On Da Real, Listen Up and Listen Good!

Okay, this is Tammy speaking first, and after this, Cassie will put in her two cents. Here's our beef. What's up with all the stereotypes?! I'm not tryin' to sound like an ungrateful bitch or anything, but seriously, I feel like the people that come to this site see Cassie as like, this thirteen year old teenybopper, and therefore don't take her seriously. What's up with that? I chose to be on the site with Cassie of all people because regardless of 1) her age 2) her obvious love for 'NSync and 3) her undying love for Chris Kirkpatrick, she is still able to accept that they are human and full of flaws just like herself (and me of course **wink**). So what if she's not about to be eighteen? That doesn't make a bit of difference. Being a teenybopper isn't about age; it's about the mind frame. It can't be dissected into age groups and races. (Which is another topic I'ma hit on, but later.) I know many girls that are older than me (I'm about to be eighteen) who seem like complete teenys. Umm, need proof? Try watching the "'NSync Pay-Per-View" special and give me your thoughts on the two chicks wearing Superman costumes (complete with cape) during the Jackson 5 medley. Sorry to put those two girls on the spot, but ask yourself: Would you label them as teenyboppers? You probably wouldn't because they looked about 19. "Oh, they're just showing their love for the boys! They're adults, they aren't all crazy over them!" Yeah, right. Who says older girls can't act ridiculously stupid about famous people? If it was two thirteen year olds in that same getup, the first thing to everyone's minds would be "Eww… teenyboppers." Man, I am so sick of this stereotype. My sister Kira( God bless her 'cause I love her to death), who is about to turn 15, is a MINDLESS TEENYBOPPER. And she's damn proud of it! She saved up all her birthday and Christmas money one time and bought a pure gold Leo necklace with the full intent of giving it to JC at the meet 'n' greet. Thank God my mom found out and made her take it back. Also, guess what she wore to the concert? A t-shirt with the words "JC" airbrushed all over it. Plus, she still believes that one day she WILL marry JC. Now, Cassie (who's turning 14) would never do anything like that. Hell, she'd never even imagine doing anything like that. Yet, because she is a thirteen year old 'NSync fan, she's a teeny. Yeah, okay, whatever. She has more common sense than most people out there and is one of the most intelligent girls I've ever seen. She can hear people dis Chris and not flinch… let alone care. She'd never dream of writing any type of hate mail to someone dissing 'NSync (and I'm not just saying this 'cause we run a humor site together) and never writes her name with their last names, 'cause quite frankly, she don't want 'em.

Next topic. Why is it if a black girl likes 'NSync she's trying to be white? Umm… define black and white for me. You can't? I know you can't, atleast not without the stereotypes unloaded onto each race. Let's see, according to a boy I know who shall remain nameless, but whom I shall call "Dick", being black is when you wear baggy clothes, listen to hip-hop, and talk like you have no intelligence. Hmm… let's break this one down. I wear baggy clothes, I listen to hip-hop, yet 99.9% of the time, I'm speaking proper English. Awww… guess I can't be black anymore. Okay, what's the definition of white? Well, based on what a friend of mine (we'll call her "Jookie") says, it basically, "When you listen to Backstreet Boys and 'NSync and all that other white music." Hmm… so that's what being white is in a nutshell. Well, I listen to 'NSync, does that make me white? I mean, I also listen to hip-hop, so do the two cancel out, making me neither? You do realize how idiotic this sounds, right? I hate the fact that when a white boy listens to hip-hop and wears baggy clothes and doesn't speak proper English "like white people do", he's trying to be black, which is exactly why Cassie and I don't have Justin speaking in "Ebonics" (and don't even get me started on that stupid ass concept… whatever happened to good ol' fashioned slang?). The shit is played out. If the boy wants to listen to hip-hop, sag his pants, beat-box, back his thang up, whatever, then that's fine with me. He's still gon' be the whitiest white boy I've ever seen. And I can listen to all the 'NSync I want, but I'm still gonna be a sista, and ain't nobody (ooh! Ebonics! Get the fuck outta here.) gonna take that away from me. Take it away, Cassie…