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After the Ball

Part Eight

"Georgie?" Lucas looked down at the little girl holding the plastic baseball bat. "You gonna put that down?"

Georgie shook her head no.

"You don't remember me do you?" Lucas asked.


Carly had been walking up and down the boardwalk on the docks all night. She wasn’t in the mood to be harassed by the likes of this old witch. “Helena? Helena Cassidine? Hello. Why, may I ask, are you out here so late?”

Carly is a little nervous that Helena even wants to speak with her. She waited for Helena to answer her question.

As Helena started to open her mouth to answer, AJ came up behind Helena. He looked like he had been out all night, too.

"Carly, what are you doing talking to the Hitler of Port Charles?" AL says, worried about Carly even being on the docks.

Carly is shocked by AJ’s frankness in front of Helena. "AJ, where are your manners? Can't you see? I am speaking with someone! Helena forgive him. Sometimes I wonder if I should send him to the Emily Post School of Manners," said with a little bit of a laugh.


Robin looked at her father in amazement. "Oh gosh, so much has happened in the last couple of hours he may have. How are we cousins?" she asks.

"Well..." Robert smiled as he began to explain. "His mum is my older sister, but not much mind you. She's a whole twelve minutes older. I think I left that part out when I was telling Jax." Robert's ususally bright eyes betrayed him as he got more serious. "When you grandparents died, Lady Jane took it really hard. She blamed me. She said I should have been more responsible and not let Mac behave so recklessly. I blamed Mac. It started a very vicious cycle and I haven't spoken to Lady Jane in over twenty years."


"No, Sweetheart. I called Jax and Chloe, they are coming over so we can tell them about the baby. They have a right to know." Ned walks over to the bed, and gently strokes Alexis' hair. "How are you feeling? Okay?" Ned asks, kissing the side of her head.

"I'm Okay," said Alexis, sitting up and giving him a weak smile, "Just a little nauseous."

Ned looked concerned. "Do you want me to help you to the bathroom?" he asked, then laughed when he realized how ridiculous he must sound. "I'm sorry. I'm just a little nervous. I just want what's best for my baby. And his or her mother." Ned began to run his knuckles up and down Alexis' abdomen. "If you need anything all you have to do is ask, okay?"

"Okay." said Alexis. She smiled as Ned caressed her abdomen. Her mind began to wander and think about what their baby will look like. Even though she doesn't know for sure, Alexis somehow knows that she is indeed pregnant. "When are Jax and Chloe going to get here?" asked Alexis.

"I don't know." Ned tells her. "Besides, I like spending time alone with you." Ned smiles as Alexis blushes. Ned leans forward and kisses Alexis' lips.

Alexis responded eagerly, but pulled back before things could escalate.

"Aren't Jax and Chloe supposed to be coming soon?" asked Alexis breathlessly.

As if on cue, a car pulled up in the driveway. Alexis smiled as she climbed off the bed, took Ned's hand and dragged him downstairs.

Coming into the house, Chloe said, "Hi, Ned. Hi, Alexis. What's going on lately that you called Jax and me to come over?"

"Yeah...what's so urgent?" Jax asked.

Ned took Alexis' hand and squeezed it gently before aknowledging Jax. Turning to him, Ned began.

"Alexis and I have an announcement." he started. "We are engaged, and Alexis is pregnant." Ned looked between Jax and Chloe, who's facial expressions told him that they were not expecting the news Ned had given them.

Ned waited for someone to speak.

Jax was absolutely beaming with happiness. His face was alight. His eyes were shining like two beacons and his smile was beyond beautiful. He was genuinely happy for Ned and Alexis. "That's the best news I've heard all day! Congratulations! How long have you known? When did this happen?"

Then, suddenly, something that might have been thought impossible happened.

Jax's eyes grew even brighter.

Chloe could see the wheels turning in her soulmate's mind.

"I think the two of you have just come up with the perfect way to get rid of Aunt Gertrude!" Jax annnounced, unable to contain his excitement.


Liz nervously turned her head toward the door, and watched as Audrey groggily walked through the threshold.

"Hey Grams." Liz called out.

"Elizabeth, honey! I'm glad to see you had a good sleep. You look well rested. Hello Lucky!"

"Thanks. Um? There's something I need to ask you, well, tell you about first." she hesitated and looked toward Lucky for moral support. Suddenly the doorbell rang.

Audrey quizzically looked toward the door, "Who in the world?" she wondered out loud. "Elizabeth, maybe you could get that. I'm going to go and take a nap, we'll talk later though." Audrey trudged up the stairs.

Liz sighed in frustration. Now she would have to wait longer before she found out if she could go to Scotland. She pulled at the door knob and opened the door.

"Juan?" she looked at him puzzled. "What are you doing here? Emily's not here."

"Hi Juan. I'm Lucky."

"Nice to meet you Lucky." They shake hands. "Do you know where Emily might be?"

"Actually Juan, we haven't seen Emily since the Policeman's Ball. She's probably at home." Liz looked at Lucky. Her attempts to get rid of Juan didn't seem to be working. She really wanted to talk to Grams, and as the minutes passed she realized her grandmother was probably slowly falling into a deep sleep. "Maybe you should try her house," Liz said anxiously, slowly closing the door, hoping he might get the hint.

It wasn't that Liz hated Juan. She just didn't like the way that he seemed to tear Emily away from her family. Everytime Liz saw Emily it was as though she was getting into more predicaments with her parents because of him.

"Uh, Elizabeth," Audrey called down from the top of the stairs. "Where is Sarah?"

"Sarah? I haven't seen her all morning. I thought she was still sleeping." Liz shrugged her shoulders. It was all the same to her anyways, whether Sarah came or left was not up to her to keep track of.

"Well, her bed hasn't been slept in, and her bags haven't been touched. She hasn't been home all night, Elizabeth." Audrey's voice became more worried.

"Look Juan, maybe you should go. I think Lucky and I are going to have to find Sarah." "Liz I think we need to go find your sister." Lucky says.

"I'm sorry to have bothered you. I'm obviously not needed here." Juan walks out the door slamming it behind him. ‘How come Emily is the only one in this town that likes me and wants to be my friend!’

'Finally!' Liz thought to herself as she closed the door, which had bounced open after being slammed.

"Grams, I really think that Sarah can find her way home. I mean, she has lived in Port Charles before you know!"

"Elizabeth Webber! Don't you dare cop an attitude with me, young lady!" Audrey's voice grew stern.

"Alright!" Liz sighed. "I'll go look for Her royal highness Sarah." Liz grabbed her jacket, opened the door and marched out. She quickly turned around and looked at Lucky, "You gonna come with me?" she hadn't meant to sound so rude, but the way everyone danced around how precious Sarah was, it made her sick.

"Of course I am, Liz. I don't want to be without you just yet."


"I can't take it easy! I don't know why someone would go after Hannah, but I need you to find out." Sonny says as he throws a book across the room.

"Sonny!" Jason says, lowering his voice quickly."I don't have anything to work with...I have nothing on Hannah..what do you want me to do?"


"Mama? Are you okay?" Maxie whispered slowly. She walked up behind Felicia and put her hand on her mother's shoulder.

Out of the corner of her eye, Maxie noticed Mac's hand move. "Mac?" she called out. 'Is he waking up?' she thought to herself.

Mac knew he had heard another voice. It was still too faint to be recognized, but it gave him hope.

He was now a little more rested and his head wasn't pounding so much. He decided to go cautiously this time. 'Maybe last time I did too much too soon,' he thought. 'But I still have to let them know that I can hear them.'

Mac took a moment to gather a little more strength. He desperately wanted to know who was with him. He hoped that it was Felicia. Gathering all his strength, he focused on opening his eyes.

A moment later, the hazy shapes of the dimly lit room began to take shape. To his left, he could make out two familiar faces, Felicia and Maxie.

With a little more effort, a smile formed on his dry lips.

Finding both actions remarkably easy, Mac's hopes were bolstered. He smiled a little wider and opened his mouth to speak. As he formed the words, he could barely hear his own voice say, "What did I miss?"

Felicia couldn't hold her tears in any more. They began pouring down her cheeks. "Hi honey. Your finally awake oh I missed you so much." She said as she bent down and genlty gave him a hug. "Oh you haven't missed anything. Everyone's been waiting on you to wake up sleepy head. You've given everyone a huge scare. Even Robert."

Mac reached up and brushed the tears gently from her eyes. "I didn't want to scare you," he said tenderly as he managed a weak smile. "What happened? The last thing I remember is someone coming into the ballroom with a gun."

Maxie gasped as Mac opened his eyes. As he began to speak, Maxie's shock turned to bewilderment. Her mother leaped foward and held onto Mac, hugging him as though he had been brought back from the dead.

"Man, oh man, Mac. You're a pretty tough cop. I have to hand it to you. Hated the predicament, but the love the end result." Maxie smirked, her flare for sarcastic one-liners getting the better of her.

It seemed as though Felicia suddenly realized Maxie's presence in the room and looked at her with a questioning glance.

"You're probably wondering why I'm here." she began.


Nadia was glad to have some time alone but then her lawyer Samms walked in. "Remember me?" he asked.

Nadia had hoped he wasn't going to show up but now that he had she was forced to deal with him. "I wish I didn't," she said glaring at him.

"Very cute," he said, "Anyway, I want you to tell me everything that you did tonight after leaving your house."

"Yeah well I want you to leave," she said.

"You better listen to me or else..."

"Or else what?" Nadia asked doubting there was anything Samms could do to her.

Samms walked up to her bedside with an evil look in his eye. "Let's just say I don't think your father is going to be happy if he hears that you didn't cooperate with me."

"Look either you leave now or I'll call in a doctor and lie about you threatening me. Oh wait... you did threaten me," Nadia says icily.

Samms walks out the door in defeat but says that he'll be back.

Nadia is already dreading his next visit but instead of thinking about that she lets her head fall onto her pillow exhausted and falls asleep...


Samantha got the hint that Sarah didn't really want to talk right now. She began in on her story. "All I know about my parents is that they must look slightly like me and that they lived in Port Charles in 1982. They might not even live here now...but I hope they do. I just came here today from London. Where did you come from?"

"Well... I used to live here, like a year ago, then I left for awhile and came back today. But I definately wasn't here in 1982, so I don't think I'll be much help after all," Sarah says. Then she realizes she should get home before grams gets worried about her. "I should really get home now," she says starting to walk one way then she stops and walks back to Samantha, "So, do you know where we are in PC right now? I went to someone's house last night and stayed over, but I just realized...I have no idea where it is that he lives."

", not really." Samantha said realising that she didn't know where she was either. "Lucas something-or-other told me that I could ask Tammy if I could stay at Kelly's. Do you want to stay there or are you going to that boy’s house?"

Sarah was definately not going to John's house, but she didn't really want to face her family yet because she knew she wasn't ready to tell anyone about what John did... not that Liz would actually listen, but still. "Actually, I should go... Never mind... yeah, Kelly's sounds like a good place for me to stay now," Sarah says.


Brenda slowly opened her eyes, and squinted from the bright overhead light. She could feel the pain rushing up the side of her body and her head from her fall. She started to squirm around, trying to break free from the restraints around her wrists and ankles, that bound her to the steel chair, laying sidewards on the cold cement.

Brenda looked up and saw a burly man standing above her. She glared at him. "Well, you finally took my blindfold off.." she said. He just looked at her. "Listen, how bout untying me??" she hissed. "You know I am not Hannah why don't you let me go..we can work something out.." Brenda pleaded.

*** Luke and Laura were standing outside of the window when they saw Mac's hand move. They looked at one another then went back to looking at Mac. Neither one of them beleived it when they saw Mac smile.

Luke yells out, "Bubba just smiled."

Laura says to Luke, "This is just wonderful. Before long Mac is going to back to being himself."


To be continued...

Part Nine