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                                                                    By Mark Galyan



Oh great god above, give me my madness!  I want this game and I want it now!  Pre-ordering is not enough...  this game looks spectacular.  Well, anyway, you've made it to my Special Report on this game called Motocross Madness 2. 

I think the power might go out shortly, because its storming awful hard here, and I'm in a good writing mood so I'll be mad if this stupid rain messes this special report all up.


Ok, the rain has let up so here we go. 


Motocross Madness was the first Motocross/Supercross/Baja Simulation.  While other Dirt Bike Games like Motoracer 2 and Supercross Circuit are good games, they have a much more "Arcade" feel to them.  Motocross Madness allowed us for the first time to explore on our bikes, anywhere we wanted to!  Also, with so many game modes, it never got old.  In fact, I still play some Madness almost everyday, almost two years after the release!  MCM also has great online play through Microsoft's Gaming ZONE.

Microsoft's original Motocross Madness was a huge hit.  So huge, that about 6 game makers started Motocross/Supercross Games because of it. 

No other Dirt Bike Game has even come close to matching what MCM gave us.

Now, nearly two years later...

Say hello to Motocross Madness 2.

The best Dirt Bike game ever. Period.



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