"The Webmasters' Revenge"

Just when you thought it was over... THE GIRLS STRIKE BACK!!!

"AAAUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!!" Tammy screamed as Lance lifted the knife, preparing to de-gut her. As he swiftly brought the knife down, Tammy dove out of her chair and rolled onto the floor, causing him to swipe at nothing but air. She ran screaming into the dark living room as Lance chased closely behind. Tammy hurriedly picked up a pillow and held it out in front of her as Lance took another stab at her...literally. The knife came in contact with the pillow and not only ripped into it, but got tangled in it. As Lance cursed and struggled to try to get the knife out, Tammy kicked him where the sun don't shine and punched him squarely in the jaw. Lance let go of the pillow and the knife and held his balls, moaning like a little bitch. Tammy kicked the knife away and ran out of the house and to her next door neighbor's house, screaming the entire time.

"Help! Somebody help me! Anybody, please!!! Help!" she screamed, pounding on her next door neighbor's door.

"What in the world?" Ms. Gregory muttered, opening the door.

"You gotta let me in!" Tammy gasped. "Somebody's tryin' to kill me!"

"Well, sakes, chile, come in," Ms. Gregory said, quickly pulling Tammy into her house. They immediately dialed 911 and got the police to her house in the next, oh, TWO HOURS since for some reason cops can never show up at a crime scene in an urban neighborhood on time. They also called Tammy's parents and demanded that they get home asap. When the police officers got there, they asked the usual questions.

"So what did the perpetrator look like?"

Tammy glared at him. "Perpetrator? Doesn't that word mean someone who's a fake? If so, then I don't think this applies to this situation 'cause the bastard tryin' to kill me wasn't fakin' it."

The officer rolled his eyes. "Fine. How did the person trying to kill you get in the house?"

Tammy sighed impatiently. "I don't know! You think I let knife wielding psychos into my house everyday?"

The cop frowned. "I just want to know how you found out he was in the house."

Tammy suppressed the urge to roll her eyes again. "I told you. I woke up from a really bad dream, and got on the Internet to calm me down. When I logged off, he was standing right behind me."

The officer scribbled a few notes on his notepad, saying, "Do you know who it was? And before you bite my head off, this is a routine question to see if we can get a primary suspect. So, I repeat, do you know who it was?"

Tammy opened her mouth, responding, "Yeah, it was-", then suddenly stopped.

The cop looked at her closely. "It was...?" he prompted.

Tammy just sighed and shook her head. "It was no one I can name. Sorry."

The officer nodded and wrote down a couple of more notes. "One more question," he began.

"Yeah?" Tammy muttered.

"What'd he look like?" the cop asked.

Tammy looked up quickly. "I don't know," she lied. "It was dark in the house."

The officer nodded and started to leave. Before walking off, he said, "We'll be in touch, Tammy. I'm gonna assign an officer to keep an eye on you for awhile just in case the guy tries to strike again. Be safe, Tammy."

Tammy frowned. "I will."

She went into the house and had to put up with a full thirty minutes of her parents' hugs, kisses, apologies, and promises to make the house more murderer-proof.

"It's alright, y'all. It could've happened to anyone," Tammy groaned. "That runs a humor site, that is," she finished silently. She brushed off her parents hugs and kisses and walked back to her room, muttering a lame excuse about how all this action wore her out.

As she walked into her room, a sudden wave of fear washed over her and she made it a point to check the window, the closet, and even under her bed. This is ridiculous, she thought to herself. She started to climb into her bed, but a glance at her computer made her remember something.

JDC4LIF: You don't know that.

Toby1Kanobi: I do. I also know that someone by the name of "CurlyBounce" is IMing Jen right now... could it be Justin, perhaps? Our revenge doesn't stop in dreams, ya know.

"Jen," she whispered to herself. She immediately logged back onto AOL to check her e-mail. There was an e-mail from Jen that said, "URGENT!!! Call me as soon as you get this, Tammy!" After that was a phone number attached.

Tammy frowned. "Damn, this must be urgent, 'cause you don't just be givin' out your phone numbers on the Net like that." She immediately logged off and called the number. After three rings, a frightened sounding girl answered.

"Hello?" she whispered, fear in her voice.

"Jen?" Tammy said concernedly.

"Is that you, Tammy?" Jen asked.

"Yeah, it's me," Tammy replied.

"Are you okay? " Jen asked. "I thought Lance would kill you."

"Yeah, I'm okay," Tammy answered. "How do you know about what happened with Lance?" she continued.

Jen sighed. "A little bastard by the name of CurlyBounce IMed me and said that some loser named Toby1Kanobi was talking to you."

"Same with me!" Tammy exclaimed. "It was soo weird," she continued. "He knew everything about me. Even the fact that I was home alone."

Jen propped back in her chair and whispered into the phone, "Atleast he didn't attack you like Justin did me."

Tammy snorted. "That's what you think," she replied. "The police just left my house not even an hour ago."

"Oh my God," Jen moaned. "What happened?"

"You tell me what happened first," Tammy coaxed. "You sounded a bit more shaken up than me."

Jen took a deep breath and started in on her story. "Well, after I told you someone was IMing me, I started talking to them, and they informed me that you were a liar..."

"Just like Lance said to me," Tammy gasped.

"Probably," Jen agreed. "He said you dreamed that we got ground up, not them. Don't ask me how they know what the hell you were dreaming... then he's like, 'It's ten o'clock, do you know where your roommate is?' To make a long story short..."

"Too late!" Tammy tried to joke.

"Tammy," Jen sighed wearily, "work with me here."


"Anyways," Jen drawled, "I got pissed and logged off. I walk down the hall to the dorm bathroom and see a shadow sneak up behind me. I turn around and see Justin... with a knife."

"What'd you do?" Tammy asked.

"I screamed," Jen said. "What the hell do you think I did? Ask him for an autograph? Anyways, the little idiot obviously forgot that I was in a dorm full of girls, and my scream woke up some of them. He left, we called the police, and the rest is history."

Tammy sighed, "Damn... what are we gonna do, Jen?"

"I don't know... tell me what happened to you, Tam," she answered.

Tammy relayed her tale of near death via Lance Bass, after which Jen groaned. "Tam," she said, "this is getting serious..."

"I know," Tammy answered. "Look, let's just try to sleep on it and I'll call you tomorrow afternoon with a plan."

Tammy hung up with Jen and immediately jumped back online and sent e-mails to Cassie, Wendi, and Heather. She hoped that they would have received them by morning.

The next morning, Jen woke up with a splitting headache. She looked at her clock which read noon. "Dammit," she moaned. "What time did I even go to sleep?"

She put her head back down on her pillow and was about to go back to sleep until her roommate rushed into the room.

"Jen," she moaned, "are you okay? I heard about what happened last night."

Right then, all the events of last night came flooding back to her. "Shit," she muttered. "Why can't I just be one of those lucky girls that can get laid by 'NSync and be forgotten forever? Why do I have to be stalked by them instead?"

Her roommate looked at her strangely. "Jen, did you just say something about 'NSync stalking you?"

Jen quickly looked up at her. "Umm, no, I didn't. I said, 'I wonder if I left my celery stalk under the kitchen sink'."

Her roommate nodded. "Oh... that's what I thought you said. Lord only knows why you have celery under the sink, though."

Jen sat up on her bed. "Well, I'm gonna go take a shower... Lemme know if anyone calls me, okay?"

"Okay," her roommate said as Jen gathered up her towel and stuff and headed out the door.

As Jen walked in the bathroom, she glanced cautiously behind her, then laughed at her own stupidity. "Calm down, Jen," she said to herself. "Justin would never come after you again."

"But then," she said as an afterthought, "you never thought he'd come after you the first time." Jen merely shrugged and got in the shower.

Fifteen minutes later, Jen got out feeling a bit better. She got dressed in the bathroom in the clothes she was planning to wear that day and walked back to her room. When she got there, she saw that her roommate was gone and immediately became afraid as all types of thoughts ran through her head. "What if Justin's in here and he killed her? And he's waiting for me now? He'll probably try to torture me and stuff..." Then, she came to her senses and said, "Fuck that, it's either him or me, and it ain't gonna be me."

She walked deeper into the room and saw a note from her roommate. It read, "Jen, I'm sorry to split so fast, but I have a 12:30 class that I'm late for. You know I'd normally ditch, but we've got a test today. Oh, a girl named Tammy called and said to call her back immediately. She said it's urgent. The number is below."

Jen quickly picked up the phone and dialed the ten numbers. A girl answered brightly. "Hello?"

"May I speak to Tammy, please?" Jen asked.

"Hold on," the girl said. In the background, Jen heard the girl scream, "TAMMY!!! GET THE FUCKIN' PHONE!!!"

A minute later, an annoyed Tammy got on the phone. "Hello?"

Jen laughed. "That was the one thing I needed to brighten up my day! Who was that?"

Tammy sighed, "My little sister Kira. The original teeny. Fourteen years old and swears she's gonna marry JC, need I say more? If she only knew about the boys she worships..."

Jen nodded, "I hear ya. So what's the plan of action?"

Tammy replied, "I've been on the phone all morning with Cassie, Wendi, and Heather, and we've come to a conclusion."

"Which is?" Jen asked.

"It's time for the six of us to meet and combine forces," Tammy answered.

Jen thought about it and then smiled. "Give me the time and place, and I'll be there."

"Cool," Tammy said. "Bring Rachel...some money, too."

Two weeks later, Jen and Rachel walked into a small diner and saw a corner table with four very different looking girls. One girl was light skinned and had on a baggy baseball jersey and some even baggier jeans, another was slightly darker with a FUBU football jersey, and the third girl had long blonde hair tied up in a bun. The last girl had curly brown hair. "That's who we're lookin' for, Rache..." Jen murmured. Jen and Rachel sauntered over to the table and nodded in greeting.

Tammy stood up. "Hey, it's nice to finally meet you face to face, Jen."

Jen shook her hand. "Same here."

Tammy looked at Rachel. "Is it safe to presume that this is Rachel?"

Rachel smiled and extended her hand. "Yeah. Hi."

Tammy shook it and then turned to the group. "Let me introduce you to the others. We all just met about ten minutes ago, except for me and Cassie and Wendi and Heather... the partners of the sites already know each other."

"Of course," Jen replied.

Tammy pointed to the blonde. "That's Wendi, and the girl next to her is Heather." She then pointed to Cassie. "This little lamb right here is Cassie. You guys, meet Jen and her little sister Rachel."

Everybody exchanged hellos and Jen, Rachel, and Tammy sat down. "So what's Phase Two of this plan?" Jen asked Tammy.

Tammy sat back and played with her braids. "We get our revenge," she responded.

Cassie frowned. "I'm still a bit unclear on what exactly has been happening. You mean to tell me that the members of 'NSync are pissed at us about our humor sites and are now tryin' to kill us?"

Wendi smiled weakly. "Sadly, yeah. Me, Jen, and Tammy were attacked two weeks ago."

Jen gasped. "Who went after you, Wendi? Was it JC?"

Wendi snorted. "I wish. Actually," she continued, "it was the one and only Stevemeister."

"God help the children," Rachel muttered.

Cassie asked, "Did y'all report the incidents?"

Tammy answered, "We did, but we didn't tell them who it was."

"Why not?" Cassie wanted to know.

Wendi jumped in. "How would it sound to you if I told you a member of the pop sensation 'NSync was in my house the night before and tried to kill me? Even if I said it was Steve's loser ass, no one would believe me. No one would believe us. 'NSync's too important," she finished sarcastically.

"And that's why we're here," Tammy spoke up. "Why we finally had to meet. To nip this shit in the bud before we go crazy and wind up in an asylum wearing silk pajamas and slapping ourselves with fly swatters."

Cassie and Rachel sang softly, "I lie awake, I drive myself crazy. Drive myself crazy, thinking of you..."

Jen smacked her sister upside the head. "Cut that out, Rache! They're the enemy!"

Rachel pouted, "So? Just 'cause they're trying to kill us doesn't mean we can't like the music!"

Everyone merely ignored her except Cassie, who smiled and nodded reassuringly at Rachel. "One question, Tam," Jen said.

"Yeah?" Tammy asked.

Jen looked around. "Why meet here? In Orlando? Of all the places we could meet?"

Tammy sat back and grinned slowly. "Because we're gonna end all the madness where all the madness started. Here... in Orlando, Florida. Home of the boyband explosion."

Wendi and Heather cheered. "That's what I'm talkin' about!" Wendi exclaimed. "Let's show these bastards how it really feels when someone tears up their hearts."

Jen laughed. "So what's the plan?"

The girls all leaned towards the center of the table while Tammy whispered her plan. When she was done, Cassie frowned. "That's a good plan and all, Tam, but this plan is gonna require a lot of money. Money we don't have."

Tammy nodded. "I thought about all of that, and came up with a solution. If you guys can get me Lou Perlman's account number, PIN number, and the bank he uses, then we our money problems won't be much of a problem."

Wendi gestured to herself and Heather. "Let us do it. We'll come through for ya. Not only do we know where TransCon is, but I'm sure we can get the info you need."

"Are you sure, Wen? I mean, I'm aware of all the times you've raided TransCon in the 411 Files on your site, but this is real. You can get in some serious trouble for this," Tammy frowned.

Heather took a deep breath and nodded. "We're sure, Tammy. We can do it. Trust us."

"Okay," Tammy said. "When can you get it for me?"

Wendi looked Tammy in the eye. "When do you need it?" she smirked.

Tammy smiled back. "The sooner the better. Keep in mind we're gonna really need this money, so can you do it today?"

Wendi nodded. "Cool," Tammy said. "We'll set ourselves up in a little cheap ass motel... I brought my laptop, so when Wendi and Heather get back with what I need, we'll get what we need."

Rachel asked, "Why Lou of all people?"

Tammy snorted. "It's his fault partially. He helped to put 'NSync where they are. If not for him, they'd have never gotten famous, and we'd never have any ammunition to make fun of them. Our humor sites would have never been born, and they wouldn't be trying to kill us. Plus, he's rich enough to spare some loot."

Cassie spoke up. "One more question, T."

Tammy looked at her. "Yeah?"

"How long is this gonna last? Keep in mind that I'm only fourteen and we told my dad that I was spending the long weekend at your place. Thank God we have Friday through Tuesday off from school."

Tammy sighed. "I don't know how long it'll take, Cassie, but for now I'm just gonna say that it's gonna take us from Friday to Tuesday to complete this. Aight?"

Cassie nodded. "Cool. Let's do it, then."

The six girls got up and walked out of the diner. "What about transportation?" Jen asked, looking around.

"Already been taken care of," Tammy answered, leading them to a black Isuzu Trooper.

Rachel whistled. "How much did this cost?"

"More importantly," Wendi drawled, "how the hell did you pay for it?"

Tammy unlocked the door and as she climbed in answered, "$500 for the five day weekend, and tax refunds are a blessing."

The other five girls dumped their luggage in the back and climbed in, after which Tammy started the drive through the streets of Orlando. "So where we stayin'?" Wendi asked as she switched the stations on the radio.

"No where fancy...just the Marriott."

"WHAT?!" the girls exclaimed.

Jen looked at Tammy in the rearview mirror and said, "You mean to tell me the cheap ass motel we're stayin' at is the Marriott? How the hell can you afford to stay at a place that's over $100 a night?"

Tammy rolled her eyes. "I work at the Marriott in Norfolk, which means I can stay at any Marriott in America for only thirty-nine dollars a night."

"Finally," Heather cheered, "a friend with some benefits!"

Wendi was still in the process of switching radio stations until she stopped at a particular song and scowled.

"Ooh, I love this part!" Rachel screamed. She then sang, "Baby what's the deal? Would I be too forward if I told you how I feel?"

"Turn that shit off!" Jen commanded.

"No!" Cassie reached forward and slapped Wendi's hand away from the dial. "I love this part, too!" She then sang, "...are you feelin' my Tim's, my baggy jeans, my thug appeal? Do you like it when a man can keep it real?"

Wendi leaned back in the seat and allowed her frown to deepen as she listened to the chorus. "Oh, I'll bring him somethin' alright," she muttered.

Ten minutes later, Tammy pulled into the Marriott and the girls piled out and got their luggage. Tammy handed the keys to valet and led the girls into the hotel.

"No need to check in, T?" Heather asked as they walked past the front desk.

"Nah," Tammy answered, "me and Cassie have been here since early this morning, so we took care of all this earlier."

The girls got on the elevator and Tammy pressed the button for the nineteenth floor. The girls rode up to their floor in silence and followed Tammy to their rooms. Tammy got to two rooms and stopped. "Okay guys," she said, turning to the others and pulling out the room keys, "my discount doesn't get me suites or anything, so I got two rooms. A double and a single, meaning four are gonna be in one room and two in another. I was assuming the website partners could share a bed without any bloodshed. Am I right in this assumption?"

Heather smiled, "Yeah, except for the fact that Wendi still pees in the bed..."

Wendi slapped her on the arm. "I do not! For the last time, I spilled my beer!"

Heather arched an eyebrow in amusement. "Is that what you call it now?"

Wendi scowled, and Heather quickly added, "I'm just kidding, Wen. Calm down."

Jen jumped in, "How's about you and Cass take the single since you bought the rooms, and the rest of us will take the double."

Tammy looked at Cassie. "You cool with that, kid?" Cassie shrugged and nodded.

As the girls started to walk into their respective rooms, Wendi stopped Tammy. "Hey T," she called.

Tammy glanced at Wendi. "Yeah?"

"Is 'NSync stayin' at this hotel?"

Tammy smiled slowly. "You're quick," she smiled, impressed. "How'd you know?"

Wendi smiled back. "I know everything."

After the girls had unpacked, Cassie and Tammy went next door to the other girls' rooms to talk. "Okay y'all," Tammy said, sitting on one of the chairs, "as of right now, our supplies are as follows: $900 in cash that we all pitched in together, my laptop, Jen's schedule of 'NSync appearances, Wendi and Cassie's cameras, and all of our cell phones. This is really good, but you know what I really need now, don't you?"

Wendi nodded. "Lou Perlman's account info."

Tammy scratched her arm absently, thinking about something. "Exactly," she said. "When do y'all wanna do it?"

Heather answered, "Now."

"Now?!" Wendi exclaimed.

"Hell yeah," Heather said. "The sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can get our revenge."

"Okay," Wendi agreed. "We'll do it after this meeting. One more thing. Tammy?"


"You said 'NSync is in this hotel, right?" Wendi asked.

"Ohmigod!" Cassie gasped. "'NSync is in this hotel? This one?"

"Cassie!" Tammy exclaimed. "What is wrong with you?"

Cassie sighed. "Sorry, I guess it was the teenybopper in me coming out for a second there."

Jen looked at her. "Yeah, well just keep in mind that 'NSync would gladly kill you and the teenybopper inside if given the chance."

"Like I was saying," Wendi continued. "Did you know 'NSync was staying here?"

Tammy nodded, and Wendi continued, "Is that why you opted to stay here?"

"Partially," Tammy answered. "I mean, I figured I could kill two birds with one stone. 'NSync's stayin' at the Marriott and surprise, surprise, I get a huge discount from the Marriott too."

Wendi went in for the kill. "Our revenge starts here, doesn't it?"

Tammy sat back in astonishment. "I was gonna tell y'all that later, but yeah, it does. Smart girl."

Wendi nodded. "I knew it. The fact that we're staying in the same hotel makes it that much funner."

Rachel tried to look innocent. "Do you... know the floor... that they're, you know, staying...on?"

Jen snapped at her sister, "Why? So you can get an autograph? Rache, have you forgotten that quickly? Let me refresh your memory. 'NSync crazy. Want me and you dead. Tried to kill sister and two friends. Will try to kill again."

Rachel held up her hands in defense. "No! I just wanna know in case we have to spy on them or something."

"Cut her some slack, Jen," Tammy yawned, tired. "Just the fact that she's here shows a lot of loyalty." She turned to Rachel. "To answer your question, they're staying in a suite on one of the concierge floors."

"Which floor?" Rachel asked.

"The lowest concierge...twentieth floor," Tammy answered, yawning again.

"That's right above us!" Cassie gasped, excited.

Wendi waved her hands in front of Cassie's face slowly like a hypnotist. "Control the teenybopper, Cassie," Wendi droned. "Allow the teeny in you to die and let the mature, level headed Cassie take control."

Cassie laughed. "I'm with ya, Wendi. All the way."

"You too, Rachel? No more teenybopper?" she droned, waving her hands in front of Rachel's face.

"Yeah," Rachel smiled. "I'm ready to do this."

Heather looked at Tammy lounged on a chair, looking as if she were ready to pass out. "Tammy," Heather said, "why don't you get some sleep while we go get the stuff you need. Okay?"

"No," Tammy said, yawning. "I have to drive the getaway car."

Jen looked at Tammy and shook her head. "Uh-uh... no way. You'll probably crash into a telephone pole or somethin'."

Tammy sighed. "Then who's gonna drive? You?"

Jen nodded. "Why not?"

Tammy glared at her. "I'll tell you why not. 'Cause you'll be driving a rent-a-car that's in my name, and if you wreck, I'm screwed."

Jen rolled her eyes. "T, you said you trusted us. If you can trust Wendi and Heather to get some top secret info, then you can definitely trust me not to wreck a car that nice."

Tammy sighed again. "Okay, go," she said wearily, getting up. "I'm going to my room to sleep for a couple of hours. When you come back, just bring the stuff to my room. Cassie has a key."

"Alright!" Jen exclaimed, jumping up. "Let's do this." The girls all walked to the door, but Tammy's voice stopped them.

"One more thing, ladies." Tammy said.

"Yeah?" Wend asked.

"Do not, I repeat, do NOT let 'NSync see you at all while we're here. I know it's gonna be hard, but you just have to stay on your toes. If they see one of us before we put our plan into action, the entire mission is blown."

"Gotcha," Heather said.

The six girls walked cautiously out of the room and looked around. Five walked to the left towards the elevators, and Tammy walked to the right towards her room.

When Tammy got inside her room, she took one look at the bed and then collapsed on the bed and fell into a deep sleep. Two hours later, Tammy was awakened by some annoying giggles. Thinking that perhaps Lance was in the room, Tammy bolted up and looked around. No Lance... just five grinning girls. "What the hell's so funny?" Tammy growled, still sleepy.

"You," Cassie giggled. "You sleep funny."

"Yeah," Rachel agreed, "you're weird."

Tammy looked at them, disbelief written all over her face. "I'm weird? Yet y'all have been watching me sleep for how long? Like, ten minutes?"

Wendi shook her head. "More like thirty."

"Whatever," muttered Tammy. She looked at the girls. "Did y'all get the stuff?"

"Indeed we did," Heather grinned, handing Tammy some papers. As Heather moved, Tammy sniffed the air and frowned. "Why the hell do you smell like garbage?" she asked.

Heather rolled her eyes and answered, "'Cause we were in the garbage, perhaps?"

Tammy sighed. "And why, might I ask, were y'all in the garbage?"

Heather went to talk, but Wendi cut her off. "Let me tell it, Heather." She turned to Tammy. "It started like this: We got to TransCon Studios and parked in the back. By the way, guess who we saw while we were there?"

Tammy smiled and rolled her eyes. "Who?"

Wendi snorted with laughter. "Innosluts and P-Note, the 'p' standing for 'pathetic'. I see they still haven't learned from 'NSync or the Backstreet Boys' mistakes. Anyway, they walk into the studio looking all slutty, and we had to all but kill Jen to keep her from running them over. So we parked around back and me and Heather got out of the car. We were at first gonna go in 'Mission Impossible' style and steal the files from his office, but then we came to the conclusion that he probably throws out his bank receipts and stuff. So we go to this huge dumpster and immediately start looking through the garbage..."

"And I started to wonder if some of 'NSync's partially eaten food was in there!" Heather jumped in excitedly.

"But then," Wendi drawled, "I told her that since 'NSync probably hadn't been to TransCon in over a year, there was probably no way any of the food in there was theirs. And trust me: there was some food in there that look like leftovers from 'The Last Supper'..."

"Which Lou's fat ass no doubt attended also..." Heather snickered.

Wendi laughed and continued, "We were looking through the garbage and stuff, when we heard someone comin', so we had hurry up and hide... only there was no place to hide except in the dumpster."

"It was so nasty... I thought I would be consumed by maggots," Heather gagged.

"Speaking of which," Tammy glared at the two girls. "I KNOW y'all didn't get back in my nice Trooper with garbage and maggots all over y'all, right?" Wendi and Heather didn't answer. "Right?" Tammy asked again.

"Well..." Heather and Wendi looked sheepishly at one another and then at the ground.

"Good Lord!" Tammy exploded. "You mean to tell me that you got your garbage infested asses back in the car without washing off first?"

"Where did you want 'em to wash off, Tammy? Geez..." Jen muttered.

"At a rest stop! A gas station! With somebody's garden hose, I don't care!" Tammy exclaimed. "Jen, you don't let garbage filled people in a new rent-a-car."

"So what do you want me to do?" Jen asked defensively.

Tammy stared at her incredulously. "What're ya? Crazy? What do you think I want you to do? Go spray some Potpourri in it! Light some incense! Set that son of a bitch on fire! Better yet, go vacuum out the fucking car!"

Wendi started to laugh uncontrollably. "Calm down, T. We'll clean out the car. Damn, I thought sleep was supposed to make people less irritable. C'mon Heather, let's go clean out the car."

Tammy stopped them. "Uh-uh. You two get y'all's nasty asses in a shower while I transfer Lou's money to a new accout. Jen, Cassie, and Rachel, y'all take the car to the Wash 'N' Go down the street and vacuum it out."

Cassie pouted, "Why do I have to go?"

Tammy closed her eyes and counted slowly to ten. Wendi smirked at Cassie. "She's doin' you a favor, hon. You really wanna stay with that?" she finished, pointing at Tammy, who had a huge frown on her face.

Tammy opened her eyes and stuck out her tongue at Wendi. "C'mon guys," she said, clapping her hands, "we gotta get to work."

As soon as all the girls filed out of the room, Tammy smiled to herself. "Ahh," she sighed, "peace at last." With that, she laid back on the bed and went back to sleep.

An hour later, Jen was shaking her awake. "Tammy!" she said loudly. "Wake up! You can't sit here and sleep all day while we're out working. Get your ass up!"

"Huh? Wha-? Where am I?" Tammy said groggily.

Jen grinned at Wendi and then leaned over and whispered in Tammy's ear, "You're in heaven," she said, doing her best Justin voice.

Tammy's eyes shot open and she jumped off the bed, ready to scream. Jen started laughing hysterically. "Oh man!" she gasped. "That was good. That was classic. I can't believe it!"

"Ha ha," Tammy grumbled. "That's not funny, Jen. You nearly scared me to death."

Jen smirked. "Serves ya right for tryin' to sleep while we do all this work. Did you transfer Lou's files yet?"

Tammy smiled sheepishly. "Actually," she replied, "I was, er, waiting for you guys to come back so I could show you what I'm doing."

Rachel snorted. "Sure you were. But we'll humor you just for the sake of comedy." She looked at the guys and said in an exaggerated tone of voice, "Okay guys, now that we're back, Tammy is gonna start Phase One of Phase Two of Phase One of the plan."

"Huh?" Jen wrinkled her nose in confusion.

"Humor her, Jen," Wendi jumped in.

"Oh," Jen said. Then she realized the joke. "Oh," she continued. "Yes, we simply must let Tammy start the plan since she was waiting for us and we've held her up for oh so long."

"Okay guys, I get it," Tammy rolled her eyes. She got her laptop and logged on to AOL. "Hmmm..." muttered Tammy, looking at the papers Heather handed her earlier.

"What are you doing?" Cassie wanted to know.

Tammy replied without looking up, "I'm going into the website of the bank Lou Perlman uses. I wanna get familiar with some of the URLs so I can override the codes and break into his account."

"Um, did you say 'break into his account'?" Rachel asked.

"Mm-hmm," Tammy replied. "How else am I gonna dump $50,000 into our account?"

"Whoa!" Heather exclaimed. "$50,000? Are you sure you wanna do this Tam? What if we get caught?"

Tammy finally looked up and grinned. "We won't. I logged onto AOL under my fake account, which is under a fake name. They don't take out the money from my bank account; I pay for it with a credit card, which was received..."

"Under a fake name," Jen finished, grinning widely.

"How'd you get a credit card?" Wendi asked, "You just turned eighteen a little while ago."

"I've had this credit card since I was fifteen," Tammy replied, looking back at the screen. "I received it with my fake ID..."
"Damn," Heather whistled. "You're just illegal period."

"Yeah," Cassie agreed. "Is it safe to even be seen with you?"

Tammy grinned. "You'll know after this weekend, now won't you?"

Tammy then typed in a whole bunch of codes, and watched as the screen went blank. "What the hell did you just do?" Jen asked, confused.

"I overrode the bank's password and I'm into Lou's files now," Tammy replied.

"Wow," Cassie whispered.

Tammy looked up and smirked at her. "Betcha didn't think someone as thugged out as me could also be a computer hacker, huh?"

Cassie laughed. "Not at all!"

Tammy typed in some numbers and codes and sat back, smiling.

"What's with the grin, Cheshire?" Wendi asked.

Tammy giggled. "Right now, there is $50,000 floating around the bank's system somewhere." She turned serious again. "Not for long, though," she continued, typing in more codes and numbers that the others couldn't make heads or tails of.

Fifteen minutes later, Tammy laid back on the bed, fanning herself. "Whew!" she breathed. "And I thought trying to lasso and sing the chorus of 'Bye Bye Bye' was exhausting!"

"So it's done?" Rachel asked.

Tammy sat up. "Yeah, I transferred $50,000 of Lou's money to my fake account at Navy Federal. Now alls we gotta do is go and make a withdrawal. I gotta get ready."

"Get ready?" Cassie echoed.

Tammy dug in her pants pocket and pulled out an ID and tossed it to Cassie. "Yeah," she replied, "I gotta look like Juanita Jenkins so I can pick up our money."

Cassie laughed as she looked at the ID. "You don't have blonde hair, T!"

Tammy rolled her eyes and smiled. "I will soon, though."

Ten minutes after she said that, Tammy was sporting a blonde wig over her braids (kind of like Lil' Kim has a habit of wearing), black leather pants, a black sleeveless shirt, and slutty makeup. She pulled on her black boots and stood up. "Who wants to come with me?" she asked.

"I'll go," Jen volunteered. The two walked out, with Tammy calling over her shoulder, "We'll be right back... stay the hell out of trouble!"

Wendi grinned at Heather. "That's like walking us through mud and telling us not to get dirty!"

Heather gave her a high five. "Ya know? Hows about we go 'NSync hunting?"

Rachel frowned. "But Tammy said to make sure 'NSync never sees us."

Wendi shrugged. "Who says they will? Besides, hiding from them while looking for them is gonna be where the fun's at."

"Alright, let's do it," Cassie grinned. The four girls walked out of the hotel and loaded into the elevator. "Shit!" Wendi realized. "We can't get on the concierge floors without a key. What do we do?"

Heather thought for a minute, then replied, "Let's take the stairs. You don't need a key then."

"How do you know?" Rachel asked, as the elevator doors opened again, and the girls exited.

"'Cause Tammy told me that at her job, when the elevators are out, their bosses make them carry those hot, heavy trays up twenty flights of stairs sometimes."

"Then let's go!" Cassie said excitedly. The girls ran through the unmarked peach-colored door and ran up the stairs, laughing the entire time.

"Look," Wendi whispered. She pointed to the door marked, "20" and walked up to it. "Well, what are you waiting for?" Cassie asked, pulling the door open.

The four girls walked through the door and looked down the halls. "I don't see anyone," Heather said.

"Duh," Rachel rolled her eyes. "It's 'cause no one's in the hall."
"And that's good," Wendi said. "We don't want anyone from 'NSync's camp seeing us."

The girls all filed down the halls with caution and stopped at one of the suites. "I'll bet they're in there," Wendi whispered.

Cassie grinned wickedly and put her ear to the door. "I hear them," she mouthed to the others.

"Really?" Wendi whispered loudly.

"Shh!" the other three girls shushed her.

Cassie heard someone on the other side of the door say, "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" a voice that sounded suspiciously like Lance's asked.

"Go see if someone is at the door, Joey," another voice (JC's perhaps?) commanded.

Cassie frantically gestured for the girls to follow her. The four girls hauled ass back to the stairway and bolted through the door.

As Joey looked out the door, all he saw was some long blonde hair going through a door down the hall. "That's weird," he frowned to himself. He walked back into the room and sat on a chair next to Lance.

"So who was it?" Lance asked, who was leafing through a magazine. Every so often he would grin and blush, prompting Joey to glance at the name of the magazine.

"'Playboy', Lance? What would your mother think?" Joey smirked.

Justin looked up quickly. "Lance? Porn? That's somethin' you don't hear everyday."

Lance glanced up from the magazine for a second. "Shut up," he scowled, still leafing through the pages. "Who was at the door?" he asked.

Joey shrugged. "I don't know. I think some fans might have figured out what room we're in again."

JC frowned from the other side of the room. "We need to make a call to the front desk about this."

Lance smirked and looked up, an evil gleam in his eye. "I definitely know some other calls we need to make."

Justin grinned nastily. "Oh yeah? Where to?"

"We have to call our humor site friends and thank them for not turning us in two weeks ago," Lance laughed. He continued seriously, "Also, we gotta let them know that even though we missed our chance the first time, we haven't forgotten about them, and they shouldn't forget about us."

"Somehow," JC murmured, "I don't quite think they've forgotten about us, either."

Back in the girls' room, Wendi and the girls were gasping with laughter. "That was fun," Cassie smiled.

"So what now, oh fearless leader?" Heather said to Wendi.

Wendi shrugged. "I don't know," she replied. She turned to the other girls. "What do y'all wanna do?" she asked.

"Let's go to the arcade," Rachel volunteered.

"Where is it?" Wendi asked, frowning.

"The sixth floor," Rachel answered, getting to her feet. The other girls followed her to the door and hopped on the elevator. Seconds later, they were let off on the sixth floor and were walking to the game room.

"Nice pool," Wendi commented as they passed the health and spa area.

The four girls walked into the game room and were enjoying twenty minutes of blissful murder via "Mortal Kombat III", when Rachel happened to look out the door. She turned to the others and gasped, her face pale.

"What's wrong?" Cassie asked worriedly.

Rachel started to hyperventilate. "Guys," she panted. "Don't look now, but Joey, Justin, and Chris are coming."

"Please be kidding, Rachel," Wendi whispered.

"I kid you not," Rachel stuttered.

"What do we do?" Heather gnawed her thumbnail nervously.

"Shut the door!" Wendi cried, throwing her weight against the door and shutting it. The other girls followed suit and held the door shut just as the boys approached it.

"What the hell?" Chris asked, trying to push against the door and frowning as it wouldn't budge.

"What's wrong, Chris?" Justin asked, watching amusedly as Chris struggled with a door that would not open.

"It's this damn door," Chris growled in frustration. "It's stuck."

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