Chris' Comics & CPU Poll
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CC&C Poll of the month
Would you like CC&C to become free?

Current results
Past Polls

All pictures, text, & files are property of Chris' Comics & CPU, which is in turn owned by Chris Lubinski. Any files contained on this site may be reproduced as long as no alterations to them are made. CC&C thanks you for your visit.

The current best seller is Alien Force: First Wave Part 1.

Alien Force #2
Alec finds the true reason the aliens have hit Earth and follows them to a secret base.

Spy Series Ep. 1
Choose your character and then follow his or her actions, deciding their choices through the first episode of the series.
ERD: Unknown

The Quest of Mebix
Mebix, a fierce forest warrior, has sent himself to stop the United Ninja Order. The hero's quest will take him from high in the mountains to deep under the sea. He will encounter many enemies, but can he restore peace to the land?
ERD: Unknown

CC&C Magazine #1
Inside this magazine you will find multiple reviews and previews that range all the new gaming systems.
ERD: Unknown

Key month assignments:
CMC - Mini-Dude
McDonnel - Mini-Dude
Jimmy - Unknown
Setcoski - NA
Hasz - NA

Chris' Comics & CPU Poll

6/21/03 This polls basically decided the fate of CC&C's profit. A wopping 73% wanted to free CC&C. Keeping the cost had a 20% vote, while no oppinion won 7% of the votes. Your wish has been granted, CC&C is now free.

2/04/03 This poll lasted quite a while and it shows. With a grand total of 139 votes, we asked "Which sounds best?" Human flesh led with 97 votes (69%), then chicken rose with 22 votes (23%). Ice cream, cheese, and watermellon almost tied with 4, 4, and 2 votes respectively. Thanks to all the Hannibals out there.

9/08/02 For the poll "Which is your favorite character?", Mebix won with 6. Alec Dean and You (Spy Series) were second with 2. Agamma and Other finished last with 0.

5/03/02 The stats for this poll: "What do you like best?" recorded Computer winning with 5, Comics in second with 3, and Stories, Magazine, & Other all tied for last with 0.

4/07/02 Yeah... been a little while. We skipped a few poles... sorry. I do know that PC was most popular of the platforms and that Nothing lead the votes of what should we do (between the magazine ideas). Mix magazine and Video Game magazine tied for second while Colum Magazine took third. Finally was Expensive Newsletter with 0. Surprise surprise.

6/01/01 Yo. According the poll, 3 of you say that games are not too violent. Another 3 have no oppionion. Finnaly 2 say that games are too violent. Have fun busting polygons.

5/20/01 Hey. Following another website's design, I'll change the poll every month from now one, after this next poll, I'll update on the first of every month. Here's the last poll. 11 votes total with the current winning out with six votes. Then is the eclipse logo with 3. Finnaly is the Black on blue with two. Ok, be happy.

4/29/01 Yo, 9 votes total. 'Which is better?' Autosave and Manual Save tied with 4 a peice.... "Through me a friggin bone here". 3rd and final, No save with 1.

4/23/01 Hey, a day late, no problem. Last week's poll 'What should our next comic be?' turned out a total of 13 votes. Surprisingly, 5 for Alien Force, and 5 for Navy Seals. That really didn't help. Anyway, 2nd was DWGB with 2, & 'Other' with one took final.

4/15/01 Looks like 3025 had it this time. We will probably work on that after a few SGA games are released, but we may give it another title. The question in this poll was 'What should the next game be?'. As stated before, Year 3025 won, with 6. Runner up was Alien Force PC with 5. Then a jump to Spy Series Windows with 3, and finally a tie between Destructive Arsenal & MotM2, each with 2. Thanks for the input.

4/09/01 Again, I'm a little bit late. But the results for the question 'Should we edit Spy Series?' are: 1st place: Finish making an all new one with 7. That's what I plan to do. I'll put up some info in the Possible Products section soon. 2nd place tied between Yes, check grammor, and Yes, add to story. Each had 5. 2nd to last was 'No leave it with 2 votes. And the final was 'Don't release it' with 1.Thanks

4/03/01 Sorry a little late on changing the poll. Anyway, Violence totally killed its opponents with 6 votes. Runner up was 'None of the above' with 4. After that was 'Action, but no violence' with 3. And once again there is a tie, between quiz and learning, each with only 2 votes.

3/25/01 Last week's poll asking what the best idea for a Stick Guy Archive game would be, had a majority (5) in the first person shooter. Then was an Internet Testing game with 4. Again, 3 place was tied between 3D Racer & Story Based, each with 3. Last, but not least was More Riot Patrol with 2. Thanks for the input, after SGA:RP, I'll make a first person.

3/18/01 During last week's poll, 'How'd you find CC&C?', the majority of 7 votes won with the Search Engine, Second place was Via Friend with 4. 3rd place ironicly with 3 votes was Other, and finally, with 2 votes, on accident. Thanks for the info!