N Route to N Sync


First and foremost, I have been given evidence that these girls ARE whores therefore I will refer to them as that…..At first I thought they were ok. I didn't really think much of the mooning other cars. But it got worse.

Actually what was up with Lance with his legs up and his butt in the camera????? What's goin on with that boy?? First he learns to dance, then he starts makin out with girls on the street, now this.

Justin's hair is still lookin lovely and fro-ish. I'm sorry but tryin to cover that up just makes it look worse. I think it just looks really country or whatever (I can't think of a word to describe it)…

Moving on. I finally found sumthin that tops Justin's bootie boppin dance (sorry if this quote's not exact) "I'ma snowboard, then I'ma break my leg, and then they're gonna send me home and I'ma take workman's comp…cuz I be workin", HEHE!! Then I had to ask mommy what workman's comp is (lol, j/k)…then the entire next day of school I go around sayin that until I got several smacks from people,lol.

"Drunk roommate, meet camera man. Camera man, meet drunk roommate."…lol, dumb whore.

Sorry Justin, but Back That Thang Up is OOOOOOLLLLLLDDDDDD. I distinctly remember driving to my concert JULY 23, 1999 and hearing it. I would've thought you of all people would know…reason #1982319827648312763178236182730987342957294795728734 why I hate TRL, but it's being retired.

Lance wants to ride the snowmobile and Joey is a ski bunny, goin down the slope. Lol. I've never heard Joey talk fruity…very cute. I felt bad for him cuz MTV kept showing him fallin on his big ronchie butt. Awww poor JoJoL .

Topanga REALLY needs to go away. Talk about someone u need to say bye bye bye to. She was ok when she was dating Lance but goin out with JC's brother, I think is VERY WRONG (I'm not gonna get into that. Sorry Tammy but I know u wanna hear it,lol).

I thought it was really really cute when Lance is like "The fans don't love me. I get no love"..awww, Lancy, I love u!!!J and No Justin u don't look like Brad Pit (thank goodness).

Just a note. It is NOT cool to freakdance on your friends or lay on them in a hot tub when you butt naked. That's very G-A-Y.

So what have we learned from this???? Lance doesn't know how to use a video camera, when u take three drunk lesbians and follow them with a camera from MTV, they'll front like they love nsync, and the guys are still broke cuz Justin's still doesn't have a haircut.

I just wanted to mention some of the clips I saw too. I like when they are talkin to aMANda and Justin's like "I don't know if y'all heard about us last year, but we kinda broke, so wherever MTV pays for us to take her…". he says it in his little ghetto girl accent (that's what Tammy calls it).

Also on TRL (for the 92810398102948 time) I like when u hear the music bust out with the Humpty Hump and JC displays his thug appeal (again) by rappin along with the song. Go Joshy! Go Joshy!

