Disclaimer Number 2…Boop-Boop-Be-Doo!


Neither I nor the other webmasters depicted in this story, i.e. Jen and Rachel from "Just Thrust It", Wendi and Heather from "Giddy For 'NSync", or Cassie, my partner at "Crunk Baby Crunk: Get 'Jo Party On" want to harm 'NSync or any of their family members (Steve) in any way. We do not condone murder at all. Now senseless violence on the other hand… just kidding. Seriously, we would never hack somebody's account (even if it is Lou Perlman's) and we would never kidnap a member of 'NSync (regardless of the stories you've read at "Just Thrust It"….those sick little monkeys…) We are just six girls that wanna have fun.

All of this is pure fiction. ALL OF IT!!! Except for the fact that we run humor sites and are partners and stuff. We've never met, and probably never will… maybe. You just never know with Wendi… I don't want to hear anything about Wendi, Cassie, Jen, Heather, or Rachel receiving hate mail because of this story. If this happens, I can and will hire someone to give you a computer virus. (I've done it before, and I will not hesitate to do it again.) This entire story is a product of MY limitless imagination and brilliance (do I love myself? You bet I do!) They served only as critics for the story when it was done and people willing to link to this page. That is all… enjoy part two.

This story is rated R. It contains harsh language and graphic violence ('NSync dies very horrible deaths at the end), but there is no sex in the 'NSync room… none. Now, there's kidnappings in the 'NSync room, but y'all don't want kidnappings, y'all want SEX, and there's no sex in the 'NSync room.

One final note: This story, in my completely unbiased opinion, is sick as hell. I didn't even like the ending, but I was possessed by some demon muse that insisted the story unfold the way it did. I love 'NSync and even if they did try to kill me, I'd never do any of this stuff to them… or anybody for that matter. Don't take this story seriously, it has a good message at the end. And just 'cause my personal opinion is that this story is kinda disgusting, I'm gonna write a really good, nice story about the boys. Guilty much? You bet. You've been warned. Enjoy the story.

The Webmaster's Revenge