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After the Ball

Part Five

"Nadia? Are you okay," Maxie asked again. She was just about to bend down and take a closer look, when a hand touched her shoulder.

Lucas looked at the stranger and frowned. 'Who is this guy?' he thought to himself. He looks a lot like that man that Uncle Luke was friends with...

At that moment Nadia fell to the ground. She saw Lucas' face change expressions.

"Maximilliana?" said the man behind her.

‘Maximilliana? Who would call me by my full name?’

Nadia's vision has become blurry she hears Maxie say something to her and thinks she sees a man walk up to them and say Maxie's name. She feels dizzy and nauseous like the room is spinning. She tries to figure out what is going on but she can't focus on anything and then she passes out falling back into her chair her head banging against the wall...

Robert had just enough time to react to the dark-haired girl that fainted to keep her from falling out of her chair. He noticed that her hand was wrapped in a blood soaked cloth.

Just as Maxie was about to turn and see the mysterious stranger, Nadia fell from the chair unconscious. The stranger lunged for Nadia and lifted her up.

Knowing that the girl had probably passed out from loss of blood, Robert scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the emergency room doors.

"Nadia!" Maxie cried out. "Someone help!"

Samantha stood in the background of all the confusion. She felt like she was watching a soap opera on TV. Like this was all not truly happening. ‘What a great crowd I picked to hang out with,’ she thought to herself. ‘Did they just say the words 'police' and 'murder' in the same sentence?’ Samantha sighed and sat down. ‘Maxie probably wasn't too happy that she was there anyway. She didn't seem to like me very much.’

As Lucas turned to help the stranger, he saw Samantha creep into the waiting room. Samantha walked right up to Lucas. "Are you okay?" She asked placing her hand on his shoulder.

"Samantha!" he whispered. "What are you doing! I told you to wait outside. Maybe you should just go back to Kelly's. This isn't really anything you should be involved with."

"Sorry," Samantha apologized. "I just wanted to know if that girl was going to be okay. And you friend...Ma...Maxie, was that her name? Sounded quite worried. I just wanted to help." Samantha's big blue eyes filled up with tears and she bit her lower lip. "Again, I'm sorry..."

"Samantha, don't get so upset. Jeez. A lot has happened tonight that you really shouldn't have gotten yourself involved with. Really, you should go back to Kelly's. I'm going to call a cab for you." Lucas walked over to the pay phone and asked for a cab to General Hospital. Thanking the operator, he hung up and turned to Samantha, "Now, don't tell anything you saw to anybody. We'll figure this out ourselves."

"Fine," Samantha said, a little bit more harshly then she would have liked to. "But I don't need a cab, I can get myself back to wherever I'm going to stay!" And with that she walked quickly away from Lucas and out of the hospital doors.

The man turned and faced Maxie. She froze in her tracks, and gasped.

The man that had just picked up Nadia looked like the picture of her Uncle Robert that sat on their mantle at home. "Who, what?" she asked astonished.

"I need a doctor!" Robert called out.

A young woman in a white coat with stethoscope around her neck came running over from the nurses' station. "What happened to her?"

Robert read the name badge and then addressed the doctor. "Well...Dr. Wexler, I'm not sure what happened to her hand, but she passed out while she was waiting for treatment, I think," Robert informed her.

Dr. Wexler motioned for two orderlies with a gurney to bring it to her.

Robert laid the girl down on the gurney and stood back while the doctor checked the girl's pupils and pulse.

"Get her into treatment room number three," Dr. Wexler told the orderlies. "Do you know who she is?" she asked Robert.

"No...but I think she is a friend of my niece," Robert offered.

Robert looked back toward the waiting room. He saw Maxie standing in the open doors. He walked up to her and smiled. "I'm sorry I shocked you so... Not every day that you see a walking, talking dead man, huh?"

Maxie just nodded.

Robert smiled and laughed a little. "I am your Uncle Robert," he verified. "Listen, Mac and your mom are upstairs. Mac's unconscious, but he's going to be al'right. I know your mom would really love to see you, but I realize you probably want to stay here and make sure your friend is al'right. The doctors may need some information from you about what happened to your friend. When you get a chance, come on up to the ICU. Your Aunt Ana is up there and she hasn't seen you in seven years. She would love to see you again, too."

Maxie was still silent. She stared at the door to the room where Nadia had been taken. She started to say something, but when she looked up, Robert was gone.


Alexis didn't really want to talk about it, but she figures she might feel better if she tells Ned.

Alexis, still crying a bit, says, "Not really." She continues anyway. "I think I may be pregnant." Ned starts to say something, but Alexis holds up her hand to stop him. "I don't know for sure yet, but the reason I'm telling you this now is because I keep remembering something that happened before I came to Port Charles. Ten years ago, when I was a new lawyer to Manhattan...."

Alexis stares straight ahead as she tells the story, different emotions passing across her face. When she finishes, she breaks down crying.

Ned holds Alexis tightly as she cries. He knows that he hates the bastard that attacked Alexis so many years ago, but he knows that there is nothing he can do about that.

"Hush, Sweetheart." Ned pulls back to look in Alexis' eyes, which are reflecting the pain of her past. "There is nothing that I would want more than for us to have a baby. You can set up a doctor's appointment, and if we find out that you're pregnant, we can just get married sooner than we originally thought. Okay?"

"Okay." said Alexis softly. She leaned back and put her head on his chest, glad not to have to hide that from him anymore, and extremely glad that, if she is indeed pregnant, Ned wants this baby. Alexis smiled and snuggled closer to Ned, and she slowly fell asleep, pleasant thoughts floating through her head, her memories from years ago forgotten for the time being at least.

Ned listens as Alexis' breathing evens out. She's asleep. He kisses the top of her head and gently picks her up. He carries her upstairs, back to the bedroom, where he watches her sleep, a small smile gracing her face.

Ned sighs. This time he knows that Alexis is glowing, and he hopes that she is pregnant. Ned lays down next to Alexis, and wraps his arms around her, his hands resting on her abdomen. He falls peacefully asleep, a smile on his face as well.


As they started to walk away from the Concorde terminal, Robin said, "Yes. Let's get my luggage. I am beat. You'd think by now I would be used to flying from Paris to New York." Turning to Chloe, she asked, "So, what do you think of Port Charles?"

"It's been so wonderful since I got here!” Chloe responded with a big smile. “I made so many good friends in only a few months. It's so great to meet you Robin. I heard quite a lot of praises about you from Jax."

Jax blushed and smiled. He hadn't been this happy since he and Chloe were dancing at the Ball. "I just told her that I think you're courageous, beautiful and intelligent," Jax told Robin with a devilish grin.

"Uh oh!! I hope he hasn't been building me up too much. I hear you are a Quartermaine relative," Robin said to Chloe.

The threesome continued to the baggage claim and found Robin's bags without much trouble.

"Now that I have both of my most cherished friends with me, and Robin has her luggage, we shall proceed to Port Charles, if no one has any objections," he said. Outwardly, he was trying to keep up the illusion of his happiness.

As they walked toward the spot on the tarmac where Jax's plane was sitting, ready to take off, Chloe and Robin continued to talk.

Jax couldn't force himself to listen, even though he wanted to. He was trying to come up with the right words to say to Robin. 'How am I going to prepare Robin for the return of her parents? I can't come right out and say, Oh, by the way, your Mum and Dad are alive and in Port Charles waiting at the hospital for you uncle to wake up. Or can I? It's simple and direct. And for that matter, how am I supposed to tell her that my own Mum is her aunt?' Jax had been struggling with these questions ever since he and Chloe had taken off from Port Charles nearly two and a half hours ago.


Jason sighed, "That's ok, Em...I know it was pretty confusing that night. Sonny and I are trying to track Brenda down. I'll let you know when we find her." He got up and walked over to the door. "Thanks," he told Emily.

Jason got on his motorcycle and rode down to the warehouse. He couldn't believe that he had fought with Carly, and let Sonny yell at her. What was he thinking?! He reached the warehouse, and went inside. Jason checked a few things and stood, staring absently at a chart. The coffee manager came over to him, "Mr. Morgan, everything's fine here..." he took the chart from him. " It looks like you have other things on your mind besides coffee...go ahead..."

Jason nodded at him slowly and left. He walked along the docks thinking about everything that's happened. He couldn't get Carly out of his mind. Why did he ever let her marry AJ? She obviously wasn't happy and it was his fault...he *let* her go...

Carly had just come from Sonny's penthouse, after having an argument with Sonny and Jason. She stood at the docks lost in thought. ‘What was I thinking when I yelled at Jason?!?! I will have to think of a way to get him to talk with me! Why am I always doing things like thing? Jeez, I think I need to go see a therapist! My life is a wreck!’

Carly was pacing up and down the pier when all of a sudden she saw Jason. Jason had his head bent over, and watching the ground as he walked, and when he stopped, he looked up at Carly.

He was surprised to see her. "Hey..." he said quietly. "Carly....I didn't mean to upset you before... I am sorry." Jason told her.

Helena had been walking along the docks hoping to find Luke, but alas, he wasn't at the club.

As she came around the corner onto Banister’s Wharf she a woman and a man speaking to one another. She knew the woman. ‘The bastard Spencer looking at me from afar... I’ll start my plan with her instead of Luke...’ Helena walked up to her, doing her best to look all sweet and sincere. "Good afternoon, Caroline Spencer. How are you today?"


Liz looked at the letter in her hand and told Lucky, "I know I should call them. But its Scotland! Grams will be so mad if she finds a phone bill that high. I think I'd better wait until morning, then ask her before I do anything. I think I just need my sleep." she yawned.

"You going home? Or do you want to stay here?"

"Liz, I want to stay, if that is all right with you?" Lucky asked. Liz laughed. ‘It feels like old times.’ She was so happy to have Lucky back. It had seemed like years, but there seemed to be a distance between them, something that was missing.

Just as she was thinking about how lucky she'd been lately, Sarah came down the stairs. Sarah walked down the stairs about to go outside and tell John to leave when she saw Lucky. "You're still here," she said surprised, "Um... when you leave, can you tell that guy out there to go back to where he came from, he'll know what it means," Sarah said, motioning to where John was leaning against his car. She tried to ignore Liz's icy stare.

'What is with her?' Liz thought to herself. 'Does she really believe some guy would want to stalk her?'. She watched as Lucky checked outside and declared that there was no one around. 'Figures, she'd make something up, just to get Lucky's attention,' she thought to herself.

However, fatigue overcame Liz and she pushed Sarah's goody-goody attitude out of her mind. Instead, she needed to concentrate on Lucky. It was like Lucky was not telling her something.

Liz decided to shrug off the thought and led Lucky to her room. "Floor again?" she asked smiling. It felt good to smile. It seemed like she hadn't in ages. She had lost her friend, but had got Lucky back. It seemed like Pat was helping her out in his own way. Like a sacrifice he had made to her in some way. She could never forget him. But, now with her memory and Lucky back she could hopefully try and put the pieces of her life without Lucky back together. She grabbed her pajamas and looked at Lucky. "In the hall," she laughed pointing to the door. "I need to change."

"Of course, Liz. Tell me when your done changing. I'll sleep on the floor, if that is what you want."


Brenda was getting tired of this interrogation and very frustrated that these idiots didn’t believe her. “I am sure this Hannah girl IS a banana, but listen, I am *not* her! I am Brenda. B-R-E-N-D-A...Brenda!" she yelled. "Sonny loves me, and we're together, and I don't know what you're thinking, but he's going to find me! Let me guess...You're working for Moreno and trying to bring Sonny down right!? Take off my blindfold and then you'll see that I am who I say I am...what do you say??!" Brenda asked, trying to negotiate with her kidnappers.

"Hey, boss... What are we going to do with her? I mean, we can't just keep her locked up for life." one of the kidnappers remarked.

"Mr. Moreno wants to keep the CRAZY Miss Scott here as a way to show the FBI who's boss." He picked up the phone and dialed a local number.

Moreno, sitting in his living room, answered the telephone. "So the kidnapping went off without a hitch?"

“Yeah...” the kidnapper said. “But the girl insists she’s Brenda Barrett, not Hannah Scott.”

"What do you mean she said that, listen Brenda Barrett is dead now don't believe a word she says," he said then he heard his call waiting. "Damn. I have another call. Hold on....Hello," he said.

"Listen, Moreno, this is Manny, I was at the hospital checking up on the victims from the shooting and I think I saw your daughter there," the voice on the other end said.

"And what was Nadia doing there?" Moreno asked.

"I don't know, but I think you should get down here, anyway. I have to go. There's a cop who is getting suspicious of me."

"Alright get out of there now, but go slowly. I'll handle my daughter," he said hanging up the phone and heading toward his car.


When Liz and Lucky either didn't hear her or were ignoring and headed upstairs Sarah knew she should just go get rid of John herself. However, as she headed out the door she realized she didn't want to be ignored all night and so she took the flowers from John and kissed him right on the lips. Then, she hopped in his car and said, "So do you want to go to a club or a bar tonight?"

"Well... you sure had a change of heart," John said not bothering to find out why before driving away from the house.

Sarah just hoped her fake ID would work as well here as it had outside of PC. John thought that she was 21 though, so as long as she could get past the door, he would buy drinks for her.

Sarah had stopped caring about school and was so sick of everybody thinking she was perfect that she had almost dropped out.

However, before she had the chance, her parents had found that she was getting B's and C's, not A's and had ordered her to go back to Port Charles immediately. They didn't even give her a chance to explain.

She had planned on going back to being perfect, but seeing John reminded her of how fun it was to be bad and one last night of drinking and partying couldn't hurt.


Ultimately, as they reached Jax's plane and boarded, Jax decided on a course of action. After radioing the tower for permission to take off and receiving it, Jax turned to Robin, who was seated next to Chloe in the back. "Robin, we need to talk. Why don't you come up here and be my co-pilot?" he said, trying not to sound too serious. He didn't want to make what he had to say any harder than it already was going to be.

As Robin sat down next to him and put on her seatbelt, Jax finished his pre-flight procedures and took off. Once they were up in the air, he sighed heavily and turned to look at Robin.

"Not everything I have to say is going to be easy...and I don't have all the answers. Those will have to be answered when we get to Port Charles, but I thought you should know before we get there that your mother and father are alive. They're at GH now with Mac."

"What did you just say? My parents are alive? And w/ Mac? Are you serious?" Robin asked, astonished.

"Would I joke with you about something so important?" Jax asked. Without waiting for an answer, he continued to tell her what he knew about their return to Port Charles. "They had amnesia. After the boat exploded, they ended up in Belize with no memory of what had happened to them or who they were. All they had was each other. They worked as university professors first in Belize, then at Boston University, then this fall, they came to Port Charles University. Apparently, Port Charles seemed very familiar to them, but they didn't know why. Chloe and I met your father on Banister’s Wharf the other day, but neither of us knew him. He seemed familiar to me, but it had been so long since I had seen him I didn't know him anymore. Anyway, last night they came to the Policeman's Ball and Mac saw them. With a little prodding from Mac and Felicia, they regained their memories. They were in the middle of catching up when Mac was shot." Jax decided not to leave out the detail of why Mac was shot. 'I'd rather she found out from me,' he thought. "Mac was shot by a masked gunman. A hostage was taken from the Ball when the gunman and his goons made their escape and as far as I know, they haven't surfaced yet or made any demands. They took Brenda and I think they thought she was Hannah because she was with Sonny."

Jax waited for Robin to say something. He knew he had thrown a lot at her all at once, but he didn't think leaving anything out would do her any good.


Robert went back up to the ICU. On his way, he found Ana pacing the floor near the elevator. "Got kind of claustrophobic in there alone, huh? Any change?" he asked her.

Ana just shook her head.

Robert put his arm around her and together they went back toward the ICU.

Now that Luke knew about Robert and Ana and part of the shock had worn off, he was ready to go upstairs and see Mac.

Luke and Laura waited outside of ICU and watched through the window. They saw Felicia sitting at Mac’s bedside and hoped that everything will be just fine.

All of a sudden, they heard voices and when they turn around there is Robert. Neither one of them could believe that he was really here and they rushed up to him.

When Robert and Ana came through the double doors, they were immediately besieged by Luke and Laura.

"Luke...! Laura...! You're back!!!" Robert said, as he hugged them both at once.


Part Six