Spy Series Episode I: In Search for the Neo-Nazi Base
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All pictures, text, & files are property of Chris' Comics & CPU, which is in turn owned by Chris Lubinski. Any files contained on this site may be reproduced as long as no alterations to them are made. CC&C thanks you for your visit.

The current best seller is Alien Force: First Wave Part 1.

Alien Force #2
Alec finds the true reason the aliens have hit Earth and follows them to a secret base.

Spy Series Ep. 1
Choose your character and then follow his or her actions, deciding their choices through the first episode of the series.
ERD: Unknown

The Quest of Mebix
Mebix, a fierce forest warrior, has sent himself to stop the United Ninja Order. The hero's quest will take him from high in the mountains to deep under the sea. He will encounter many enemies, but can he restore peace to the land?
ERD: Unknown

CC&C Magazine #1
Inside this magazine you will find multiple reviews and previews that range all the new gaming systems.
ERD: Unknown

Key month assignments:
CMC - Burst Out, MotM2
McDonnel - MIA
Setcoski - MIA
Hasz - MIA

Episode I: In Search for the Neo-Nazi Base

As you enter H's office you notice that the hallway infront of it is completly empty, as it should be. Upon entering H jestures you to sit down. You do so just when she begins to speak.
"Goodmorning. As of three days ago we have had the knowledge of a new threat: the group of Neo-Nazis known as 'Justice of Europe'. It appears as if they are going to attack the white house it-self in a week, and that is why we have to stop them. Your mission, should you choose to accept, is to infiltrate the suspected base and uncover their plan. It wouldn't hurt to take out a few of them if you had the chance too. Do you accept?"

Updated Status
  • 4/06/01 Started programming the game. Looks good so far. Got everything except the actual game. It has a cool Save feature too! -CMC

Great Features

  • Save Game Feature
  • Word Action
  • Customizable Name & Gender
  • Music Playing From The Actual CPU
  • Storyline That'll Keep Coming Up With Surprises
  • Created By The Head Of Chris' Comics & CPU
  • Reviewed By Over Ten People Before Publishing
  • As A Bonus Comes With Shareware Of Q-basic




  • Price: Freeware
  • Platform: Q-basic (It comes with)
  • Space: Unknown