Part Two: All Hell Breaks Loose


So where did I leave off? Oh yeah, Kelley was heading out to investigate where the boys were gonna be partying. She rides the elevator down to their floor, and the instant she jumps out, two of their bodyguards run towards her. Thinking that they were gonna inflict her with the feared clothes lining that they are so famous for (and for those of you who don't know what it means to clothes line someone, it's a move wrestlers often do where they run swiftly towards someone with their arm extended, and then slam their arm forcefully into the unfortunate victim's neck). Kelley yelped in fear, then turned swiftly on her heel and bolted into the stairwell. They chased her for a good five minutes, but alas, Kelley is athletic whereas they … how can I put this nicely? They're FAT. So after she lost them, she crept back down to 'NSync's floor. As soon as she approached the room that she was sure was Justin's, a guard grabbed her arm. "What are you doing?" he glared. "Err…" she stuttered nervously, "I'm going into my room, see?" She showed him her room key, and the guard laughed. "Your room is on the floor above this one," he sighed, relieved that she wasn't some crazed fan. He immediately fixed his gaze to her bosom, which is (and there's NO way to say this tactfully) HUGE. Kelley glared, suppressing the urge to slap him. Then, she fixed a bright smile on her face and asked where he would be later that night. The guard grinned and rattled off the name of the club that 'NSync would be at. "See ya there!" she chirped, bouncing back into the elevator.

When she got back to our room, she excitedly told her about what had happened to her. Yasmine laughed at her cowardice in running from the bodyguards, then excitedly started to get ready. I had momentarily forgotten that Yasmine hadn't packed any clothes, but I remembered as she walked out of the bathroom in her outfit. Kelley and I merely gaped at her in shock after she asked us if we thought her outfit was appropriate. Why did we gape? 'Cause her outfit consisted of her twenty-something pairs of mismatched socks being knotted together and wound around her naked (and when I say naked, I mean completely naked) body to cover the only suggestive spots. You use your imagination. Better yet, DON’T. I smacked my hand against my forehead and screamed, "You can't wear that! Especially not in New York!" I angrily yanked out one of own outfits and thrust it at her. "Put this on!" I commanded, "And stop pissing me off!" Later, a pouting Yasmine emerged from the bathroom in a short jean skirt. "My outfit looked better," she mumbled, but she's lucky I didn't hear it. Kelley told me she said it.

ANYWAYS… we hopped into a cab, and rushed over to the club where the guys were gonna be. Yasmine started to sob loudly when she saw the looooooong line of girls trying to get in. But once again, Lady Luck was on our side, for as we hopped out of the cab, the bouncer became hypnotized by Kelley's enticing chest, and ushered us in on a red carpet… only after grinning at her and saying, "Got milk?"

Once we entered the club, we knew that we weren't in Kansas anymore. Then again, maybe we were, since we were practically the only minorities in there… along with a bunch of off-beat suburban black girls. ("Is that even possible?" Yasmine asked in confusion.) Kelley kinda shrugged and looked away… since she's from the suburbs. LOL Me and Kelley found us a table while Yasmine flirted with the DJ. Seconds later, we understood why. The opening chords of the 504 Boyz's "Wobble Wobble" came on as she climbed inside one of the cages and began to do some serious booty-drops. Everyone in the room was spellbound as Yasmine stretched and bent her body into angles that no one could even imagine. A quick glance to the left showed us a drooling Chris and Joey. As the song ended, Kelley and I went over to Yasmine, positive that we were about to see something interesting.

We were right. Not even a minute later, Chris and Joey approached Yasmine and, not even acknowledging me and Kelley's presence (how rude!), asked her if she wanted a drink. Yasmine shrugged and walked off with the two, one hand on each of their butt cheeks. "Oh well," I shrugged, wandering off and leaving Kelley to whatever evils may entrap her. When a catchy song came on, I immediately started to dance and shake my booty ghetto-style, until I felt someone walk up behind me and start to dance with me. Only this person was seriously offbeat. I turned around to see who it was, since I had a nagging suspicion of who it might be.

"Hey!" I said with a frown. "You're not Lance!"

"Damn right," Justin grinned, "He'd never look this good in cornrows." So after getting over my shock that he was grossly offbeat, I invited him back to our table. We chatted a bit about something stupid (Christina Alguilera... LOL) and after realizing that this kid is drunk out of his gourd, I jump back on the dance floor, leaving him sitting at the table with his eyes closed and chattering about how he wants to go back to the Motherland, aka Africa. Whatever. I spotted Kelley getting harassed (yet again) by the body guards, so I headed over to her. Unfortunately, Yasmine barreled into me before I could make it. "We gotta get outta here!" she hissed, looking over her shoulder. "Why?" I ask. She merely pulls out some large handkerchiefs in answer, but upon closer examination, I realize that those aren't handkerchiefs, they're... "Chris, Lance, and Joey's underwear. Don’t ask how I got 'em," she laughs, then bolts out of the club. I grab Kelley's arm just as she throws a glass of tequila in the bodyguard's face and prepares to light a match (she's definitely been hanging around us too long). Before she can turn him into a smoked ham, we leave the club and jump into the cab that Yasmine has waiting for us.

We get back to the hotel and breathe a sigh of relief. We never knew that partying with 'NSync could be so tiring. Just as we're about to collapse onto our beds, my cell phone goes off. "Hello?" I say cautiously into the phone.

"WAASSUUUUUPPP!!!!" a raspy voice drawls, then hangs up.

"What the hell?" I frowned at my phone.

"What's wrong?" Yasmine asks. I tell her that someone just did a "Scary Movie" on my phone. (I'd like to take this time to say that I think Marlon Wayans is the sexiest thing I've seen in a long time. If you don't agree, please give me your name and address so that I may fly out to your residence and kill you. Such stupidity does not need to be in the world.) After explaining what a "Scary Movie" is, my phone rings again.

"Hello?" I say again.

"WASSSUUUUPPPPP!!!!!" multiple voices scream into the phone. Then, I hear someone say, "It's me, Justin. WASSSUUUPP!!!"

I grin at Yasmine and say in response, "WASSSUUPPP!!!!" I remember then that Justin and I had exchanged numbers (or was it cell phones? Come to think of it, I think we DID switch cells, and not numbers), so that's how he called. After I hung up, I immediately called him back and me and Yasmine screamed, "WAAASSSSUUUUPPPP!!!!!" while sticking our tongues out.

"WASSSUUUUPPPP!!!!" Justin, Chris, and Joey screamed back. "Okay," I heard Justin say excitedly, "my turn now!"

My phone rang and I was like, "Hello?"

"WASSSUUPPP!!!" they rasped.

"WASSSUPPP!!!" me, Yasmine, and Kelley yelled.

"WASSSUUUPPP!!!" JC and Lance screamed from the background.

"WASSSUUUPPPP!!!" Yasmine screamed, leaning over the balcony so far that I thought she would topple over the damn thing.

"WASSSUUUPP!!!" JC and Justin screamed back.

"RING!" went my phone. "Hello?" I grinned.

"WASSSUUUPPPPP!!!!!" all the members of 'NSync screamed. We all collapse in laughter, then JC screams, "Oh wait! Wait! Okay, call our hotel room, and Justin will call his phone, and Tammy can call hers, and we'll call y'all's hotel on our cell, okay?"

"Okay!" we all agreed.

"RING!" went my cell. "RING!" went our hotel phone. "RING!" went Justin's cell and 'NSync's room phone. "Hello?" we all said together.


We all hung up the phones and laughed 'til we thought our stomachs were gonna burst. "That was fun," Kelley laughed. "Weird, but fun."

We all got into the bed and went to sleep, after vowing to never speak this moment aloud again. The next morning, though, it was time to recheck in, so we did (only since we're so ghetto, we just leave our stuff up in the room and go down to the front desk). We saw five very hung-over pop singers enter the lobby. "Do I know you?" Justin mumbled to me from behind his dark glasses. "Nope," I answer immediately. Yasmine happened to look up just as she received our room keys and grinned mischievously. "Wassuuuuppp…" she whispered, then giggled as we all ran up to our rooms, leaving the poor saps looking very, very confused.


**But the story isn't over yet y'all! We still have a concert in the agenda, so click here!**

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