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After the Ball

Part Three

The next morning Alexis woke up to find herself alone in bed. Getting up, she puts on her robe and walks downstairs into the kitchen, where she sees Ned standing over the stove, making french toast. His torso is bare, and Alexis stands there, admiring it for a minute, before walking over to him and putting her arms around his waist.

Turning around, Ned kisses her deeply, then says, "Mmmm... Good morning to you, too." Ned kisses her again. "I hope you don't mind French Toast?"

"Not at all. You know I love it when you make french toast."

"Good. Because I was thinking breakfast in bed." Ned's voice drops. "Then maybe some dessert, because neither one of us is going into work today. I cleared it with the boss. And he seemed to understand why I would want to spend the day with my beautiful, sexy, new fiancée."

Ned started to kiss Alexis' neck, hoping to get a reaction out of her.

As Ned continued to kiss her neck, Alexis smiled and wondered what she did to deserve Ned. Turning around, she passionately kisses him. As Ned goes for the tie on her robe, Alexis speaks.

In between kisses, Alexis asked, "Wouldn't the bedroom be a more appropriate locale for this?"

Ned didn't say anything, he just picked her up and carried her up to the bedroom, where they got lost in each other, both glad to finally have someone to love unconditianally and that loves them back without condition.


Lucky responded to Liz’s request to be walked home. "Of course I will Liz. I will do anything for you Liz. I love you."

Liz stood up and grabbed Lucky's hand. It felt so comfortable, so right. She felt aweful for not being able to recognize him before, but Pat had made it all seem clearer. ‘Pat...’ She missed him so badly. She remembered when he told her he had cancer in the hospital room days ago. She wished she had known all along. Then, she could have been a better friend. Been there for him. She pushed open the emergency doors of General Hospital and took a deep breath. The cool air soothed her throat, raw from crying.

"Lucky? Will you stay in my room tonight?" she asked. "For old timesake."

"Yes I will, Liz." Lucky says.

Laura felt sorry for Liz for having to deal with the death of Pat, but she also felt happy for Liz in getting her memory back. She reflected how one bad deal can help with another. She liked seeing Liz and Lucky happy again. They deserve to be happy.

Luke ended up showing up at the hospital so they were never able to surprise him like they wanted to. Now they all are going to pray for Mac and hope that everything works out fine.


For what seemed like forever, Mac had been trying to get someone's attention. It was like no one could hear him. He felt like he'd been yelling as loud as he could, but wasn't saying anything. He thought he was dead for a while, but realized that couldn't be because he had the worst headache he could remember.

He had convinced himself long ago when his parents died that there was definitely no pain after you died. He still didn't know what happened to someone after they died, but he knew there wouldn't be any pain.

Felicia sat down at Mac’s bedside and took his hand in hers. "Hey there sleepy head." She said smiling with tears still in her eyes. "When are you going to wake up?" She asked.

Mac was beginning to get rather lonely when suddenly, he thought he could faintly hear someone talking to him. He tried to respond, but got no response in return. He kept on trying.

"Come on now, you just got your brother back you can't lave us now. Were just about to be one big happy family. You can't leave Mac, not now, I love you so much. You have to wake up. Please." She said kissing him on the forehead.

Finally, he felt someone touching his hand. Then, intense blinding pain shot though his entire head as something touched his forehead. It stirred him to react. He wanted to reach out to whatever had caused the pain and make contact with it. With the new intensity of the pain, Mac realized he would have to focus much harder. So far, nothing he had done seemed to have any effect on those around him.

Slowly, with tremendous concentration, he managed to move his fingers. He knew he had actually done it because he felt the hand holding his move. This strenghtened him. He knew what he had to do now to get it done. He concentrated even harder the next time and managed to move his hand again.


Nadia knew getting involved with the cops was not a good idea but she wanted to help Maxie and none of them even knew Moreno had a daughter. "Maybe we could get Paul to take us to the hospital," Nadia said, then, realized that she was still in her ripped, wet dress. "Um I wonder if I could borrow one of Paul's sister's outfits," she added.

Paul's sister Tiffany was only 14, but she was tall and Nadia had hung out with her a couple of times.

Just then Paul entered holding up a gorgeous red cocktail dress.

"Are you psychic or something," Nadia asked in disbelief.

"We should probably get your hand checked out at the hospital right away, but I suppose you can change first," Paul said to Nadia.

"Well... normally I'd protest but we have to go the hospital anyway because Maxie's stepdad is there," Nadia said rushing in the bathroom to change.

"Need any help?" Paul asked.

Nadia responded by laughing and slamming the door in his face.

He was glad to hear her laugh. He could hardly believe what she had been through in one night. ‘However, one thing didn't add up...why someone had tried to shoot her. I'll figure it out later,’ Paul thought to himself as Nadia came out of the bathroom.

"It looks better on you than Tiff," Paul said, commenting on the dress.

"Let's just go," Nadia said noticing how worried Maxie looked. She was also worried...


Liz searched her purse for her key, found it and slowly unlocked the door. Fumbling for the lights, she noticed bags on the floor. "What's this?" she wondered outloud. She bent down, pulled at one of the luggage tags and read the name on it. "Sarah Webber. Damn it! She has to come back now doesn't she?" she looked up at Lucky. "Can this day get any worse?" She noticed that Lucky was looking elsewhere, into the kitchen. She followed his gaze and noticed a box sitting on top of the counter.

The box was wrapped in brown postage paper.

"What in the world is that?" she walked over to it, saw Pat's name scrawled on it in big black letters. "Its from Scotland..." she picked up the box and shook it. "Lucky? What do you think I should do with it?" she asked.

"He said 'box' so you should open it," Lucky suggested.


As Jax talked to Robin on the phone, he held Chloe's hand and smiled. 'She looks so tired,' he thought. 'Maybe I should just let her go home and get some sleep instead of dragging her along to New York to pick up Robin.' Jax was very glad to hear Robin’s response to his question about coming to Port Charles on the Concorde.

"Jax, of course I can come. I can be ready in 15 mins," Robin told him urgently.

"Okay...I'll book the flight on the Concorde for you and have the ticket at the counter for you. I'll be at La Guardia to pick you up as soon as your plane lands," Jax told her. "I have a lot to tell you on the way to Port Charles. Do you know how long you will be able to stay?"


"Paul? Maybe you should go with Lucas. Its not safe for him to be wondering the lakefront by himself, especially at this hour." Maxie urged. She wanted to talk to Nadia, in private, but it seemed like Paul just wouldn't leave. She watched the two fight, or flirt or whatever they were doing and it didn’t impress her. They were in big trouble and it seemed like she was the only one that understood this.

Maxie watched as Paul glared at her, gave a sidelong glance at Nadia who had just shut the door on his face.

"What's your problem anyways?" Paul asked as he marched past her, grabbed his jacket and left in an attempt to catch up with Lucas.

Lucas was alone with Samantha. "You know, Samantha, never mind. I'll explain on the way. You're gonna have to come with us now." He looked behind him and noticed Paul coming out of the house.

"We're going to the Lakefront," he announced.As they walked he explained to Samantha Nadia's story. Nearing the lake, he made Samantha promise not to tell a soul.

"Nadia! Damn it! Hurry up!" Maxie cried out frustrated. She watched as Nadia opened the door and stepped out. "What are we going to do? Drew might be dead, my mom has no idea that I snuck out of the house, Mac's in the hospital and Oh my God! I left Georgie, my seven year old sister home alone. Do you understand how much we are going to be in? All you can do is flirt with Paul? Nadia! You left a man for dead in the lake!"

"I didn't have a choice! I had to leave him, but you wouldn't understand why," Nadia said. She already had a police record and although she had left the crash to protect her father, Moreno, she was also trying to protect herself. When the cops found out she was in the car and read what she had supposedly done last year at boarding school, they would think that the accident was all her fault. Especially, since Drew was a straight 'A' student, who as far as anyone with authority knew, had never done anything wrong. However, that didn't explain why she was flirting with Paul. "Also...I wasn't flirting with Paul. I just thought it might be nice to have a ride to hospital," Nadia lied.

She had been flirting with Paul even though she knew the situation was very serious. She had to pretend that it wasn't or she knew she was going to lose it. She felt bad for procrastinating and acting like nothing was wrong, but she had to keep calm. If people saw her freaking out, they would use it against her and she didn't want to go through that again. There was no way she was ever going through that again...


Jason walked into the Quartermaine's living room with Emily and sat down with her. "Em..tell me everything you saw the night of the Police Man's could help in finding Brenda."


After searching all over the hospital, Sarah finally found Audrey only to be told that Liz had just gone home. So, she had convinced John to take her back home. When she arrived she waved good-bye to John hoping that it was the last time she would see him.

Sarah opened the door to find Liz and Lucky standing in the kitchen.

"But, its not right. I mean, I should send it to his family or someth..." Liz cut off just as she heard the door opening watched as a stunned Sarah looked at Lucky.

"Hey Sarah," she said dryly. "Welcome home."

"Lucky?! Oh my god! Aren't you supposed to be dead or something?" Sarah asked confused and happy to see him. She realized she hadn't exactly kept in touch with her family and wondered how long he had been back.

"Yes, I was but I was only kidnapped. I just got back a couple days ago."

This wasn't exactly the greeting Sarah had hoped for but it wasn't like her and Liz had been best friends or anything. "What's that," Sarah asked pointing to the box on the cupboard.

"Its Pat's. I think he had it delievered here. I don't think I should open it, Lucky disagrees. That's all." she said coldly. Liz didn't know why she hated to see her sister. Perhaps it was because of the favouritism that was in their family. Liz had always felt like second fiddle to the smarter, nicer Sarah.

"Liz, Pat did say 'box' before he died. I think that means you should open it, he probably wanted you to have it," Lucky suggested.

"I guess..." she replied slowly. She opened the kitchen drawer and pulled out a knife. She slowly began to cut the tape. Opening the top, she pushed the white foam chips off of a metallic box that was packed inside.

Taped to the top of the box was a letter.

"What's this?" she said and opened it. "Its a letter to Pat." She began to read the letter.

"Patrick! My dear lad, it was so good to hear from you. Here's the box your Nan left for you, like I promised her I'd send. So, you're going to have your friend Lizzie help you out?

Hopefully, she'll be able to solve the mystery, because we sure couldn't. All the letters are intact. Everything is there. I double checked before I sent it to you.

Good Luck ole friend,


"Who's Pat?" Sarah asked, noticing that a lot had happened when she was away. When Liz pretended not to hear her question, Sarah decided to let it go.

She didn't know why her sister was acting so negative toward her and she didn't want to deal with it anymore. She grabbed her luggage and headed up the stairs without saying anything further. When she entered her room she was shocked to find that Audrey hadn't changed it at all. She laid down on her bed exhausted, but she couldn't sleep. She went to open the window and get some fresh air.

John was standing by his car looking up at her with a bouquet of roses in his hand.

'Will he ever take a hint' Sarah thought frustrated. She had met John in a bar where his girlfriend had just dumped him and she had been stood up.

They wound up getting drunk and going home together. When they woke up in his bed, they had no idea what had happened the previous night. After this, they dated for a week but she hadn't thought there was anything serious between them and had decided to go home.

John obviously had a different opinion and, refusing to give up on her, had followed her all the way back to Port Charles.

Sarah almost felt like he was stalking her...


"What do we look like? Fools? Oh wait, that's right you have a blindfold on so you can't see us! Get the picture yet? We have YOU this time Hannah Scott. And we're not dumb, Brenda Barrett died in a car crash. Trust me. I'm a big fan." he chuckled.

"You stupid, sick ba--" Brenda was cut off by one of the men.

"I wouldn't finish that sentence if I were you!" he gowled, pulling back her hair. She winced in pain, and he let go. "If you would take the damn blindfold would see that *I am* Brenda Barrett NOT Hannah Scott!! I don't even know who she is!" She screamed. "Why are you doing this?!" Brenda asked. "Sonny's gunna find me, and when he does, he'll kill the both of you!" she yelled, enraging her kidnappers.

"What is with you? You're a fiesty little thing. And who is Sonny? Sonny Corinthos? Like we're scared of the little boyfriend. Your an even bigger idiot than you realize. You slipped!" he laughed, "How dumb are you? We know Sonny Corinthos is with HANNAH SCOTT, not Brenda Barrett, dead or alive. So why would he come to YOUR rescue. Besides we have Mr. Moreno to protect us. Oh... does that name sound familiar to you, Miss Scott? Yeah, you busted us for RICO violations. Whatever that means. So now, we've teamed back up with Mr. Moreno and we're bringing--YOU--Hannah Banana, down!"


Ned lay in bed, listening to Alexis' breathing. She looked so peaceful, and Ned began to wonder why it took him so long to realize how much that he needed her in his life, and the depth of his love for her. As Ned continued to watch Alexis chest rise and fall, and a smile formed on her lips, as if she knew he was watching her.

Ned smiled back as Alexis turned to him and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

"Just how lucky I am to have you in my life. And how incredibly beautiful you are. And how I can't wait to make you my wife. Why?" Ned says softly, looking into her eyes as he slowly runs a hand up and down her bare arm.

Alexis shrugged, "Just wondering." A look of nervousness briefly traveled across her face. Alexis decided to try to change subject. "I was thinking... I would love to see Brooke again. Do you think you could call Lois tomorrow and see if we can get Brooke for a little while?"

"Of course I could." Ned noticed the look on Alexis' face. "Are you okay, Sweetheart? You look a little pale." Ned gets a look of concern on his face as Alexis starts figeting with the comforter. "Why don't you go back to sleep? Maybe you'll feel better in the morning."


"I'm sorry, Nadia. I'm just a little frustrated. I being selfish too, I know. I'm just scared about how my parents are gonna freak when they find out how much trouble I've been in tonight," Maxie explained. She sighed and looked at her watch. "Its getting late. Maybe we should head to the hospital. Lucas said he'd meet us there." Maxie grabbed her coat and handed it to Nadia. "Here. You're wet. You need a jacket," she laughed, "I sound like my mom! Come on. Look on the bright side, when she kills me you get to watch." She pulled Paul's door behind her and ensured that it was locked. "Time to face the music. You ready?" she looked at Nadia quizically.

"Ready as I'll ever be," Nadia said. She was terrified of what was going to happen but there was no turning back now. She walked slowly with Maxie toward the hospital. 'Maxie said her parents were going to freak but compared to what my father Moreno is going to do when he finds out their reaction will seem like nothing,' Nadia thought.

She knew her father was probably already mad about her not calling to tell him why she was late but what would she have said to him anyway, Hi dad I wasn't at Laurie's house working on a school project instead I went to a party where I got in a car with a drunk driver and then left him in the bottom of a lake somewhere...

She realized they were only a few feet from the hospital now. 'Okay Nadia stay calm and be honest everything is going to be fine,' she told herself knowing it wasn't true. "I guess this is it," she said to Maxie as they walked through the hospital door...


Robert stood motionless as he watched his sister-in-law sit with Mac. His heart went out to her. "Felicia's always been strong. She'll help Mac through this no matter what the outcome," he said absently to his wife.

Ana tried to manage a smile as she stared through the glass.

As Robert was about to step back and take a seat across the room on the sofa, he thought he saw something out of the corner of his eye. He watched more intently as Felicia continued to hold Mac's hand.

Nearly a minute went by as he watched. Then, he knew he had not imagined it.

Mac's fingers moved as if he was trying to take his hand away from Felicia.

"He moved! He moved his hand!" Robert exclaimed excitedly.


Laura came to the hospital so that she could be here for Liz and Lucky. She knows the reason Luke showed up at the hospital and that was because of Mac. Before they find out where Mac is Laura needs to fill Luke in on a few details.

"Luke, come and sit here for a minute. There is something I need to tell you and it is not bad news. It has to do with Robert and Ana. They are alive and well and are upstairs with Mac. I didn't get the whole story but you can talk to them when we get upstairs."

For a little while Luke just sits there dumbstruck.

As Laura was speaking to Luke, Stefan came out of the elevator and saw them. ‘Why was she always with him? Everytime I see my Lasha that borish monster isn’t too far behind Why?’

Stefan’s night had been more hectic than usual with the shooting at the Policeman’s Ball.

The media had been circling the hospital like vultures waiting for the news on the commissioner.

It was times like these that Stefan missed Alexis’ talent for handling the wolves.

His head started to fill with thoughts of his past with Lasha and Alexis. Not paying attention to where he was going and he walked right into someone.


Maxie nervously walked up to the information desk. "Hi. I'm looking for Felicia Scorpio-Jones. Can you please page her for me? I understand my my stepdad, Mac Scorpio was admitted, as well." she said.

"One moment."

Over the loud speaker she heard, "Can a Mrs. Felicia Scorpio-Jones please come to the information desk. That's Mrs. Felicia Scorpio-Jones to the information desk."

"Thank you," Maxie said. She turned to Nadia who seemed just as nervous as she felt. "What about your parents? Don't you want to call them and tell them what happened?" Nadia knew she couldn't call her dad, but how could she possibly explain that to Maxie.

"Oh, actually, they're out of town and I don't have their number," she lied.

"Oh. I didn't know that your parents were out. Maybe if my mom doesn't kill me, you could stay over at my place for a couple of days."

"Where would I go for treatment of a wound on my hand?" Nadia asked the lady at the reception desk. She had no idea what she was supposed to do or where she should go. She hadn't been to a hospital since before her mother died because all the boarding schools she went to had small medical facilities built into them.

As Nadia asked the nurse where she could go to get her hand stiched up, she noticed Lucas arriving pushing through the emergency room doors.

He was dripping wet.

"Lucas? What happened. Where's Drew?" Maxie asked, her heart pounded with nervousness, afraid of what she was going to hear.

"Maxie, I tried. I really did. I figured it was probably too late, but... I tried anyways... He's dead, Maxie. The police came and pulled his body out. It was horrible." His voice cracked and he put he hands to his face. "Never. Never have I seen something as awful as that."

Maxie stepped forward and put her arms around him. "Lucas, don't... please...It's over now." she begged.

"No, Maxie," he whispered. "I think it's just beginning. The police think we're murderers!"

Part Four