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After the Ball

Part Six

Felicia shot up out of her seat next to Mac with a quickness that had surprised even her. "Mac?" She whipsered. Had he really moved his hand or was it all in her mind? Her mind raced with thoughts.

What must have been only minutes seemed like hours to Mac. Fear gripped him. Had he imagined moving his fingers and hand? He was desperate to make whoever was holding his hand know that he was aware of what was happening.

The pain in his head was like hot, sharp knives cutting at his mind. He was finding it harder and harder to stay focused on his goal. He had a sinking feeling that something was terribly wrong. He didn't know what it was, but he knew that he had to keep fighting and stay focused.

Suddenly, it occurred to him that he didn't know what had happened to him. The last thing he could remember was sitting at the table talking to Robert, Ana and Felicia. After that, there was nothing until just before he had heard the voices and felt someone take his hand. How long had he been out of it?

"Mac? Can you hear me? Mac if you can hear me you have to let me know?" She said as tears started coming down her cheeks again.

The pain kept growing in intensity until Mac knew he wouldn't be able to concentrate much longer. He knew it was now or never. He had to let whoever was holding his hand know he was aware.

"Mac please!" She said in a raised voice sitting down again and placing his hand in hers.

Gathering all of his remaining strength, he fought his way through the blinding, intense pain. He focused all of his energy into trying to move his hand again.

Each movement became more difficult as the pain in his head became explosions. Time seemed to creep by as he willed his hands into fists. He sustained the effort as long as he could before sinking into blackness.


Sarah almost had a heart attack when the club bouncer looked at her ID more closely then the others.

Luckily, John stepped up holding out his ID and said, "Is there a problem because some of us would like to get into the club and I don't need you harassing my chick."

The bouncer handed back her ID and after glancing at John's let them both through.

"Since when am I your chick?" Sarah asked.

"Since there is a mean bouncer who doesn't believe you're ID is real and I am stuck waiting in desperate need of a beer. You want one?" John says.

"Yeah, I'm going to use the bathroom," Sarah says not wanting anyone to see that John's extra drink is for her. She knew that if she was busted here it wouldn't just get her kicked out, it would most likely be seen by someone who knew Audrey and then she'd be in trouble. When she returned she was oblivious to the small capsule that John had slipped into her drink while she was away. She drank it all in one gulp. Then her and John began dancing around the club. After a few minutes John wanted to leave. When Sarah got in his car she blacked out ...


"Oh, Lucky! I didn't mean to offend you! Its just that with grams and all... you know things haven't changed since you've been gone..." she walked up to him and put her hands on his face. "Especially," she whispered. “How much I love you and how much I missed you." she kissed him, letting herself be enveloped in all the built up passion of not being together for months. Suddenly the impact of what she had really lost all of those years came back to her. Tears flowed from her eyes, as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Lucky..." she whispered between kisses, "My God! I missed you!"

"I understand, Liz. I've missed you so much. I thought about this all the time."

Liz laughed like a little girl. It felt good to be happy for once. It seemed like months since she'd felt that good. Despite the tragedy of Pat's death, it seemed like there was a future to look forward to, something she hadn't thought of in a long time. "Okay! Turn around" she declared.

He did as she ordered as Liz quickly slipped into her flannel pajamas.

Liz pulled the spare blanket from the closet and lay it on the floor. "There! Nice and cozy!" she laughed and crawled into her own bed.

"Night, Lucky," she said, pulling the covers over her head.

"Night, Liz. I love you."


'Uncle Robert?' she thought to herself. 'Isn't he dead?' But before Maxie could ask him any questions he had walked off! He had told her to wait for Nadia, but she really had wanted to find out more. Maxie sighed and thought to herself, 'I guess I'd better wait for Nadia's parents to come back' Suddenly it occurred to her that she's lost Lucas. She turned around and searched the waiting room for him, and finally caught glimpse of him grabbing on to Samantha's arm.

"Samantha! Wait!" Lucas said, as he grabbed her arm in an attempt to stop her. "I didn't mean it that way." All of sudden he heard Maxie shout out his name.

"Lucas!" Maxie called out angrily. 'Damn it! What IS with this girl!' she narrowed her eyebrows and marched to get him. He turned. He could feel his face blushing.

"Look, I know that you didn't mean it that way. But I obviously don't belong here. I should go," Samantha said. She broke free of Lucas's grasp, gave him one last, somewhat mournful look and left the hospital... alone. Maxie looked at Lucas as Samantha went running off. "Lucas, just let her go. She shouldn't have been here in the first place."

"But... she's not familiar with..." Lucas began.

"Forget her. She's trouble and I'm sure she can find her way around a town as small as Port Charles. She'll be fine. Come on, I have to go check on Nadia." Maxie approached the triage nurse and asked her for Nadia's room number.

As Lucas followed her down the hall, he noticed a man with a really awful looking wig talking on a cell phone. 'I wonder why he's so mad.' he thought to himself.


Moreno arrived at the hospital in a business suit wearing a wig and glasses. He went to the reception desk and asked about Nadia. Once he had her room number and floor he took the back stairwell up avoiding all crowds of people. He looked around to make sure no one was watching before entering Nadia's room.

The only people who could see him were doctors busy working and three teenagers in the middle of some kind of argument but he didn't think any of them were looking so he let himself in. He found Nadia asleep in a hospital bed with stitches all over her right hand. Knowing he didn't have time to waste he shook her awake.

Nadia awoke to find a strange man hovering over her. She almost screamed but then she realized it was her father in disguise. "What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I was going to ask you the same thing. How did this happen?" he asked motioning to her right hand, "...And don't even think of lying to me," he added harshly.

"Well, I didn't exactly go to Laurie's tonight. I went to Paul's, Nadia started. "And well, then Laurie and Maxie left without me. So I asked this guy Drew for a ride not realizing he was drunk and then, he crashed through a bridge into the lake. I smashed the window to get out but then, I left him there and he died and they might charge me with murder," Nadia said quickly so he couldn't interrupt.

"Wait a minute... so not only did you lie to me about where you were going, but you got yourself injured and charged with murder again!" Moreno yelled furiously. Nadia began to cry which only made him more furious. "Stop crying," he ordered, "You don't have the right to cry. You got yourself into this mess, but I know that you can't get yourself out. So, don't tell anyone anything about what you did or didn't do. I'm going to get Samms as your lawyer again and you will do exactly what he tells you to. Oh and by the way, as soon as this is over you're going to that all girls boarding school in Switzerland," Moreno said leaving before she had a chance to respond.

"I'm not going to lie anymore," she yelled but he was already out the door. Nadia began to sob uncontrollably. 'You can't control me anymore daddy, and I'm not going to Switzerland, I'm not going to lie and I'm certainly not listening to Samms,' Nadia thought.

She was sobbing so hard that she began to cough and choke. She tried to stop but the tears kept coming. She felt trapped like a caged animal forced to do whatever it's owner wanted. 'But you don't own me and you can't force me to do anything'...

"Here it is." Maxie pointed at the number on the door. "Wait here. I'll be quick, then we'll go see Mac. Nad?" she called out as she entered the room, worried that she might wake her.

Nadia finally stopped crying. She sat there for a moment figuring out what she was going to tell her lawyer Samms. She saw the door open and expected to see him, but saw Maxie instead.

Nadia looked up startled.

"Hi," Nadia said to Maxie. "So um did the police find anything new? I still don't get why they think you were a part of this. Did something happen between you and Drew last night?" Nadia asks knowing she asked that before she passed out but never got an answer. She thinks that if she knows why the police accused Maxie she can get them to drop the charges or something. Then, she realizes the only way that would happen without hard core proof is if she lies that she murdered Drew and she did it alone. Jail couldn't be that much worse than Ms. Pingleton's School for Girls...

'Wondering what had gone on with her and Drew earlier,' Maxie sighed and decided Nadia should know about it.

"Well, he took me upstairs and he sort of tried to get me... you know... he wanted to have sex with me." she snorted, "but I kicked him in the groin" she added, giggling. Noticing Nadia's scared reaction she figured she must be thinking about the possible murder charges.

"Nadia? Don't worry. I know you're afraid of what the cops are gonna do. But you forget... the police commissioner is my step-dad. He'll take care of it. I promise. Okay?"


"Why don't you just let me go! I am *not* crazy!!" Brenda yelled, she moved around in the chair, and kicked one of the guys ankles. In the process her chair tipped over and she was now laying on her side on the concrete. "That's it!" one of the guys screamed, and untied her and began dragging her down some stairs into a dark room.

"Damn, Boss. She hit her head!" he started to laugh. "I think she knocked herself out!" he leaned down and took off the blindfold. "Uh. Larry? I think this really is Brenda Barrett.”

Larry came running over and looked at the unconscious woman. "You sure?" he asked.

"Do you know how many of her calendars I own? I was a big fan," he looked back down at the body. "Some one better call Mr. Moreno. He should know that this isn't the right girl."


"What do you mean we're back," Laura said in surprise, "You and Ana were the ones that were presumed dead. We have been here for quite some time trying to have a normal life. We did so many things together, when we were younger, it is hard to believe that we are all together again." She turned to Ana, who she had only heard stories about and asked, "Ana, how are you, really. How does it feel to be back in Port Charles? You have to let us know the whole story as to why we had to think that you died."

Robert couldn't help but laugh. "'s just you weren't here when WE were here last. Is it safe for you to be here? I mean, is Frank Smith out of the picture?"

Laura smiled. "Frank Smith as been dead for quite some time. Luke never would have brought us back to Port Charles if it wasn't safe. We have been here for a while now and trying to keep things as normal as possible.”

“That is hard to do with Luke around, I would think. I can't picture Luke staying out of trouble," someone said.

"That's true. But when it was safe to come back we decided to for our son’s sake. I don't know what Luke has been up to. I try not to ask, so if you want to know, you will have to get him aside and talk to him."

Luke never did hear the conversation because he was to busy looking into the window at Mac.


Robin's mind was racing. Her parents alive? Mac shot? Brenda kidnapped?

"Jax, I need to get home as soon as possible," she says.

Jax smiled. "Don't worry... I'll get you there."

A while later, they landed at Port Charles International Airport and got into Jax's Jeep Cherokee. Jax drove straight to the hospital.

Jax, Chloe and Robin rushed into the closest elevator and stopped on the Intensive Care Unit floor.

Jax led the way.

Robert and Ana were still catching up on old times when suddenly, Robert's face turned white.

There, standing in the doorway, was Robin.

"Robin..." Robert said as practically leapt from the chair and crossed the room. He took Robin in his arms and held her tight. Tears filled his eyes. "Oh, little luv," he whispered softly in her ear as he stoked her hair. "I missed you so much."

Enveloped in her father’s arms Robin whispered, "Dad, it's really you!" As Robert shook his head in agreement, Robin looked past him and saw her mother standing behind him, her hands covering her mouth.

Robert released Robin.

She went to her mother and wrapped her arms around her tightly. "I can't believe this is happening," she says. "I can't believe you are both alive."

Chloe and Jax stand a bit away from Robin and her reunion with her parents. They both want to give Robin her space because they realize how important this is to the Scorpio family.

"This is such a sweet moment. It's all thanks to you, Jax, for getting her here so fast," Chloe whispers to Jax.

Jax stood behind Chloe and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Thank you for sharing it with me," he whispered, as he kissed the top of her head. "I want to share a trillion more moments like this with you."

Chloe smiled up at him, speechless by his words. 'How can someone reply to what he just said?', Chloe thought. She kissed him lightly on his cheek.

Jax smiled and sighed happily. He took Chloe's hand and pulled her out over to a secluded alcove off to the side of the ICU. He looked into her eyes and said, "You mean the world to me. I want to grow old with you..."


Sarah awakes, having no idea what she did last night. She realizes she is in a bed with John and he is staring at her strangely. "John what happened?" she asks, not wanting to hear the answer.

"What did you think happened, I drugged you Sarah. You were cute, but did you honestly think I bought your fake ID. I knew how young you were, but I didn't care Sarah when we had sex it was amazing, but then you refused to sleep with me again. Now, I'm a nice guy, but I do have needs. So I put some ruheph... whatever in your drink and the rest is history. Oh, but don't even bother going to the police. You were illegally drinking and you did sleep with me a week ago, so no judge would ever believe you," John says, smiling wickedly.

Sarah is in shock; she can't believe John would do that. She blinks back tears and quickly gets dressed. She knows that he's right and that he has already gotten away with it. She run's out of his house feeling ashamed. 'How could I have been so stupid?' she thinks.

Then, she realizes she has no idea where she is and collapses on a park bench crying.

Sarah is still sobbing on the bench when she hears footsteps approaching her she looks up and sees someone standing there.

Samantha walked up to this blonde haired woman. It's plain to see that she's very upset.

"What's the matter?" Samantha asks softly as she sits down next to her. "My name is Samantha Walsh."


The sun shone into her room, as Liz slowly sat up, wiping the sleep from her eyes. She looked down at her floor and saw Lucky sleeping peacefully. Not wanting to disturb him she quietly crept out of her room and headed down the stairs to the kitchen. She opened the metallic box and looked at the letter with the phone number. She sat on a chair, and continued to stare at the numbers completely lost in her thoughts.

Lucky woke up and found Liz gone. He went downstairs and saw her just looking at the phone number. "Elizabeth...” he said gently.

Liz jumped, startled by Lucky. "You scared me." she chuckled, trying to make her heart slow down. "I was just thinking about this letter. You know, its like mid-afternoon in Scotland."

"I'm sorry I scared you. I thought I was dreaming all of this, at first. I had to make sure I wasn't. You should call there, Liz," Lucky suggested.

Liz picked up the phone and began to dial the long-distance number. "Hello. May I please speak with Louise.... Yes. My name is Elizabeth Webber." She paused and raised her eyebrows at Lucky, and shrugged her shoulders. "Hi! Uh. My name is Elizabeth Webber. I was a friend of Patrick Brace.... yes that's me. Lizzie Webber.... yeah, I'm so sorry for your loss too. Actually the reason why I'm calling is about this box Pat left at my house.... uh huh... okay... really? For me?.... uh huh.... that would be great.... okay.... thank you very much... I guess I'll see you soon Louise. Bye!" Liz hung up the phone, turned and smiled at Lucky. "You're not going to believe this! That box was left for me! Pat wants me to find the Brace family treasure in Scotland!" she laughed, almost not believing her own words.

"Well, I guess that means that we are going to go to Scotland right Liz. If that is what you want to do."


Nadia wished her father was the police commissioner or at least obeyed the laws or actually acted like he cared about her and didn't just order her around. "Do you really think that he can get the charges dropped?" she asks Maxie. 'Maybe this isn't as bad as last time, maybe nobody will find out about my father and I won't have to go to jail, but I would still have to go to boarding school,' Nadia thinks then she decides something. "Maxie, you know how I said my parents were out of town earlier? Well... I lied. Um... if I tell you something will you promise not to tell anyone else?" she asks Maxie desperately.

"What is it Nadia? You can trust me. I promise I won't say anything."

"Okay well, my mother died when I was three and I really don't know anything about her except that I have a small black and white picture of her. And my father well he refuses to talk to me about her. But that isn't even the worst part, um see he doesn't exactly live by the rules. Actually he's sort of a mobster," Nadia says wondering if she should tell Maxie who her father really is. "I don't even know his first name but you've probably heard of him, his last name is...Moreno," she adds, it feels good to finally share this with someone. However, she is worried of what will happen if Maxie tells anyone or if her father finds out she told Maxie.


Alexis sat on the couch in the Gatehouse, going over some files. She had made a doctor's appointment for three thirty this afternoon, and she was very nervous.

Just then, Ned walked into the Gatehouse. “Hey there, Beautiful. What are you doing?" Ned said, as he walked over to Alexis, and kissed her neck.

"I'm trying to work, but I can't seem to concentrate. I guess I'm just a little nervous." She smiled as Ned hit her pleasure spot. "What are you doing home so early?"

"I wanted to be there for your appointment. That is alright, isn't it?" Ned asked in mock innocence, as he continued to kiss her neck. Ned smiled as Alexis sighed with pleasure. "I just wanted to know how my baby is doing. As well as his mother."

"His mother is doing fine. Besides, what makes you think that it's going to be a boy?" asked Alexis, trying to ignore the feeling of Ned's kisses on her neck.

"I just know. Although I wouldn't mind a little girl. Who looks just like her mother. But, if this baby is a she we'll have to keep her locked away until she twenty-five." Ned said teasingly, knowing he was getting to Alexis' defenses.

"Hey!" said Alexis, knowing exactly what he was trying to do. "And what do you mean by that?" she asked, knowing what he meant but wanting to hear it.


Part Seven