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After the Ball

Part Four

Helena was on her jet reading the most recent report from one of her informants in Port Charles. “Well, well... what do we have here? I can't believe that you are alive Scorpio. Hopefully you won't stay that way for long. And young Spencer; you have returned to your home just as I thought you would. Just like your father, never one to listen to some sound advice. Tisk, tisk. I will have to teach you a lesson, now won't I?” she said aloud to the empty cabin.

She picked up a picture of Mikkos from the table next to her. “Don't worry my love. They will all pay for their part in your demise. Spencers, Scorpios, Quatermaines and Cassadines alike will all pay the price. They will feel the full fury of a Cassadine and they will all know fear!”

Just then, Ari came into the cabin. “Madame, we will be arriving in Port Charles within the hour.”

Helena smiled. “They will never know what hit them!”


Faison arrived back in Port Charles after a trip. He stared at pictures of Robin and another of Anna. The picture of Anna made him smile.

"I am so glad to hear that you are not dead. Pretty soon it will be time for our family to be reunited. You and Robin need to be rid of the corrupt Scorpio influence inside you. Soon my dear Anna. The three of us will be a family as we are meant to."

He sat back and knowing he should wait for the right time. "Soon the time will be right."


Nadia couldn't believe she had gotten her friends involved in this, she felt terrible. "But you guys had nothing to do with this! The police have no reason to accuse anyone of murder... except me," Nadia said.

She doubted that Maxie or Lucas had a criminal record and knew that their parents were very well known and trusted. She, on the other hand, would be lucky if her father hadn't been caught doing anything illegal lately and, although her record wasn't common knowledge, now she knew they would dig it up eventually.

"They'll never believe that Drew was driving drunk and will think that leaving the scene proves that I have something to hide," Nadia added knowing the fact that she did have something to hide was only going to make things worse.

Lucas whispered to Maxie, "I...I'm sorry. I told the cops what happened to you." He swallowed hard before continuing, "They think you and Nadia were in it together out of revenge.... I'm sorry Maxie."

As the words came from Lucas' mouth, Maxie's shock increased. Her a murderer? What would Mac say? The police commissioner's daughter on trial for murder? "But... why aren't they looking for us?" she asked quietly.

"They are investigating, they told me to let you two know not to leave the city. They're waiting for Mac to be released before anything else happens."

Nadia was confused by this. "What did happen to Maxie?" she asks. She can't believe she got one of her only friends accused of murder. She feels a sense of deja vu knowing that she has been through all of this before. However this time she isn't going to let them send her friend to jail and she isn't going to allow her father to bribe the judge to lighten her sentence when she is innocent and most of all she isn't going to lie no matter how many overpaid lawyers tell her to...


Alexis looked at Ned and nodded, grateful to him for not pressing the subject. As she laid down and Ned wrapped his arms around her waist, she wondered what was wrong with her. Thinking back, she realized something. ‘The last time I felt like this, I was pregnant.’

Alexis wasn't sure how she felt about this realization. ‘Well, first thing I need to do is get a pregnancy test. What if I am pregnant? Will Ned be happy? What if he doesn't want another child?’

With these thoughts whirling around in her head, she fell into a troubled sleep.

Ned sighed as he felt Alexis' breathing even out. He shifted so he could watch her sleep again. ‘She still looks beautiful.’ Ned could swear that she was glowing, even though her face still looked troubled. He began to wonder if her problem was more than even she knew. Ned thought back his marriage to Lois, the only time he could think of when she couldn't sleep was when she was pregnant with Brooke Lynn.

'What if Alexis is pregnant?' Ned asked himself. 'I might get to be a real father this time, instead of just some guy who sees his kid whenever he has the time. It would be so wonderful if Alexis is pregnant.'

Ned’s thoughts keep on that subject, and he began to think of how beautiful Alexis would look as a mother, holding a child in her arms who looked just like her.

Ned fell into a peaceful dreamy sleep.


Breathing hard, Alexis awoke with a start. Looking at the clock, she saw that it was 1:30 in the morning. Yawning, she got up and trudged into the living room. Sitting on the couch, she let out a big sigh, and wondered once again if she was pregnant. Thinking about this made her mind go back 10 years ago to when she was a new lawyer in Manhattan.


It is November 23rd, and Alexis was walking through a park late at night, trying to clear her mind, when, suddenly, a hand reached out of the shadows and grabbed her.

"Let..." Alexis said startled.

Before she can get anything else out, a sweet smelling cloth covers her nose and mouth and everything goes black.

The next morning, Alexis awakes to find herself laying on a park bench, bruised and beaten, her clothes torn and messy.


Shaken, Alexis comes out of her reverie and wishes she could just forget that, and what happened as a result....


About a week after her rape, Alexis starts feeling ill and she has a hard time sleeping. This keeps up for about two weeks, and Alexis decides to go see a doctor to find out what is wrong. She makes an appointment for the 16th.

~~December 16th

Alexis is sitting in a doctors office, waiting for the results of her test. Just then, the doctor comes.

Her doctor told her, "Congratulations. You're three weeks pregnant."

Alexis feels like she is going to be sick, but she covers it well. Instead, she puts on a bright smile and pretends to be happy. After thanking the doctor, she leaves and goes home where she paces her living room, multiple-le questions floating trough her head.

Alexis thought, "What will I tell Stefan? Even worse, what will Helena do? This can't be happening to me, it just can't!"

All of the sudden she feels an intense pain in her abdomen (sp?). The pain is so intense that she falls to the floor in pain. Crawling along the floor, she manages to reach the phone. She calls 911 and gives them the information they need just before she goes unconscious.

~~Six hours later

Alexis wakes up to find herself in a hospital room, and she slowly begins to recall what happened.

Just then, a doctor walks in. "Hello, my name is Dr. Till...."

Alexis looks at her as she trails off wondering what is wrong.

Dr. Till looked at her in a sad way, then said, "I'm lost the baby."

Alexis just stares at her in shock as she leaves the room. Once she is gone, she breaks down and begins crying. She may have been really worried about what her family would say when she told them she was pregnant, but she had really wanted the baby. No matter how it was conceived, it was a life that was growing inside her, and she was going to miss it terribly. She thought about all the things she would miss, first steps, first teeth, first words. Thinking about this made her cry even harder.


Alexis sat on the couch, silently crying in grief over the baby she had lost. It may have been ten years ago, but the pain of losing it hadn't lessened over the years, and she had never forgotten about it.


"Finals are coming up but I should be able to make arrangements with my professors so that I can stay as long as I need to," Robin tells Jax.

Jax smiled as he told Robin, "I'll meet you at the Concorde terminal when you get to New York. I'll say goodbye now so you can pack."

After hanging up, Jax turned to face Chloe again. His face was a glow. "She's on her way. You are going to love Robin. She's one of the most beautiful, courageous and intelligent women that I have ever known."


Emily greeted her brother at the front door. “Hi, Jason. Why do you want to know what I saw? Did you find Brenda? Do you know who has her?" He didn’t answer her questions. He just looked at her as though his need to know what she knew was all that mattered.

"Well, let me see, I think... Jason, it’s a blur. Mostly, all I remember is the guy grabbed Brenda and shot Mac. Sorry, I can't help you more."


"You're kidding, right?" Maxie asked Lucas bewildered. He shook his head.

"You'd better tell Mac what happened. I mean, this could get ugly." he said, feeling awful for telling the police how Maxie was attacked eerily by Drew.

"Where's Paul?" Maxie asked, suddenly aware that Paul was no where in sight.

"He's outside with Samantha. She kind of followed us," he scrunched up his nose in embarrassment.

"She followed us? Oh... never mind. I have better things to worry about than her. Where is my mother?"

Glancing around the waiting room, she noticed that Nadia sat in the chairs, looking out into space, holding a cloth to her wounded hand.

"Nad? You okay? Maybe you should ask the nurse when the doctor is going to look at it," Maxie suggested.


Ned woke slowly, and soon realized that Alexis was no longer in bed with him. Concerned, Ned got up and went down the stairs.

He heard her crying before he saw her sitting on the couch, her head in her hands, and tears streaming down her face. Ned jumped down the rest of the stairs and ran over to where she was sitting, and took her in his arms.

"Shh, Sweetheart, shh. It'll be alright, you'll be fine." Although Alexis' sobs slowly died down, she continued to cry softly against Ned's shoulder. "Do you want to talk about it?" Ned asked as he pulled away slightly, wiping her tears away from her eyes.


"He wanted me to help him with something," Liz declared out loud to Lucky. "Maybe I should open it." She pulled out the metallic box, and fiddled with the lock, and opened the lid.

Inside were letter and photographs.

Liz noticed the letters were mainly sent to places within Scotland, except one.

One was addressed to Pat's address in Boulder, Colorado. However, it wasn't postmarked.

Liz quickly opened the letter.

"Dear Patrick." she began, "I'm so sorry to here about your Nan. What a tragic loss. However think of the family secret! What an amazing opportunity to come and visit, and hopefully solve it! Think of all the riches! Over centuries old. Hidden somewhere your Nan's castle! Bring your friend, Lizzie. We'd love to have her stay with us. Forgotten to call, again? Well, in case you lost my number I've included it at the bottom. Let me know what you're doing this summer. Oh! George just told me that he's sending you the box. How exciting! Trying to get ahead now, aren't you? Well, I've already addressed the envelope, but I'll stuff it inside. I'll see you soon, AND DON'T FORGET TO CALL! Or I'll send the hounds on you! Many kisses, Louise...01-677564"

"Liz, I think you should call the number and find out what Pat wanted help with," Lucky suggested.


Robert was still deliriously happy about seeing his brother move his hand when he heard the page for Felicia.

Felicia was so intent on Mac, she hadn't seemed to notice yet that he had moved or that she was being paged to go to the information desk.

"I'll go down and see what the page was about. If Mac's waking up, she'll need to be there for him," Robert said.

Ana smiled and nodded.

Before leaving the ICU, Robert gave his wife a quick kiss and said, "I'll be right back and I'll bring up some coffee on my way."

As he headed down the hallway toward the elevators, he noticed several familiar face in particular, nurse Amy Vining, stuck out in his mind.

"Hello, Amy," he said, nonchalantly. He remembered that Amy was the person to talk to if you wanted word to spread quickly.

Amy, who hadn't seen him yet, dropped her clipboard and pen on the nurses station counter with a loud clang. "ROBERT?!?!?!?" she asked, astonished. "Is it really you?"

Robert nodded. "Mmm-hmmm."

"You're alive!!!"

" is Ana."

Amy was beside herself with joy and at a loss for words. "What?!?!? When?!?!?"

Robert laughed. He had never known Amy to have so little to say. "It's a VERY long story. I'm on my way to find out why Felicia was paged. I'll see you later I'm sure. Maybe then I can explain."

Robert left Amy, who was still speechless, and got onto the elevator. When the it stopped on the first floor, Robert had to get his bearings for a moment to remember where exactly the information desk was. He remembered and went straight for it. He didn't recognize the woman sitting behind it. 'At least I shouldn't have to take time to explain again,' he thought.

"Excuse me. I'm Robert Scorpio. My sister-in-law, Felicia, was just paged. She can't come down right now since she is with her husband in ICU. Can I take her a message?"

The woman behind the desk nodded. "Your step-niece just came in a few minutes ago. She's over there," she said, as she pointed to a group of teenagers.

"Which one is she?" he asked.

The woman gave him a odd look. "Don't you know her?"

"I've not seen her for several years. I've been away," Robert replied simply.

"She's the tall blonde."

"Thank you." Robert walked over toward the three teenagers.

Maxie had her back turned to him.

He put his hand on her shoulder and said her name at the very same moment. "Maxilliana..."


Robin had just gotten of the long flight from Paris to NY and she as exhausted but she had no time to think about that for when she looked up she saw Jax walking towards him with a quirky looking blonde next to him.

"JAX!!" Robin yells as runs up to hug him, "So, how have you been?" "I'm fine!" Jax responded happily. He kissed her lightly on the cheek. "You're looking well. Was your flight alright?"

Robin nodded.

"Robin Scorpio...I'd like you to meet Chloe Morgan. Chloe...Robin," Jax introduced.

The two women smiled at each other and shook hands.

"She's the woman I wrote you about when I told you all about marrying Alexis. It's Chloe's company we are trying to save," Jax explained, hoping Robin would remember the details of the letter.

"Shall we go pick up your luggage?" he asked.

Part Five