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Policeman's Ball

Part Two

"I am so excited about the ball tonight," Emily says to Jason.

Jason is a little distant, thinking of something else and is listening to Emily with one ear.

"I think there will be a rep from a really big new york Modeling agency there. I was talking to Chloe today at the house when we were getting ready. She said it was a friend of hers and that she'd introduce me. She thinks I have a excellent chance of getting an interview! Well, you know how it goes first the interview then a contract! Then a cover, oh maybe I could get on the cover of Vogue or something! Or have a weekend shoot in Paris, just like Brenda use to do! Oh, Brenda, I miss her so much, if it wasnt for her I wouldnt even have thought I could model. Jason?”

Emily laughed. “Jason, you are like a million miles away. What are you thinking about?”

Jason snapped back to reality, looking over at his sister, "I am sorry Em...I didn't mean to ignore you like that.." He told her. "Yea, I could picture you on the over of Vogue...or one of those magazines..not that I even knew that there was a magazine called Vogue until you mentioned it..but still..." He said, laughing slightly.

Emily laughed at him. "You want to tell me what's on your mind, or do I have to guess?" Emily asked him.

Jason sighed, "If I tell can't say a word..." Emily nodded her head. "I've just been thinking about Carly a lot lately."

Emily is in shock. "Jason your kidding right? That witch is nothing but trouble! Do you even remember her taking your son away! Hellooooo, remember how she ripped Michael away from you with her nastiness!!!! Jason, what is going on! I can't let you do this to yourself. All she wants is the Q's money and a comfy place to sleep!"

Jason just looks at her and realizes he made a big mistake telling her.

"I'll tell you one thing, Jason, I won’t tell anyone and you had better think of something else because you are wasting your time on her, she in trash! oh look we are here, ahh well lets have a good time, ok Jason. I won’t tell anyone I promise."

"Carly's not trash, matter what anyone says, she's still my friend...I just don't know what to do about her that's all," he tells her. "But thank-you for not telling anyone."

Jason leads Emily out of the limo and into the ball. People turn to look at them, and they keep walking. "Why are we here again?" Jason asks Emily laughing, as they sit at their table. Jason leans over to Emily, "Sonny is going to be joining us...with Brenda.." he says. Emily looks at Jason in shock at the mention of Brenda's name.

"I ...I dont know what to say Jason, How, where, tell me what happened to Brenda! Does grandma know yet? Oh, she will be so happy... I cant wait to see her!" Emily stops in her tracks there is Juan across the room looking so handsome. ‘His father is staying here at the hotel! He'll get caught and have to go back to Puerto Rico.’ She tells Jason she has to go talk to him, but before she turns around he is gone.


“We're here. But it doesn't look like there's many people here." Pat said.

"That's okay. It'll give me sometime to get to know people one by one. Hey Pat?" she asked.

"Yeah?" He handed their invitations to the man at the door. He checked them over, tore half of it and handed it back.

"If you see that Lucky guy, let me know. I want to talk to him."

"Liz?" Pat asked. "What are you going to ask him?"

"Oh! I just want to meet him. You know talk to him. I want to see what has been going on with him, maybe that will help me get my memory back." She smiled at him. "Come on let's find our table!"


Lucky decides to go out for a walk and notices that everyone is all dressed up. He decides to go home and get his tux.

Lucky enters the ball and sees Liz. “Should I go talk to her or not,” he debated with himself.

Pat looks toward the doors just as Lucky comes in.

"Hang on, Liz. I'll be right back. There's something I need to take care of," Pat said. He had noticed a blue eyed guy peering into the hall. He saw how his eyes perked up and noticed that he was staring at Liz. ‘That must be Lucky. 'I'd better warn him about Liz's memory.' he thought to himself.


With all the recent events, Laura was not going to attend the ball, but she knew she should. It was such an important event. When she walked in she saw Liz give Lucky a kiss on the cheek.

Stephan is so surprised to see Laura. "I thought you weren't going to come to the ball. I am so glad that you are here. I have a surprise for all of them."

"I wasn't going to come, but now I glad that I did. I get to keep an eye on Lucky and see the skit that Nikolas is in."

"Lucky is back? What wonderful news. I am under the impression that not everyone knows yet."

"It was quite a surprise, I thought I heard noises upstairs and that is what woke me up. There was Lucky talking to Lulu. We wanted to surprise Luke tonight but he couldn't get away from the club. He is coming over for lunch and that is when we will surprise him."

"That ought to be alot for fun. I hope everything goes the way you want it to."


Lucky was about to leave when a teenage guy he didn’t recognize came up to him.

"Hi. I'm Pat, Liz's friend. You must be Lucky?" he said, shaking Lucky's hand. "So how DID you manage to come back from the dead?" he laughed as he waited for Lucky to respond.

"Yes I am. I never died one minute I was sleeping in my room above the garage the next thing I knew I was in a strange room. I tried to escape then one day the door was unlocked and I came home. I found out Liz was in the hospital and I heard what the doctors were saying so I peaked in on her and she said 'I looked familar.' I left not wanting to shock her. Pat has she remembered anything? I don't want her to be hurt anymore I love her."

"Actually that's why I came over here. You see she doesn't seem to remember you. On the way here, she had flashbacks about you and her rape. She wanted to know about you. I told her you helped her get over it and how you two fell in love. But... Lucky... I'm afraid... I think she's confused. In her head I think she thinks of you like a friend. I don't know what else to do..." suddenly Pat cut off as he noticed Lucky's head tilt left.

"Hi! Lucky, right?" Liz gave him a hug, "Pat told me what a good friend you are. Thanks," she said as she smiled at him.

"Yes, Liz, I am. You're welcome, being your friend is easy."

Lucky hopes he has said the right thing. In time, he hopes to be reunited with Liz.

“Aren't you staying? You really should, I hear its going to be spectacular." Liz smiled at Lucky, hoping he wouldn't notice her reaction to the almost electric chemistry she felt when she had hugged. 'Whatever relationship I had with this guy, it must have been huge' she thought to herself. "Come on. You have to stay. I'll save a dance for you."

"I wasn't planning on staying but I will Liz. I'll take you up on that offer of a dance also?" says Lucky.

"I'd love to," she smiled as he pulled her to the dance floor.

Lucky pulled her close to him as the song began to play.

She felt herself suddenly finding it hard to breathe. Her heart started to pound inside her chest.

"Nice song," she said in an attempt to calm herself. "

\God must have spent a little more time on you.\

“What a beautiful message," Liz said, as she listened to the words of the song.

Lucky simply nodded his head in response to her comment. It was almost as though he was holding back something.

Liz sighed. 'This is harder than I expected," she thought to herself. 'Here I want to be his friend, but for some reason I feel so... so... strangely drawn to him. I wish my past didn't seem so mysterious to me.' She sighed again in an attempt to clear her head and heart of all the foreign feelings. Suddenly she heard "Elizabeth" whispered ever so faintly. Her heart skipped a beat.

"Lucky?" she pulled back and looked him straight in the eyes. Suddenly she gasped at the familiarity in his blue eyes. "Ummm... the song's over." she gulped, trying to clear her head. "I should... you know... go..." she slowly slipped away from his grasp, holding his gaze until she reached the table where Pat was sitting.


Laura watches as Liz and Lucky go to the dance floor and she has a big grin on her face. This has got to be some good news. Lucky looks as though he is in heaven. They have been apart for so long and Lucky looks happy.

As soon as the dance is over Laura walks up to Lucky and asks for the next dance. Lucky, being so noble, agrees.

"Lucky, you looked so happy on that dance floor. I had to find out what made Liz dance with you."

"Mom, you won't believe this but she gave me a kiss on the cheek and thanked me for helping her through her rape. I said that I was a friend and that seemed good enough for her."

"You were her friend first before the two of you fell in love. Just be careful. I don't want you getting hurt. Are you coming back to the house tonight?"

"If you don't mind. It seems as though I have no other place to go. While I was gone, I kept thinking of Liz and was hoping the 2 of us would get a place together."

"Lucky, you're my son. Of course I don't mind. You can stay at the house as long as you like."

"Thanks, Mom. When do we get to surprise dad?"

Laura tries to figure out what to tell Lucky. She doesn't want to tell him he to busy to come to the house. This will only upset him.

"Lucky, right now your father can't come to the house, so the three of us will go to the club. Since he thought you died, he has been gone and he has only been back a few days. I would imagine the paperwork is overwhelming. I know you also want to see your friends, but we don't want everyone else seeing you and then telling your dad. Why don't we go there for dinner?"

"Sounds like a good idea, Mom. Just let me go say goodbye to Liz."


"Pat... Oh my God... I'm so confused." Liz sat down quickly.

"What happened?" he asked as put his hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay?"

"I felt something. Something big. I don't understand it Pat. There was definitely something there!" she frantically looked at him, searching his face for answers. "I can't remember anything, but I *feel* something! I don't know what it is!"

"Liz, relax," Pat laughed. "Calm down. I can't understand you when you talk so fast. I told you. You and Lucky were in love before the accident."


"Just a couple of months ago, Lucky was thought to be dead Liz. His apartment burned down, they found a body, but obviously it wasn't his," he motioned towards Lucky. "It took you months to get over his death, Liz. I don't think you ever recovered."

Liz looked at him, "But... I don't know if I want to be with him yet! I don't even know him!"

Pat looked at her with sympathically, "It'll take time Liz. Give it time."

"Lizzie Webber! How've you been! I haven't seen you in ages." Lucy said running over to her. "How are you doing? I mean, since I last talked to you it's been what--two months? Or maybe it just seems like this."

Lucy noticed Liz had company. "Hi there. I'm Lucy Coe,” she introduced herself with a smile.

Liz looked at Pat, her eyes blazed with confusion. She shook her head.

"Hi! My name is Pat. Its nice to meet you."

"I'm...I'm so sorry, Ms. Coe. But I don't remember meeting you before." Liz said.

Lucy stared at her in confusion. "Of course you have. You preformed at the Nurses' Ball a few years ago. You have to know me, Liz." Lucy said starting to worry.

"I.... I... um.... sort of lost my memory," Liz said meekly.

"Oh no!" Lucy gasped. "I know how that is! I lost my memory a few times. It's weird. You don't remember anything and..." She paused seeing Liz's confused look. "Well, let me introduce myself, I'm Lucy Coe."

"Really." Liz giggled. "Well, its nice to meet you probably for the second time. This ball is really great. I just can't help wishing that I recognized more people."


AJ and Carly arrive at the ball with the new Porche. Everyone is watching them go inside the Port Charles Hotel.

"I just can’t believe how many people are here. I am not even sure I like the police," Carly says to AJ.

Carly feels someone looking at her, she turns and gets a chill. "I can't stand being stared at. Oh no, here comes Amanda Barrington," she groans.


Emily, pulling Jason along, approaches Liz and Pat. As she is walking over to the table, Lucky comes up.

"Hi, guys! You all look great. Lucky!” Emily exclaims as she hugs him. “I don’t want to let go! It’s so good to see you! I can’t believe this ball! It should be call the return of the living dead ball! I wonder who else will show up!"

"Emily, its great to see you. I'm being to wonder who else will show up too." Lucky says.

"Brenda's alive. Don't ask me all the details, because I don't know em'," Jason told Emily. "No one really knows yet..except for me, Sonny, and Jax..." Emily nodded.

Just then Brenda and Sonny walked in, and everything stopped. They stared at everyone, and everyone stared back. They slowly made their way over to Jason.

Emily, Lucky, and Liz stared at her in shock. Brenda rolled her eyes and smiled, "Well is anyone going to say welcome back???" she joked.

"Hi, Brenda. Welcome back!" Lucky says.

"Thank you, Lucky! Its great to be back! " Brenda said smiling, looking briefly over at Sonny.

"You're welcome, Brenda, and I know the feeling. I just returned from the dead myself," Lucky says.

"Thank you, Lucky! Its great to be back! " Brenda said smiling, loking briefly over at Sonny.

"Emily I ve missed yo soo much!!" Brenda says and leans over and gives Emily a hug. "So who's the guy you keep looking over at?" Brenda asks, noticing that Emily has been staring at Juan.


Chloe and Ned arrive at the Policeman's Ball, and right away each start looking for Jax and Alexis. Ned found Alexis and went to talk to her, just as Chloe met Jax's eyes across the room.

Each smiled as they walked toward each other. Chloe felt as if she was floating on air, as Jax swept her into his arms for the next slow dance.

"You look like a dream come true," Jax whispered to Chloe as they danced. "I always knew this one would come true."

As they continued to dance, Jax saw Brenda. 'Not a flutter,' he noted to himself. 'Not even sadness for something lost.' Jax knew he was really over Brenda and he had found his one true thing.

"I love you," he whispered into Chloe's ear.

As she heard the words 'I love you' come out of Jax's mouth, she thought she was dreaming. Her heart seemed to have skipped a beat, and she was smiling as wide as she ever did before.

"I love you too, Jax," Chloe whispered to him.

Chloe suddenly remembers her thoughts of telling Jax that she wanted to quit each of their convience weddings. The only thing she needs at this moment in time was to be true to Jax, and to quit her marriage. Slowly she talks to Jax about it, because she knows now that he would understand.

"Jax, I never once thought this would really happen to me. Sure I had my childhood fantasies of having a man that truly loves me, and now I feel so... so... I can't even find the words of happiness that I am feeling right now. You are everything to me, Jax. I love you. So that's why I need to tell you some of the things I've been thinking," Chloe says seriously.

"I realize, that I am the biggest hipocrite ever, now. I asked my best friends to marry someone they didn't want to, just to save my company. I can't have that anymore. Lately, I've been thinking what it would be like to get divorces with each of our spouses..." she says to him, wondering what he would think.

Jax held Chloe closer. "Shh...don't even think like that. Gertrude is just across the dance floor at the Quartermaine table. Everything is going to work out. You can't let her win. We can make it through this if all four of us stand together," he said, hoping to encourage her.


Maxie crept down the stairs of the Scorpio home. "Mom must have left by now." The striking sixteen year old of Felicia took one last glance at herself in the mirror, ironing out her shirt with one hand and tossed her long blonde hair with other.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw car lights slowly come up the driveway. "That must be Laurie now," she thought to herself as she quickly grabbed her purse and locked the door behind her.

Waving to her friends in the car, she took one last glance at her house and whispered to herself thinking about the conversation she had earlier in the week with her mother, "You wouldn't let me go to Paul's party... so I'm sneaking out." A tiny head poked from the window. Maxie put her finger to her lips and winked. She knew Georgie loved secrets and would probably help her keep this one. She waved to Georgie and got into the car.


Just as Mac and Felicia entered the Port Charles Hotel ballroom, Garcia snagged Mac.

"There you are. I thought you might have backed out on your emceeing duties...I was worried I was going to have to stand in for you tonight," Garcia said with a smile.

"Not a chance," Mac told him. He turned to his wife and whispered, "I'll be back soon. Save a place for me on your dance card." Then he kissed her and made a beeline for the stage and microphone.

As the song ended, Mac went up to the microphone and welcomed everyone. "Good evening, everyone! Welcome to the Port Charles Policeman's Ball!" Mac said to the growing crowd. "I understand the acts you will see tonight are supposed to be outstanding. In the meantime, mix, mingle, dance and eat. Most importantly, have a wonderful evening."


Jason smiled at Brenda and Sonny, and slipped away from the table. He wasn't in the mood to hear all the reunions. Jason walked around for awhile and then saw the balcony that was open. Thank god. He thought, fresh air!

He walked out onto the balcony and saw Carly leaning on the rail. He came up behind her, and whispered, "Nice car.." he said almost laughing, as she turned to face him.

"Hey, Jason, You scared me! I do like the car,” she said smiling. “So, are you enjoying the party! I heard that a lot of people who have moved away from Port Charles showed up for this thing! Do you know any of them? Did you see my mom? Did she get here yet?” Carly took a moment to get a good look at Jason. “Hmmmm, you look....well good," she said seductively with a sly smile.

Jason smiles at her.

She always knew how to make him blush.

"You look great,you always do. I haven’t seen Bobbie yet. I'll let you know if I do though.“ He paused for a moment before breaking his next bit of news. “Well... Brenda's back. I take it you saw her?" Jason asks.

Carly nods her head slowly.

"So, why are you out here all by yourself? Shouldn't you be with your *wonderful* husband?" Jason says sarcastically. "Never mind, I don't want you going to look for him..."

Carly raises her eyebrows, not sure of what to say.


Maxie tried to get rid of the guilt that was plaguing her. Her friends, laughing pushed themselves past the crowd of people gathered around the front door and went into the house. The music was so loud, Maxie noticed the ground vibrated. She smiled. "This looks like fun!" she thought to herself.

Laurie grabbed her arm and yelled into Maxie's ear over the music, "Nadia says that that guy over there" she points at a good looking guy standing in the corner smiling at her, "wants to talk to you. Go and meet him." Laurie shoved Maxie toward the stranger.

"Hi," she called out over the thumping of the dance music. "I'm Maxie."

"I'm Drew. I wanted to meet you the minute you walked in."

"Really?" she laughed. Someone tapped her on the shoulder. She turned and saw a familiar face staring back at her.

"Maxie! I didn't know you were going to be here. You meen Mac actually let you out of the house?"

"Lucas! Oh my God! Please don't tell my mom or Mac that you saw me here!" she begged. "They don't know."

He smiled. "Don't worry I promise. You gonna introduce me to your friend?"

Maxie suddenly realized that she'd forgotten that Drew was still behind her. "Oh! Lucas, this is Drew."

The two boys shook hands.

"Nice to meet you." Drew said.

"Same. Uh. Maxie I'll leave you alone. I've got some other people I want to say hi to. If you need anything, let me know." Lucas put his hand on her back. "You gonna be okay?" he said into her ear.

"Uh, huh. Thanks Lucas. I'll see you around." Maxie turned back to Drew as Lucas walked off.

"So do you go to PCH?" Drew asked.


When Rodric and Abby arrived they walked into the ball and Abby reached up to meet her husband's ear. "Promise me you won't leave my side. I don't know anyone here besides you." She looked around and saw lots of smiling faces. She smiled back. She noticed the man on the stage and gave a puzzled look to Rodric. "Does that man seem familiar to you?" She asked.

As Mac was about to exit the stage, he glanced toward the double doors at the opposite end of the room. He couldn't believe his eyes.

He rushed down the stairs and made his way through the crowd as quickly as he could. When he reached the couple who had just entered, he could have been pushed over with just the slightest touch. "Robby!" he said, embracing the older man. "You're alive!"

Part Three