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After the Ball

Part Two

Pat closed his eyes for a minute and continued to breathe heavily.


"Liz...." he took a deep breath "Box...." His breath slowly cut off.

The ventilator machine activated the pulsating screech.

A nurse pushed through the door, screaming "Code Blue, room 113! Code Blue!"

Doctors rushed.

Lucky grabbed Elizabeth's arm and pulled her back.

"Paddles, nurse" the doctor grabbed the paddles, rubbed them together, "Clear" and put them on Pat's chest.

Pat’s body jerked up, but the pulsating screech continued.

Liz watched the doctors try again and again.

Finally the doctor looked at the clock on the wall and said, "Time of death, 1:45 a.m."

The doctor snapped his gloves off, a nurse turned the screaming machine off and another turned and finally realized that Liz and Lucky were in the room.

"Elizabeth Webber? How did you...? I'm so sorry... He's gone, honey."

'He's gone...' the words echoed in Elizabeth's head. 'He's gone...'

"NOOOOOOO!!!!!" Liz screamed, "HE'S NOT DEAD! I'D KNOW IF HE WAS DEAD!!!" She felt someone pull her arms back. But through her tears she could only make out visions of a fire. People walking around her. 'Its okay Liz, the pain will go away...' She recognized Lt. Taggert and Bobbie and Luke and Laura... 'There was a fire... Elizabeth and Lucky.... I'm sorry...he's gone...' 'He's gone...' 'He's gone...' The voice continued to echo in her head.

"LUCKY!!!" she screamed, tears streaming across her face. "NOOOOO!!!! LUCKY!!!!!!"

She let her body fall to the floor and pulled her knees to her chest. Liz, looked up at the doctors and Lucky, who stood in front of her, looking at her with such concern. "I understand..." she said calmly. "I remember now..." she wiped her hand against her face and sniffed. "Pat...." she looked toward Lucky, "Welcome back, Lucky..." she said.


Robert escorted his wife and sister-in-law to the ICU.

Through the glass, he could see Mac's neck and head were bandaged. An IV with a clear liquid was connected to his right arm. To Mac's left a monitor recorded the steady rhythm of his heart.

Robert had not seen his brother in such a vunerable position since Mac was just an infant. 'Hang in there, little brother,' he thought. He squeezed Felicia's hand gently and said, "He's going to be just fine. Let him know you're here for him. We'll wait right out here."

Robert and Ana watched through the glass as Felicia went inside and sat down in the chair on the left hand side next to Mac's bed.


Samantha gave Lucas a warm smile, "Yeah, I guess I can see myself out. Do you guys have any idea where I can stay while I'm in Port Charles?" She didn't look at Maxie, she was getting some pretty cold vibes from her. "I just got into town."

"Lucas? Can we please go?" Maxie started to whine.

"I guess, it should be okay if you don't mind letting yourself out. But ironically I happen to know that my mom is looking to rent out a room upstairs. But if you hang around until Tammy returns then you can just let her know you're interested in the room. She'll show you where it is."

Maxie began to pull at Lucas' arm. "Come on..." she dragged him to the door, and shot one last glare at Samantha.

"Its nice meeting you. I'm sure I'll see you around..." his voice trailed as Maxie continued to pull him through the door.

"Let's go." She began to pace herself into a jog. "Man! I wish your mom would buy you a car already!"

The two teens raced back to Paul's house, where they found the party had finished.

Other than garbage and traces of party favors strewn across the lawn the place was deserted.

"There!" Maxie pointed at Nadia who was running barefoot toward Paul's door. "What the..." Maxie grabbed Lucas' arm and watched as a car with tinted windows slowed down as it passed Nadia.

The backseat window rolled down.

Maxie could just make out the barrel of a gun, glistening in the lamplight. "NADIA!!! LOOK OUT!!!" Maxie screamed.

Nadia's head turned toward them in bewilderment.

The gunman within the car seemed to have heard Maxie shout too, and quickly pulled the gun in and rolled the window up and the car sped away.

Nadia couldn't believe that someone was actually going to shoot her. She knew she had seen that car following her before. Nadia saw that Paul, Maxie and Lucas were all staring at her. ‘I'm really busted now,’ she thought. She considered telling them all the truth but didn't know if she could risk it. If her father Moreno found out any of this he would never let her stay. She hated lying all the time.

"Maybe we should... umm... go inside and talk," Nadia suggested. She was still wet from the lake and the wind was making her freeze.

Paul was speechless but opened the door and let them in."Nadia, what the hell is going on?" Paul yelled more harshly than intended. "You're going to catch pnemonia in those wet clothes," he said more gently handing her a blanket.

"Well, it all started when I couldn't find Maxie or Laurie and I was in a hurry to get home and then I saw Drew and asked him to take me. Only when he started driving I realized he was drunk and I couldn't get him to stop, then he drove off a bridge into the lake and I couldn't roll my window down so I broke it with my hand and managed to swim to land and my house was so far away that I ran back here and I still don't even know if Drew is alive or not," Nadia said rapidly, without breathing as she broke into tears.

Lucas rushed out of Paul's house and headed down the driveway with Paul following him. "Wait," he stopped and began to listen.

"What?" Paul asked.

"Do you hear that? I think its coming from the bushes."

Lucas headed in toward the noise. "Who's there?"

Suddenly, Samantha's head popped up.

"Samantha? What are you doing here?" Lucas asked.


Jax stayed out in the waiting area while Robert and Ana accompanied Felicia to see Mac. He smiled at Chloe and took his cellphone from his inner tuxedo pocket. Dialing the number Felicia had given him for Robin's apartment, he waited to be connected.

Robin was siting at her desk finishing up her homework and studying for finals, when her phone rang.

Finally, after about five rings, someone picked up on the other end.

"Bon jour. Et-ce que Robin est la?” (Good day. Is Robin there?’) Jax asked before the other party had a chance to say anything.

"Hello," she answers. “This is Robin.”

"Robin? This is Jax. Mac's in the hospital. The doctors don't think it's too serious, but we think Mac would like to see you anyway. I can book a flight on the Concorde for you and I can pick you up at LaGuardia. Can you come?" Jax asked, trying hard to convey his sense of urgency without alarming her.


Ned continue's to look at Alexis. Her expression is a mixture of worry and confusion, Ned notes. Finally, unable to hold back, Ned takes her hand and starts.

"I have been thinking about this for the last few weeks, Alexis. And, considering how worried about losing me you were tonight after Mac was hurt..." Ned trails off.

'This is not going how I wanted it to,' Ned thinks, as he tries to arrange his words.

"I love you, Alexis. And I want nothing more than for you to be my wife. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is... Alexis Davis, will you marry me?"

Ned looks nervously at Alexis, and waits for her to answer.

Alexis stared starry-eyed at Ned, touched by his words. “I love you too, Ned,” she said, her voice wavering with emotion. “And I would be honoured to be your wife. So... I guess what I'm trying to say is yes, I will marry you, Ned.”

Ned smiles at Alexis and opens the ring box. After he slips the diamond on her left hand, he kisses the ringed hand. He slowly moves up her arm to her mouth, where he kisses her deeply. After pulling away slightly he speaks.

"Thank you, Alexis. You've made me happier that you could ever imagine."

Ned kisses her again, and he slowly lays her back on the bed, where they lose themselves in their love.


"Liz, are you all right? I'm glad you remember everything now. I have a lot to tell you, but I want to make sure you are all right before I tell you."

"I know, Lucky...I remember it all. Even your return, your disappearance. Everything." She reached toward Lucky and hugged him. "I can't believe he's gone, Lucky!" and she began to cry, her body shaking with remorse. "I love you so much," she whispered in his ear.

Lucky just holds Liz in his arms as he whisphers, "Elizabeth, I love you very much."

"Elizabeth?" Audrey rushes into the room. "Oh my God! Elizabeth! I just heard what happened. Are you okay. I'm so sorry about Pat." She pulled Elizabeth toward her and kissed her forehead.

"Grams, I'm okay. Really. Pat's gone, but my memory is back. I'm sure he helped in his own little way," she gave a meek smile. "But he mentioned something about a box..."

"When he came, he showed me a box he wanted to give you, Liz, but it was all locked up. Something about a problem he needed help with... its at home." Audrey said.

"I think I'll wait until tomorrow before I look for it," Liz said. "I just want to remember Pat." she sniffed and wiped away her tears.

Lucky just stood back and let Liz talk to Audrey. He just wanted to be there for Liz in any way that she needed him. "Liz everything will be all right." Lucky says.

"I just want to go home." she sighed and rubbed her eyes. She looked toward Lucky.

"Walk me home?" she asked him.


John seemed to be driving so slow.

"Could you drive any slower?" Sarah said annoyed.

"Yes, but then we couldn't keep up with the old lady in front of us," John said reffering to the car in front of them that was only going 25 miles per hour.

"Actually, I think it's a guy," Sarah said.

John laughed, then the car turned and John took off.

They arrived at the hospital shortly afterwards and Sarah began to search for Audrey or Liz.


Part Three