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The CC&C Poll
What programming language should we use?

Current results
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All pictures, text, & files are property of Chris' Comics & CPU, which is in turn owned by Chris Lubinski. Any files contained on this site may be reproduced as long as no alterations to them are made. CC&C thanks you for your visit.

The current best seller is Alien Force: First Wave Part 1.

Alien Force #2
Alec finds the true reason the aliens have hit Earth and follows them to a secret base.

Spy Series Ep. 1
Choose your character and then follow his or her actions, deciding their choices through the first episode of the series.
ERD: Unknown

The Quest of Mebix
Mebix, a fierce forest warrior, has sent himself to stop the United Ninja Order. The hero's quest will take him from high in the mountains to deep under the sea. He will encounter many enemies, but can he restore peace to the land?
ERD: Unknown

CC&C Magazine #1
Inside this magazine you will find multiple reviews and previews that range all the new gaming systems.
ERD: Unknown

Key month assignments:
CMC - Burst Out, MotM2
McDonnel - MIA
Setcoski - MIA
Hasz - MIA

Hi, I'm CMC, creator of Chris' Comics & CPU. CC&C is a company that creates its own brand of comics, computer games, & stories. Enjoy your visit, and if you have any questions E-mail us. Here's the newest update:

11/27/04 9:15 P.M.
And so, another year of CC&C passes. Happy anniversery everyone. Anywho, I'd like to inform you all (or at least any of you who still visit), that I do work on things. IN FACT, I have proof. First, I converted the engine I used in Zombie Zone into the Zone engine, which I used to create two small games in a few days. If I have free time over the next few months, I'll create some other short games with it. Speaking of which, I'll make a quick link to my three most recent projects. ABC's - An ongoing narrative of the world. It may offend, it may enthrall. Think what you will. Zombie Zone - A rather complex game that deals with our favorite past time. Killing zombies! Spy Games - A small games based off of a combination of the Zone engine and a text based game I made called Assassination. Navigate a spy to kill all the gaurds. As another quick note, with the JAVA games, you need to unzip the contents. Enjoy!

06/16/04 1:26 P.M.
So it may seem like I haven't done much to the site or CC&C in a long time. Fortunately, this isn't true. A few months ago, I decided to revamp the website so that it would be more steam-lined and have an easier layout. I've been working on that behind the scenes for a month or so and I'll be unvailing it before August. I've also been working on an Assassination game that uses alot of emergent behavior. This should help my AI practice. The new website will have a great deal more infromation about all our products and will actually have a link to them, huzzah. Check back in a week or two and you might be surprised at what you find. This is CMC signing off.

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Under Current Developement

Ideas for the Future