Disclaimer: Read it, know it, love it...


"Revenge of the Boyband"

Because some of you out there do not know the difference between fiction and non, I am forced to put up a disclaimer. To all you people who are smart enough to know the difference, I apologize for having to put you in a situation where your intelligence is insulted. But this is business, this is life, this is your disclaimer… it's nothing you haven't already heard…

  1. I am in no way affiliated with 'NSync, nor would I ever want to be.
  2. My mother is in no way affiliated with 'NSync.
  3. My father is in no way affiliated with 'NSync.
  4. My sister is in no way affiliated with 'NSync *see where this is going?*

**On a serious note, though, here's the real disclaimer (since my family is not even in this story)**

I know neither 'NSync nor Steve would not ever want to harm the webmasters of the many humor sites out there (I hope… you just never know with those pop singers…) This story is pure FICTION… in other words, IT AIN'T TRUE!!! And if I get so much as one hate mail telling me that 'NSync is a group full of angels and how they're gonna kick my ass after they wake up from a night of blissful lovemaking with your teenybopper self and read this, I'm gonna get medieval on somebody's ass… think I won't? Test me.


This story is rated R due to coarse language, sexual situations, graphic violence, and drug allusions… if you are under 16, all I can say is, read at your own risk. So here it is... "Revenge of the Boybands"