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Snowstorm Excitement

Part One

Sonny was driving as fast as he could. He was probably doing about 100 miles per hour and still pumped on the accelerator. He wasn't going any faster. It took him about 10 minutes to get there. When he got there he saw a limo waiting outside this store. By putting two and two together, he realized it was the kidnappers. He saw only one man inside and the door across from him wide opened. He crawled in and told the kidnapper to go into his car and drive it away or he would be killed.

The kidnapper fearing his life did as Sonny told him.

Sonny waited there to surprise the other kidnapper who he saw was dragging Brenda out of the store and was headed for the limo. He waited quietly and as patiently as he could until the Brenda saw him and shouted his name.

"SONNY!!!" Brenda yelled when she saw him. "Sonny! help me!" she struggled to get away from the guy, but he held her back and Moreno came over and grabbed Brenda and put a gun to her head, looking straight at Sonny. Brenda was crying hysterically and she barely made out, " something...Sonny..." she whimpered.

Sonny knew he had only one chance. He had to wait for Moreno to let his guard down.

"Moreno, what is it that you want? You know you want me. Why bring her into it? By nabbing her do you think you will get to me? I can't believe you're that far back in time. I have moved on from Brenda. Ask her," he shrugs his shoulders and continues. "She moved on from me and is with Jax. You know the guy who's brother is sitting in jail for you as we speak. " He realized that Moreno was beginning to doubt his own actions and thought he kidnapped the wrong woman.

Moreno starts to believe what Sonny is saying but then he notices the way Sonny is looking at Brenda with such concern and fear in his eyes. "If that is the truth, Sonny, then answer me this. Why did she call you, not Jax and why the h*%l did you come all the way out here to save her?" Moreno asks knowing he has Sonny.

"She isn't a dummy. She knew you were after me. Jax has a different kind of men who are after him and his family. You know, the police. She called me and told me what's going on. I rushed out here to save her, knowing she wouldn't be in this mess if it weren't for me." Sonny and Brenda realize that Moreno bought it line and sinker.

Moreno releases his grip on Brenda and tries to re-grab her but it's to late.

Brenda was already standing beside Sonny, who had already shot and killed Moreno's lone gunman.

Brenda was crying and she was standing behind Sonny know, as he stared at Moreno, gun in hand. Brenda waited to see if Sonny would shoot him. She had to stop him. "Sonny, don't...if you kill him then the cops will nail you for this whole mess...there's an innocent man, who is dead...let him go and he can be blamed for this. We can tell the cops that your bodyguards shot his gunmen...Sonny?" she asked shaking.

"It's okay, Brenda. You can go back to Jax now. Don't worry. He doesn't have to know anything that happened here. Does he, Moreno? I have some business to take care of with Moreno. Don't I, Moreno?" Sonny was still holding the gun at Moreno and he began walking closer and closer towards him with every question he asked. "Moreno, are you going to answer the young Mrs. Jax?" he asked trying to convince Moreno that Brenda was with Jax not with him. He was doing such a good job that even Brenda was beginning to think Sonny didn't want her.

Brenda was shocked at what Sonny was saying. ’Could he actually want me to go back to Jax? No, he would never...would he?’ Brenda thought. She watched as Sonny inched closer and closer to Moreno. "Sonny, think about what you're doing...please...for me..." she pleaded. Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, Brenda saw one of Moreno's gunmen getting up, aiming his gun at Sonny. "Sonny! Get down!!" she screamed as she ran over and pushed Sonny to the ground as a shot broke the night's silence.

Sonny knew what he was doing, at least he thought he did. He thought he had shot and killed the only brave henchmen that came with Moreno this time. Yet, he hadn't and all h**l broke loose after he heard Brenda yell for him to get down.

"Brenda?! BRENDA?!?!? Are you okay?" Sonny says horrified.

Brenda was out cold and Sonny could see the blood begin to stain her clothing.

Sonny doesn't know if it's him or her bleeding, he is just scared that it's her. He turns around and fires his gun, killing both the henchman and Moreno.

The loud sound of Sonny's gun firing woke Brenda up. She moved her head and tried to move from her spot on the cold cement. Sonny was inches away from her and she looked at him, "Sonny..." she whispered. "Sonny..." she said again. He crawled over to her and took her in his arms.

Brenda looked down and saw blood seeping into the white satin of her dress. She looked into Sonny's eyes and a tear fell from her eye, as her hand went to her stomach. "Sonny..." she said slowly. "Sonny...I am shot..." Brenda whispered, her voice trailing off, as the snow started to fall quickly on them.

Sonny is as white as the snow when Brenda tells him she's been shot. He gathers her up in his arms quickly and runs around the corner to his limo. He yells at Moreno's men to get out of the limo and tells the limo driver to go to General Hospital.

The limo leaves and heads towards General Hospital.

Sonny puts pressure on the bleeding wound. Brenda keeps going in and out of consciousness, and totally goes unconscious when they get to the emergency room. He leaves Brenda in the limo as he rushes in for Bobbie, the only medial professional he knows he could trust.


Mac smiled when he saw Robin enter the room. "Hi...what are you doing here? Don't you have finals?" He tried to sit up a little straighter in the bed, but winced as the bandages on his head got pulled with the action. In the end, he decided staying put was probably best for the moment.

"Forgive me for not getting up," Mac said trying to be funny, "But I think I'll just be lazy today. Come sit with me for a while. Tell me about school. Meet any good looking French guys lately?" Mac asked, trying to make small-talk.

Robin came over and sat next to him in the chair but didn't say anything. She looked as though she might break down in tears at any moment.

Mac bit his lower lip. "Hey...I didn't mean to upset you. I know you've had a lot thrown at you in the last few hours. Believe me...when I saw Robbie and your mum standing there in the Port Charles Hotel ballroom, I just about cried. Before that moment, I knew I would never see them again. I had accepted that, but then there they were. I've only been that happy a few times in my life," Mac confessed.


"I don't know, is it safe? I mean the jet’s all yours, but maybe you should just tell me what needs to be done and I'll take care of it. I don't want you, my brother or Emily to be in any danger. Truthfully, is it safe?" Nik asks beginning to worry.

Liz sighed. She really wasn't sure if it was dangerous. She had been caught up in the thought of going to Scotland for the first time and to help solve a mystery. "Honestly, Nikolas, I don't know if its safe. But its an adventure, right? I mean we're going to solve a hundred-year-old mystery."

"I don't know, maybe you should talk to Emily about it." Nik says.

He covered the phone and said "Emily it's dangerous I know it. I don't want to see you hurt. In fact, I don't want to see Liz or Lucky hurt. Can you talk them out of it?" Nik says unsure he himself wants to quit on the adventure. It meant solving 100 year old mysteries, things that have been around for ages. He just didn't want to see his loves ones hurt.

Liz paused as she waited for Nik to ask Emily. But little did he know that she heard everything he said to Emily. 'Why does he have to be such a pain?' she asked herself. 'Its only a little mystery!' she shook her head and waited to hear Emily's response.


Jason pulls back from kissing Carly and lowers his head. "I am sorry....I shouldn't have done that...I just thought that's what you wanted...I am sorry..." Jason told her. "Carly...what's wrong? I thought you loved me?" Jason asked quietly.


"Thanks," Samantha said to John as they walked to the bar. She gave him a kiss on the cheek. "What should we do now, dance or drink?"

"How about I get us both a drink?" John asks as Samantha moves toward the counter.

Samantha wrapped her arm around his waist. "Sure, I'll have whatever you're having." She smiled at the bartender and then turned her attention to the “charming” young man beside her. She ran a finger across his lip. "So, I realized I don't know all that much about you; tell me a bit about yourself."

"We'll have two of the usuals, Eddie," John said to the bartender, before turning back to answer Sam's question. "Well...there's not that much to tell. Let's see I'm 23 years...old born in Australia. Now, I’m traveling a lot without an actual home and I'm not going to be in PC very long. I'm only visiting a friend here," he says hoping that she won't ask for details about his "friend".

She nodded. "Ah," she wanted to ask who his friend was but she knew that she wouldn't want anyone prying into her personal life too much so she decided to offer him the same courtesy. "I noticed the accent." She accepted the drink from the bartender and without thinking swallowed a big gulp down and began to cough. When John gave her a questioning look Samantha gave a small smile and said that it was a bit stronger than she was used to.


Juan smiled. "No, I can never hate you. I love you, pop." He says running over to hug him.

Mr. Santiago still wasn’t sure. "If, and that's a big if I let you go to Port Charles where will you stay?"

"I can stay with Nik and his family."

"How many times will I hear from you?"

"As much as you want, father. As much as you want."

"Well, we aren't that rich and we aren't poor, so I want to hear from you once a week. Is that a deal?"

"Yes, of course," Juan agreed.

"I want to be able to come and see you when ever I want to."

Juan realizes how his father slowly is allowing him to go to Port Charles and Emily. First it was a no, than a maybe, and now if he wasn't mistaken he just got confirmation.

"Of course."

"What about school?"

"I'll go to a school there. I don't want to give up school either.”

"I'll let you go but if your grades go lower than a C, or you don't keep to any of the other agreements we just made, you are coming right home. Is that understood?" Mr. Santiago asked sternly.


The doctor waited for a minute and when there was no reply at all from Nadia he rushed her into the ER. A nurse standing by went up to Lucas, "You said you just met the girl yesterday but do you know any of her family members or other people that you should call?" she asked calmly.

Lucas shrugged his shoulders. "I could try Maxie Jones. She might know who her parents are."

The nurse led him to the phone and he dialed her number.

The phone pierced through the silence that hung in the air after Maxie revealed her reason for being upset. Maxie gasped through her tears, wiped her eyes and slowly walked to the phone. She took one last glance at her mother and saw the hope in her eyes too. "Hello?" Maxie answered.

"Max? Its me Lucas." Maxie shook her head, signaling to her mom that it wasn't who they thought it would be.

"What's the matter?" she asked meekly.

"Its Nadia. Someone shot at her. She's unconscious. The nurse is asking who her parents are. I figured you'd know." Lucas said, his voice filled with despair.

"Oh my God!" Suddenly a million thoughts filled her head. She was sworn not to tell anyone who her father is, but Nadia had been shot. What would she do? "Lucas... I.... I can...." her voice broke off as she realized that she had lost Lucas' attention. "Lucas? Lucas? Are you there?" she called into the phone.

"Yeah, hang on.” Lucas told her. “There's someone here saying he's her uncle. Its okay, Max. Yeah, he's her uncle. Don't worry about it. I'll call you if anything changes."

"Thanks, Lucas. If Nad wakes up, tell her I send my love and I want her to get better," Maxie said before she hung up the phone.

"So what happened to my niece?" Ricardo asks the young boy, who apparently knew Nadia. He knew he had to get close to Nadia because he couldn't risk her escaping again. 'If I let her get away, Moreno won't just fire me, he'll kill me for sure as he does with anyone who betrays or upsets him,' Ricardo thought. Ever since last year when he took the job of being Nadia's secret bodyguard he's regretted it. 'That girl gets in more trouble than Moreno himself. The only job worse than mine is being her lawyer,' Ricardo thinks pitying the poor schmuck, Samms, who took that job.

"Some black, dark car with tinted-windows pulled up across the street and just shot at her!" Lucas said as he motioned toward Nadia. Then, he stole a glance at her while the doctors tried to get her to regain consciousness. "I just can't figure it out! Why would anyone want to shoot someone!"

'Well, I could only think of about a million reasons,' Ricardo thought, running a mental picture through his head of the dozens of suspects. "I can't figure it out either. I mean Nadia was so innocent she didn't have any enemies that I know of," Ricardo said pretending to sob a little.

"I'll never understand the way people operate." Just as the words left his mouth, a doctor opened the emergency room doors and came out to speak to them.

"Your niece will be okay. We've removed two bullets from her arm and upper leg. She'll be okay in a few hours, when the medication wears off a bit. Then we'll be putting her arm in a sling and she may walk with a slight limp for a month or so. But otherwise she'll be good as new." The doctor closed up the metallic clip board. "Any questions?"

Lucas looked to Nadia's uncle.


In the emergency room, Dr. Noah Drake continued to try to figure out why the woman he had met in the elevator had collapsed. He asked a nurse to try to find out who she was.

The woman was not carrying a purse or any kind of identification and she had not introduced herself in the elevator.

Noah examined the woman thoroughly and drew blood to run tests. "I want a complete work-up ran on that sample."

Noah was perplexed.

The woman showed no outward signs of illness or injury. Her blood pressure was low. Her heart rate was fast and faint. Her respiration was shallow and diminished.

Noah continued searching for the tell-tale clue to give him the answers so he could help the woman.

As he was busy examining the woman, the acting chief of staff came in. Monica asked, "Is there anything I can do to help you doctor? I heard you had a puzzling case."

Noah looked up momentarily at Dr. Quartermaine. "Yeah...I think I could use a little help. I don't have any clue who she is, so I have no way of getting a medical history on her. I've sent some blood up to the lab for a full battery of tests. In the meantime...her heart rate has dropped. Her bp has dropped and her breathing has become shallow. Any ideas?"

Monica walked over to get a closer look. As she stood next to Noah, she gasped. "That's Ana Scorpio...The papers were right. She and Robert are alive!"

"What are you talking about?" Noah asked, confused.

"It's a long story. This woman and her husband disappeared seven years ago. Reports said they had been killed in an explosion near Venezuela. Then, the other night at the Policeman's Ball, they were reunited with Mac Scorpio...this woman's husband's brother."

"So...where had they been all that time?" Noah asked, interested, as he continued to search for any external sign to help him find out why she had collapsed.

"They had amnesia. Seeing Mac and their friends triggered their memories," Monica explained.

"So, she may have suffered a head injury at the time of the explosion."

Monica nodded slowly. "I guess it is possible. Let me go check the paper. I think it mentioned what hospital they had been taken to when they washed up on shore in Belize seven years ago."


Jane Jacks smiled as she looked across the table at her brother, Robert. “I am so glad your wife is doing well and that you got to see Robin. My family is doing just great. We are thinking of moving to Port Charles permanently, and now with my brother back, that just might happen." She drank a little from her coffee cup, then asked, "So.. how are you and Anna settling in here?"

Robert smiled. "Well...we really haven't had much of a chance to settle in. PCU found the house for us and we just moved our stuff in a day before classes started. We've both been so busy with our work schedules that we really haven't had much time to unpack. Now, with Mac in the hospital, neither one of us has had much time to think about what's going to happen next. As I was getting ready to come see you, Ana asked me where home is. I told her it was still the same one we had been living in for the past month or so, but now...after I've had some time to think about it, I'm not sure where home really is. All I know is that home is here...where our family is."

She sat there, "You know you are right, home is where the family is and I think you have just put the last doubt in my mind about staying here away." She was just still amazed that her brother was alive and it seemed like her family was coming back together.

Robert took his sister's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Only you could know how much I have missed you, Lady Jane. I'll never forget how much I missed you when you and John moved to Alaska. I'd already lost Mum and Da and then you too."

"Well... you, Mac, me and our families are all back together now and we will not lose touch!" She was so glad to have her brothers back. Her mind drifted into memories of them as children.

Robert smiled as he thought of something from childhood. "Remember those Japanese katana that Da brought home when he came back from the Korean War. He had gotten them on leave in Tokyo. I had mine in a box at the house. Wonder if Mac kept it..."

"Oh yes, the Japanese katana. I still have mine. I have always kept it, even when we weren't on the best of terms. It is very special to me," she said, remembering the gift. " Oh, I hope Mac still has yours. Wouldn't that be just wonderful?"

Robert looked out the window. "It's starting to snow. I should call the hospital and find out how Mac is doing. Maybe you ought to think about heading back to the hotel before it gets too bad out there," Robert suggested. He took his cellphone out of his jacket pocket and dialed information to get the hospital phone number, then had them connect him.

As he did this, Jane turned around in her seat and looked out the front windows.

Large flakes were falling and beginning to accumulate on the bricks of the building next door and the window sills.

Robert waited as the woman at the information desk transferred his call to the ICU nurse's desk.

"ICU. May I help you?" a woman asked.

"Yes. This is Robert Scorpio. I would like to know if there has been any change in my brother, Malcolm's condition."

"Oh, the commissioner. He's been upgraded to stable condition and will be moved to a regular room this evening."

"Thank you."

"Did you say your name is Robert?"


"Your wife was brought into emergency less than an hour ago. She hasn't been admitted yet, but they paged you to see if you were still on the grounds."

His face turned ashen. "I'm on my way," Robert said.


Jax waited while Chloe went upstairs to shower and change clothes. He wasn't sure he wanted to leave her alone, but he knew that he needed to get back to the penthouse and talk to his parents.

The enormity of the whole situation was just beginning to hit him. He wasn't really surprised that his parents hadn't told him about being related to the Scorpio family. After being kept in the dark about John and Jerry's money laundering activities, Jax wasn't really shocked to find out they had kept other things from him as well.

What did surprise him was that Mac had never told him. 'Why would Mac keep the secret? Did he still feel responsible?' Jax knew that was a question only Mac could answer and he really wasn't in any shape to be answering a lot of questions just yet. 'Besides, there will be plenty of time for questions later,' he told himself.

Jax continued to ponder everything that had transpired over the last twenty-four hours. It was a lot to think about. Mac getting shot at the Ball... Brenda getting kidnapped... Finding out that Robert and Mac are his uncles... Telling Robin about the whole thing... Finding out that Alexis is pregnant... It was enough to make anyone's head spin. 'Through it all, Chloe was there. She never left my side,' he thought happily.

Jax was still sitting quietly on the couch staring into space when Chloe came down the stairs dressed in one of her own creations.

Jax was too wrapped up in the chaos going on in his mind to notice.

Chloe walked around the couch and sat down next to him. She touched his hand gently.

Finally, Jax snapped out of his daze and looked at her. His eyes lit up and he smiled brightly. "I love you," he said softly, with more conviction than he could ever remember feeling.

"I love you, too," Chloe said just as seriously and smiled at him. She knew that he had a lot on his mind now, and she just wanted to let him know that she was going to stand by him all of the way.

"I know that you probably would like to talk to your parents after everything that happened lately," Chloe said understandingly. "You could do that now if you want, and I will stay here and wait for Ned and Alexis to come back. You don't have to worry about leaving me here either," she said with a smile. "You can't get rid of me that easily."

"I would never want to be rid of you, Chloe," he said softly. "I wish my parents knew how I really feel about you. I think if they gave you a real chance they would love you as much as I do. When everything is said and done and we can be together without worrying about Aunt Gertrude and her spies, I am going to make an honest woman out of you," he said with a smile and a twinkle in his eyes.

"Well...that would be something," Chloe said, smiling back. "Me...actually telling the truth for a change. I keep thinking ‘is there anything I still say that is the truth?’ But I say it every chance I get. I love you."

Jax smiled as he kissed her. "I will never get tired of hearing you say that." He sat up straighter on the couch and looked down at his watch. "If I'm going to see my parents before dinner, I should probably go now. Call me if you need anything."

"Okay," she answers. "Bye Jax, I love you," she says and kisses him. After he left, she walked over to the couch and laid down to dream about him.

As Jax drove back into town toward the hotel, he noticed that it had begun snowing.

Large flakes were falling to the ground and it was beginning to stick on the roadways.

Jax had to force himself to pay attention to the road and not become mesmerized by the snow.


Maxie turned to Felicia, waiting for her to say something about Frisco. "Mama?”

Felicia continued to stare out the window.

“Do you hear me? What are we going to do?" Maxie asked.


Alexis feels like she is going to be sick, she is so nervous. Trying to keep her voice even, she speaks, "Well, am I pregnant?"

Dr. Newman refers to her chart for a second, then looks at Alexis. "Congratulations. You're two and a half months pregnant."

A bunch of emotions pass across her face at this. First she looks happy, then sick, then nervous.

Alexis looks at Dr. Newman and says, "Thank you. Could you please give me a minute?"

Dr. Newman nods. "I'm going to go get you a prescription of pre-natal vitamins. I'll be back in a couple minutes." She leaves the room.

Alexis turns to Ned and waits for him to speak.

Ned grins at her. After a minute, he leans in and kisses her passionately. He pulls back slightly, keeping his mouth within inches of hers. "We're having a baby, Alexis." He sees that Alexis looks strange. "What is it? Is something wrong? Should we call Dr. Newman back?"

"No, I-I'm okay. Just nauseous...and kinda shocked," Alexis told him.


Part Two