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After the Ball

Part Twelve

Luke watched as Robin stood in the open door to Mac's room.

Felicia had just come out a few moments ago and gone straight to the pay phone in the hall.

"You know...with all that's been going on, I think I need about a month's rest," Luke said. "Even before Robert and Ana showed up, I was seeing ghosts. Yesterday morning, when I was talking to Jason downstairs, I saw Lucky. I wanted him to really be there so much, that I actually thought I heard him say something." Luke buried his head in his hands and rubbed his temples. 'Man, could I use a drink...' he thought.


"Oh, well, if you sing the words maybe I can help you," Ana suggested. "I've heard a lot of music in my time."

Noah smiled. "No...I don't think that will work, but thanks just the same. It's something I've been writing...a hobby, I guess you could say. It takes my mind off the stress associated with the job."

"Oh." Anna nodded understandingly. "I know how hard work can be." She said with a sigh. She felt a little dizzy but she tried to ignore it. She tried to look at Noah but she was over come by her dizziness. She suddenly felt very dizzy and the next thing she knew she saw black as she fell to the ground.

Noah’s instincts as a physician kicked in immediately. He wasn't quite fast enough to catch her completely as she passed out, but he was able to keep her head from striking the floor.

As he cradled her in his arms, he checked her pulse and respiration, then hit the button for the next floor.

Within just a few seconds, the doors opened.

"I need a gurney in here!" he called out.

A few moments later, two orderlies were waiting outside the elevator doors with a gurney. They helped Noah lift her gently onto it.

Noah took his penlight out of his lab coat pocket and checked her pupil reaction.


Felicia sighed. "All right. I'll call home and tell them that your doing better. But I'm not leaving you. I'm going to stay here for a while," she told him firmly.

Mac smiled and said mockingly, "Yessir." He looked up into her eyes. "I really do think they probably need you more than I do right now. Georgie probably doesn't understand what's going on."

"Well, she's growing up, but your probably right." She sighed leaving the room. She walked out into the hall and picked up the pay phone and dialed the number, and waited for one of the girls to pick up.

As the phone began to ring, Maxie looked up and groaned. Suddenly, a thought occurred to her, 'What if that's dad?' She jumped up and answered the phone. "Hello?" she said hoping it was Frisco.

"Hi honey." Felicia said smiling into the phone. "How is everything at home?" She asked. "Is Georgie taking everything ok?" She asked concerned.

Maxie wanted to run into her mother's arms. "Mama! Dad called. He called!" her voice cracked, as her eyes welled up with tears.


"I'll be back after lunch" Jane was going to go downtown. She turned around and saw her brother Robert standing there. “What when....where... what are you doing here?" She was just dumbstruck thinking to herself she said, 'He...he's supposed to be dead!’

Robert smiled and patted his arms and chest. "Nope...alive and well. To quote a wily old American 'Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated'," he said laughing. "How are you, Jane?" he added more sincerely.

"I can't believe your alive!!” Jane stood there for a second, “I was doing just fine until you showed up from the dead and almost gave me a heart attack." "Now how about telling me how you managed to be alive."

Robert smiled and hugged his sister. "I've missed you so much..." He released her and stepped back. "It's a long story. Do you have time?"

"Yes I have plenty of time. I was on my way downtown. Why don't we go to Kelly's so I can get a bite to eat and you can fill me in?"

Robert smiled. "Sounds like a plan."

Robert had been filling her in on the walk to Kelly's. They now had a table and she had to ask him a question. "Um...Robert, now I know what a mistake it was to blame you for what happened. Can you ever forgive me for keeping our families apart for so long?"

Robert looked at his sister and smiled. "There's nothing to forgive. I should have just gone to Alaska a long time ago to explain how things happened. All these years that I didn't know who the heck I was other than Roderick Singleton, I felt like there was a gaping whole in my soul. But it wasn't just then... Ever since we stopped speaking, I've felt like my soul was ripped in two. It's starting to mend now, I think."

Jane just couldn't believe how things were working out, “Robert I am glad there are no hard feelings between us, oh I have missed you so much." She was so happy to have her brother back in her life. "Have you talked to Mac since you have been back? It’s been so long since I have been in touch with him."

Robert nodded. "Yeah...there was a bit of a mishap at the Policeman's Ball the other night. He got in the way of a bullet, but he's going to be just fine. He and Felicia are the ones who triggered my memory."

"Oh my," Jane said, "Are you sure he is going to be ok?" She couldn't believe all that had happened in the last few weeks and all that she had missed out on, "So.. how is your wife doing?"

Robert smiled and replied, "Ana was a bit overwhelmed, I think, but she was very glad to see Robin. Jax called Robin in Paris and had her on the first flight out here this morning. I can't believe how much she's grown. She's so beautiful..." Robert said, trying hard not to get too emotional. "Enough about my family for now... What about yours? I've spent the last several hours with Jax and he's really grown into a fine man, but what about Jerry and John?"


"Boss! The girl escaped!" one of the kidnappers screamed. "Call Moreno!!"

Brenda climbs out of the airshaft and to her delight, it leads to the outside of the warehouse. She looks around and sees no one, so she makes a dash for the fence.

There is no opening, and some men spot her and start her way.

Brenda runs in the other direction and sees a hole in the fence. She climbs through and rips her long dress on the jagged fence. Running into the woods, she hears the men coming behind her, firing their guns. She makes it to the highway and sees a car coming her way. Brenda flags it down, and jumps in, just as her kidnappers are coming out of the brush. The car speeds away, and Brenda slowly explains what happened to the man driving.

The man driving the car drops Brenda off at a rest stop about 20 miles outside of Port Charles.

Brenda rushes over to a payphone and dials Sonny's number. It rings several times before she hears him pick up on the other end..

Sonny was sitting alone in the penthouse panicking about Brenda. "Where could she be? Where is it they took her?" He continues to ask himself these questions when the phone rang. Sonny debated answering the phone and decides it might be the kidnappers letting them know they have her. He never would have imagined who it really was.

"Sonny! It's me! Please come and get me, they're coming! please hurry!! Sonny...." Brenda is in hysterics now, waiting for him to respond to her pleas.

"Brenda?!?!?!?!" He says in awe. "Where are you? Slow down. Where? Brenda I can't hear you!! Yes, I understand you're at a rest area 20 miles out of town." All of a sudden the phone goes dead. "Brenda? Brenda? Brenda, are you there?" To h**l with this. He says dropping the phone and racing out of the pent house. He keeps praying "Brenda please stay okay!! Please!!" over and over again.


Chloe and Jax are together, knowing that they both can't go as far as they would like to. Suddenly Chloe stops kissing Jax, although it is amazingly hard to do.

"Jax, I was just thinking. It is going to be a long 9 months after this, and you're going to have to spend a lot of time with your 'child'. I don't know how I'll be able to stay away."

Jax smiled. "You won't have to stay away. We'll find ways to be together and Aunt Gertrude will never know."

Jax started planting light kisses on the side of Chloe's neck and worked his way up to her lips again.


"No," Samantha said, wondering why she couldn't buy her own drinks. "I used to live in London." She entered the club and looked around at the light and smoke and dancing bodies. It was the first time she'd ever been in a club. She hoped John couldn't tell.

The line is finally gone and John shows his ID to the bouncer. "I didn't expect to see you back for a while," the bouncer says winking at him to let him now that everything is set up anyway. Then the bouncer turns to Samantha, "Can I see your ID?" he asks, not really caring since she is with John, but following the rules nonetheless.

John sees Samantha looking through her purse nervously and wonders how old she really is. ‘Well she has to be at least 18, so she should be able to get in,’ he thinks, looking her over.

Samantha swallowed and gave the bouncer a charming smile. "Uh, I sort my ID. But I'm 20, really." She gave him a sexy grin and winked at him. Her heart was pounding in her chest, she hoped this worked.

"No id no entrance," the bouncer said flatly.

"Come on. Benny. She's obviously old enough and she's with me. Just let this one slide," John says, secretly slipping Benny a $20 bill.

"Alright go ahead," he says taking the 20 and slipping it into his pocket before anyone sees it, then turns immediately to the next customer.

"Let's go," John says to Samantha.


Nikolas was talking to Emily when he got a phone call on his cell. "Hello? Hi, Liz!"

Hearing it was her best friend Emily perked up.

"Anything for you and my brother. What's the favor?" Nikolas asked.

“No problem, Nik. I was thinking about going to the movies. There is a new movie by Bruce Willis that is suppose to be excellent. It starts at 7 pm. We can just make it if we go now."

Liz smiled. "Nik! Is that Em's voice I hear in the background? This is great. Actually I was calling to ask you guys if you wanted to come with Lucky and I to Scotland."

"Yes it is, why? I guess I could, but you would need to ask Emily if she's available to do so." Nikolas answers.

"She's there, right? Can you ask her! We're gonna help solve a mystery!" Liz said, excited.

“Nik, what is Liz talking about? Does she want to talk to me?...What’s going on?!?!” Emily asked, getting just as excited as Liz.

"Solve a mystery?" he asks Liz. He covers the speaking part of the phone and asks Emily if she's interested. He tells her about Liz and the travel plans, and asks if she's interested in solving a mystery which she answers with a resounding yes. Nikolas tells Liz that they would both love to do it.

Liz smiles and exclaims, "Great! It’s some strange mystery that Pat left for me when he died. I called Scotland and apparently they say that the letters he left are clues to something big. What it is, I don't know. Do you think we can take the Cassadine jet?" she asked hoping to save a lot of money, by getting Nik to use his rich influences.


Dr. Newman looks at Ned strangely before continuing, "Okay, well, Alexis, I want you to have a seat and I'll draw some blood, then take it to the lab. Okay?"

Alexis nods nervously, then goes to take a seat.

Ned stands behind her.

Dr. Newman comes over, cleans a spot on her arm, then begins taking blood. When she's finished, she stands and says, "I'm going to take this to the lab. It should take about ten minutes to get the results back." With the vial of blood for the test in hand, she exited the room.

Alexis looks straight ahead for a moment before turning to Ned and saying what she's felt all this time. "Ned, I'm scared."

Ned wraps his arms around Alexis and holds her tightly. "I'm scared too, but no matter what, everything will be okay, Alexis." He kisses the top of her head. "I'm sure of it."

Alexis leans back against Ned, closing her eyes in nervous exhaustion. She hoped Ned was right and everything WAS going to be okay. As she snuggled closer against Ned, she slowly fell into an exhausted sleep.

Ned felt Alexis' breathing even out. She was asleep. He smiled and placed a small kiss on the top of her head, and leaned down to whisper in her ear.

"I love you Alexis. Nothing will ever change that." Ned sighs, and tightens his hold on Alexis. "I won't let anything go wrong with you. You will be safe the entire time you're pregnant, if you are pregnant. I promise you this, Sweetheart."

Ned closes his eyes, and listens to Alexis breathe, silently praying that he won't end up disappointing her in the future.

Dr. Newman walks down the hall and slowly opens the examining room door. She sees Ned holding a sleeping Alexis and wonders what's going on with them. She quietly shuts the door and decides to try forget about it, but she knows that it won't be easy. Maybe she will ask them about it after all.

Alexis faintly hears a door opening. She slowly turns her head towards the door, but sees nothing. She figures it must be her imagination and she closes her eyes and goes back to sleep.

Ned decides to wake Alexis up, since it's almost time for the test to be done. "Lexie, Sweetie. It's time to get up, the doctor should be coming back soon." Ned gently shakes her.

As Ned shakes her, Alexis slowly wakes up. She rubs the sleep out of her eyes, turns to Ned, and says, "Sorry I've been sleeping so much lately."

Ned smiles and kisses her forehead. "It's okay, Sweetheart."

Just as Ned pulls away, Dr. Newman comes in, and looks at them strangely for a second.

Ned looks at Alexis, waiting for her to speak.


Sarah gets out of the shower feeling a little better. She walks to her room and takes out her favorite flannel pajama pants along with a matching green tank top. She lies down on her bed and looks around the room.

Audrey left her room exactly the way it was before she left. It looked like she had never left and she really wished that she hadn't.

The only thing she did while she was gone that she thought was worthwhile was meet John and even that turned out wrong. She couldn't believe that John would take advantage of her like that. She wanted him to pay but he was right, she got drunk and slept with him only two weeks ago, no one would believe that he drugged her and she didn't want to sleep with him last night especially not when they found out she was drinking illegally right before it.

Everyone would think she got drunk and slept with him again and then she sobered up and regretted what she had done so she came up with a whole story about how he raped her. What made it worse was that she didn't have anyone to talk to about it. She couldn't tell Grams or she'd get in trouble for using a fake ID and drinking and sneaking in to clubs and sleeping with John in the first place. She couldn't even talk to Liz these days and she hadn't kept in touch with any of her friends from PC, not even Nikolas. Sarah started to sob and buried her head in her pillow. She wished she could just sink down into her bed and disappear.


"Father, I need to talk to you," Juan says, a little worried about how his father would take what he was about to say.

"Yes, what is it, my son?" "Father, I love you very much, but I'm not happy here."

"Let me guess. You're only happy with your little rich girl, right?"

"Father, she's not only a little rich girl! There's a lot to her! And I love her! Can't you understand?!?!"

"No I can't understand!!!! You're a little 16 year old pip squeak. How can you tell me about love? What is the feelings you think I have for you? Can't you even think of your family here for one moment?"

"Father, please...... please try to understand. I love Emily...heart and soul. Father, I know you love me. I love you too. I will miss you so much, but please let me go there. I can't bear this!!!!!!! I love Emily and I have to be near her. Please, father. Please." He begged as his voice began to crack.

As his father heard the small crack in Juan's voice, which he tried to cover, he felt himself caving in. "Juan, what will happen if she moves past you and what you say is your undying love for her?"

"Father I don't think she'll do that, but if she does I promise I will come home if I think I need to. I mean if I don't start a new life there then I will come home. Father I love you and it's tearing me apart to leave home, but it's what I have to do. I planned on leaving home in two years anyway. Would you rather I was miserable for two years, began hating you, and then left? This way I will leave only two years early but I will always love you."

"Are you saying you would hate me if I didn't let you go?" His father says hurt that his son who he loves so much would hate him.


Nadia could hear Lucas say something, but she couldn't understand what it was and she could barely see him. She felt as though her body was numb. She just wanted to close her eyes and sleep for the rest of her life.

Insisting on the urgency to the 911 operator, he hung up his cell phone and grabbed Nadia's hand, and tried to encourage her to stay conscious.

Suddenly, Nadia heard a siren, which hurt her ears.

Within minutes an ambulance pulled up beside him, one of the EMTs rushed with a medical kit and asked him what happened.

"She was shot. I was trying to catch up to her, and this car, it just shot at her!" he blurted out.

"Thank you. Do you want to come with us to the hospital? The police will need to talk to you about this." the EMT asked.

"Sure. Whatever will help Nadia." The EMTs lifted the gurney into the ambulance, Lucas followed one into the back.

Nadia felt herself being lifted and finally gave into the sleep.

Lucas felt helpless as the EMT rushed to check Nadia's pulse and stop the bleeding.

The ambulance sped, sirens blaring to the hospital.

The EMTs pushed through the doors of the emergency room at General Hospital.

"We have a 16 year old girl gunshot wound to the arm and leg. BP 70 over 90, pulse 180."

A doctor grabbed a clipboard from one of the EMTs. "Her name?" the doctor asked Lucas.

"Nadia." he replied.

"Nadia? What?" he asked waiting for her last name.

"I don't know. She just moved here recently. I met her the other day actually." he said.

"Nadia?" The doctor leaned down and called into her ear. "Do you hear me? You are in General Hospital. You have gun shot wounds. You will be okay. Can you hear me? Squeeze my hand if you can," the doctor placed his hand in Nadia's and waited for a reply.


"Jason, you are a generous! That is perfect!!! Can I count on you for this one? Oh my god! I will be free soon. Jason, I lov.. I...I mean you are the best." Carly feels like just reaching out and giving him the biggest kiss, but she knows Jason has a hard time with that, so she just doesn’t.

Jason smiles at Carly and knows what she's thinking. He leans quickly over to her, without giving it too much thought, and kisses her. They kiss for awhile, until Jason pulls back. "I know you love me, Carly...I don't mind if you say it...I more than just care about you..." Jason pauses and ponders telling her the way he really feels, but stops himself by kissing her again, waiting to see what Carly will do in response.


Brenda screamed into the phone, "Sonny?! Sonny?! Are you there??! Sonny??!!" she yelled, and heard no dial tone. She slowly turned around and saw one of her kidnappers standing there staring at her. She immediately bolted away and rushed into the convenience store. "Please! you have to help me! That man out there, he's trying to kill me! please!!"

The clerk looked at her, and went to respond when the henchman came in.

Brenda ran to the back of the store.

The henchmen followed quickly and grabbed her forcefully. Brenda yelled as the man took out a gun and held it to her back, "You'll shut up and come with me, or you get a bullet in your back," he warned. He pushed her quickly out the door, and she saw a limo awaiting them near the gas-pumps. The man released her arms and held the gun firmly to Brenda's back, as Moreno stepped out of the limo.

As he approached her, she screamed, "SONNY!!!"

Moreno stands by the limo while Brenda screams aimlessly. "Don't just sit there you idiots get the girl in the f*ck*n car already!" Moreno yells at his henchmen. Then his phone rings. He answers it while the kidnappers deal with Brenda. "Hello...What the h%*l did that little b*t*h do this time?!...She was shot!...Did you see who was behind it?...Listen I've got some business to take care of just get your a*s to the hospital and make sure she doesn't go anywhere! Oh and if you let her run away again, then you're fired! You got that?...Good!" Moreno says hanging up the phone. He then shoots the store clerk in the head and looks around for other witnesses when he is satisfied that there aren't any he gets into the limo.


To be continued...

"Scottish Escapade"--Part One

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