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After the Ball

Part Seven

"What?" Ned asked in mock innocence. "I was merely saying, that if this baby is a girl, who happens to be as beautiful as her mother is... she'll have to be protected by her Daddy from the guys who might try to use her. I just want what's best for my little baby." Ned said, placing a hand on Alexis' still-flat stomach, and rubbing gently. "I love you. So much. And I love our little baby." Ned began to resume kissing her neck. "I can't wait to see what you look like with a little baby in your arms. You'll make a beautiful mother, Alexis." Ned noticed that Alexis had been silent, so he moved around to the front of her, to see what was wrong. When he was in front of her, he saw that he was crying. "Alexis, Sweetheart, what is it?"

"What if........what if I'm not pregnant?" asked Alexis. "I mean, you're so excited about this....I just don't want you to be disappointed if I'm not pregnant."

"Shhh... Sweetheart. Look at me." Alexis moves her eyes to Ned's "If you're *not* pregnant, we can always try to have a baby. I asked you to marry me before I found out that you might be pregnant, and I won't leave you if you're not. Okay?"

"Okay." said Alexis. Looking at her watch, she yawned. "I'm going to take a nap before we leave for the appointment. Will you wake me up when it's time to go?"

"Of course I will, Sweetheart. I have a couple of phone calls to make, then I'll go up and get you for your appointment." Ned leans over and gently kisses Alexis.

"Okay." said Alexis. Yawning, she walks upstairs and falls into a tired sleep.

Ned watches Alexis go upstairs, a small smile on his face. After a minute, he reaches into his suitcoat pocket, and pulls ou this cell phone, and reluctantly dials a number.

"Jax, it's Ned. I need for you and Chloe to get to the Gatehouse as soon as you can. Alexis and I need to talk to you."

Ned hangs up the phone without waiting for a reply, and sits back against the couch, sighing heavily.

Alexis slowly awakened from her sleep and saw Ned standing in the doorway. "Is it time to go already?" she asked.


"We've got to find Brenda. I don't care what it takes!" Sonny says getting very angry.

"Sonny, you gotta take it easy!" Jason says. "We're going to find Brenda..I promise..." Jason says reassuringly. "Sonny..I spoke to Jax about what he saw that night...and he said that the man who took Brenda called her Ms. Scott and said something about getting revenge or something...Why would someone go after Hannah, if they thought Brenda was her?” Jason wanted to know.


"Hi, I'm Sarah," she says then realizes that her mascara is running and her hair has leaves in it. "I bet this is a great first impression I've made. Don't get me wrong I'm not usually like this," she adds feeling like a complete idiot. "It's just that... well have you ever felt like your whole life is spinning out of control and there's nothing you or anyone else can do to stop it?” she asks. It is strange to be asking a complete stranger about this but she she needs to talk to someone.

"Yeah," Samantha said looking at this poor woman. It looked like life had been treating her rough lately. "I just found out that I was adopted and that my parents were from here, so I came here to find out who they were and just..." Samantha remebered the events of an hour ago. "I met someone who I thought would be a friend, but I guess I was wrong."

Samantha sighed as she thought about Lucas. He had seemed so nice. But nobody should judge by apperance. Plus he seemed to be involved with Maxie.

"What's the matter with you?" she asked Sarah.

"Well, I don't really want to talk about it right now, so let's just say I played with fire and got burned bad. Anyway, do you know anything about your parents? I know a lot of people around here, maybe I could help you find them," Sarah says trying to keep herself from thinking about John by thinking about someone elses problems.


"Why are you telling me this?" Maxie asks, looking at Nadia with bewilderment, "I mean... my stepfather is the Police Commissioner."

Nadia has no idea why she decided to tell Maxie this. "I guess I'm just sick of lying to everyone, and you happened to be the only person here. Also I just feel like I can trust you, and other than with Paul which is a long story, I don't think I've ever felt that way about anyone. You're one of the only real friends I've ever had," Nadia says hoping that Maxie doesn't think she is crazy but then sometimes she herself thinks that maybe she is crazy...

"Oh Nadia!" Maxie's eyes began to brim with tears. It meant so much to her to have someone trust her so much, with such a big problem. She wrapped her arms around Nadia, and hugged her. "I promise I'll never tell a soul. Don't worry. I know everything will be alright." she wiped Nadia's tears from her eyes and smiled at her. "I'll always be here for you, okay?" Maxie glanced down at her watch.

"Oh my God! I totally almost forgot. I have to go find my mom. She's in ICU, I think that's what my uncle Robert said. I'll come back before I leave, okay? If you leave before I do, I'll see you at school Monday." Maxie quickly gave Nadia another hug, and rushed from the room.

"Lucas! I totally forgot about something, and I need you to do me a huge favour." she motioned Lucas to walk with her as she headed the elevators.

"I need you to go to my house, and make sure Georgie's okay. I completely forgot about her in all this mess. She should be awake soon, but can you just watch her for me?" she pleaded, hoping he'd say yes.

"How do you expect me to get into your house?" he smiled.

Maxie pulled out her keys from her purse and wrapped her arms around Lucas' neck. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I’ll never forget this!" She gave him a quick peck on the cheek. Suddenly the elevator doors opened and Maxie walked in. She waved one last time as the doors closed in front of her.


"It's true Luv, we're really here." Anna whispered. "I've missed so much, look how much you've grown up." She said smiling and pulling away only for a minute to take a look before hugging her now grown daughter again. "We have so much to catch up on, so much to talk about." She said. She turned to Robert. "Look at her luv, look at our little girl."

Tears were brimming in Robert's eyes. All the time that Robin was growing up, he hadn't been able to picture her as an adult, but now here she was. "She's beautiful, luv...Just like her mum," he said, trying to keep his voice from faltering through his tears.


Liz chuckled at Lucky's suggestion. "Me? Go to Scotland. Grams would never have it." She looked at the door as she heard keys jingling from behind it.

"You will never know unless you ask Liz."


Noticing the ICU head nurse behind the desk, Maxie decided to approach her. "Um, excuse me, where can I find Mac Scorpio's room."

"That way down on the left," the nurse pointed.

"Thank you." Following the nurses directions, she came to a door marked 'M. Scorpio'. She slowly turned the handle and walked in. She saw Mac laying on the bed, and her mother next to him, tears streaming from her eyes. "Mama?" she called out softly.


Chloe watches as Jax listens to the person on the other end of his cell phone and sees his surprised reaction after he puts the phone away.

"Who was that?" she asks.

"It was Ned. He and Alexis want to talk to us at the Gatehouse." Jax smiled as he thought about the possiblities. "He probably wants to lecture us on staying out all night together in public."

Jax watched from the door for a moment before going in the ICU lounge. They all looked so happy. He couldn't wait to get to know Robert and Ana better. He took a deep breath and went inside.

"Robert..." Jax said quietly.

Robert turned and faced Jax. "Yeah...What is it?"

"I'm going to be going out for a bit. My wife and Chloe's husband want to talk to the two of us. I'll come back here later if you want," Jax offered.

" don't have to do that. I'll call you if something comes up. What's your number?"

Jax took out his business card. "That's my cellphone," he said pointing to one side. "And that's the penthouse. Let me write Ned's number on the back for you." Jax scribbled the gatehouse phone number on the card and handed it to Robert. "Call me if you need anything...I mean it. We've all lost too much time as a family."

Robert smiled. "You're right, we have. Is your mum still in town?"

"Yeah...she and dad are staying at the Port Charles Hotel. Let me talk to them first...smooth things over, you know?"

Robert nodded. "I know. I haven't seen your mum in almost twenty years."

Jax looked back at Chloe and then told Robert, "Keep me informed about Mac." With that, Jax and Chloe left.

Robert looked at Ana and Robert, who were still hugging. "Did Jax get around to telling you that he's your cousin?" he asked Robin.


Lucas watched as the elevator doors closed. Maxie's kiss still lingered on his cheek. He put his hand to his face in an attempt to stop blushing. He pushed through the main doors to General Hospital and headed toward's the Scorpio residence.

A few minutes later, her finally reached the front door. He quickly unlocked the door and let himself in. "Georgie? Georgie? Where are you?"

Suddenly a pyjamma-clad little girl sprung from behind a plant in the main entrance. In her hands was a plastic baseball bat.

Lucas raised his arms in the air. "Whoa! Georgie! Don't you remember who I am?"


Jerry calls Jax on his cell phone. "Jax, what are you doing?"

"Well, hello to you too, brother dearest..." Jax said, trying not to sound as sarcastic as he felt. "For your information, I am in the car on my way to see Ned." Jax didn't see any reason to say anything more, like who was with him or who else he would be seeing at the gatehouse.


Part Eight