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Military Support Links Con't

Being in the military is hard, especially on the family members. The military realizes that the backbone to a good soldier is the support they recieve from their family. In an effort to help families in times of need, the military has several support channnels. I have posted some of the links to these on this page. I hope that you will find this site useful and recommend it to your friends and family. If you know of a link that I do not have on this site, please e-mail me and I will be sure and have it posted.


Publications Relocation Links Volunteer Links Family Readiness Family Member Networks Veterans Links Employment & Transition Links Military Recreation & Travel Links Children's & Parenting Links Education & Training Links Graphics & Downloads General Sites of Interest

Send your comments!

Education & Training

Army Correspondence Course Program
Graphical Training Aids
Common Task Trainig
Training the Force
Evaluate a casualty
Welcome to the American Council on Education
DoD Vol Ed
Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges (SOC)

Graphics & Downloads -- File Library
FREE STUFF Military Graphics Download Page
Military Data Resource
ACES HIGH: The Finest in Aviation Photography
Photo Archive Main Index
Air Force Link - Images
MarineLINK Image Library
Military Screen Saver, Photos, and Wallpaper by Webshots
Airshows and Military aircraft
ThemeCloud9: Military Desktop Themes
ScreenThemes "Military" Collection
Doc's Military and Patriotic Graphics
FREE Military and Patriotic Graphics
Wavplace,Military Clips
Animation gif animation free graphics fly airplanes helicopter
Military Aircraft Sounds
Ceremonial Music Online (US Military)
Military Sounds
Zeno's Warbird Video Drive-In
Boot's Aircraft Hangar

General Sites of Interest

The OATH of Enlistment/Reenlistment
CSM's NCO Links
USAPA- Electronics Forms
Other Military Links
AAFES Homepage
Super Trooper
The Army Link
NCO Online - The Website
Vietnam Veteran's Memorial Fund - The Virtual Wall
Important Links for NCOs
Developmental Counseling Homepage
Welcome to ETMs Online(LOGSA- tech. manuals)