won't keep her hands off of me. Liz you look spectacular." He says politely.
"Thank you Lucky." She says shyly in reply.
"Eye your own woman Spencer." Sly said. He then leaned over to him and whispered.
"After what I do tonight your gonna look like a pansy. Em's will make you come to me for romantic advice." He smiled and looked back at the two woman.
"Let's go have some fun ladies, shall we?"
"Yes lets please...Mr Eckert. Man gotta love a man with manners." She scoots over closer to him.
"And I just plain ol' love you." Sly replied. He started the car and headed off.

The four friends walked into the glorious ballroom that was the hotel resturant. It was obvious that Sly paid a pretty penny to reserve this place.
"Hang on." He said to his friends and disappeared. He walked over towards the maitre'd and they talked quietly. The man picked up four menus and showed the gang to a table that was in the center of the room and towards the left of the dance floor. There was a vase of red roses in there and candles adorned the elegant table. Sly noticed his surrondings. There was a big dance floor, a small band, and a good amount of people in the resturant. This was too perfect. He pulled the chair out for Liz and then sat down himself.
"Do you like?"
"I love Sly - this is beautiful."
Sly kissed her cheek and smiled.
"It's my treat....for everyone."
"Sly you don't have to do that." Emily replied.
"But I want to."
"Ok I'm willing to let you." Lucky laughs.

Liz sits there silently with her hand on Sly's thigh under the table, looking around in amazement. Taking in her surroundings and loving every minute of it.
"There are other people around Miss Webber." Sly whispered in her ear. "Don't get me started."
"Hey I'm being innocent. But wait till later." She smirks.
"I might take you up on that offer." Sly replied seriously. He was dying now. After their conversation earlier and the way she look in that dress he didn't know how he was containing himself.
"Ok you two - if you have something to say - say it to the whole class." Lucky laughed at his cousin, he could tell Sly was so much in love.
"Liz and I were discussing what kind of crowbars to buy for you and Em." Sly replied.
"It's not me." Emily said. "I always keep my hands to myself. Its Spencer here that can't stop touching me."
Liz laughs and coughs saying "Liar" under her cough then laughing some more.
"Haha, my kind of woman." Sly replied throwing his arm over the back of his chair. The waiter then came over and asked for their orders. They quickly told them what'd they like and then turned back towards each other.
"I hope I have money left in my bank account you people."
"If not we can charge it to Helena's cc I swiped when I was working on her yahct." Lucky laughs and pulls it out.
"Man, if I knew you had that I would've used it earlier." Sly said. "Damn the money I could've saved." He then turned towards Liz and smiled.
"But your worth it, trust me."
"What are you up to Eckert?" Liz asks growing suspicious and concerned with all his talk of money. Did he expect something for it.
"Me?" Sly asked innocently. "You think I'd be up to something?"
Emily looked at him, her eyebrows crossed.
"He's up to something."
Sly laughed and waved his hand at her.
"There goes your christmas present." The waiter then brought their food over and they enjoyed their meal.
After dinner Sly looked around, a little nervous and saw that most of the crowd was still there.
He then heard music in the background. A song he had paid the band earlier to play.
"Wanna dance babe?"
"Sure sweetie." Liz let him take her hand and lead her to the dance floor.
Sly led her out to the middle of the dance floor. They were the only couple there, all eyes on them, and Sly was going to show the world how much loved her.

You say you've been used before
Whole lot of love then it's out the door
And you swore you'd be used again no more, no more

Then you got on your feet again
It came to you like a long lost friend
Now they say you're wearing a bulletproof heart
Well I'm wearing my heart on my sleeve

Baby believe that I would never hurt you
Baby believe, cause my love will not desert you
Baby believe you know you got me begging and crying
I'm down on my knees

Open your heart and baby love again
Cause I won't let them take your love from me

You know that I've been hurt too
It's just your heart turns black and blue
There ain't no use in talking about it
You know all there is to say

I wanna love you girl
I wanna show you my world
Stop hiding the key to your heart
Baby let me in, let me in

Can't you see, Im a bandaged refugee
Can't you see, I need you girl to comfort me
Can't you see, oh, of all the tears that you cry
Close your eyes

Open your heart, and baby love again
Cause I won't let them take your love from me
Open your heart, and baby love again
I won't let them take your love from me

Can't you see, Im a bandaged refugee
Can't you see, I need you girl to comfort me
Can't you see, oh, of all the tears that you cry
Close your eyes

Open your heart (I want to love you girl)
You made me love again (I want to show you my world)
I won't let them take your love from me
Open your heart (I want to love you girl)
And baby love again (I want to show you my world)
I won't let them take your love
I wont let them take your love
I won't let them take your love from me

"Picked it out myself." Sly replied as the music faded. He kissed her forehead and then leaned his against hers.
"'Lizzie." He whispered. "I'm going to do something and I want you to promise me you won't hit me."
"Why would I hit you Sly?"
"Might embarass you." Sly said. "Promise?"
"Sly I dont' get embarrassed - what are you doing?"
"Shh." Sly replied and placed his finger on her lips.
Emily's eyes widened as she stopped her conversation with Lucky.
"Oh Lucky." She said slowly. She then watched Sly, in the middle of the dance floor, get down on one knee.
"Oh my God this is what he was psyched about this morning." Lucky said quietly and watched his cousin.
Sly struggled pulling something out of his pocket. He took Elizabeth's left hand in his own and opened the velvet box. All eyes were still on them as gasps slipped through the resturant.
"The first time I did this, I did it the wrong way." He began. "It didn't mean that I loved you any less it just meant that I was an idiot and unromantic. When I first saw you I knew there was something about you. I didn't want to admit it at first. I had enough problems in my life without dragging someone else into the picture. You wouldn't take no for an answer and somehow we just fell together and fell in love. You take all of me, like no one else. You take my faults, my temper tantrums, my ultimatiums, my tears, my love, everything. Now today, in front of all this people, I want to ask you to take all of me for the rest of our lives. I love you Elizabeth. Its you and its going to be only you for the rest of my life. Elizabeth Webber, will you marry me?"
Tears fell instantly but they were happy tears, "Yes Sly I'll marry you - on top of the Eiffel Tower or in Las Vegas -- Yes Yes I'll marry you." She couldnt' see him cleary but she loved him completely.
"Would you settle for Italy?" Sly asked with a laugh.
"Yes yes yes!" She said pulling him up to her and kissing him with everything inside of her.
Sly held Elizabeth tight against him. He was nervous, not sure if she would marry him, but she agreed. He pulled back tugging the ring out of its box and slipping it on her finger.
"I hope its ok." He replied. "If you don't like it we might be able to get another one."
"Sly its beautiful - you are beautiful." She says kissing him intensely.
"God I love you." He replied. He then pulled back looking around him.
"Thanks folks you can return to dinner now." With a smile he took his fiancee's hand and led her back to the table.
"Liz!" Emily exclaimed jumping out of her seat. "Congratulations."
"Thanks Em" She said hugging her while listening to the round of applause in the restraunt.
"Ahem." Sly said. "I have one more tiny surprise so if you don't mind I'm stealing her away from you guys. We'll catch a cab home."
"Not before I get to hug her." Lucky laughs as he gives Liz a hug. "See - you finally got a man to love you completely. Congrats Lizzie." Lucky says in her ear.
"Thanks Lucky." Knowing in the slightest way she has him to thank for this - for that talk they had so long ago - ending their relationship and letting her be free to find Sly.
Sly walked over and hugged Lucky.
"Tell the waiter to charge dinner to my tab. He'll know what I mean. Thanks for coming tonight."
"Wouldn't have missed it for the world. Congrats man."
"Thanks." Sly turned around to Liz. "Ready?"
"Of course. I love you." Liz smiles and kisses him, so happy she finally got her dream proposal.
Sly took her hand and led her towards the lobby into the hotel elevator. He watched as the numbers climbed towards the penthous suite and climbed out leading her to the room he reseverd. He turned towards her at the door.
"Ok I got this for us." He replied. "This doesn't mean we have to do anything I just wanted tonight to be perfect and I figured spending it alone, in each other's arms, would make it that way. So...we dont have to do anything."
"Can we? Can we finally make love? Sly I want to be yours completely."
"Like you even have to ask." Sly replied. "Just in case you said yes I kinda had something prepared. Close your eyes."
"You are making me fall in love with you all over again." Liz closed her eyes smiling like a little kid on Christmas morning.
"Oh God I love you." Sly said and kissed her softly on the lips. He opened the hotel door and took her hand leading her slowly into the room. Since it was the penthouse suitie it was divided into a few areas. He gently led her back towards the bedroom.
"Ok." Sly breathed. "Open your eyes."
The room was dim light. The lights provided were candles that surronded the night stand and dressers. Scented oils and potpuerri accompinaed them. On the bed though, above the black satin sheets, where flowers petals strewn across. There were some peach rose petals, purple violets, white daisies, and light blue carnations. Surronding them were little dabs of baby's breath. Sly smiled nervously.
"Every woman I know has that dream of making love on a bed of roses." He replied. "I like to be unique."
"Sly Eckert - you are the best - the best man alive. I dont' think there could possible be a way I could love you anymore than I do at this instant." She says as tear threatens to escape her eye.
"Sit for a sec." Sly replied taking her hand and sitting down gently on the bed. "I know that I haven't been the most loving romantic boyfriend. Hell, I don't even know why you've put up with me. Theres a lot that you found out. A lot of sick, crazy stuff. I'm still, sometimes, an angry man because of it. You healed me though. You gave me peace inside of my heart. You filled up what I lost when my parents died. Your my miracle Elizabeth and I didn't realize that I could love someone as much as you. There's still somethings about me that you don't know as I'm sure there are about you but thats why I want to marry you. I want to grow old and be 60 and still finding things out about you. I love you, all of you. Your my angel."
"Sly when I was sitting on the side of that ledge earlier today I was so mixed up and so confused. I didn't know what I was thinking and I was hurting inside and out. But you came and took all of that abuse, telling me only that you loved me and wanted me. You have no idea how badly I needed to hear that. Then when I started beating on you - you took it. I dont' know why but you didnt' leave Sly. In my life everyone leaves so thats one thing I love you for. Sly you may not be perfect God knows I'm not so please bare with me as I get better at explaining my feelings. All I can feel for you right now is love - the way you proposed, you gave me something I've been dreaming about since I was 8 yrs old. You are the angel Sly."
"I knew God put me on earth for a reason." He replied. "Just took me 19 years to find it. I love you Lizzie."
"I love you Sly - make love with me?"
"Yeah." Sly said softly. "Yeah." He leaned over and kissed her tenderly on her lips, letting Elizabeth set the pace.
His kiss set her body on fire. She wanted to be with him so bad but he's said no before so she didnt' want to push him. She just kissed him deeply and ran her hands into his hair.
Sly shifted on the bed pulling Elizabeth closer to him. He laid her back, slowly, carefully, as if she were a fragile doll. He only kissed her, loved her with his mouth. It was the most loving thing he could do.
"Oh Sly I want you." She whispered against his already swellen lips. arching her body under him as an invitation.
Sly felt himself harden at the sound of her voice. He took his shaky hands and slowly ran them down her back, pulling the zipper on her dress with him. He pulled away, looking deep into her eyes, and slid the dress down her body.
A smile escaped her lips. "yes Sly." She said moving her fingers the the buttons on his shirt.
"Your beautiful." Sly replied nuzzling her neck. She was naked now from the waist up. It was a site that Sly had seen before but somehow this was different. At this moment it was all new, because soon the would finally be one. He moved his lips down her neck, over her collarbone, and towards the swell of her breast.
She let him love her. Wanting to feel him so much she quickly undid the last button on his shirt and while caressing his chest she moved her hands up to his shoulders and helped his shirt find its way to the floor. Running her hands over his shoulders and chest again she moaned. "You're body is so strong." Loving the feel of how hard his chest was, a wall that no one could break through to get to his heart but knowning she did. She arched her back under him again inviting him to tease and torment her. She loved the feel of his mouth on her.
Sly kissed his way around her breasts and down towards her stomach. He lifted her hips and then slowly slid the rest of the dress off of her body and onto the floor with his shirt. He then made his way back up her stomach and over her rib cage towards her delicate flesh. Slowly, with his hands running up and down her sides, he kissed her breastly softly and whispered against her skin.
"I love you."
"Oh I love you so much Sly." She says against his shoulder while kissing it and running her hands up his back.
Sly took his time loving her. He kissed her breasts, his tongue swirling around them. His teeth nipping at her nipples, biting gently until she moaned his name. He then kissed his way back down to her stomach again and dipped his tongue slowly into her bellybutton, loving her there as well.
"Sly - more." Was all she could say - he was setting her body on fire and she didnt' want him to stop.
Sly kept kissing downward, over her womanhood, and legs and he pulled her stockings down. She laid there in her white panties waiting for him to love her. He couldn't resist the urge to kiss her again and his mouth caught hers in a heated kiss, their naked chests crashing and molding together.
Liz needed to regain some control she was losing herself in his touch and she could barely breath. "My turn" She smiled and rolled them over so that he was on the bed on his back and she began kissing his chest. Teasing his nipple the way he had teased hers. Her hand finding his desire and cupping it with her hand she gave it a gentle squeeze of encouragement as she nibbled on his nipple.
"'Lizabeth." Sly sighed as he felt her caress him lightly. His hands ran down her back and over her behind before slowly moving towards her front. He teasingly ran his hand along the waistband of her panties before his slipped his hand inside them, and then inside her.
"Yes Sly." She said encouraging him as she began to unbutton his pants.
Sly shuddered as he felt Elizabeth undressing him. The months of patience slipped away from him as his eagerness and need kicked in. He pushed her gently on her back and stripped her of her panties.
"I need you." He said kissing her. He pulled away breathless. "I need to be inside of you right now."
She smiled knowing that need well. "You will honey. Soon." She says while trying to remove his pants in this position - kissing him.
He decided to help her with his pants. He took her hands in his own and then slowly slid them down his body and over his behind. He pulled back a little and yanked them over, throwing them into the pile by the side of the bed. His boxers soon followed. He kissed her again. First her forehead, then her nose, then her mouth. His erection was growing, his need aching, his body just wanting to love her. His hands slipped up her waist and slowly massaged her breasts.
"Sly - we arent' protected yet - we need a condom." She hated to break the spell but the shot took 48hrs to work.
"Shh, I know." Sly whispered. He reached over into the nightstand and yanked out a condom. He ripped the package open and threw that on the floor also. He smiled lovingly on her.
"I was hoping to get lucky." He whispered softly.
"No doubting it tonight honey." She kisses him, then his neck, reaching up and taking the condom from his hands and opening it. Sliding her hands down between them she slides the condom on him while kissing him. "Sly I want you inside me- make love to me, make me yours completely."
With the help of her, Sly gluided easily into his only lover. He lay perfectly still for a moment, her body under his, just content with being inside of her. Finally when the urge was too much to control he began to thrust into her, gently at first, kissing her softly.
"Mmm, Baby you feel so good." Liz says kissing him, encouraging him, making him feel secure.
Sly nuzzled her neck. The sensations going on inside of him were confusing and passionate. He never felt so much love for someone and he didn't know what he was doing. He held onto her hips tightly as he felt the urgency to bring them to paradise take over. He let his love for her just shine through repeating over and over how he felt.
"I love you Lizzie."
"I love you Sly. I love you." She says while running her hands up and down his back finally letting them wander farther down, cupping his behind urging him deeper inside. She then moves her legs and bends them opening them giving him easier access.
Sly felt himself slid deeper inside of her with every thrust that he made. He felt her muscles around him tighten, the world was began to move around him, the the flowers scattered around the bed were sticking to their bodies.
"God Elizabeth." He groaned in passion.
"More Sly - let yourself you wont' hurt me." She ran her hands over his shoulders, and using the muscles in her calves she boosted her hips off the bed letting him slide extremely far in on his next thrust. "OH Sly."
Sly almost died on the spot. Just when he thought that the sensations couldn't get any better, Liz's body did something else to drive him closer to the edge. He could feel things build up even more, the passion that he held deep inside was ready to explode.
"Elizabeth..." He said panting. "Elizabeth, can we...can we...together." He dropped his head down, breathing hard, his lower body now taking full control.
Elizabeth tightened her muscles, "Yes Sly."
Sly leaned down and kissed her again, loving her more and more each moment.
"I love you." He whispered in her ear as he felt himself near the breaking point.
Yes Sly" Liz felt him begin to shake and raised her hips just a little more, her legs burned but she urged him inside her with more desire than she thought she could ever feel. She moved her hands to his back urging him to take and that is what he did, he thrust inside her one last time and they both reached a beautiful climax, both of them shaking for the force of the pleasure. She let her hips fall to the bed and pulled him to her. Soothing him, running her hand over his forehead brushing back stray hairs. Kissing him deeply then letting them both calm down.
"I love you." He replied breathless. "And I'm glad we were each other's first."
"I love you two Sly. I cant' wait to be your wife."
Sly grinned.
"Personally I can't wait for the honeymoon."

Chapter 27

Lucky rolled onto his back after bringing he and Emily satisfaction once again. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her forhead. "Hey beautiful you up for a good heart to heart?"
"Yeah." Emily said softly as she opened her eyes. "What's on your mind?" She asked pushing a strand of damp hair away from his eyes.
"Us, sex and our relationship. The changes we are going to go through because its now sexual." He says with his hand in her hair.
"How is it going to change?" Emily asked confused. "I just thought it would bring us closer."
"Well it will theres no doubt about it. But there will also be an increased level of jealousy."
"Aw Lucky, there's no need to be jealous of other guys. I only love you." She kissed his nose. "You might want to explain these things to me because I'm clueless if you havent noticed."
"Baby - there is something about sex that increases the ownership hormones. Its like a territory thing - it doesnt' happen to everyone but I've kinda heard about it and wanted to talk about since everything else happens to us."
"You can pretty much guarentee it happening it to us then." She replied. Emily pulled the sheet around her body and sat up in bed, her knees pulled up under her chin and faced Lucky. "What exactly do you want to talk about?"
"Em - even though we've had sex, made love whatever you want to call it - I'm still going to be me - I'm still going to flirt - I dont' want you feeling threatened or belittled or anything because thats not my intentions. I love you - I love only you - but I can't stop being me."
Emily rolled her eyes.
"We're back to that now." She replied. "I just don't see why you need to flirt. It symbolizes to me that your not being satisfied at home."
"To me it symbolizes that I'm male - that I'm a Spencer."
"Have you ever heard the saying men are assholes?"
"I thought thats what you'd say - I dont' want to fight with you Em - we just enjoyed one another and I'm trying to be open and honest with you and you are calling me names? Whats up with that?"
Emily sighed. "Sorry." She mumbled.
"Look we don't agree on that subject so what am I supposse to do? I'm not going to break up with you for it. I love you Luck, I don't want to be with anyone else...ever."
"Can you promise to try and remember this conversation the next time I flirt or the next time you think my eye is wandering. I wont' ever cheat on you - I dont' ever want anyone else by my side -please know that."
"I do know that." Emily said. "It's just that when your eyes wonder I don't think I'm pretty enough for you."
"Emily you have to remember something - beauty is in the eye of the beholder - do you know what I think is the most beautiful thing about any person - especially a woman?"
"Confidence. Confidence in yourself, in who you are, an inner strength that doesn't let other people affect your strength. Baby be confident in our love - trust our love. I do."
"Oh you must really hate me then." Emily replied. "Lucky, I don't do this for attention its just the way I am. I was always turned over, the last to be picked, ignored. Its not something I like, always questioning myself. Its still really hard to understand and grasp that someone as beautiful and loving is still here loving and putting up with me."
"Will you try something -- for me?"
"You know I'd do anything for you." Emily replied.
"The next time you get insecure or scared about us, before you go off or let your mind make you think I dont' love you - stop inhale and remember our first time together. Remember what you told me afterwords - that no one has ever loved you like that. Emily I love you heart body and soul and I think if you promise to try to not let your insecurities get the best of you that I'll try to change one of my behaviors for you. Deal?"
"Luck, I wanna do that." She replied with a smile. "I wanna remember that you love me and our first time together. What I said was true. No one has ever loved me the way you do. Its more than physical too, its everything. I don't want you to change though because i'm insecure. That would be wrong of you to do that."
"Emily I'm asking you only to try - you can ask me to try - whats the one thing that you would like me to change. Honey if we are ever going to make this work we have to talk like this - we have to work on it. Whats the one thing?"
"The flirting thing." She said. "I know its you and I know its all Spencer but it doesnt make me feel good knowing your doing it."
"Ask me Em - don't state it - ask me." Lucky sits up and says softly to her.
"Lucky, could you please work on not flirting with every gorgeous woman that walks by you." She asked. "If would make me feel better."
"Yes Em - for you I will try to stop flirting." He says and kisses her softly. Letting the kiss linger so she knows that he loves her.
"I love you Lucas Lorenzo Spencer Junior." Emily said slowly. "And I will work on my insecure ways."
"Thank you." Lucky lays down and moves his arms to invite her to lay next to him.
Emily snuggled up to her lover and let out a content sigh.
"It would be heaven if we could spend the rest of our lives like this. Talking things out, communication, and maybe have you lose an argument once in a while."
"Baby I never lose...if I think I'm about to I start that Spencer charm that no woman can resist. You know the stuff, when I start kissing your neck right about here." He touches a spot on her neck that has the tiniest hicky from thier previous session of antics.
"One of these days I'll be albe to turn you down." Emily replied with a smile. "Until then I'm just going to enjoy myself."
Lucky laughed at that comment. If she only knew how much her love meant to him.
"If I ask you something would you give me an honest answer?" Emily asked while stroking his chest softly.
"Do you really dislike discussing your past relationships with me?"
"No I dont' mind discussing anything with you - what bothers me is when you assume something about them - like the fact that I had had many lovers before you - assuming instead of asking me really annoys me - but if you ask me questions I'll answer anything - I have nothing to hide from you - ever." He says running his fingers through her hair.
"We discussed that I apologized, lost an argument. Thats why I was asking now Spencer geesh." Emily replied. "I just wanted to know how you knew about the who jealousy thing involving sex. I was just curious if your ex-girlfriend was ever jealous of the woman you associated with."
"She kinda was - but got over it when I would have sex with her. The jealousy thing actually my cousin Carly and your brother Jason told me about actually."
"Why did she give you an ultimatim Luck?" Emily asked. "If you don't mind me asking...what made her do it?"
"I think it was alot of little things. I mean I'd have plans with her and you'd call - I'd just instantly want to be with you. So I would. Or I'd be kissing her and I would ignore the phone for everyone but you - caller id is a great thing in many ways- I guess she got tired of playing second fiddle. I never even realized that I was mistreating her - you know I just knew that you were Em - you were my Em and that was that. When she told me to choose - I didn't hesitate - there was no thought needed."
Emily smiled.
"You are such a wonder for my ego."
"Thats good - cos I've always wanted you - it took me a while to get up the nerve to tell you but it wasn't something I came to the conclusion of that night."
"That would be the night you broke up with Elizabeth?" Emily asked with a smile. "And you wondered why I didn't believe you at first."
"I still dont' get that - I never loved Liz - I mean come on we were only together about what - 2 wks. And you questioned my honesty = that hurt Em."
"Luck, it wasn't so much a question of your honesty but my sanity." Emily replied. "For as long as I remembered you were the only one I loved. Nikolas was a thing when you dated Lidia. I guess I just wanted to make you jealous and it didn't turn out too well. It was always you Lucky. When I was kissing Sly I wanted to kiss you. I wanted your arms around me, I wanted your touch. Then after all those years for someone to tell me my dreams are coming true the same night he broke up with another gorgeous girl was too much for me to believe."
"I'll never lie to you Emily."
"I know that. I know how much you love me. We were both idiots to waste so much time apart. We could've been doing all these things years ago."
"Yeah and now we have to make up for lost time." Lucky rolls over on top of her and kisses her then stops to look at her to see if she wants to talk or make love.
"I love you." She whispered. "Now love me....please."
"You got it angel." Lucky kissed her letting his feelings of unconditional love show through.

Chapter 28

"Did you enjoy yourself?" Sly asked feeding Elizabeth a strawberry.
"I would have to say yes." She says taking a bite of the strawberry then leaning to him and kissing him softly.
"I don't think I could love you anymore than I do at this moment." Sly sighed. "I feel so much closer to you. If I knew it was gonna be that good I would've jumped ya in the shower earlier." He finished with a wink.
"See now you have to wait for another invite." She smirks, running her hand up his face and into his hair.
"Can I invite you?" He asked leaning in closer. "Like what if I said, Lizzie I think we need to shower."
"I think I would kiss you to get the idea of leaving the bed out of your mind." She kisses him, pulling him on top of her enjoying the feelings he provokes in her.
"That did it." Sly replied with a smile. "I don't want to move now...ever. Let's just stay like this always." He kissed her nose softly.
"Thanks for putting up with me Lizzie. Thanks for loving me."
"Oh that is so not a problem." She kisses him again.
"Sly can I ask you something?"
"You could ask me for a million dollars right now and I would give it to you." He replied. "So ask away."
"Will you tell me more. Tell me more about your life. I want to know how I got you - this wonderful caring gentle man." She knows she didnt' word that well but hopes he'll understand what she means.
"What do you want to know Elizabeth?" He asked. "I'll tell you anything I just need speicfic questions as to which part of my life we're talking about here."
"What happened that made your Aunt Jenny give up? What did you learn at the Citidel? What were the lessons, how did they teach you? Sly you've told me bits and pieces - but I know I have a wonderful man in my arms right now and you are a product of your past so I want to know more about your past." She lovingly caressed his cheek.
"You give me way too much credit." Sly replied. "Are you sure you want to hear this? Some of it isn't pretty."
"Yes I want to know the man who is going to be my husband - all of you Sly - even the not so pretty stuff."
Sly smiled and touched her cheek gently.
"I don't know what makes me the man you say I am." He replied. "I think it has everything to do with you but then I would have to accredit some to my parents. They werent in my life for long but they had such a big impact. My mom died when I was 8 or 9. I remember my dad telling me and how hard it was living without her. He took care of me though, loved me with everything he was. Thats why when he died I lost it and I lost part of me. I was sent to live with my Aunt Jenny but she couldn't handle me. I was out of control. I was a loner but did everything wrong. I robbed from people, got sent to a detention center a couple of times, I can't remember the last time I saw an actual high school. She thought that I needed discipline when in reality I needed love." He looked up at her and smiled with some tears shining in his eyes. "All I ever really needed was love and I finally have someone here to give it to me. She saw me as a murderer in the making and shipped me off to the Citadel. Thats when the Sly Eckert that everyone knew disappeared. That place changed my life forever." He pulled his hand away from her and wiped away the tears that rolled down his face. "Are you sure you want to hear this?"
"Yes Sly - I do want to hear it." She tenderly runs her hand into his hair.
"Sometimes I make that place out to be worse than it really is." He continued. "Yeah I got smacked around a lot freshman and sophmore year. Everyone did though so it wasn't really that big of a deal. It was shocking to me though because like I said I was looking for love and love was the last thing that the Citadel was giving. You see the old Sly was the wisecracking kid who smooth talked his way out of alot of things. He charmed all the ladies and loved like there was no tomorrow. Let me tell you how not exceptable that is in the Citadel. I make a comment, I got whacked. I made a smart remark, I got wacked. If I cough wrong I got whacked. They destroyed me, but only to build me back up this a respectable man who knew how to treat people." He took a deep breath and blinked back some tears. "They didn't know that I already knew how to treat people. I was always good to my mom and my aunt Laura and Bobbie. I never disrespected them. I only did what I did to my Aunt Jenny because I was hurting. I had no one left. No one was there to love me Lizzie and I didn't know how to breath let alone love someone else. I just couldn't do it. I wish I could take everything back. The citadel wasn't that horrible. I survived the minor beatings. I survived the first years with disrespect and heck I even got some honors in my classes junior and senior year. I came out someone different though. I learned more about respect and I was taught about commands and how to survive amongst the toughest but it still hurt. It hurt to know that I really didn't need it. All I needed was time to heal and I was never given that. So I lost my innocence for no reason. Christ that isn't...." Sly climbed off the bed and walked over towards the dresser leaning on it and trying to fight back some tears. "I dont blame the Citadel, they taught me so many things, but they also killed the Sly Eckert that everyone knew. They killed just killed me." He took a deep breath and clutched on tighter to the dresser. "I can't do this Lizzie...I just can't."
Liz quickly climbed out of bed and walked over to him wrapping her arms around his waist and pulling him into a hug. "Its ok Sly- you dont' have to talk about it - Shh I love you Sly I'll never leave you - I love you baby."
"Elizabeth I wanna tell you everything." Sly whispered. "When I got out I came to PC to find Lucky and then I met you. Then my whole life started to change again. What else do you want to know? Just ask baby, because I don't want to lose you too." He turned around in her arms and saw the tears on her face. "Why are you crying?"
"I hate your Aunt Jenny - I want to beat her up for what she put you through. You don't put a child who just lost his parents through something like that."
"Can you blame her though?" Sly asked. "I mean I must've deserved it."
"I can blame her - you solve things with love not abuse. Sly I love you I will always love you until the day I die - then Ill love you from heaven."
"Everything I've been through. The pain, the lonlieness, all of it was worth it because it brought me you. I don't want to live another day without you."
"You never will - Sly you never will. I want you - I want you more now that ever before." She kisses his neck.
"You just want me for my body." Sly said pretending to be hurt.
"No I want your heart you big ox...but your body is definatly a plus." She smiles and runs her hands into his hair, pulling him closer to her, pressing her naked chest to his, wanting him to feel connected to someone.
"Duh, Elizabeth." Sly replied. "You've had my heart since day one. I just denied it the whole time, now about the body..."
"Yeah" She smirks.
"We are out of the bed." He replied. "And the bathroom is just in the other room. Huge tub."
"Race you?" Liz says nibbling on his neck then running to the bathroom.
"Tease!" Sly called out. He picked up his watch from the dresser and walked into the bathroom. He raised his eyebrows at her.
"What time did you go to the doctors the other day?"
"I got the shot at 1030am why?"
"That was two days ago and its 2 pm now." Sly replied with a grin. He chucked his watch out the bathroom door. "That means..."
"OH yeah!" She smirks and steps into the tub, letting the bubbles surround her.
"First time without a condom eh baby?" Sly asked sliding in across from her. "Its my first too...promise to be gentle."
"I'll try but I just may need to use my nails to get you to behave." She kisses him and wraps her hands around him. Loving him gently, pulling him closer to her.
"I wanna do something." He replied, pulling her even closer so she was stradling him.
"Anything - I'll do anything for you Sly." She kisses him.
"For me, too me, you chose." Sly replied with a smile. He ran his wet hand down the side of her face. He leaned in and whispered in her ear.
"Tell me one of your fantasies."
"Sly I'm embrassed. Can't we just - I dont' know kiss."
"Lizzie there's no need to be embarassed." Sly replied. "I'm going to be your husband one day, very soon. I plan on learning about all of your fantasies and making each one come true."
She leans back in the tub laying down and going completely under the water, then she comes up, bubbles in her hair and all over her body.
"Sly its really hard for me to talk about this stuff but I'll try."
"Your distracting me on purpose." Sly replied. "Come on Lizzie, I would never laugh at your or your fantasies. Tell me yours and I'll tell you mine."
"Ok one of them. One of them you fulfilled the first night we were together, I fantasized about making love on a bed of flowers." She says her face turning red.
"I've always fantasized about that too." He replied softly. "Come on, I know there's more deep down in there. Lizzie, I promise you I won't laugh or think your weird or anything. I love you and I want to know everything there is about you. Fantasies included."
"OK - I've always dreamt of a relationship so solid that when one of us pulls out a book on different sexual positions - like this one with us in the tub, that we are both willing to try every position in the book, and we laugh and are so relaxed with each other and we trust each other so completely that it doesnt' seem strange to either of us."
"That wouldn't seem strange to me." Sly replied. "Believe me when I say that I want to try every position with you. I'm really enjoying this. Got anymore fantasies?"
"This ones wierd."
"Nothings weird, its just really unique."
"I want you to be forceful. Not mean -not like asshole was, not rape or anything just like 'Liz roll over' or 'kiss my neck - now' and not ask you know - like you need me so much that your manners fly right out the window. I think it would be fun to surrender to you like that."
Her face a deep shade of red so she lays back in the tub again - going under and staying there for a bit.
Sly wiggled his feet underneath the water, trying to push Lizzie back up.
"If you drown under there how can I fufill those fantiasises of yours. Especially the last one. I really love the last one."
She pops up from under the water, "You did?"
"Of course I did." Sly replied. "What man wouldn't want to do that with the woman he loved? Do you know how many times I wanted to throw you down on the bed and screw your brains out because I had that much desire for you?"
"Really? Tell me a fantasy now?"
"Why don't we just skip right to fufilling yours?" Sly asked kissing her neck. "Hell, I'm all for it."
"We can but come on Sly - tell me one so I won't feel so foolish."
"In a resturant." Sly replied. "When the place is all locked up for the night. I've always wanted to sneak in and make love on the bar, on the floor, in the kitchen, on the tables. Everywhere imagineable. Feel better? I'm kinda kinky"
"I like it." She kisses him and slides farther onto his lap.
"You just let me know when you want to fufill it and I'm all yours sexy."
"Mmm" She smiles and reaches her hand down into the water and starts to massage her man.
"A little antsy aren't we Miss Webber?" He asked. "Massage me slowly."
Liz's eyes light up loving the fact that he's telling her what he likes. She slows her hand down as ordered, she looks at him for approval. Loving this.
"Hmm, mmm." Sly moaned with his approval. "Kiss me Lizzie. Long and hard."
"OH I so love this." She obeys his command and melts into a kiss.
"Your not the only one." Sly groaned. He pulled her back towards him, letting his tongue roughly dance with hers. "Lizzie...suck on my nipple."
She eagerly bends her body like a pretzel to take his nipple in her mouth, "Suck or nibble?"
"Both." He said. "And do it thoroughly."
"Yes sir." She smiles and moves her body so that she is laying down almost on top of him in the tub, her mouth is even with is chest and she goes wild, teasing and tormenting first one nipple then the other, waiting for her next command, so willing to give everything to Sly.
"Take me in your mouth." He replied. He wasn't sure if he should "demand" this and he would back away quickly if he knew she didn't like it.
"Underwater?" She asks, not knowing how she would breath. "should we get out of the tub?"
Sly tried to stifle a laugh.
"Can hold your breath there Lizzie?" He asked with a grin.
She hits him playfully. "Come on Eckert lets finish this somewhere I dont have to be a fish."
"Hey, hey, I want my fun shower." He replied. He stood up and held his hand out to her. "Or would you really rather we finish this in the other room."
"I would rather we finish this where I dont' drown. Sly I've never done what you are asking me to do - but I want to - I want you to tell me exactly what you like so I learn only what you want done. That way it'll give you pleasure every time. We can come back to water sports a little later."
"Ooh I like that name for it." Sly replied. He held up a towel and wrapped Elizabeth up, rubbing her softly. "You can't imagine how many things I want you to do to me."
"Please tell me" She dries off and takes his hand leading him into the bedroom.
"Finish what you started in there." Sly said. "Take me in your mouth."
Liz kneels down on the spot with both of them in the middle of the room, "Here?"
"Right here."
She grabs a pillow throwing it on the ground. Kneeling she kisses the tip of him and then looks up at him, "Sly tell me what you like."
"I want you to run your tongue over me. I want your mouth to caress me." He replied. "I want you to pleasure me."
Liz tried to obey and do as he asked, she let her tongue run up and and down the length of him, wrapping it around him, before taking him in her mouth completely. Wanting to see what he would say.
"Yes." Sly moaned. "God Elizabeth...yes."
She kisses the tip of him, "Sly can I wrap my arms around your waist."
" it."
Liz wrapped her arms around his waist, moving her mouth and kissing crease in his legs. Her tongue rubbing over all of him. "Teach me Sly."
"Lick me Lizzie." Sly groaned. "Lick me all over."
Liz slowly lets her tongue trace all of him, not just his erection but the rest of him as well, the underside of his penis, his scrotum, trying despertly to get him to be vocal.
"Yeah Lizzie." Sly moaned. "Like that, love me like that baby." His hand clutched in her hair as he started to guide her.
She kissed, and sucked slowly, until finally she was at the tip of him again, she started to tease with her tongue.
"Elizabeth." He shuddered as his body shook slightly. He felt himself nearing his realease. Things were building up inside of him and he was ready to explode. This time though, he wanted to realease himself in her mouth.
"Sly tell me - what do you want huh?" She takes just the tip of him in her mouth and swallows.
"I want you to take all of me in your mouth." He replied. "That's what I want Elizabeth."
"Promise not to pull away when you reach the peak - promise to let me" She says before she opens her mouth and relaxes her throat, taking all of him in her mouth, deep throating him, never having done that before she hopes she doesn't freak out when he releases. She closes her eyes and runs her hands on the small of his back.
"Elizabeth." Sly whispered. He almost collapsed, his knees were getting this weak. He felt the sensations building deep inside of him and he knew that he wouldn't be able to turn back anyway. This was another one of his fantasies he just never wanted to push her before. Now he never wanted her to stop her sweet torcher. "Lizzie....oh god, Lizzie."
She just kept her eyes closed and slid him in and out of her mouth, never fully letting him escape, when she feels that he's just about to give in, she takes all of him again and swallows hard.
"Lizzie!" Sly cried out as he climaxed. His body shook as Elizabeth took him in her mouth and never let go.
She could feel his release and she opened her eyes to see his body start to relax. She let go with her throat and let him slide out of her mouth, she kissed the tip of him and stood up. "Did I do good?" She smirks.
Sly leaned his arm on her shoulder and started to walk backwards.
"I'm going to collapse." He panted.
She lead him to the bed. Letting him lay down. "You arent' done giving orders are you?" Letting the disappointment show through - she wants this to continue she's having a whole lot of fun.
Sly smiled.
"You are definately my girl." He replied. "How much energy you got left?"
"Lots...what do you have in mind master?" She laughs slightly seeing if he still wants to play along.
"I want to make love to you in the worst way." Sly replied. "But first we have to get little Mr. Eckert ready...thats your job." He folded his arms under his head and raised his eyebrows. "Got any ideas?"
She looks at him wide eyed, then closes her eyes - 'hes unbeleiveable' she thinks. 'just going to lay there like a bump on a log' "You know I bet he'd wake up if you touched me and actually did something." She couldnt' believe she said that figuring she just totally pissed him off.
"I apologize Miss Webber." Sly replied sitting up. "I do recall someone saying something in the form of master and having me take control. Do you vaguely remember that?"
"Control is one thing - kicking back with your hands behind your head saying well get me hard is a little much - come on I didn't even get a kiss-Sorry Sly that just made me feel a little used thats all. Let me think of something" She says meekly, suddenly worried that she'll lose him. Quickly she lays down and starts to kiss his neck and his nipple, trying to entice him again.
"Shit Lizzie." Sly mumbled. He rolled her over so she was on her back and pulled away from her. "Lizzie I'm sorry I didn't really mean anything by it. I'm sorry. Look you don't have to do anything anymore ok? How about I love you?"
"NO Sly - this is my problem - I shouldn't do this to you - I want this - I want what we started in the bathroom, please let keep doing this - I love this...please. I'm sorry."
"Hey, hey calm down ok?" Sly replied. "Your problems are my problems now. I love you and I'm going to do whatever you say but I want you to know something. I love you and if I ever, ever, make you feel used like that bastard did let me know please Elizabeth. I'd rather cut my own dick off that hurt you like that. I don't want to do it and I'm sorry that I made you feel that way." He nuzzled her neck. "I'm sorry."
"Kiss me" She almost orders.
"Kiss you where?" Sly asked with a smile. "Here?" He asked placing his mouth against her neck. "Or here?" He asked kissing her forehead. "Or maybe here?" He asked kissing her nose. "Here." He whispered against her cheek. "How about..." His lips then found hers in a tender kiss.
"Kiss me everywhere - I love you Sly." She loves the feel of his lips anywhere.
"Ohh demanding." He replied with a grin. "Do you know how sexy you are? How beautiful you are? How much you turn me on?"
"I think you should show me - Sly I want you in control."
"Elizabeth are you sure?" He asked. "I don't want to hurt you honey."
"You won't- I'm fine again. I want this Sly - I just wanted a kiss after giving you -" She doesn't say it but he knows what she means.
"After giving me something that I've always wanted." He replied. His hand slid up her body and he tenderly caressed her breast.
"Touch me like I'm touching you."
She gently touches his chest, thinking thats what he wants her to do.
"Let's get a little more specific." Sly replied and his hand moved downward. He slowly massaged her womanhood.
"Umm" Liz enjoyed his touch, her hand finding her way down to his manhood. Caressing him slowly like he told her in the bathtub.
Sly grinded his teeth together as he felt himself harden under Elizabeth.
"I want to be inside you." He groaned. "I need to be inside you."
"Already? I thought you needed to re-coup" she laughs teasing him.
"With you touching me I recouparate easily." Sly said and rolled onto his back. "But hey if you need time you just let me know."
"Well where are we going to do it this time?"
"Elizabeth!" Sly said feigning shock. "You make it sound so unmeaningful."
"Well honey - you being inside me is great - but all this talk of fantasies and control and -- Well I want something new."
"How do you feel about nature?"
"Nature is a beautiful thing. What do you have in mind master?" She says that fully looking at him so he can see there is no fear in her mind.
"We have a very beautiful patio right over there." Sly said pointing to the slid glass doors that led to a small pation. "Wanna be really daring?"
"Oh yeah!" She smiles. Eyes wide. Excitement evident.
"Aren't you going to carry me out there sugar pie?" Sly asked.
"You know I bet I can get you to follow me." She smiles stands up and cups his manhood walking backwards leading him with her.
"Oh God you tease."
"Order me to quit teasing." She smiles as she continues to walk towards the patio.
Sly reached behind her and slid the patio door open. The cool air stung their naked bodies as he walked out onto the patio.
"Tease me a little more, Lizzie."
She let her hand start to stroke him, slowly, leisurely, loved the feel of him in her hands.
"Ok Elizabeth." Sly said. "Now stop teasing. Kiss my know the spot."
She moves immediately to kiss his neck exactly where he wants but doesn't let go of him.
"I'm ready now." He breathed. "God, I am so ready to be deep inside of you." His eyes searched around him. "Where?"
Liz looks around and sees a lawn chair and the whirlpool. "In the whirlpool?"
"Whirpool it is." Sly said and scooped her up in his arms. He quickly walked over towards the whirlpool and climbed in, setting Liz down next to him.
"Straddle me."
"OH yeah." She quickly moved his body so that he slid right inside her. "Um you feel so great."
Sly took a deep breath as he tried to control his body. Being one with Liz, and having nothing between them, was almost too much for his body.
"Ride me Lizzie." He breathed. "God, please."
That was all the encouragement she needed, with that she grinded her hips into him and started to give them both pleasure. "Sly."
"Lizzie." Sly groaned against her neck. "I love you Lizzie, god I love you."
"I love you Sly - I want more." She moves her body on his, moving him deeply into her.
Sly grabbed her by the hips and thrusted hard inside of her, groaning and panting.
"More Sly - More" She could feel her legs start to burn as she road him harder.
Sly thrusted deeper inside of her, trying to fill her with all of him.
"Lizzie," He moaned. "Lizzie."
"Sly!" She grinded her body to him, wanting more of him inside her.
Sly continued to thrust into her as he held onto her hips tightly. She was meeting him thrust for thrust. Their sensations building and Sly one small stroke away from the edge.
"I love you Elizabeth." He whispered against her mouth and captured it with his own lips.
Liz just pushed her body down on Sly as hard as she could then screamed "Yes" As she did that she arched her body back causing her body to tighten around Sly.
"Oh God." Sly groaned as he felt his body realease and tremble around Elizabeth's.
Elizabeth flings her body back against Sly - panting and tingling all over.
"You are increidble." Sly said kissing her neck. "You are so incredible."
"Oh I did good?" She laughs with her man still deeply inside her.
"You did so much better than good." Sly said. "I dont think I can move."
"Good cos I d rather you stay right here. I love you Sly."
Sly sighed. "I love you too....more than life itself."

Chapter 29

Emily sat behind the wheel of the jeep and took a deep breath. She turned to Lucky with her bottom lip pouted.
"Is it necessary that I learn how to drive?"
"If you learn to drive I'll do anything you want tonight? You gotta be able to drive if we need to leave in a rush. Please" Lucky sticks out his bottom lip.
Emily mumbled under her breath and started to turn the car on. She kept her foot tightly on the brake.
"Why can't Liz learn?"
"Cos Liz already knows how to drive."
"Damn her." Emily said. She learned at the controls. "R" She said and pulled the car into reverse. She realease the brake a little and started backing out.
"This is easy." She replied.
"See -- you are going to get through this then have me at your control all night." Lucky smiles.
"Now that's the good thing." She replied with a smile. She then placed her foot on the gas pedal and the car started to go quickly backwards.
"Lucky! Make it stop! Make it stop!"
"Push on the brake baby." He laughs.
Emily slammed on the brake and sent herself and Lucky forward.
"I don't want to drive."
Woman" Lucky says exasperated. "Its easy you just let up on the brake slowly push the gas slowly and ease the jeep back."
"Keep those remarks up and you won't be getting anything from this woman tonight." Emily said. She took another deep breath and slowly let go of the brake easing the jeep out of the driveway. She turned the wheel the the left a little and it was now facing the road, ready to be moved forward.
"Woohoo, I did it! Can I stop now?"
"If you stop now you wont' be getting any for a week." Lucky wanted her to drive. "Now shift into drive and step on the gas."
"Isn't that why they invented vibrators?" Emily asked with a smile. She put the car in drive and pressed on the gas pedal, hard.
"Let up on the gas. And vibrators can't give you the pleasure my fingers could let alone my body."
"Ugh, so sure of yourself." Emily said. She eased up on the pedal and had a death grip on the sterring handle. "Where to?"
"Around the block." He smiled. "Baby if you want a vibrator I'll buy you one." He dared her.
Emily slammed on the brakes at the stop sign.
"Yeah I want one." She replied. She looked both ways and then turned back to her boyfriend.
"I don't know how to turn." She whispered.
"Turn the friggin wheel in the direction you want to go Em. OK you know what - turn the wheel to the right we'll go buy you one right now."
"Is there such a need to get snippy? I never drove a car in my life and its not as easy as you think to just "turn the friggin wheel in the direction that i want to go"."
"Yes it is that easy Em - its just a machine -dont' be a baby- it will do exactly what you want it to. OK the sex shop is on the next block. Pull into on of the angeled parking spots anywhere here on the side of the road." Lucky was getting irratted and he was getting her a vibrator to prove a point now.
Emily slammed on the break, stopping the car with a screach.
"Park it your fucking self." She hopped out of the car and started to walk up the block.
Lucky jumped into the drivers seat and pulled it into the spot. Jumping out he ran up to Em.
"What the hell was that?"
"I'm neverous ok!" She yelled. "I'm in this huge machine and I have this huge responsibilty to not hit something or not cause an accident and kill someone. I never pulled out, I never turned, hell I never freaking turned a car on before and your yelling at me. I'm sorry if I seem babish Lucky but I didnt grow up on the run, sitting in my father's lap, while he was driving the car!"
"Emily you are 18 yrs old stop acting like you are 2 - take some responsiblity for your life. You were doing great until you starting acting like you couldn't do it - you baby yourself and I'll be damned if I'll have a baby for a girlfriend." He walked across the street dodging cars. Heading straight to his original destination.
"Fine!" Emily screamed after him. "He really thinks I'm a baby...I'll show him baby." She walked over towards the car and turned it on. She placed the seatbelt of her shoulder and put the car in reverse.
"I can do this Em." She assured herself. She looked back and saw no cars. She then double checked through her mirrors. She then pulled out slowly and stopped when she got where she wanted to. She turned the wheel in the parking lot but overcorrected almost hitting another car.
"Oh, thats bad." She mumbled bitting her lip. She then ever so slowly started out of the parking lot and towards the direction her boyfriend just went. "How's this?" She asked with a smile as she pulled her drive side up along side him.
He kept walking not talking to her - he stopped and walked into the sex shop - he was mad at her for not trusting him to teach her and for her being mad at him about how he grew up.
"Asshole." She stepped on the gas pedal and sped out of the parking lot. She don't know how she managed to do it but she got home in one piece. Going around the block was a bit scary. She slammed the car door and headed towards the house.
"Freaking jerk can walk home for all I care."
Lucky went into the store and bought what he intended on buying, laughing to himself when he didn't see Em. He started walking home knowing she would be more mad at him than words could say - but that she drove home, got back there all in one piece and didn't act like a baby the whole way. She had learned to drive.
Emily laid on the bed, sprawled out with a pillow in her hand. Walk in the damn door Lucky, she thought, and use your freaking life.
Lucky walked in the front of the cabin but dared not go in the bedroom until she calmed down. He walked over and sat on the couch - turning on the tv. He knew she was home in one piece he figured he'd let her calm down for a bit. He got comfortable on the couch figuring thats where he'd be sleeping tonight.
Emily grew more furious when she heard the door slam and the tv in the other room. She climbed off of the bed, intent on going out and giving him hell. A smile came across her face and an idea popped in her mind. She unbuttoned her jeans and yanked them off of her body. She then stripped her teeshirt and bra off. She pulled another shorter teeshirt back on and headed towards the living room to see if this would acutally work. Emily stood in the doorframe and saw Lucky channel surfing. Her teeshirt came just below the panty line and she twisted the edge of it. She leaned her socked toe against her leg and bit her bottom lip.
"Lucky? Did you pick up my new toy?"
He didn't look at her, knowing she was teasing. "Yeah here." He tossed her the bag. "You have to find the batteries though -they didn't sell them. Take the jeep theres a store down the street."
"That's ok." Emily replied and took the vibrator out of the bag. She looked at it wide eyed but then composed herself.
"Girl never travles without batteries." She replied and tossed the empty bag at him. "Thanks...cowboy." She swayed her hips a bit and then headed back towards the bedroom.
"NO problem - have fun." He says with a very flat tone.
"I intend to." Emily replied. She walked into her bedroom and closed the door behind her. "Batteries." She mumbled to herself. She pulled open a few drawers and then found some. She fiddled with the vibrator and then popped them in.
"Ha." She said and turned it on. She then swallowed hard.
"Now am I actually going to put this thing in me?"
Lucky could hear her mumbling behind the door. He had got up to stand next to it. He had to smile - he couldn't wait to see how brave she really was - how mad at him she really was.
"I can do this." She said to herself. "Not like he's going to be getting any anytime soon." She bit her lip and then placed the vibrator towards her most intimate spot. She then moaned a little.
Lucky smiled. Well if he wasnt' going to be getting any satisfaction she should at least. He walked back over to the couch.
Emily got fed up with the machine and threw it back on the bed. She fell back herself and cried out.
He immediately jumped off the couch and was in the bedroom in a heartbeat. "Em?"
Emily crawled off of the bed and walked towards him.
"Be mad at me later. Let's fight later, whatever, I just really really need you now." She pleaded. The vibrator turned her on at least and she wanted him to satisfy her.
"Ok baby - come here." Lucky took her in his arms kissing her. Laying them both on the bed. Letting his body mold to hers.
"I'm sorry." She whispered under his mouth. "I hate fighting with you."
"Me too. Talk later." Lucky kissed her deeper. Letting his fingers slide down touching her where the vibrator had just been.
"Lucky!" Emily cried out. She tried to fight her orgasm but she was failing miserably.
"What baby - I'll give you more than one. Dont' fight it." He touched her again, then grabbed the new toy and decided to use it on her, show her how its suppossed to feel. His kiss deepened, he turned the vibrator back on and moved it down to where he was tormenting her, touching her with it in all the right places.
"Lucky." Emily panted. "God Luck...." She didn't know something like that could make her feel that good. She was squirming underneath of him. She thought she would die of this sweet torcher.
"Oh beautiful." He moved his body down and kissed her nipples pulling one then the other into his mouth, he moved the vibrator lower he slide just a little of it inside her, just so it did its work her.
"More Lucky." She said trying to pull his body closer to her. "Pleare, more, please."
"That thing or me?"
Emily couldn't help but laugh.
"Its fun...its vibrating." She replied. "But I want all of you."
Lucky decided to really tease, he slid the rest of it inside her and turned it on higher. Moving his hand from it he started kissing her neck then her shoulders, her breasts, her stomach, letting her moan.
"Lucky!" She cried out and then bit down on his shoulder gently. She felt herself being over taken by her climax once again as she shuddered beneath him. She and Lucky had never experienced something exotic like this and she definately never climaxed twice between this short a period of time.
"Want more" He smirks as he moves his hand down to the vibrator.
"I want you." She said, her eyes pleading.
"Thats what I was hoping you'd say." He slid the vibrator out of her and went down between her legs teasing her with his tongue.
"I love you Emily." Lucky whispered against her wetness.
"God Lucky." She moaned grasping at his hair. "You don't know how much I love you."
"Show me - Em open your legs farther." Lucky moved more of his body between her legs, teasing and licking, sliding his finger up to help him.
"Anything Lucky." Emily agreed. She'd be crazy if she didn't. Her breath was becoming more ragged and she was beginning to wonder if this was some crazy dream.
Lucky moved his head to the side a bit and nipped at her inner thigh. "Open them." He sounded demanding but he hoped she liked it.
Emily opened her legs wider and smiled as Lucky got more demanding. She liked this side of him.
God he loved the fact that they were safe without condoms now - it allowed him to tease her so much easier, he moved his body up - letting his hard erection rub against the folds of her womanhood as he kissed and teased her nipples. "Open wider Em. - Beg for me."
Emily whimpered under him, but concieded.
"Lucky please...please Lucky I need you."
"Please what Em - What do want sweetie?" He looked at her with love in his eyes, hidden behind his joy at seeing her wiggling under him wanting him so bad. He moved his body a little and pushed up into her but not at the right spot.
"I want you Lucky." She said and tried to push herself onto his erection.
Upon hearing that Lucky moved his body and slid deep inside his woman, sliding so easily because of how turned on she was, he let her take him by rolling over onto his back and holding her hips as he steadied her on top of him, something else they had never tried. "Take me Em - Take what you want, I Love you." His hands slowly moved up to her chest, massaging her darkened nipples, feeling thier hardness under his hands.
"I love you." Emily moaned and she started to ride him slowly, grinding their hips together. She felt herself hitting another climax as she shuddered above him. She ran her hands up and down his chest, still pleasing him though, never wanting to stop.
"OH Em - Em" He could feel himself finally starting up the road she had been on many times tonight. "EM"
"I love you baby." Emily cried out. She fought to keep herself from collapsing against him as her moist body continued to rub against his hard manhood.
"Emmy - more. Oh baby!" Lucky could feel the release coming and he only hoped she didnt' give up before he got it. He put his hands on her hips trying to help her grind, all thought was out of his mind.
"Lucky." Emily groaned as she worked faster and pressed down harder, pulling him deeper. She felt herself feel the familiar sensations as Lucky began to take her to paradise for one last time.
"Yes!" Lucky screamed as he pushed his hips off the bed, pushing himself farther into her.
"Lucky!" Emily cried out one more time and then collapsed on time of him finally. She was exhausted.
Lucky wrapped his arms around her tightly, instantly rolling them both onto their sides, he takes her mouth with his, kissing her, branding her his forever.
Emily pulled away slowly with a laugh.
"Please no more." She said breathless. "Least right now anyways..."
"Not even kisses?" Lucky pretends to pout. He rubs her forhead clear of the hair that was stuck to it a minute ago.
"Luck, I'm having a hard enought time breathing right now." She replied and kissed his cheek. "You are so amazing." She whispered in his ear.
"So are you. Aren't you glad I bought you your toy."
"God yes." She breathed and snuggled closer to his chest. "Weren't we fighting or something?"
"Who knows? Who cares? Look how fun making up was."
"And we skipped all that yucky yelling stuff." She replied. "Even got a present out of it. Now I'll just have to make a trip to that store and find something for you."
"I like what your toy does for me." Lucky grins and runs his finger between her legs to tease.
Emily gasped and squirmed away from him.
"Geesh Spencer, was four times enough for your ego?"
"Not quite - but we'll work on satisfying my ego some other time. Are you satisfied baby. I mean I'm more than willing to keep going all night if you need to." He smiles.
"Somehow I doubt you could last as long as I could." She said with a wicked grin.
"Don't do that Em - dont' question a Spencers stamina." He smiles but moves on top of her with a look in his eye that says he's ready for more.
"Lucky you are going to kill me if you keep this up." Emily said with a laugh.
"I thought you could last as long as me?" He dared.
"What do you say we spend all night finding out shall we?" Emily asked raising her eyebrows.
"Baby - I'm honestly going to say no on your behalf....if we try this one more time I think you'll be hurting in the morning - what do you say we play above the waist for the rest of the night?"
"What makes you think I'm not hurting now?" Emily asked with a small smile. "Can I take a small nap first...please?"
"Want me to kiss it make it better?" He laughs.
Emily laughed too.
"Goodnight Lucky."
"Brat." he kisses her forhead. " I love you beautiful."
"And I love your stamnia." She replied, trying to hold a chuckle.
"You better." He holds her tight and drifts off to sleep.

Chapter 30

"Can we go in there -- Please Sly I always wanted to see the ceilings - the artwork is amazing I hear." Lizzie swings Sly's hand back and forth and jumps up and down like a little kid.
"Yeah." Sly replied. "I'd love to go see it. You guys coming?"
"Sure were right behind you" Lucky says - not knowing exactly what they are doing but loving the carefree attitude they've had all day.
"Great." Sly said and walked ahead with Elizabeth. They stepped inside of the huge chapel and Sly looked around in amazement. "Wow. Wouldn't it be great to be married in a church like this?"
"It would be fabulous." Liz let go of his hand and started to walkdown the aisle looking up at the ceilings, the walls -absolutely amazed by the artwork.
Sly watched Elizabeth walk up the aisle and he noticed the gorgeous altar. He did what his mother and father taught him to do when he was younger. He walked to a pew, genuflected, and then kneeled down to pray.
Lucky looked at Sly - not being Catholic he didn't know what he should do, he took his hat off before entering but was clueless on the rest. "Em what should we do?" He whispered to her hoping she'd know. He'd never asked her religion so he wasnt'sure if she'd know.
"Well we can stand here quietly and respect the Lord's house or we pray like Sly." She whipsered back.
"I've never been a big one on prayer but I'm willing to try it" He whispers, touching the small of her back motioning for her to lead the way to a pew, so that he could follow what she does and not look completely out of place.
Emily smiled at her boyfriend and walked to the pew behind Sly. She copied what he did and slid in slowly.
"If your done praying just sit back quietly." She whispered.
He followed his girlfriend, getting into the pew beside her and kneeling in prayer. Something his father never taught him, Spencers relied on know how and cunning, not on the good graces of a force they couldn't see. Lucky decided it might be time for a new tactic. He began by silently asking God to forgive his mother and father and himself for all the mistakes they have made in thier lives, when he started to silently talk to God in his head the thoughts wouldnt' end.
Emily smiled and bowed her head. She prayed to God to keep her and her friend safe while they were on the run. She also thanked God for everything that he gave her in Lucky and for everything he had given her in life. She looked up and smiled, blessing herself once more, and then sitting back in the seat.
Liz looked back from the front of the church - she saw her boyfriend and 2 best friends kneeling in prayer, they looked so peaceful she said a silent thank you to the Lord for keeping them all safe.
Lucky silently heard Emily move, but he had no desire to, he was having a great conversation with God in his head - or so thats what he thought he was doing. He apologized for things he'd one wrong in life, asked God to watch and gaurd his family. Asked him to put an end to the Spencer Cassidine fued once and for all. He asked God to give Sly peace and happiness, saying that he has been through enough in his short life. He asked him to watch over Liz - he adored her and she was very important to his 'brother' then he asked God to let Emily never stop loving him, he thanked him for the beautiful relationship they had and asked him to let it continue forever. After he thought he had said his peace, he made the cross symbol like he did when he got into the pew and sat back. Looking up to the altar in amazement.
Sly saw Liz next to him and he reached out for her hand. He kissed her cheek.
"Will you sit here with me for a bit while I do something I always wanted to do?"
"Sure honey." She whispered and stayed next to him.
Sly smiled and kissed her hand. He then turned and faced the cross that rested about the altar.
"God, this is the love of my life, Elizabeth Webber." He said. "This is the angel you sent to me and I just wanted you to remeet her. She's going to be my wife soon. Thanks for making me one of the happiest men on earth."
Liz smiled silently- Sly was such a wonderful man. She was truly blessed, even when they fought she knew God had blessed her. "Lord - thank you for finally giving me a real man to love."
"Lizzie, you just insulted my cousin in church." Sly replied trying to hold his laughter.
She moved very close to Sly and whispered, "No I didn't cos I never loved him. Until now - as a friend."
"She's great." Sly said staring at her. "She's so precious God. She's the reason I broke a commandment."
"Sly" She says. Not realizing what he's talking about.
Religion has never been a big thing in her life.
"You know." Sly said in a whisper. "Thall shall not have sex before marriage. You were there Elizabeth." He added smiling. "Catholics arent suppose to do it. I don't know about your religion."
"Baby - thats not a commandment - thats a rule in the church but not one of the 10 commandments. And I'm not a religion - I stopped being one when my parents died."
"Lizzie, I do know that much and we'll talk about the other thing later." Sly said. "Just stopped in to say howdy to God and let him know how grateful I am for you."
She put her hand on the side of his face gently and smiled. She didn't want him to be mad at her, "I'm thankful for you too. I finally have a real honest love. I love you Sly."
"I love you too." Sly said. "Baby you help me heal...your just so beautiful and perfect. I love you, everything about you."
Liz smiled at him then gave him a hug, starting to feel uneasy with all this talk of God. She had come a long way from hating him for taking her parents, but she wasn't about to trust him yet - not completely anyway. Talking about her beliefs with Sly she could handle - but not here.
"Ready to go?" Sly asked senseing some uneasyness.
"Yeah" Liz says quietly.
Lucky looked up as he saw Sly and Liz walk out of the church, he had been outside for a few minutes at that point with Em. "Where to next?"
"I don't know where do you want to go?" Emily asked.
"Well I'd like to go someplace alone with you but we are being tourists to thats not going to happen." Lucky smirked.
"How about the ocean? Are we near an ocean? Or water of any size?" Liz asked needing the water to calm her emotions.
"Yeah Luck, lets go to an ocean." Sly said slipping his arm around her.
"So we leaving Italy??? Where we off to?" Lucky asked.
Sly looked up at him surprised.
"When are we leaving?"
"As soon as the ladies can pack - I never unpacked you know me. I say Ireland -- thats on the water isn't it?" Lucky asked Sly -- both of them not asking Em and Liz anything.
"Hi, I'm Emily and I would like a say in this matter. Wouldn't you Elizabeth?"
"It would be nice - but I guess my say was water...that one word and look how they go with it." Liz laughs then this beautiful, skinny, long legged blond walks by and she playfully covers Sly's eyes.
The blond looks at them and says, "Bueines Diaz" (good day)
Lucky looks at her for 1/2 a second and says "Bueines Diaz" and starts to kiss Em.
Sly playfully pushed Liz's hand away and started tickling her, tackling her to the ground.
"Can we rewind that?" Emily asked pushing away from Lucky. "Did that just actually happen?"
"What did I do now?" Lucky asks not wanting to be in trouble again.
"You didn't flirt with her." She said shocked. "Hell, you didn't give her the time of day."
He raises his eyebrows smiling at her. "I told you I wouldn't- remember?"
"Yeah but, I mean I knew how hard that would be for you." She replied. "Oh God, do you know how lucky you are going to get tonight?"
"I didn't do it to get laid. I didn't flirt with her because I am in love with you heart body and soul, and I made a promise to you - I dont' break my promises, thats higher on the list of important traits of being a Spencer than being a ladies man." Lucky says seriously hearing Sly's laughing.
"Careful Spencer, your nose is growing." SLy said.
"Hey stay out of this and kiss your woman." He laughs at his cousin.
"I was until I heard all this crap." Sly said. "When we leaving man? I want to give you and Em enough time."
"Enough time for what?"
"Enought time to play with the new toy you got." Sly said and leaned closer to Lucky. "Didn't Laura ever tell you to put your things away when your done playing with them?"
"You shouldn't be in our room." Lucky says hoping to God Em didnt' hear him - if she did he knows thats the last time they will ever use it.
"I wasn't in your room, booger, the door was open." Sly said.
"Our door was open?" Emily asked. "Our bedroom door?"
"Yes your bedroom door." Sly said with a smile.
Lucky quickly put his arm around Em and kissed her softly trying to reassure her that he loved her, so her insecurities wouldn't rise.
"Are you trying to distract me?" Emily asked.
"Yep - is it working?" He kissed her again.
" I wanna go home and..." Emily leaned over and whispered something in his ear.
"Hey stop!" Sly screamed. "None of that in public."
"Why you jealous Eckert?" Liz laughs running her hand over his backside.
"'Lizabeth please." Sly said. "Geesh, most you fondle me in the outdoors."
"Yes I must - have a problem with that Sir?" She jokes snaking her arms around his waist.
"Liz." Sly said and pulled her down on the ground with him, then rolling on top of her. "Pretty soon I"m going to strip you naked and love your right here."
"OH promises promises." Liz laughs kissing him.
"Hey you two - off the ground we are leaving." Lucky says taking Em's hand and starting to walk away - wondering if she's ok.
"Coming." Sly said and pulled Elizabeth up. "Let's see how quick we can get home."

Chapters 31-35
JL's Fanfics
GH's Next SuprerCouple