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Policeman's Ball

This story was written by the members of the GH RPG club on Yahoo!
With the exeption of Pat (Liz's friend), Nadia (Maxie's friend),
Samantha (a new face in town) and Drew (a friend of Maxie),
we do not own these characters. They belong to ABC and "General
Hospital." We are just borrowing them. No copywrite infringement is intended.

Part One

Mac rushed home from work and began getting ready for the Policeman's Ball. He was anxious to get this night over with because he was the official host of the event, but he was also looking forward to dancing with his wife all night.

When he got out of the shower, Felicia had just yelled for the girls to come down to supper.

'Supper?!?!?' he thought in a panic. 'Did I tell Felicia there would be a meal before the dancing and entertainment got started?' He searched his memory, then it dawned on him that he had.

As he calmed down, Mac went to the closet and took out the dry cleaning bag with his dress uniform in it, then laid it flat on the bed. His shoes were right where he had left them after polishing them this morning and he saw that Felicia had pulled down his hat from the top shelf in the closet.

Mac smiled to himself. 'What did I ever do before getting married? How did I make it on my own? I depend on Felicia for so much...the cooking, cleaning, picking up the dry cleaning. How does she find the time to raise the girls and be a writer?' he wondered silently. 'I should remind her tonight how much she really means to me.'

As he finished getting dressed, Felicia came in. She was already in her ball gown and looked amazing.

Mac let out a wolf whistle. "You look incredible! Are you all set?"

Felicia smiled at Mac's whistle. "Yep, I think so." She smiled. "I got your suit from the dry cleaners, the girls are going to be with Betty tonight so we have the whole night to ourselves." I said with a sly grin. "Can you zip this up for me?" she asked.

After he had zipped her up Felicia turned to Mac. "Are you nervous?" she asked.

Mac kissed her lightly and said, "Not any more. Besides, what do I have to be nervous about...I'm not doing anything I haven't done before....and if any of my men step out of line tonight, all I have to do is threaten to reprimand them."

Mac felt much more at ease than he had just a few minutes ago. He believed what he had told Felicia.

Then, with another smile on his face, he said, "Lets go. I'm starved."


Jax had been on the phone all afternoon and wanted nothing more than to relax and enjoy himself at the Policeman's Ball tonight. His tux had been delivered by the cleaner's this morning and all that was left for him to do was shower and put it on.

He sighed to himself. 'I can't wait to see what Chloe wears tonight. I bet it will be one of her most stunning designs. Maybe something blue,' he thought hopefully.

He still had no idea what Alexis would be wearing. Even the color of her dress was a carefully guarded secret.

When he had finished getting dressed, he went out into the living room and sat down. He picked up the copy of the latest novel by Clive Cussler and began reading while he waited for his "wife" to make her grand entrance.


Rodric tied and retied his bowtie for the thousandth time. "Why can't I get this thing right, Abby love?" Then, as soon as he had spoken he thought better of it. "Don't answer that," he said with a boyish grin. "Could you help me out?"

As Abby came over and straighten the tie for him, he marvelled at her beauty. She looked absolutely gorgeous.

"How come it's only the woman that can fix these things?" She asked smiling at his grin. As she stood below him tying his tie for him she smiled. "I love you," she said simply. "Are you sure you want to go to this ball? I mean, we barely know anyone here," she said.

Rodric couldn't help but laugh. "What better to way to meet people is there? If we don't get out and mingle, we're only going to meet the professors on campus. You know what a dull crowd they can be... I heard Ron, from the English department, say today that the buffet at these things is better than any faculty get-togther. How could we miss that?" he joked. "Seriously, let's go. I'm curious about this town and it's people."


Emily is dressed and nervous. “Juan said he would crash the party to see me. She looks at her watch. “Oh, its almost 9. Where is Jason?” She hears the doorbell and her Grandpa yelling. Emily flys downstairs. "Thank goodness you are here. Lets get out of here! I cant wait!" she exclaims as she opens the door for her escort.

Emily and Jason are off the the ball!


Chloe is getting dressed in a beauitful, long, light blue gown to wear to the Policeman's Ball. After she is finally done getting ready, she talks to Ned as he rushes around to do so himself.

"Ned, that is a great suit," Chloe said. "Do you suppose Jax and Alexis would be there already?" Chloe is daydreaming of Jax and her dancing around on the rooftop after the previous Nurses' Ball. She can't wait to make more memories with Jax. She cares for him so much, that in the back of her mind she thinks of what it would be like if she was to quit the convience weddings and be with Jax without Gertrude looking over her shoulder. But she pushes that thought out of her mind for now.


Pat rang the doorbell to Liz's house. He was having nervous feelings. He was so worried for Liz, but he wanted to help her get her memory back. It was important that she understand how many people care for her. He had heard Lucky was back in town. He still hadn't actually met him. Pat wondered what Lucky must be feeling knowing that his girlfriend couldn't even remember her own family's name!

Suddenly the door opened and there stood Liz... she was wearing the most beautiful dress Pat had ever seen her wear. It was lavendar with an empire waist, the skirt touching the ground. At the seam, little pink and purple flowers were sewn on. In Liz's hair were the same flowers randomly placed. She was almost like a vision from heaven.

"Liz," Pat finally managed to get out. "You look incredible!"

"Same to you." she giggled and pointed at Pat's black tux and purple tie. "We match. Clever."

"Your grandmother suggested it would be neat if we did," he shrugged his shoulders "I couldn't disagree with her now could I?"

"I'm starting to discover her stubborn side myself," she laughed. "Should we go?"

"Yeah, if you're ready that is."

"Oh, I'm definitely ready. From what you've told me about the people that live here, Port Charles is an interesting town and it should be exciting. Anything is better than that aweful hospital!"

Pat laughed and showed her to the car.

"Um, Pat... Can I ask you something?" Liz slowly asked.

"Sure Liz, anything."

"Well, I was just wondering. Where we... I mean... were we ever... you know...." her voice trailed off.



"A long time ago Liz. We decided we made better friends than boyfriend/girlfriend. I like it better this way."

"Whew! I do to! I was so worried that there was something between us... I just didn't want to you know... bring up something touchy"

"Liz... you know you can ask me anything."


"Uh, huh."

"Well, then who was that blue eyed boy I saw looking at me in the hospital. I thought I knew him... but I just couldn't place it."

"Actually Liz..." Pat began slowly. "That sounds like Lucky"

"Lucky? That's his name?" she laughed. "I was wondering why people kept whispering the word lucky around me... I just sort of figured they meant I was lucky to be alive."

Pat laughed. "He's Lucky, but you're luckier! After that accident you...."

Suddenly images filled into Liz's head. She saw Lucky carrassing her face, then kissing her, then she saw him laughing looking like the happiest person... She could see someone grabbing her, covering her mouth...

"Uh! Oh my God! Pat...." she breathed heavily as she held her head in her hands.

"Wait, Liz, let me just pull over" Liz could sense his urgency. He climbed out of the car and ran to the passenger's side and opened the door.

"What's the matter Liz? Did you remember something?" He hugged her as she began to cry.

"I don't know... I see it, I see him... but I'm so afraid Pat... I'm so afraid. Lucky...did he love me?"

"Yes. I think he must have."

"But then there was so much pain. Someone grabbed me, I... I... don't understand," she shook her head in confusion.

"Liz, I shouldn't be the one to tell you... but you... you... you were raped last year Liz. Lucky helped you out when you were so scared to be alone. You guys fell in love after caring for each other when you both needed a friend."

"Really?" Liz looked up. "I figured that must have happened. It just didn't seem possible... being raped I mean." She wiped her eyes.

"You feeling a bit better Liz? Should we go to the Ball now? We're almost there you know..."

"Yeah! Let's go. I wanna meet this Lucky and give him a big hug to thank him for the past."

Pat's eyes widened, 'Thank him for the past?' he thought to himself. 'That's it?' He walked to the driver's side, climbed in and started the car.


Carly had just zipped up her designer original made by Chloe, of course.

It was a beautifully long flowing pale yellow satin.

Knock Knock.

"AJ, is that you?” Carly called out.

"Yes, honey,” he said as he entered their bedroom. “Wow you look awsome in that dress!"

"Thanks, AJ," Carly said.

"I have something to go with the dress, would you like to see?"

"AJ! not more jewelry!..." Carly says smiling.

"No something else, are you ready, good come on lets see."

Carly is wondering what it could be. When she gets downstairs, AJ takes her outside to show her the suprise.

"AJ...What is this?" She asks before she sees the gift.

"Its for you." Aj says.

"Oh my God! I can't believe it! A Yellow Porche! AJ...I can believe this!"

"Well I thought that if you have to keep going to all these social things you should have a really nice car to drive. What do you think?....want me to drive you to the ball in your new coach, Cindrella? Don't worry it won't turn into a pumpkin at midnight, and of course, you will always be my princess." AJ says.

"Yeah, I can't wait. I really can’t drive it myself in this dress, but you can drive me. Let go!"


Brenda put the finishing touches on her hair, and got up from the vanity and stood in front of the full length mirror in her room at the Port Charles Hotel. She smoothed down her light pink dress, which was long and flowly, that had a shine to it, and slipped on her matching pink shoes. Brenda sat down again and thought about her earlier encounter with Sonny. After jax had rejected her she had went to Sonny, who was more than pleased to see her. She picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Sonny, it's Brenda..I am all ready for the Policeman's Ball! All I need is for someone to come pick me up..." she said laughing. "Ok, I'll be waiting downstairs..bye!" she hung up the phone and stood up.

Brenda put her pink shawl over her shoulders and grabbed her satin purse. She smiled, slyly to herself. "Let's just see how much Jax can really stay away from me, when he sees me with Sonny..." She said to herself, Brenda walked out the door, letting it slam behiind her. There was no way that she was going to let this Ball go out without a bang.


Part Two