Algebra Fun
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All pictures, text, & files are property of Chris' Comics & CPU, which is in turn owned by Chris Lubinski. Any files contained on this site may be reproduced as long as no alterations to them are made. CC&C thanks you for your visit.

The current best seller is Alien Force: First Wave Part 1.

Alien Force #2
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Spy Series Ep. 1
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CC&C Magazine #1
Inside this magazine you will find multiple reviews and previews that range all the new gaming systems.
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Key month assignments:
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Algebra Fun


The day just begun as my name echoed inside my head on Friday in first period Algebra. Mrs. Duran decided to give us board races to finish off the period, which turned out to be a large mistake. Two others’ names were announced along with mine. We slowly slunk to the front of the class. At the board, the usual students voiced snide remarks about my competitors. One of the loudest finally blurted a comment about me.

“Don’t loose too badly, CM,” Jared mockingly ordered with a slight smile from the first row. We’ve always fought in a rivalry, like that which I’ve owned with half of the other honors-kids. In fact, I’d been creating the same type of insults to him the whole period. This time the words sunk to a different level. Because of this, without considering consequences, I grasped the chalk eraser. Lifting it to Jared’s level, I advanced toward him, smirk across my face. He did not realize the event until after the chalk pressed far into his sweater. He glanced upward, confusion and astonishment visible in his eyes. I stepped back against the board as our teacher inquired the question. Dread flooded over my body as I turned away from him. We speedily answered the problem on the board. My task finished, I plopped into my chair, awaiting a comment from Jared. I did not receive any such comment. Instead, Jared was called into the game. He casually walked to the board, causing me to believe that he forgave everything. After he and his opponents completed their race, he slinked toward me. I noted his hand behind his back too late as he revealed the eraser he clutched. My eyes widened in horror as I realized my intended future. Springing to my feat, I avoided this future, sprinting to the other end of the room. I leaped over a chair, then another, finally arriving against the wall. Jared had giving quick chase, catching up. Smash smash! The eraser’s contents clouded onto my shirt. He raised his arm again, ready to strike. Aggression and adrenaline pumped throughout my body as I shot my arm into the air. The fist, intended to intercept his, blocked the attack.

“GUYS!!!” Mrs. Duran’s voice overpowered the anger that had taken my body. We both froze, slowly spinning our heads to her. “Get out of my class!” We bowed our faces in embarrassment and then exited the classroom. Our rivalry ruined that day; no more days shall be.

-C.M. Lubinski