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After the Ball

Part Eleven

Juan is sitting in class day-dreaming of his girl. He used to be an excellent student, but ever since meeting Emily and having to return to Puerto Rico, he hasn't felt quite himself. He decides he has to go back to Port Charles no matter what. He loves his father, and his country, but his heart is in Port Charles. His heart *is* Emily.

Juan sits there watching the clock waiting for the bell to ring. The bell was his indicator that the school day was over and it was time for him to face his father. He waited and waited for that darn bell to ring, suddenly it rang slightly startiling him. He quickly packed up his books and ran out of the school, not even hearing one of his friends call him. He ran all the way home and staright into his father's study.


Laura looked at Robin and said for her to go in that her and Luke will go in after some of the people leave. Laura noticed the look on Robin's face, the look of relief. Mac took such good care of her while she was growing up and now it is her turn to help take care of Mac.

Laura looks over at Luke with a smile and says, "Isn't it great to see Robin again. She is one special woman."

Ana kissed Robert. "All right luv, I'm going to go home..." She paused. "Luv, where is home?" She asked.

Robert smiled and laughed, "It's all changed hasn't it. For now, home is still the cottage. When things settle down, we might figure out something else. I'm going to talk to my sister. Jax said she and John are staying at the Port Charles Hotel. See you later for dinner?" he asked hopefully.

Ana smiled. "You can bet your Aussie accent." She giggled. She gave him a fairly lengthy kiss and sent him on his way. She sighed and shook her head. This had been a long day. And the following would be even longer. She decided to lounge around the hospital for awhile before deciding to go home to the cottage. She got into the elevator, but before it could get to the bottom it stopped on the 5th floor.

When the doors opened, Ana saw a tall, handsome man dressed in blue jeans, a T-shirt and a white lab coat. The hospital ID badge clipped to his lab coat lapel read 'Dr. Noah Drake'.

"Mind if I share the elevator with you?" he asked. His voice was very smooth, with a hint of a Midwestern accent.

Ana paused. "Oh sorry, no I don't mind a bit." She said smiling, "Mr. Drake." She said. "What floor are you going to?"

Noah smiled, as he stepped into the elevator. "The garage level. This 26 hour day is finally over," he said, sounding really tired.

As the elevator descended, Noah leaned against the side and hummed to himself. When he got to the chorus, he sang the words softly. Suddenly, he stopped himself in mid-sentence. "I'm sorry. I've just had that little tune going through my head all night. If I could just figure out more of the words, I think I might be able to banish the tune from my mind," he explained.


Samantha smiled, she knew what he was out to do but it wasn't as if she were totally innocent either. "What kind of friend are you?" She giggled softly and gave him a sly look, brushing some of her sandy blonde hair away from her shoulder. "A club would be good, should we good then?"

"But of course," he said taking her hand and kissing it lightly. Then he lead her to his car even though the club was only a block away. He had already decided to do to her exactly what he had done to Sarah last night and knew he would need the car to get her from the club to his house. 'It is my last night here I might as well make the most of it,' he thought trying to eliminate any doubts of his.

This guy was incredibly sweet and somehow incredibly sweet wasn't what Samantha was going for. She hoped that he wouldn't stay this way the entire night, otherwise she was losing her touch for guys. In England, she had been the sweet one. Now she wanted to be daring and adventurous...and...desired!

He led her to his car. Apparently the club must be a whiles away. He sat he down while he got in the front seat.

‘Let's have one last try to see how much of a good boy he is,’ Samantha thought to herself as she leaned over the seat and kissed John firmly on the lips.

John kissed her back. 'This is going to be easier than I thought. I might not even have to force her after she's had something to drink. Either way though, I will get what I want,' he thought.

Samantha smiled to herself. John wasn't a geek. She pulled away and then gently kissed his cheek. "So, how about that club?" She wasn't dumb, there were guys in England who were like John. Then again, there were girls in England who were like she was trying (and doing a pretty good job of) act like now. She knew exactly how far she would go.

"Here we are," he said. He parked the car right next to the back entrance of the club that not many knew about and got out walking around.

The club had just opened, so there were a lot of people in line.

John hated waiting and was becoming frustrated. "So how old are you?" he asked, wondering if she was old enough to drink.

Samantha hesitated. ‘How old was the legal drinking age in America?’ She knew she could pass for 20 so she decided to tell him that. "I'm 20," she smiled and laid a hand on his upper arm. "Why, love?"

"Well that's okay I can buy the drinks for you," John said wondering if she even knew she had to be 21 to drink. "You're not from around here are you?" he asked curiously. The line was still annoyingly long so he thought he'd make conversation.


Venus Ardanowski walked out of the airport. She just got back from her world trip with Simon. It hadn't worked out too well and she'd ended up leaving him in Paris. Port Charles looked the same as it did when she left a few months ago. She sighed and thought that one of the first things she would have to do after she got settled in was get a hair cut. Her red hair was so long now that no one would recognize her. She smiled at a couple of people who passed by.

One of the passersby exclaimed, "V. Is that you?!"

V looked back to see who had just addressed her.


"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about being shot." Felicia said sympathetically. "I didn't think you needed all the stress. I just want you to hurry and recuperate. That's all," She said sighing and sitting down. "I just remember how it was last time. It took so long and you were so close to dying. When you woke up, you wouldn't rest until you found out who shot you. I just wanted you to rest."

Mac smiled. "I'm not mad, honey, and I promise I will get some rest this time."

Felicia smiled, relieved. "Thank you. Now listen, I better go call the girls and let them know that your awake." She said as she started to move toward the door. She turned around though, unable to leave. "I have this bad feeling that if I leave something bad will happen." She said.

Mac took her hand in his own and smiled. "I promise you. Nothing bad is going to happen. to the girls. Give them both my love. Tell Georgie I'm just fine and I'll be home before she has a chance to miss me too much."

He could see that Felicia wasn't quite as sure of his statement as he was. "Really...I'm feeling a lot better."

Suddenly, he realized he *really was* feeling better. The headache was nearly gone. It was becoming a very dull throbbing in the back of his head.

Felicia smiled. "All right. If your sure." She said. She was still doubting it. "Maybe I'll just stay for a little bit longer...unless your growing tired of me already." She said playfully.

Mac laughed softly. "I will never be tired of being with you...but there are two girls at home who need you right now more than I do. I've got a hospital full of doctors and nurses here to look after me. Why don't you go home and take care of yourself?" he pleaded. He was worried that she probably hadn't slept since the previous day. "I'm feeling so much better. Really," he said, hoping to convince her.


"This is perfect!" Nadia said eyeing the shirt and giggling. "Where did you get this?" she asked. She rarely went shopping and got most of her clothes through catalogs or the Internet but she definitely had to check out whatever store this shirt came from.

She was envious of her friends and wished she belonged to a normal family. Not only did she not know who her mother was, but also she wasn't even sure if her father loved her or even cared about her. No matter what she did or how hard she tried it was never good enough for him.

"Are you serious?" Maxie looked at Nadia shocked. "You actually LIKE that T-shirt? It says 'B Cool'." She laughed. "You can have it if you want."

"Well, my wardrobe is so boring. My dad is always telling me I have to fit in and be normal, which I hate. He probably wouldn't even let me get a dress like this unless it was longer and black or white," she said motioning to the red dress she was still wearing. "And he definitely wouldn't let me have a shirt like this one," she added smiling. The shirt also reminded her of one that she had found in a box in her attic. She was the dress had belonged to her mother, which was another reason she liked it. She was sure that her mother had been fun and exotic just like her, even if she had no real proof.

"I don't know but I should probably call Paul and apologize for ditching him," Nadia said. She felt like she might actually have a chance of getting Paul back and didn't want to ruin it before it even got started again. "Do you think your mom will come home or is she going to stay with Mac all day?" she asks.

"Actually, I'm not too sure. She was too busy looking all mushy at Mac that I don't think she even noticed me leave," she shrugged her shoulders. "'re going to go and find Paul?"

"Maybe, I mean I feel really bad about leaving him when he was being so nice. He even offered to let me stay at his house without even consulting his parents. I just think that I at least owe him an explanation," Nadia said hoping it wasn't totally obvious that she was still crazy about Paul.

Maxie wondered what was on Nadia's mind. It seemed something was bothering her, but Maxie didn't dare ask. She knew that if Nadia really wanted to tell her, she would when she was ready. "So, I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow?" Maxie asked. "Don't forget to do your Math homework," she laughed remembering how Nadia would remind her all the time to do her Math homework.

Out of the corner of Maxie's eye, she noticed that the answering machine's light was flashing. "Hey, Georgie, didn't you answer the phone when it rang last night?"

The younger girl just shrugged her shoulders in response.

Shaking her head, Maxie went and pressed the playback button.

"Hi Girls!" said the voice, "Its your dad." Maxie gasped in shock at Frisco's voice. "Remember me?" he continued, "I know, its been a long time. I'm in Scotland right now. They call this place Fief on a Hill. Sort of silly, huh? Well, I'm really sorry I couldn't talk to you in person. I wish I could come and visit you girls, but you know how dangerous that is. I shouldn't even be making this phone call, but I had to say hi. I missed you guys. Hopefully I'll talk to you soon. I love you!"

The answering machine clicked off and said in its mechanical voice, "End of message."

Maxie looked at Lucas in shock. Her father... the father she hadn't heard from in years had called. She had almost forgot he still existed. Sitting on the nearest chair, she put her head in her hands.

Georgie's mouth opened in shock. "Daddy?" She asked. She knew it had been a recording but it had been like he was right there. "That's our dad." She repeated softly. "What's he doing calling? He shouldn't be calling here. He's not our father anymore." She said her anger rising. "He left mom, he left us. He has no right to us." She said racing up the stairs to her room where she shut her door. She at on her bed and held her Frisco bear. "He can't be calling. He has no right to." She said with tears in her eyes.


Nadia had just left Maxie's and was confused by the comment Maxie had made since she didn't even have her math book and doubted she'd go home to get it. She was getting an A in math but could care less if all her A's dropped down to C's. She didn't know who she was or what she wanted to do with the rest of her life and right now schoolwork seemed like the least important thing to her.

She got to the end of the driveway only to see the same dark car parked across the street. She pretended not to notice it and kept walking.

It lurched after her.

She walked to the end of the street praying that she didn't look as terrified as she was. She hadn't thought to borrow any shoes from Maxie so her feet were killing her but she didn't dare bend over to massage them. Suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her right foot. She looked down to see that it had been cut on a rock. She tried to keep walking but it hurt too much and she became dizzy again. She forced herself to take a couple more steps in agony.

She could barely see where she was going but could hear the car window rolling down and knew what was coming next. She was so nervous she walked straight into a tree, stepped back, screamed and collapsed. She was out before she hit the ground and never felt the bullet enter her body. She also didn't hear the car tires squeal as the shooter got away. She had only made it two blocks from Maxie's.


After Helena’s encounter with AJ and Carly, she decided to pay a visit to Stefan. As she approached Banister’s wharf, she saw her grandson about to get on the launch. "Nikolas, how are you, my prince?"

"Grandmother, what are you doing here? Snooping again?" Nikolas wondered suspiciously.

"Nikolas, is that anyway to speak to your grandmother? I am hurt. Here I was coming to see if you were doing alright in my absence and this is how you treat me. My prince, what have I done to offend you?

Emily sees Nikolas at Banister’s Wharf talking with Helena. 'Oh man. I don’t want to get in the middle of this. I'll wait here until they are done.'

"By being alive..." He says low enough that Helena doesn't hear. "I am fine grandmother. Is there anything else you wanted? If not, then I must go. My friend is here and I have to speak to her about something. Good bye." He says practically dismissing her.

After Helena leaves, Emily approaches Nikolas. "Hi, Nikolas. I was wondering what you were doing tonight? Do you want to go out or something?"

"Hi Em! How are you? I don't really have anything to do. What do you have planned? Anything would be better than talking with her." He says pointing at his grandmother's retreating form. "Thank you for saving me from her clutches."


Liz looked at Lucky. "I'm not sure. I figured Emily and Nik. Can you think of anyone else that might want to come?"

"Now that sounds like a plan to me. We don't want to have that many people. I think your Grams will be fine if it is the four of us," Lucky added.

"I'll ask Emily. Maybe she can think of anyone else that might want to come. I'll call you tonight okay?" Liz smiled, reached up and kissed him goodbye.

"Okay, Liz." Lucky said, even though he doesn't really want to leave her.

"Lucky...I'll be all right," Liz said, seeing the concern in his eyes.

"I know that Liz but we lost so much time together I just don't want to waste any time we can be together," Lucky said.

"Lucky...Please don't worry so much. We have a lifetime to be together," Liz smiled.

"Okay, Liz, I will try not to. I will talk to you later. I love you," Lucky says before kissing Liz again.

"I'll call you tonight, I promise," she said, almost being knocked off her knees by the intensity of the kiss. She watched Lucky slowly walk down the path and she closed the door behind him. Taking a deep breath, she picked up the phone and decided to call Emily and ask her first.

After a few rings, Leticia picked up and told Liz that Emily had left about half and hour ago.

She thanked her and called Nikolas next.

A familiar voice picked up the phone...


Lucky leaves Liz’s house and goes wandering around town to see if anything had changed.


After leaving the hospital, Robert had stopped briefly at the local bagel shop for something to eat. He had been so worried about his brother, he hadn't really taken care of himself. As he ate the bagel on his way to the Port Charles Hotel, he tried to figure out where to begin with his sister.

Nearly twenty years had gone by since he had seen her. Unless Jax had spoken to her in the last hour or so, she also thought he was dead.

He knew it would be a big shock for her and she might not even want to speak to him, but he had to take the chance. Too much time had already been wasted with blame and grief.

By the time he parked his car in the hotel parking lot, he still hadn't figured out exactly what he was going to say to her. He wiped the bagel crumbs off his tuxedo shirt and put his jacket back on. He wasn't sure what had happened to the tie. It was probably gone for good.

As he got out of the car, he thought about going home and changing clothes. His shirt was stained with Mac's blood. He buttoned the jacket and discovered it hid the stain.

By the time he found the hotel suite where the desk clerk told him Jane and John were staying, he was a bundle of nerves. 'What if she isn't willing to put everything behind us and start fresh?' he thought in a panic. 'I don't think I have the energy to fight her.'

He paced the hall outside the door trying to think of the right words to explain how it was that he and Ana are alive and in Port Charles.

He was just about to knock on the door when it opened.


Ned and Alexis walk into Dr. Newman's office, several minutes after they had to be there. Ned placed a hand on Alexis’ shoulder, and whispered in her ear, so that no one else would hear what he had to say.

"Everything will be alright, Sweetheart. Don't worry." Ned hoped his words would be of some comfort to her.

Alexis smiled weakly at Ned. She was a nervous wreck, and she was extremely glad to have Ned with her. She walked up to the desk and asked what to do.

The nurse looked up and told them, “Have a seat. Dr. Newman would be right out. “

Ned and Alexis sat down and waited.

"Are you gonna be alright? You look like you are going to be sick," Ned says, gently rubbing Alexis' lower back.

"I'll be okay." said Alexis weakly. "I'm just really tired, and I'm getting nauseous again."

"I'm sorry, Sweetheart." Ned whispered. "I wish I could tell you that it'd be over soon, but, chances are, that it won't." Ned felt a need to kiss her, so that she would have some form of comfort, but he knew that he couldn't, so he settled for holding her.

Alexis buried her head into Ned's shoulder as he held her. She closed her eyes and let out a little yawn, deciding to take a little nap. She knew it would probably just be a short one, but she was really tired. She was asleep as soon as she closed her eyes.

Ned smiled as soon as he realized she was asleep. He kissed her temple gently, causing her to smile in her sleep.

After a few minutes, the nurse came out. "Mr. and Mrs. Jacks?"

Ned shook Alexis awake. "Sweetie, we're up now. The doctor can see us now."

"Okay." said Alexis sleepily. She yawns, then gets up and follows the nurse into the doctors office. Alexis looks nervously at Ned.

Just then, the Doctor comes in and says "Hello, Alexis. How are you feeling today?"

"I'm okay." Alexis smiled weakly.

"Well, your chart says that you're here for a pregnancy test. Is that true?" Dr. Newman says, looking at Ned and Alexis.

"Yes, it is. Mrs. Jacks is here to have a pregnancy test taken." Ned intervenes.

"You aren't Mr. Jacks?" she asks, giving Ned an odd look.

"Um, no...I'm not. Mr. Jacks had a business meeting, and my wife just got called into one." Ned explained, a little too quickly.


The kidnapper waiting for Brenda outside the door was impatient. "Come on! Hurry up!" He banged on the door. "That's it! I'm coming in whether you're decent or not." He pushed the door opened and walked in.

The washroom was deserted.

Brenda watched the guy from the other side of the ventilation shaft. She tried not to breathe too heavy but it was hard. Brenda knew it was all over if she got caught. Slowly she began to crawl down the narrow vent.


Chloe took Jax's hands after Ned and Alexis rushed to their appointment.

"Now, what could we do to occupy ourselves until they get back?" Chloe asked.

Jax smiled. "I can think of a few things..." He went over to the front door and locked it. "You can never be too careful," he said, as he took her by the hand and led her over to the couch. He kissed her sweetly, then with more passion.


Carly’s scheming mind started working overtime as she looked at Jason. "I think I should start with some digs, you know like...when we are alone, then I'll dig him in public. This way he starts to look bad. No, that won't do. I need to get into his papers and start messing with them. I also was thinking about the docks."

"That's a have to be careful though, Carly...if you get caught going through his stuff...this whole...I hate saying this word...plan...could blow up in our faces," Jason tells her. "I know what I can's an easy way out for us...I'll track down the guy who burned down the warehouse...remember? AJ was responsible. What about the docks?"


As Georgie ran up the stairs, crying, Maxie couldn't stop hearing his voice in her head. ‘He seemed so close, but he was so far away.’ Maxie lifted her head from her hands and looked around the room for Nadia, but she was gone. "We're Nadia?" she asked Lucas.

"She just left," he replied pointing at the door.

"She forgot her Math textbook that I borrowed from her. I guess she didn't get my joke," she said, her voice growing weary. She really was not up to running after Nadia at that time.

"You want me to see if I can catch her?" Lucas offered, hoping in some way it might help Maxie feel better.

"Could you?" Maxie's voice perked.

"Yeah. I've got to go anyways. I'll call you later, 'kay?" he grabbed the textbook from the table and ran out of the house. Figuring she probably went back to Paul's house, he figured he's head in that direction. Jogging, he finally recognized her figure in the distance. A sharp "zing" noise filled the air, and he watched as Nadia fell to the ground. A black car drove out of sight.

"Nadia!" he screamed running toward her. When he reached her, he saw that she was bleeding. Barely conscious, her eyes began to roll back into her head. "Nadia? Stay with me. I'm going to call an ambulance. Stay awake. Please." he begged, suddenly feeling a strange sense of deja vu. Pulling out his cell phone, he quickly dialed 9-1-1 and told the operator his location and the situation. "Hurry. Please," he begged the operator as he hung up the phone. "Nadia? Do you hear me? The ambulance is on their way. Hang on."


Part Twelve