Tales of the Shining Portal
Jimmy Jones's Tales of the Shining Portal is a collection of short stories that take place in the same realm as the Fate series. Each story revolves around an inn/pub that has a strange lot of characters entering its doors. Although each story is seperate, they all hold an intricate balance to the untimate conclusion.
"Suddenly a voice shouted over the battle, “Hecto Claricus!” A cloud of black smoke enveloped the inn as a charging line of figures emerged from its foggy interior. They weren’t soldiers, but more patrons of the Shining Portal, noticeably taller than their dwarven counter parts. How they got inside puzzled the captain. Two arrows shot from the cloud with blinding speed, striking down the guards next to Theoris. The two dwarves shouted in triumph as they rushed back to grab their short swords. The captain looked around the room. The battle was dying down now, as was the cloud of smoke. A mage and ranger were revealed, the latter continuing to shoot arrows into the fray. Theoris decided to make a tactical retreat when suddenly the tip of a longsword slowly poked into the small of his back."
- Price: Unknown
- Platform: Word, Printed
- Pages: Unknown